What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
Honestly, the set you should be looking at is Fiery Aura. Even before Shield Defense, I've felt the set lags behind our other secondaries. Shield Defense just made it that much more obvious. What Fiery Aura gives up, it doesn't gain much in return.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Every time BillZ talks about performance, you should picture this:

(Actual picture of BillZBubba circa I9)

The riddle of SR? Shall I tell you? It’s the least I can do. SR isn’t strong, boy, stacking make it strong!
What is SR without the slotting that enhances it? Look at the strength in my build, the defense in my powers, IOs gave me this!
I'm only rarely interested what Arcanaville says about almost anything, but this made me
laugh harder than anything I've seen all year.

Thanks for that.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Definitely, waaaaay too many people enjoy the set. Give it the em or pvp treatment.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by ArchGemini View Post
So has Regen simply just been downhill from launch, and a small bump with the MoG changes?
There was no cottage rules back then

There where regens that laughed at people for taking reconstruction after respecs IH

Several nerfs i remember there was a reduction in regeneration that was not in the patch notes and Statesman caved in and admitted it after several weeks of denying anything changed it was a stealth nerf, IH eventually went from a toggle to a click power

There where some more but those where the two biggest there where constant downward reduction on the regen totals. I think at one time regen scrappers had like 1600%-2000% regen + perma dullpain

Then also perma unstoppable by Invulnerability it sucked being an /sr back then with everyone doing way more than you ever could even with perma elude

Poor /da use to suck I think like 5 people got it to 50 before stacking armors in I3. I started my dm/da in I2 and he sat. /da was a complete and utter waste of time for a complete year I mean you might as well played a blaster you be more survivable then /da scrapper back then

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Hejtmane View Post
There was no cottage rules back then
There were (perhaps not quite so strongly, but there were) and it was actually adherence to the general principle that caused the devs to goof around with Regen rather than bite the bullet and just make the change they should have made from the start, which was to turn IH from toggle to click.

Instead, they did things which made sense from a certain point of view but not from the player point of view. For example, to try to make IH an only occasional-use power they increased the endurance costs and made the toggle itself have a 60 second recharge. The logic was that the higher endurance costs would make players use it only as long as necessary and then turn it off, and then the toggle recharge would prevent them from flipping it right back on immediately and wait for the cooldown.

Instead, it caused players to find any possible way to avoid the toggle recharge, and slot the heck out of the power to reduce its endurance costs, plus take quick recovery plus stamina to power IH. The net result is that they drove the few players that might have been using the toggle in the intended way to go perma because if you turned it off there was basically no way to get it back for a relatively long period of time.

In any case, the cottage rule doesn't prohibit changes to power design. It only forces the devs to make such changes as a last resort, and only to solve problems that are important enough (in their opinion) to override the benefits of adherence to the cottage rule. An example would be the change in powerset order for taunt in tanker secondaries.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Even on SO's which is where fire performs best relative to other armors and Shield is apparently "really weak" there is only a 14% difference in survivability. Yet there is more than a 14% difference in offensive output in favor of shields. IO's just exasperate the issue to the point of ridiculousness due to a variety of reasons such as def stacking better than res, the offense of shields responding to recharge better than fire's and so forth.
So what is the offensive difference exactly, lol? Please show your work because I'd love to see the equation that takes into account the massive variables that exist in this game.

I think your far too basic equation for survivability, that clearly ignores pretty much every in game variable, makes your 14% calculation pretty questionable too.

I think FA is underpowered overall, but in your example you have the SD running at 21% defense. If you can't vastly outsurvive a SD running at 21% def in the vast majority of game situations, you're doing something horribly, horribly wrong, unless the SD is downing purples like oprah at a cake convention.

The point I'm trying to make is that trying to create a 'balance equation' in a game with so many different variables is pretty silly imo, especially at this stage.

Personally I play both armor sets and I like both armor sets because I like offense more than uber survivability. Shields invalidates my Fire armor toons. Which leaves several options:
1. Buff FA so it is as clearly offensive as Shields
2. Nerf Shields so it is as clearly underwhelming as FA
3. Buff FA a bit and nerf Shields a bit and meet at some nebulous balance vector in the middle
It seems most of us agree that FA is one of the few scrapper secondaries that is underpowered. I would argue that it is a terrible idea to weaken one of the popular secondaries so you can balance it down to an underpowered, unpopular one. Unless your goal is to anger your customers and make your april fools joke move closer to reality.

Look back at how they buffed up dark melee. They took a pretty unpopular set and made it an instant fan favorite. They should do the same thing for FA. I would suggest buff burn somehow and see how it works out in game, not on a calculator. I would make it a much larger aoe, keep the fear, and front load the damage.



Here's another fun little comparo to talk about around the water cooler tomorrow.

Scrapper SC vs Old PSW
*AAO+bu for the scrapper, Domination for the dom.
(you may not like the inclusion of bu, but it is on the exact same timer as SC, I know I use it every single time)

200/cycle time(90+1.716)
2.18*target cap (16)
34.89*damage buff (1.95+.813+1.0)
=131.3 aoe dps

*251.5 w/ 3 rech SO's
*433.1 w/ "perma dom" level recharge

70/cycle time (10+2.112)
5.78*target cap (10)
57.79*damage buff (1.95+.75)
=156 aoe dps

*261 w/ 3 rech SO's
*377.2 w/perma dom (hasten+80% global+3 rech SO's)

Now I'm not saying SC is the new PSW, the numbers are painting that picture depending on whether you accept the assumptions made or not. I will say that a lot of the arguments being made to leave SC alone are the same ones made about PSW, but maybe a bit weaker cause doms at least had the fact they were grossly underplayed to prop up their side of the story. Scrappers can make no such claim.



We also kidded ourselves PSW was fine because the rest of /Psi (except for Drain Psyche) sucked.

The rest of /SD doesn't suck :3

Edit: I'm on the fence about SD. As someone who plays almost exclusively end-game with IOs, SD is far and away the best secondary. But I know that's not how the game is balanced.

I'm more in the camp of "SD is new, got nerfed in beta, is more or less where the devs want it, buff FA".

I'm not interested in SD getting nerfed, even though Schadenfreude ist die beste Freude, denn sie kommt von Herzen.

I just think FA needs a buff because currently it's weak defensively to pay for an offensive strength that it doesn't have.

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Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
So what is the offensive difference exactly, lol? Please show your work because I'd love to see the equation that takes into account the massive variables that exist in this game.
Pretty sure I already did in a previous post under the "SO" heading.

I think your far too basic equation for survivability, that clearly ignores pretty much every in game variable, makes your 14% calculation pretty questionable too.
If you have a more accurate way of measuring expected survival then be my guest. I believe werner has a far more indepth system, maybe ask him. I tried to keep it as simple as possible by not including anything other than the set in question and SO's. That is to shields benefit I assure you as the powerpools benefit it more than FA as do IO's.

I think FA is underpowered overall, but in your example you have the SD running at 21% defense. If you can't vastly outsurvive a SD running at 21% def in the vast majority of game situations, you're doing something horribly, horribly wrong, unless the SD is downing purples like oprah at a cake convention.
21% def is what 21% def is. I didn't make up the tohit mechanic in this game. If you feel 21% def is unobservable then that is your feeling. The system doesn't agree with you though.

You've also conveniently overlooked the +hp and the res that shields also offers. Standard layered defenses rant yada yada.

The point I'm trying to make is that trying to create a 'balance equation' in a game with so many different variables is pretty silly imo, especially at this stage.
Not really, I'm just using the most basic numbers I can think of because people cried that shields sucks on SO's. The numbers don't agree, but feel free to calculate them differently.

Rather than just throw one's hand up in the air and say "it's too hard" I think picking away at things is great. I'm not going to sit and do a massive analysis like Arcana or Starmsan would do, I don't need it to be able to differentiate my experiences with fire armor on brutes and scrappers vs Shields on those two AT's as well.

It seems most of us agree that FA is one of the few scrapper secondaries that is underpowered. I would argue that it is a terrible idea to weaken one of the popular secondaries so you can balance it down to an underpowered, unpopular one. Unless your goal is to anger your customers and make your april fools joke move closer to reality.
Like deja vu regarding old PSW. But clearly the only thing I said was to reduce Shields down to the same level as FA...right.
Look back at how they buffed up dark melee. They took a pretty unpopular set and made it an instant fan favorite. They should do the same thing for FA. I would suggest buff burn somehow and see how it works out in game, not on a calculator. I would make it a much larger aoe, keep the fear, and front load the damage.
I've already made my suggestions about how I would alter burn. Burn is mutually exclusive from Shields though and Burn warrants alteration as a standalone from Shield. The only purpose Shield serves in relating to FA is to show just how bad the "other offensive" set is in relation.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Honestly, the set you should be looking at is Fiery Aura. Even before Shield Defense, I've felt the set lags behind our other secondaries. Shield Defense just made it that much more obvious. What Fiery Aura gives up, it doesn't gain much in return.
Just make lower Burn's damage, leave it's fear, and put that damage into a powerful DoT. Even if they run, they still take tons of damage.(Balance the numbers yourselves mathmagicians)

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

Every time BillZ talks about performance, you should picture this:

(Actual picture of BillZBubba circa I9)
Is that what that hissing was in the RWZ?



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
This thread was a good read.

I think I had my first real taste of powerset envy when I kept checking back into the Pylon Results thread.

Seeing FM/SD and DM/SD break the 300DPS mark while my claws/sr hit the wall at 200 was, quite frankly, kinda sad.

Made me annoyed that I couldn't make a claws/sd, regardless of the fact that such a combo would have even MORE ridiculous amounts of AoE damage.
The fact that SD cant have claws alone makes it an inferior set and makes up for all its bonuses. SD will never know beauty, grace and bloody blending like the other secondaries will

Edit: as a side point I think the level of survivability that Invul gets with IOs makes it the best long term secondary but I'm aware of the costs involved. Fire Aura is the odd one out cause with huge investment it doesn't get to the level of invul for survivability, in fact it just draws level with the other sets and shield takes away its damage king status. Maybe a FA boost would be better than an SD nerf to bring things in line to leave two real options for a high AoE damage scrapper while having the cheap to cap SR and WP and Regen being the good out the box sets. Not really sure where Elec fits in as its the only scrapper secondary I haven't tried but DA is a unique enough experience and hard to calculate it's worth to stand alone

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Shield/Sr is about all I bother with nowdays myself because most of the other sets other than electric are too squishy to use for anything but purple farming -1 mobs. Scrapper resistances are too low. I think fire aura is an exception though because of its added damage, and quick recharging heal but only in certain circumstances.

Now ofcourse I'm speaking on terms of being able to survive against hordes of +2 and +4 mobs on my own without help from the team. I like my scrappers to be able to handle things like a tank and kill in the process.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



AAO? Over the top?
Cyber naut is right, AAO is a BIG liability whilst leveling, and will rip aggro from Willpower Tankers with ease (as an easy example)
Yes you have benefits with Offense, but it's not the only set that does (Damage auras are powerful things)
And its Defense is not that great, Softcap isn't everything, and I'm yet to take taunt on any Shield scrapper. I HAVE however taken taunt on my /Inv, and have thought about it for /WP.
No, Shields is balanced just right, and I'm sure we'll see people moving to other secondaries again once the current FotM of Elec/SD passes.

(oh wait, it has passed, shouldnt we be moaning about demon summoners?)

Edit -

And apparently I hadn't read far enough forward in the thread,

And yeah, don't mess with shields, give Fire Armor the boost it desperately craves instead,

But the point I as trying to make was -
I've achieved better survivability with other sets,
and better overall damage with other sets,
Shields just happens to strike a very nice balance between those two goals.



Honestly I can't get into it. Sub-par set. Without looking at sets: Lowest def for a def based set. So until you spend a few hundred mil (or a bil), the set is really lackluster.

I want to like it, there are a lot of cool looking shields, but I just can't.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
See that is the trap that people keep falling for, you don't need billions of influence for shields to be good. If you set yourself a decent budget you will need at most 200 million influence for a character that will perform better than 90% of the game.
Lisa looks at Santorican with hope in her eyes, because she feels Santorican is a straight shooter.

I do have some IOs in my Elec/Shields. I have powers frankenslotted level 30 Eradications, I have the steadfast unique, I have a Kismet accuracy..forgot what else I have in her build. I bought that proc that drains endurance from enemies..Tempest???

There is a post that Fury posted about shields on a budget. I looked at the cheap one but still had this mindset about billions being required and that blinded me. Fury, if you are reading this, I am going back and have another look at your builds.

I came back to this thread to apologize about the bitterness of my earlier post. It just seemed to me that since all the player base voted for Shields, not just the rich, then we should get a set that works beautifully with SOs, to reflect the needs and pocketbooks, of all the playerbase, not just the very rich.

So, yes Castle, look at Shields but with an eye towards "how can I make this powerset SO friendly?"

Hugs to everyone, and I am so sorry about being bitter.

This is a game. Bitterness has no place here


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
So basically Fire armor is the baseline and everything must suck as bad as it does or youll nerf it? Good job Castle.

Youve got alot of work to do.....remember its easier to bring a bunch of other sets down then it is to bring one set up.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Lisa looks at Santorican with hope in her eyes, because she feels Santorican is a straight shooter.

I do have some IOs in my Elec/Shields. I have powers frankenslotted level 30 Eradications, I have the steadfast unique, I have a Kismet accuracy..forgot what else I have in her build. I bought that proc that drains endurance from enemies..Tempest???

There is a post that Fury posted about shields on a budget. I looked at the cheap one but still had this mindset about billions being required and that blinded me. Fury, if you are reading this, I am going back and have another look at your builds.

I came back to this thread to apologize about the bitterness of my earlier post. It just seemed to me that since all the player base voted for Shields, not just the rich, then we should get a set that works beautifully with SOs, to reflect the needs and pocketbooks, of all the playerbase, not just the very rich.

So, yes Castle, look at Shields but with an eye towards "how can I make this powerset SO friendly?"

Hugs to everyone, and I am so sorry about being bitter.

This is a game. Bitterness has no place here

Again, just to reiterate, shields works fine enough on SOs. It's not awesomesauce, but then what build is without IOs? You should never expect a SO build to perform like an IO build, scrapper or otherwise. What you need to know is that it suffices for the content.

Shields does that just fine and is as friendly to SOs as any other set that I have used. Mine is sitting at just under 40 and has a total of one IO. Works fine and haven't had the urge to spend a ton leveling.



Yeah the main problem I see is Fire Arrmour not having a spot. Shields is a safer alternative to get the same damage output.

SR can cap for about 200 Mil and for that 200 mil it
Regen and WP are so casual friendly it hurts and both can be improved to AV soloing (4 at once further down the list and I know Jeff's Claw/Regen has done 4 too)
Inv is my ultimate inf drain, but damn it feels indestructable when done. Even without that is a sevicable set
DA is just magic with its many mitigations and the thinking mans safety. Costs a whole bunch of end though and you build to make that right
Shield is the damage king that can be made safe with some spending
Elec is the energiser bunny that just keeps going and going. Not played it on scrappers but on a brute and tank is a lovely feeling and is probably what fire should feel like
Fire? Well it used to be the quishy damage king but now there's a safe one why do you want a squishy one. The broken set is fire not Shields. Shields and Elec have made Fire fairly redundant though Elec needed a small tweak to make that happen. Maybe if fire had a tweak then all the sets would have their place and some balance

Edit: my fire/shields is fine without IOs, but then back in I6 I was soloing AVs with a DM/SR with ony 29% or there abouts defence so I come from a history of not needing the Def Cap to function

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



From what i've read in this thread, shield is lacking without Io's but amazing with. whereas every other powerset it great without IO's and better but not as amazing as shields with IO's.

Now i have played, willpower, SR, invulnerability, and Electric armour past lvl 30(not IO'd), and have played all others pre 30 most below 14 so i don't have the best experience but i have enough to draw the conclusion i am about to make.

Out of all the sets i've played, willpower has been the most survivable, with SR being very close in second with electric armour and invuln coming in third and fourth respectively. Now defensive set's are noticably survivable, you can tell when you are dodging loads, and taking verry little damage, but one defdebuff and it's all downhill from then on. Res based sets are noticably less survivable but sustain their survivability in a far more linear way than the fluctuating mitigation of the defensive sets. when they are both strung together as a combi set, whilse you do have both primary mitigation types, you take more damage than a res set and more hits than a defense set, altogether making combo set's underwealming compared to either extreme(pre IO experience only). Now the thing which set's Willpower appart from the others is major regen capability. That is what turns it from underwealming to epic. Now with shield it is a combi set, that rather than focusing on mitigating damage in a way other than def/res focuses on increased damage and team play. These two factors are what level's it out with the other sets.

I can garuntee it now that most people saying shield is underwealming are probably playing solo or running out in front of their teams with maybe one team mate by their side. whereas those who say it is too strong are watching shields on teams playing close beside their team mates. Now when you see people with shileds in history books or movies, they are in big squadrens with other people with shields. The shield set in game is designed to work like that, you play at your best with other players arround you, you aid them with Grant Cover and the other players in turn aid you with Phalanx Fighting. Whilst you also take out enemies quicker as a way to avoid taking as much damage from them.

What people are forgetting is that shield, like HEAT's are designed to be benefitted by having team mates arround them. and without team mates don't perform to their full potential. So before you slate shield for it's survivability, try soloing a dwarf based PB/WS to lvl 50 using only TO, DO and IO's and say that is easier. And if you are now saying;
"well that's not relevant we are saying that Shield is not as powerful as other sets,"
Then try soloing a SonicRes defender to lvl 50 and tell me thats as easy as soloing any other type of defender to lvl 50....



.... had to be done.

Be well, people of CoH.



Hot damn, that's +1 internetz for me.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Definitely, waaaaay too many people enjoy the set. Give it the em or pvp treatment.
Beat the crap out of it, nerf it so hard until it screams, and then ignore it completely? No thanks...

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Lisa looks at Santorican with hope in her eyes, because she feels Santorican is a straight shooter.

I do have some IOs in my Elec/Shields. I have powers frankenslotted level 30 Eradications, I have the steadfast unique, I have a Kismet accuracy..forgot what else I have in her build. I bought that proc that drains endurance from enemies..Tempest???

There is a post that Fury posted about shields on a budget. I looked at the cheap one but still had this mindset about billions being required and that blinded me. Fury, if you are reading this, I am going back and have another look at your builds.

I came back to this thread to apologize about the bitterness of my earlier post. It just seemed to me that since all the player base voted for Shields, not just the rich, then we should get a set that works beautifully with SOs, to reflect the needs and pocketbooks, of all the playerbase, not just the very rich.

So, yes Castle, look at Shields but with an eye towards "how can I make this powerset SO friendly?"

Hugs to everyone, and I am so sorry about being bitter.

This is a game. Bitterness has no place here

Well if you need some help with a good Elec/Shield build just feel free to PM me or look at that thread, there is a lot of good info around here.

Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
So basically Fire armor is the baseline and everything must suck as bad as it does or youll nerf it? Good job Castle.

Youve got alot of work to do.....remember its easier to bring a bunch of other sets down then it is to bring one set up.
LOL if I had a dollar for every time I've read that I'd be a rich man.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
If you have a more accurate way of measuring expected survival then be my guest. I believe werner has a far more indepth system, maybe ask him. I tried to keep it as simple as possible by not including anything other than the set in question and SO's. That is to shields benefit I assure you as the powerpools benefit it more than FA as do IO's.
I do have a more in depth system, and Arcanaville as an even more in depth system, but I find the idea of comparing two secondaries by simply taking all the powers in them, slotting with SOs, and skipping all primary powers and pool powers to be a silly way to compare two secondaries. That's not the way anyone plays the game. Also, I don't take inspirations into account because I do all my calculations to support no-inspiration challenge play. That's not the way most people play the game.

But fine. Fire Armor and Shield Defense, was it?

The survivability score for base Shield Defense is 32.

The survivability score for base Fire Armor is 108.

Basically, when you have no mitigation of substance, the main thing that matters (in my spreadsheet, anyway) is how fast you can heal. Oh, Shield Defense doesn't have a heal, so it loses. In other words, this tells us NOTHING except that Shield Defense doesn't have a heal.

By way of comparison, my leveling up Fire Melee/Shield Defense build has a survivability score of 255. So nearly ten times the survivability by adding pool powers and cheap IOs. A multi billion influence build I'm considering for him raises that to 506, so another doubling of survivability for a hundred times the price. For the sake of argument, if I could add Aid Self to it, let's say with a full set of Doctored Wounds for simplicity, that would nearly quadruple again to 1902.

My Katana/Dark, when surrounded by minions, has a score of 5603.

Just sayin'.

As a very rough ballpark, I'm going to say that the Rikti War Zone Challenge takes a survivability score somewhere in the 500 to 1500 range. My multi-billion Shield build probably couldn't reliably do the Rikti War Zone Challenge, though his high kill speed combined with multiple tries might yield success. Aid Self would trivialize it, though, and let you solo AVs with no inspirations, and do most everything the big boys do. But 1902 is just a boring, every day, run of the mill "challenge play" score, approaching but not exceeding what I have on Werner and Sergei, who have builds 4 or 5 issues old now. On the other hand, that's the point some people make. You have ENOUGH survivability combined with massive damage output. That IS a great combination.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by NeonPower View Post
I can garuntee it now that... those who say it is too strong are watching shields on teams playing close beside their team mates.
And I will almost guarantee that you're wrong. I think most people are talking about soloing capability. Things get confusing on teams, but you're right, Shields only gets better there. I think people are looking at the Pylon results thread, seeing the ongoing rush of Shield AV soloers, recognizing what they can do in Mids', and that kind of thing. I mostly solo. Shield Defense is great for soloing. It has plenty of survivability for soloing.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks