What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?
There's an advantage to Willpower. It has "go make a sandwich the moment the idea strikes you" survivability. +4x8, RWZ challenge spawn, whatever. Go AFK. With a good build, it'll still be standing when you get back. Everything I have has to WORK for that kind of survivability, and so does Shield Defense. I suppose that's more along the line of what I said earlier, though. Some sets are friendlier for less experienced players. It's not like you go AFK during a fight normally. It's just a way of saying that your survival will not be compromised by less experienced play.
Making the damage upfront was an excellent choice for Midnight Grasp. It seems like it would be a great choice for Burn as well. I like the idea of making Rise of the Phoenix a dual purpose power, with the full effect when reviving and a lessened effect when alive.
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Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

It terrifies me that this is possible... do you need to be IO'd with solid purples to get this absurd level of invincibility, or can you get it with SOs or a non-purple IO build?
But like any secondary, regardless of how pimped out it is, there are plenty of enemies that will make wp weep. Overall though, wp is a strong survival based secondary, and thanks to layered defenses its good vs a wide range of enemies, that you just turn on and forget, with the added bonus of additional endurance.
Well, I doubt you're actually calling for nerfs there, either. But if anyone else is confused about how a squishy solos a giant monster, it's something very specific, -regen. Other than staying alive yourself, the main problem with killing giant monsters, pylons and AVs is that they are giant bags of hit points regenerating at an astounding rate. For some reason, numbers are escaping me now, but it's something like 360 hit points per second on a giant monster, 130 something on a pylon, and 90 something on an AV.
So if you happen to have a power that can shut down a giant monster's regeneration, you essentially get 360 DPS for free, for that one power. But how useful is -regen overall? Well, it's great against giant monsters. It's good against pylons and AVs. And... uh... that's about it? There are probably other things in game regenerating fast enough for that to make a difference, but they're few and far between. That 360 DPS isn't "real" DPS, then, like a Scrapper puts out. It's EXTREMELY situational DPS. It just so happens that those situations where it contributes the most are the situations that most impress people. Kind of like a Shield Defense surrounded by Rikti Monkeys tearing apart a Rikti Pylon. It's a very specific, very rare situation, Which I think is the point. I'm not saying Shield Defense isn't uber - it is. But it's not AS good as a quick glance at the Pylon soloing times might lead you to believe. |
I was trying to drive home what you clearly understand, that while SD is great, especially io'd to the gills, it's not AS good as it looks when you look at specific situations like pylon soloing.
But I was also trying to point out that while SD is one of the shining examples of scrapper combos, it should be noted most at's have a shining example or two, and that some of them can do even more extreme things than SD's can, and not just in big target contests like av's and gms, but in team dynamics as well, where people cry 'overpowered' in terms of shield charge. Buffs, debuffs and controls can allow you to do things far more ridiculous than anything SD can accomplish solo, and even moreso in a team environment. That's why when I hear people crying for SD nerfs, it just sounds ridiculous to me, but maybe these people are focusing only on the scrapper at and not the game as a whole.
I'm not really interested in participating in what turned into emotional "you evil nerfers" shouting, but still want to clarify three things.
First, when I say I feel Shield scrappers are too strong, I base my opinion on factual mathematic comparisons considering SOs for the most part, as well as my experience playing a variety of Shield characters on SOs on all three ATs with access to it. The potential with IOs just add insult to injury, but it's a consequence rather than a cause. This isn't to say I don't consider IOs - balancing on SOs doesn't mean ignoring IOs btw, otherwise we could argue the Lady Grey bug should have stayed in ; but on SOs alone, Shield is too strong. Second, taking on AVs with AaO fodder is stuff pretty much any IOed SD scrapper should be able to do. Tons of people have done it, some have recorded videos. To argue it is not possible at this point is downright ridiculous. You shouldn't even use monkeys for pylon runs on a DM by the way, Soul Drain would kill them off in a few hits. Third, if Shield is deemed too strong by the devs, they'll know it from datamining, not by listening to random forumites ; so there's really no point to barge in balance discussions yelling "EVERYTHING IS FINE, shutupshutupshutupdon'tmakethedevslookatShield, MOVE ALONG CITIZENS". There's one nerfherder in this topic and that's you Cyber_Naut, before you came in this was a "buff FA" argument. |
And claiming that before I came in, it was a 'buff FA' argument is simply either dishonest, or simply wrong, one only needs to look at the title of the thread to understand that. And the loaded question brought out the 'overpowered' claims, but it's interesting that you would consider me, someone who is clearly opposed to any nerf to SD, to be a nerfherder. Even if you simply mean I brought dev attention to it, because according to you, if the devs want to nerf sd, "they'll know it from datamining, not by listening to random forumites". And if you mean that I brought in the pro-nerfers, I'm thinking the fact I was responding to claims it was overpowered would imply they were already here, if the title itself wasn't enough of a draw...
In regard to "I'm not really interested in participating in what turned into emotional "you evil nerfers" shouting"...
One, where was the shouting exactly? We're just typing arguments, if you disagree, that's fine, I'm sure we'll both survive our disagreement.
Two, who is calling you an 'evil nerfherder', lol. Again, some people simply don't agree with your stance that SD 'needs' to be weakened, no need to confuse that with being called evil...
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
Shield is not a problem until you add at least moderate levels of IOs. You know this. Everyone posting knows this. Shield is an irate god with IOs. That's all this is about.
IMO, if the older sets could do the same we would be good.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Fire Armor... yes please
shields... nah
I haven't seen ANY of that occurring in this thread. In fact the numbers posted have been for SO's, Hasten, Hasten+70% global rech. There has been nothing like what you are talking about coming from anywhere but your own mouth.
Like Nihili said this has primarily resulted in requests for improvements to Fire Armor so it can at least make a solid claim about its offensive nature. I've personally stated offhand that SC was more balanced with the old numbers. You can interpret that however you want. I'm just stating numbers. |
"Not really looking forward to when it gets the EM treatment as I enjoy my bs/shield, but...it has to be coming."
Does this have multiple and/or fuzzy 'interpretations', lol?
I've reread the thead I don't see where I talked about pylons at all. I wouldn't because that is one specific scenario that in no way represents typical gameplay. I'm pretty sure you are the one that brought up pylons because it is an easy Red Herring to defeat any relevant discussion that was occurring. You were pretty successful in it too. |
If you look over what was being talked about was burn vs SC, burn+FE+blazing aura vs SC+AAO. There was absolutely no discussion of single target performance at all until you dragged it into the conversation. |
That said, you did cite an example of where an aura has achieved nearly double the typical performance and I explained why that specific corner case is possible. SC+AAO is possible on every shield combination. It is an important difference. |
I think it's also important to note that only 2 primaries dominate that chart, fire and dm. If aao is the primary factor, and the only thing out of balance, why aren't any other primaries up there with fm and dm?
Totally irrelevent to what was being discussed. There are already discussions going on about Pylon solo'ing. In fact there is a 40 or so page one dedicated to it. The rest of your post is just you off on some tangent that while possibly worthwhile to discuss, it probably deserves its own thread. |
Without being rude you are being asked nicely to tone it down as you are being very aggressive in your position. Prior to your arrival it was a very calm and collected discussion occurring that spanned quite a few areas, the very least of which was "pylon solo'ing". |
Finally, where exactly was my 'tone' upsetting you? I'm guessing the parts where I don't agree with you. In a public forum, you don't get to decide what the 'quite a few areas' of discussion are, and trying to shout down people who don't agree with you, especially using false claims, is downright lame.
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
Don't do it... seriously... I will Shield Charge your face if you do!
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This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
I will add that balancing around IO investment would be unwise. Daring to mention a competitor, getting decked out in IOs is essentially CoX's version of the time/effort of getting decked out in Epics in WoW. Classes in WoW certainly aren't balanced around what loot the players amass. Off the top of my head, I can't recall one that is.
Therefore, /Shields is perfectly in line with other secondaries, sans /FA, which is underpeforming and does need looked at. Also, with the other MMO options out there, messing with something the player base likes is probably counter-productive.
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You could take away immob protection from Shield and give to to Fire (maybe in blazing aura?). And then give 20second immob protection to shield Charge.
I think that would be a good start toward levelling things.
Also, I would love it if fiery embrace lost its redraw. Any way it could have the simple build up animation?
One of Six, Cannibal 6
Liek the others said, don't balance shields around IO's. With SO's my Shielder sucks compared to WP with SO's.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

It terrifies me that this is possible... do you need to be IO'd with solid purples to get this absurd level of invincibility, or can you get it with SOs or a non-purple IO build?

Me, I prefer a more active secondary in general, but I've played a lot of Willpower too.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
Using just SO's as everyone quickly wants to deflect this to IO's and brush the issue away
Fire Armor:
652.3 heal every 22.22 sec (cast+rech) = 29.36 hp sec
35.1% res to s/l
base regen 5.58hp
vs 200 dps incoming damage (s/l)
44.68 sec survival time
1338.6*1.195 = 1599.63 hp
21.3% def
15.8% res s/l (2 res SO's in deflection)
base regen 6.67
vs 200 dps incoming damage (s/l)
38.4 sec survival time
*flee effect of burn not calculate, nor the fact that SC would just one shot the whole group

*Nor does it account for Shields having a usable Tier 9 with 33% uptime.
Even on SO's which is where fire performs best relative to other armors and Shield is apparently "really weak" there is only a 14% difference in survivability. Yet there is more than a 14% difference in offensive output in favor of shields. IO's just exasperate the issue to the point of ridiculousness due to a variety of reasons such as def stacking better than res, the offense of shields responding to recharge better than fire's and so forth.
Personally I play both armor sets and I like both armor sets because I like offense more than uber survivability. Shields invalidates my Fire armor toons. Which leaves several options:
1. Buff FA so it is as clearly offensive as Shields
2. Nerf Shields so it is as clearly underwhelming as FA
3. Buff FA a bit and nerf Shields a bit and meet at some nebulous balance vector in the middle
edit: Shields probably should suck compared to Willpower at surviving, cause WP sucks compared to shields at killing things. Those two sets aren't as directly comparable as FA and Shields unless you have clear metrics on how survivability and offense is being weighted. But just looking at fire vs Shields that metric is not defined.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
- Decrease patch duration from 10s to 8s.
- Increase patch radius from 8ft to 10ft.
- Add a regular AoE attack to the power - basically, make it an AoE attack that also drops the burn patch. This attack does 89 damage (slightly more than most scrapper PBAoEs, probably DoT over 3ish seconds), 10ft radius. Recharge unchanged, end cost becomes 11.856.
My idea would render the damage portion of the patch to a largely token value while keeping the afraid component for those that use it for mitigation, while having the power itself provide an even split of up front damage and fire DoT to all enemies in a larger radius (~12' radius). I'd also up the overall damage, and commensurately increase the recharge (probably to 45-60 seconds) and endurance, to give the power some extra kick.
FA got hit hard by both ED and issues 4-6 (remember back when you could cap your s/l resist on an FA?), and it lost a lot of the survivability that was superfluous for other sets but was virtually requisite for FA to function. Until Shield hit, I was perfectly content to simply say that the increased damage that FA got countered the lower survivability, but Shield set an entirely new bar for the relationship between survivability and damage in a defense set, so, as I see it, FA as a whole could use some reevaluation if the devs have shifted the paradigm. Of course, I'd prefer the devs to simply reign Shield in a bit (weaken AAO and Shield Charge so that they're not omgwtfbbq powerful) and give FA a smaller buff. Though, from all of the commentary from the player base, it seems that Castle is content with simply allowing his new defense sets rule the roost numerically (WP... don't get me started...).