What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Oh geez... Bill, you used that picture. I actually laughed just now.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Edit : had no clue what "scale 0.7" means in ingame numbers so didn't comment, but now that Arcanaville has posted on it... Yes, SC does slightly over 200 base on a level 50 scrapper. If that corresponds to scale 3.2, then even Brutes do much more than scale 1.4 (2*0.7) with unslotted, 0 Fury Shield Charge.
If my memory serves correctly, Shield Charge (Scrapper) does 3.6 Scale damage. But its a pet that does the damage, and the pet melee damage scaler is 55.6102 (same as Blasters) at level 50. So it should be 200.197 damage at level 50 for Scrappers, if my memory and calculations are correct.

Because Scrappers have a 1.125 damage modifier, and therefore do about 62.56 damage at level 50 for a scale 1 attack, this means Shield Charge (for scrappers) does the same damage as a 3.2 scale attack would do for Scrappers, if the damage was actually dealt by the Scrapper (and not a pseudo pet).

That's what I meant by "normalized to scrappers."

As weird as this sounds, saying a power does "200 points of damage" is something that actually has to get processed by the powers team: even for us players there's all sorts of caveats to such a statement we mentally shuffle through before we put that number into context: what level are we talking about, is that enhanced, etc.

But "hey Castle, SC does 3.2 scale damage and its a ginormous AoE" is going to be meaningful in about 3 milliseconds. Anything above 2 is considered high damage for a single target attack. The mega-hitter Total Focus does 3.56. Nova averages scale 3.875.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Yeah, that first enemy actually gives you 12.5% plus the 6.875%.

Look at it like the 12.5% benefit of the power is a "are there enemies in range" check, and the first mob counts as giving you 6.875% for being an enemy.
Its actually that there are two effects, but the first one doesn't stack with itself. So its capped at one, the other is capped at ten, but they both take effect independently.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If you've played SR from release to now, you've had a rollercoaster ride unparalleled in the history of the game.

But then again, BillZ plays Claws.
Hmmm. With a MA/SR main I was not so lucky. Picture leveling an SR with the machine gun Storm Kick!


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Castle View Post

is the point my temple began to ache. There shouldn't be a 50% disparity in max performance here. I'm not too concerned about the protection levels shields can generate; it'll be needed. The DDB Resist is higher than designed, but, again, not really the major concern here.
Castle, remember that those DPS calculatiuons come from soloing Rikti Pylons. Dark Melee is pretty much pure single target with no meaningful AoE whatsoever, so of course it's going to top the charts on killing a single hard target fast. It's also the slowest Scrapper set in the game against 3+ mobs. Also, those 300+ DPS results for Dark include dragging a bunch of minions to the pylon for Soul Drain fodder so with Soul Drain and Against All Odds you're looking at something like 120% or more damage bonus, or 60-70% above normal slotted damage. But again, Dark has no real AoE damage so even if it could one-shot a minion with every attack it would still be slower against most spawns than Claws since Claws has good AoEs. That's why people love /Shield with Dark... you get Shield Charge to kill the minions with while you murder the bosses and lts with single target attacks.

I definitely think re-examining Fiery Aura is a good idea. /Shield adds about 15-20% total damage against larger spawns thanks to AaO, plus Shield Charge deals significantly more damage than Blazing Aura. My suggestion would be to cut the damage bonus from Fiery Embrace in half and increase it to 90 seconds duration... make it a weaker, crashless Rage. That would give /Fire a sustained DPS boost like /Shield gets instead of just added burst damage.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by Castle View Post

is the point my temple began to ache. There shouldn't be a 50% disparity in max performance here. I'm not too concerned about the protection levels shields can generate; it'll be needed. The DDB Resist is higher than designed, but, again, not really the major concern here.

AAO, actually looks fine. The maximum boost it can generate isn't that large.
Shield Charge isn't bad, basically it can get you to 2 scale 0.7 aoe's on, at best, an 19.5 second cycle time (ignoring Arcanatime, for the moment.) Then again, to get that, you've got a +400% Recharge, which is freakin' huge.

That leads me to believe the discrepancy lies with the primary sets Fire Melee and Dark Melee. Fire is MEANT to have higher DPS overall, so that's 'fine.' Dark Melee, not so much. I'd have to look at specific builds and slotting to see what's going on there, but that's a project I don't have time for now.

Several folks have suggested via PMs and in this thread that I look at Fiery Aura again; to bring it's performance up a bit. I'll see what I can do.
This post just made my day.

I used my fire/ice tank and ran AE missions, 5 missions kill all, Striga cargo ship fighting Council. I used a Shield/Ice tank and ran the same missions for a direct comparison of Shield vs Fire armor.

The Shield/Ice consistently completed the mission in 6 minutes. The fire/ice was consistent at 9 minutes. All powers were slotted with SO's. (second builds)

AAO and Shield Charge are greater then Fiery Embrace and Burn by far. (SC damages 16, Burn damages 5 at a time.) The constant damage increase of AAO out performs to horrrrrrrible recharge of FE. The time penalty of FE damage bonus with non fire attacks also really hinders the potential of the power.

If you are going to look at fire armor again I will be very happy.

I think AAO is great and produces a constant damage increase, which is what FE should do. Burn (shudder) could be adjusted again. (I shudder even thinking that knowing how badly the power has been nerfed from the issue 4 hayday.) If it could be changed to affect 16, be a contact DOT instead of a placed DoT, I would welcome the change. Leaving the animation and the placement, but making the damage "stick" to the enemy from when it is placed.

Ice Ember



223 Dual Blades/Super Reflexes - Shred Monkey (added since Shadowsylph is such an outlier)
My 262 isn't so much of an outlier once you take into consideration that SR doesn't have a damage aura.

Between Lightning Field generating about 30 DPS or so (don't remember the exact number) and the fact that a lot of damage and debuff in my build was from procs, it ends up being a pretty reasonable difference.

Proud member of the Twilight Avengers
Shunya~DB/Electric Scrapper capable of 262 DPS pre Incarnate
Mindtrix~Ill/Cold Controller soloed Lusca pre Incarnate
Psyanara~Night Widow/Fortunata 300+ DPS w/ Reactive



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Huh? That doesn't sound right, but I don't have access to my numbers at the moment. I could have sworn Shield Charge for scrappers was *way* higher than that. I think it should be (normalized to Scrappers since it does pet damage) about 3.2 scale (i.e. 200 points of base damage at level 50). Its an AoE with a DS/sec (DPA) rating higher than nearly all single target attacks. That's what makes it always good to insert into an attack chain, even if you are only attacking a single target, if you can activate it fast enough and if you have the endurance to power it.

At SC's scrapper numbers, my Blaster would gladly trade Nova for Shield Charge. It does slightly less damage (on average) in a slightly smaller radius, but doesn't crash and recharges a gazillion times quicker.
Good catch. I was looking at the original power, as I designed it, rather than the reworked version that was done later. For scrappers, it is scale 3.6 on the Minion_Pet table, which is a far cry from the scale 1.4 on the Minion_Pet table I originally designed for it. I vaguely remember someone (Synapse? Sunstorm? I'd have to dig into check in notes to see) asking me if they could update it to include AT Mods in the damage scales and saying yes.

Hmm...yeah, ok. I can very easily see what happened here.

Shield Charge when released was set for a scale 1.7 damage to all targets within 20' of impact, with 0.7 scale bonus within 3' of impact. When the change to allow AT scaling was made, the bonus damage was rolled into the overall damage, for a scale of 2.4 to all targets in a 20' radius. At the same time, instead of have Brutes getting a mod of 0.75 applied, they were treated as the base.

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.



Originally Posted by Shadowsylph View Post
My 262 isn't so much of an outlier once you take into consideration that SR doesn't have a damage aura.

Between Lightning Field generating about 30 DPS or so (don't remember the exact number) and the fact that a lot of damage and debuff in my build was from procs, it ends up being a pretty reasonable difference.
I admit, I didn't look at it too closely before. For the sake of argument, let's see:

Lightning Field deals 12.51 dmg every 2 seconds, or 6.255 dps, unslotted. Add in enhancements (95%) and double slotted Bliding Feint (37.5 * 2 = 75%) or 170% +dmg. Apply that to Lightning Field for a final dps increase of 16.8885 (6.255 * 2.7). If you want to count the 5% chance to miss, that'd drop it to ~16 dps.

Your final dps was 262 while Shred's was 223, a difference of 39 dps, over double our estimate for Lightning Field.

On the other hand, however, it's possible Shred spend more time healing back damage than you did, assuming he took Aid Self. That could be a significant hit if he was unlucky enough.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Good catch. I was looking at the original power, as I designed it, rather than the reworked version that was done later. For scrappers, it is scale 3.6 on the Minion_Pet table, which is a far cry from the scale 1.4 on the Minion_Pet table I originally designed for it. I vaguely remember someone (Synapse? Sunstorm? I'd have to dig into check in notes to see) asking me if they could update it to include AT Mods in the damage scales and saying yes.

Hmm...yeah, ok. I can very easily see what happened here.

Shield Charge when released was set for a scale 1.7 damage to all targets within 20' of impact, with 0.7 scale bonus within 3' of impact. When the change to allow AT scaling was made, the bonus damage was rolled into the overall damage, for a scale of 2.4 to all targets in a 20' radius. At the same time, instead of have Brutes getting a mod of 0.75 applied, they were treated as the base.

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.
Heh. I see a big "correction" for shield charge in the future. Reading that it seems like SC for scrappers is doing considerably more damage than intended at all distances. Interesting that it was intended to do more at impact and less at splash distances much like Lightning Rod.

I've actually never even seen the difference in damage at 3' and 20' even before shield charge was changed for AT modifiers.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Shield Charge when released was set for a scale 1.7 damage to all targets within 20' of impact, with 0.7 scale bonus within 3' of impact. When the change to allow AT scaling was made, the bonus damage was rolled into the overall damage, for a scale of 2.4 to all targets in a 20' radius. At the same time, instead of have Brutes getting a mod of 0.75 applied, they were treated as the base.

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.
Castle, are those numbers right? If I'm doing the math right, those numbers should be:

Tankers 3' scale 1.92, 20' 1.36
Tanker 20' scale 2.56

Your numbers seem to put Tankers at an AT mod of ~0.85 instead of their current 0.8.



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Hmmm. With a MA/SR main I was not so lucky. Picture leveling an SR with the machine gun Storm Kick!
MA/SRs that played since release deserve a special veteran reward or something. A machine gun storm kick would have been fine: what we actually had was Flurry for Feet.

There is *nothing* to compare to MA/SR at release. If release MA/SR was a difficulty level, it would award a MasterOf badge.

Here's how you can come close to simulating MA/SR at release today:

1. Replace Storm Kick with Flurry (Storm Kick used to do a lot less damage with an animation time comparable to flurry)
2. Replace CAK with Boxing (Boxing actually does *more* damage today than CAK did back then)
3. Replace Eagle's Claw with Sands of Mu (Eagle's Claw used to do Crane Kick damage with Sands of Mu timing)
4. Take only the SR toggles, no passives
5. Take no power pools
6. Slot no inventions
7. Figure out a way to fight even minions, +1 Lts, and +2 Bosses all at once.
8. Whenever a foe casts a pet, turret, rain, or patch, if you don't have at least two purples just use Self Destruct immediately
(SR at release: 5% passives, 10% toggles, vs even con minions: 50%; Lts: 62.5%; Bosses: 75%; AVs: 90%; turrets/pets: 105% base tohit)

That would probably be in the general ballpark.

Oh yeah, and Quickness used to cost endurance (0.01 eps or something like that). Rather unique for a passive.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Good catch. I was looking at the original power, as I designed it, rather than the reworked version that was done later. For scrappers, it is scale 3.6 on the Minion_Pet table, which is a far cry from the scale 1.4 on the Minion_Pet table I originally designed for it. I vaguely remember someone (Synapse? Sunstorm? I'd have to dig into check in notes to see) asking me if they could update it to include AT Mods in the damage scales and saying yes.

Hmm...yeah, ok. I can very easily see what happened here.

Shield Charge when released was set for a scale 1.7 damage to all targets within 20' of impact, with 0.7 scale bonus within 3' of impact. When the change to allow AT scaling was made, the bonus damage was rolled into the overall damage, for a scale of 2.4 to all targets in a 20' radius. At the same time, instead of have Brutes getting a mod of 0.75 applied, they were treated as the base.

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.
Yes, but lets not forget that the # of affected targets was reduced because the damage was percieved to be higher than intended. So, while individual damage might be higher than originally intended, there was no limit on how many targets were hit. If you do end up reducing the damage value, I would ask that you also do away with the target cap to balance it out.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
I admit, I didn't look at it too closely before. For the sake of argument, let's see:

Lightning Field deals 12.51 dmg every 2 seconds, or 6.255 dps, unslotted. Add in enhancements (95%) and double slotted Bliding Feint (37.5 * 2 = 75%) or 170% +dmg. Apply that to Lightning Field for a final dps increase of 16.8885 (6.255 * 2.7). If you want to count the 5% chance to miss, that'd drop it to ~16 dps.

Your final dps was 262 while Shred's was 223, a difference of 39 dps, over double our estimate for Lightning Field.

On the other hand, however, it's possible Shred spend more time healing back damage than you did, assuming he took Aid Self. That could be a significant hit if he was unlucky enough.
I also had a sizable damage buff from set bonuses and had several procs in LF, not to mention the -res procs (Achilles' Heel and PvP) in the build (not in LF specifically).

I actually tested with and without LF to see how much damage it did. I got 235 DPS without LF and 260 with LF. I got 262 after adding in Melt Armor and Assault.

In the end, the real comparison would be between 235 and 223, which doesn't seem too unreasable to me.

Proud member of the Twilight Avengers
Shunya~DB/Electric Scrapper capable of 262 DPS pre Incarnate
Mindtrix~Ill/Cold Controller soloed Lusca pre Incarnate
Psyanara~Night Widow/Fortunata 300+ DPS w/ Reactive



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Castle, are those numbers right? If I'm doing the math right, those numbers should be:

Tankers 3' scale 1.92, 20' 1.36
Tanker 20' scale 2.56

Your numbers seem to put Tankers at an AT mod of ~0.85 instead of their current 0.8.
You're right. I did use .85 instead of .8 for the math. I always think of tankers having a .85 mod for some reason. I've been making that same mistake for years. Thankfully, the game applies the mods instead of me having to pre-calculate things, so it's not as bad as it COULD be.

FWIW, nothing is going to be done about this for now. It's too big and widespread of an issue for me to unilaterally decide on how to approach it. I'll give folks a heads up on what is decided as soon as I know.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

Wait: you're saying by your own estimation its fine now but reading the forums makes you afraid it will fall apart? Personally, I would recommend you stop reading the forums. If the forums can make you bitter about a powerset that is "doing wonderful" for you in actual play, the forums are doing far more harm than they could ever do good for you.
Grin. Somehow I missed reading this... easy to do as I swooped in quickly with my only intent being to apologize.

My hubby and couple of global friends have been telling me this almost from day 1.

I see myself as being stupid, and the forumites as being intellectual gods. So when I read something on the forums "It must be so

Yes, my level 32 Elec/Shields is great fun. I do not intend to PVP, beat up on AVs or Pylons solo. Just regular PVE stuffs.

And yes, I was truly worried that she would suddenly fall apart as I enter the high 30s, 40s...sigh. I think I need a vacation.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
Yes, but lets not forget that the # of affected targets was reduced because the damage was percieved to be higher than intended. So, while individual damage might be higher than originally intended, there was no limit on how many targets were hit. If you do end up reducing the damage value, I would ask that you also do away with the target cap to balance it out.
No player attack that does primarily foe damage is supposed to have an unlimited target cap, ever. If SC originally didn't have a target cap, adding one addressed a bug, it was not a trade-off for having higher damage.

In fact, so long as the aggro cap is 17, being able to hit more than 17 targets with significant damage from a single attack is probably a priori an exploit or a design error or both.

Edit: its weird sometimes discovering which of my posts will be seen as controversial. Apparently at least one person takes issue with this one, even though its essentially a factual statement about the design of the game. But since there seems to be some question over it, I'll tell you what I'm going to do, my anonymous friend: I'm going to compile a list of every single player power that does damage, either directly or via pseudo-pet, that either has no target cap or has a target cap higher than 16, and email that to Castle so we can confirm whether any of them, if they exist, are working as intended. Don't thank me, its no trouble at all.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
I think I need a vacation.
Probably just from the forums. Its perfectly fine to spend that vacation in Paragon City. Maybe with the broadcast channels off.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Shadowsylph View Post
I also had a sizable damage buff from set bonuses and had several procs in LF, not to mention the -res procs (Achilles' Heel and PvP) in the build (not in LF specifically).

I actually tested with and without LF to see how much damage it did. I got 235 DPS without LF and 260 with LF. I got 262 after adding in Melt Armor and Assault.

In the end, the real comparison would be between 235 and 223, which doesn't seem too unreasable to me.
Ahhh, I gotcha. Those things would definitely do the trick. Your raw DB damage output isn't as much of an outlier, it's just numerous other factors (such as your aura) that inflated your number a bit. Nice.

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You're right. I did use .85 instead of .8 for the math. I always think of tankers having a .85 mod for some reason. I've been making that same mistake for years. Thankfully, the game applies the mods instead of me having to pre-calculate things, so it's not as bad as it COULD be.

FWIW, nothing is going to be done about this for now. It's too big and widespread of an issue for me to unilaterally decide on how to approach it. I'll give folks a heads up on what is decided as soon as I know.
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification, Castle.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You're right. I did use .85 instead of .8 for the math. I always think of tankers having a .85 mod for some reason.
Confirmed: Castle is increasing Tanker damage scale to 0.85.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
Burn (shudder) could be adjusted again. (I shudder even thinking that knowing how badly the power has been nerfed from the issue 4 hayday.) If it could be changed to affect 16, be a contact DOT instead of a placed DoT, I would welcome the change. Leaving the animation and the placement, but making the damage "stick" to the enemy from when it is placed.
Either that or give it the Shield Charge/Lightning Rod treatment so it does full damage at melee range and a slightly reduced damage at a greater range (say 15'?)

Isn't there also an issue with Burn not properly inheriting damage buffs from the caster?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.
It sucks... cuz you have to fix it now... but you gotta admit, man, looking at it laid out like that, it's REALLY FUNNY.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Confirmed: Castle is increasing Tanker damage scale to 0.85.
They could use it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
They could use it.

Wet Noodle Strength.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
Yes, please. It's beyond Uber with IO sets and sucks hard with SOs. I think that was all mentioned in the Beta test.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson