What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I deliberately haven't discussed this topic with Castle since this thread started, except with my public posts, so that I could continue to comment freely. So I'm saying this within the context that I haven't actually asked Castle what he thinks about the situation directly, except what's publicly in this thread. This makes the following statement pure speculation and credibly deniable by the devs.

Having said that, I think the solution the devs will eventually converge on will be to reinstate area modifiers, so that the base damage won't have to be whacked too hard, but that damage will not be allowed to hit a massive number of targets in a huge AoE. I would also expect the cast time to increase slightly to reduce the power's gigantic DPA.

That would allow the devs to reduce the power without a huge numerical nerf to its base damage. If it were me, I'd propose an increase in cast time to circa 1.9s, a slight to moderate reduction in base damage (probably to at least under 3.0 scale), and a reinstatement of a drastic reduction in the splash damage (to no more than half the current base value).

I would also expect this to not happen anytime before Going Rogue goes live. You probably couldn't carve out enough time from all the stakeholders to discuss this situation. Or collect enough firewood and a strong enough stake to start the meeting.

That's assuming the devs look for a purely numerical way out of this. There is an alternative if they decide its worth asking for tech time to add new mechanics. They could make the damage of SC scale based on the distance of the teleport. After all, its intended to be a charge: presumably its conceptually consistent for the damage to be lower if the player has less distance to build up momentum. Have a base level of damage if the teleport distance is basically zero (hitting a target right in front of them) and increase the damage to a maximum of somewhere not too far from its current value if the teleport distance is at least some distance, say 30 feet. This way, you couldn't use it as easily to min/max damage on a stationary target like an AV or a pylon.

I'm always in favor of adding exotic and interesting new mechanics to get out of sticky numerical balance problems myself. But there's a reason why pohsyb hides in a box and the lead programmer only communicates via paranormal video.
Isn't that a double ding, or will that really smooth things out, since doing a shield charge inside the radius of AAO has the potential to give a huge damage buff while doing so outside of AAO radius even with long distance factored in could be a huge difference in damage.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Wow, looks like you were WAAAY off on this one, huh, lol.

First of all, I'm pretty surprised at the supposed mistake on SC, and that it went this long without anybody noticing. Didn't they just recently buff the damage too? Who is in charge of catching that? You guys should hire arcanaville...

Secondly, I'm shocked that a dev would look at damage in regards to soloing a rikti pylon and be concerned that dm is doing so much single target damage. I chuckled when the poster a few posts after that tried to explain that it was a specific and rare situation where SD was saturated and that DM is balanced in that it has little aoe capabilities, and could only think of the bludgeoning em received despite those arguments.

Maybe they were actually serious about working on a city of sidekicks game...
I agree 100% with this. Honestly the inaccuracy purported in this thread by Castle has me wondering how far off numerous other situations could be. I know I gave a big "you're kidding right?" when they increase the damage of SC by 50% not very long ago, but it seemed hunky doory with QA and the devs.

Now we are in a situation where the playerbase has grown accustomed to the performance and to reach balance it needs to be literally slashed in half. A downward shift from 133 as introduced to 106 would be a lot easier to swallow than dropping it from 200 now. Either that or even more time needs to be sunk into the power making it behave uniquely and abide by its own ruleset. I'm personally fine with "special cases" but how many cracks does it take to get it dialed in?

Lastly I have to agree about Castle looking at rikti pylons and making sweeping generalizations, and I think everyone should note how quickly we all jumped on him for that. The issue for me is Castle seemingly unaware that a persistent 81% damage buff would result in roughly ~35% faster kill times. That is disconcerting as the disconnection between the spreadsheets and actual performance might be cavernous. It is kneejerk reactions like that that sound disturbingly like "everyone laughs at you if you don't take EM".

The last thing I want to touch on with regard to Shields is that people seem to forget that it is the only armor set in the game that actually buffs teammates (and pretty well at that). That unique property may not carry much value to a solo shielder's mitigation value, but it has to carry value somewhere in the grand scheme. It can buff with more def value than a FF controller's dispersion bubble. That is not insignificant.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Isn't that a double ding, or will that really smooth things out, since doing a shield charge inside the radius of AAO has the potential to give a huge damage buff while doing so outside of AAO radius even with long distance factored in could be a huge difference in damage.
I pretty sure that is intended. That way you get equitable performance for using the power "as intended" ie to charge and you don't feel pressure to soak up AAO fodder and cast the power at your feet. Yet if you decide to do the latter it will still perform on par with charging from a damage standpoint.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Lastly I have to agree about Castle looking at rikti pylons and making sweeping generalizations, and I think everyone should note how quickly we all jumped on him for that.
Actually he didn't look at Rikti Pylons and make sweeping generalizations. He looked at player statements that Set A is half again as powerful as Set B and inquired if some attention was warranted (with a subtext that he hoped not). No mention was made by the contributing posters of special caveats or circumstances to qualify the acknowledged "50%" case until after the question was raised. Nor did Castle make any statement of intent or conclusions-drawn from that discussion. Indeed, what will ultimately be done about the one concrete thing to come out of the discussion (that Shield Charge was producing more damage than the internal design documents said it should) is still up in the air.

"Castle monitors the Rikti Pylon soloers to locate where to make nerfs" is a radical interpretation of the text.



Originally Posted by Human_Being View Post
"Castle monitors the Rikti Pylon soloers to locate where to make nerfs" is a radical interpretation of the text.
Thank goodness that isn't being said by anyone other than you. Or even implied. But you might want to reread his comments in this thread with regard to "300dps pylon solo'ers" and how he was thinking of pinning that on fire and DM (and may still be).

It is well documented how Shielders leverage AAO to produce higher st damage, it shouldn't require an asterisk each time you mention the set. Certainly not when you are talking with the person who is in charge of the whole shebang. That said I know I personally made mention quite a few times of the relative performance levels with and without AAO in effect. So I'm not sure how much clearer it needs to be laid out considering the "caveat" was already mentioned several times.



The 300 DPS was likely a rounding up of the Rikti Pylon results, unless someone was remembering my calculation of Shred_Monkey's DPS against an AV, which if I remember correctly, came out to 303 DPS. Maybe that was earlier in the thread. I'm too lazy to reread. I believe the 200 DPS was just an example DPS from a specific person rather than a summary of the Rikti Pylon results, but it was probably measured against a Pylon since that seems to be our current method of choice.

I can understand Castle seeing 300 DPS vs. 200 DPS, and having warning lights flash in his brain. That's fine. Those numbers would concern me too if I didn't understand what they were and where they came from. So a lot of people hopped in to explain what those numbers were, and perhaps more importantly, what they weren't. They could still be a cause for concern for him, but I don't think they should be a BIG cause for concern.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
When they tried to buff MA in I6, they also corrected that bug. Unfortunately, the devs really didn't have the numerical tools to properly buff offensive sets at the time, and their buffs didn't so much improve MA's damage as it did make ridiculous powers a little less ridiculous (CAK, EC). So the net result was that MA's single target damage went *down* after the buff to CAK and EC and the nerf/correction to TK.
Yes, and... at this point I would take great glee in discussing lackluster single target damage, no second AoE power, how buffing the heck of of SK while nerfing TK made the set overly reliant on Hasten for its lackluster smashing damage, and the fact that hitting the long recharge top tier attack substantially reduces the set's DoT *but* that would be a threadjack so let me say this:

While I agree that Shield Charge is probably too good, I still think AAO is more the offender than SC if the issue Castle is concerned about is pylon damage. At it's best AAO is roughly 8 times as effective than Assault for toggled damage. That's more toggled damage than any other power in the game. Take away Shield Charge and /Shield characters are still blowing away other scrappers in single target damage on pylons or other places where they can leverage the extra foes.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



The thing I hate about threads like this is castle posts, says a couple things, then after everyone responds he is nowhere to be found again in the thread

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



He's probably at home, relaxing. The guy can't be on here all the time.

Besides, he did already few replies. Check yo Dev Tracker, foo.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
But since there seems to be some question over it, I'll tell you what I'm going to do, my anonymous friend: I'm going to compile a list of every single player power that does damage, either directly or via pseudo-pet, that either has no target cap or has a target cap higher than 16, and email that to Castle so we can confirm whether any of them, if they exist, are working as intended. Don't thank me, its no trouble at all.
Heh... I think the powers team did exactly that during I17 development, but if you find any still uncapped I'm sure Castle would be glad to know.

Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
While I agree that Shield Charge is probably too good, I still think AAO is more the offender than SC if the issue Castle is concerned about is pylon damage. At it's best AAO is roughly 8 times as effective than Assault for toggled damage. That's more toggled damage than any other power in the game. Take away Shield Charge and /Shield characters are still blowing away other scrappers in single target damage on pylons or other places where they can leverage the extra foes.
I doubt the devs care about pylon damage in particular... that's a fairly artificial situation since it's a stationary target that poses no real threat to the ATs that solo them and gives no real reward. Regarding AaO in general, it's quite a bit weaker than Rage so it seems reasonable to me in an offensive-oriented secondary. You only get the large bonus when surrounded so in an AV fight or something you lose most of the benefit.

It would be interesting for someone more math-inclined than I am to run a comparison between AaO's extra damage and the damage provided by the various damage auras. I suspect Blazing Aura would actually add more total damage than Against All Odds in many situations provided you don't use Shield Charge.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Thank goodness that isn't being said by anyone other than you. Or even implied. But you might want to reread his comments in this thread with regard to "300dps pylon solo'ers" and how he was thinking of pinning that on fire and DM (and may still be).
Actually, you did state that in the quote I made above. Also, I did look through his posts in the thread and nowhere does the word Rikti or Pylon appear. He quotes Bill Z talking about getting 200 dps out of Claws (an acknowledged high-dps set) while others in the community can hit 300 with other Primaries paired with Shields. I expect he does exactly know how AAO works as well:...

It is well documented how Shielders leverage AAO to produce higher st damage, it shouldn't require an asterisk each time you mention the set. Certainly not when you are talking with the person who is in charge of the whole shebang. That said I know I personally made mention quite a few times of the relative performance levels with and without AAO in effect. So I'm not sure how much clearer it needs to be laid out considering the "caveat" was already mentioned several times.
It doesn't need mentioning; AAO will be maxed out whether it's from ten Rikti monkeys or ten generic mobs from any spawn that a Shielder jumped into. Which is why the attempts in this thread to caveat the performance and tie it *only* to Pylons are silly. But it is your claim that Castle looked only at a specific case (Pylons) and made "sweeping generalizations" (when he literally has said no such thing) that is ridiculous. At best you could say that after looking at whether Shields could be the culprit he used deductive reasoning based on incorrect assumptions and came to a resulting faulty conclusion: Shield's AoE is not unusually large (wrong) and AAO's 81.3% "isn't that large" enough to account for a full half-again more DPS on top of Base + Dam Enh + Build UP/Soul Drain - therefore something odd must be going on in DM and Fire to account for the rest. You yourself stated that AAO alone can only account for a ~1/3 increase, so if the rest is not coming from Shields then strange performance seems to be coming out of the Primaries.

But even in that best case for your argument, Castle also said there might be factors in the "specific builds" that he'd have to investigate further to know for certain. It was only after that when people began discussing specifics about -Res procs involved and such.

If the problem is in one of two places and it's not in location A, it is most likely in location B. (It's a nice touch to put in the "and may still be!" bit at the end to try and keep people scared though.) No misunderstanding of the mechanics from the guy in charge of "the whole shebang". No rush to judgment. He did have incorrect information about what Shield Charge was doing in-game versus what the internal documents said it was doing, and he very professionally came out and admitted as much right here.

But don't let me detract from your narrative when you're trying to publicly get your self-righteous on.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
MA/SRs that played since release deserve a special veteran reward or something. A machine gun storm kick would have been fine: what we actually had was Flurry for Feet.

There is *nothing* to compare to MA/SR at release. If release MA/SR was a difficulty level, it would award a MasterOf badge.

Here's how you can come close to simulating MA/SR at release today:

1. Replace Storm Kick with Flurry (Storm Kick used to do a lot less damage with an animation time comparable to flurry)
2. Replace CAK with Boxing (Boxing actually does *more* damage today than CAK did back then)
3. Replace Eagle's Claw with Sands of Mu (Eagle's Claw used to do Crane Kick damage with Sands of Mu timing)
4. Take only the SR toggles, no passives
5. Take no power pools
6. Slot no inventions
7. Figure out a way to fight even minions, +1 Lts, and +2 Bosses all at once.
8. Whenever a foe casts a pet, turret, rain, or patch, if you don't have at least two purples just use Self Destruct immediately
(SR at release: 5% passives, 10% toggles, vs even con minions: 50%; Lts: 62.5%; Bosses: 75%; AVs: 90%; turrets/pets: 105% base tohit)

That would probably be in the general ballpark.

Oh yeah, and Quickness used to cost endurance (0.01 eps or something like that). Rather unique for a passive.
my namesake was a ma/sr from june 22, 04..and i had flurry because i wanted superspeed. you can see why i can be snarky when people complain about sets becoming "unplayable", im really not a mean guy, i just have a different perspective



Well considering you've contributed exactly squat to this discussion other than picking a particular nit that I said I guess we'll just leave it at you feeling really good about yourself now hey?

Uh oh, now here is where the fun starts.

Billz said: (nothing wrong with his observations either

I think I had my first real taste of powerset envy when I kept checking back into the Pylon Results thread.

Seeing FM/SD and DM/SD break the 300DPS mark while my claws/sr hit the wall at 200 was, quite frankly, kinda sad.
To which Castle said:
is the point my temple began to ache. There shouldn't be a 50% disparity in max performance here. I'm not too concerned about the protection levels shields can generate; it'll be needed. The DDB Resist is higher than designed, but, again, not really the major concern here.

AAO, actually looks fine. The maximum boost it can generate isn't that large.
Shield Charge isn't bad, basically it can get you to 2 scale 0.7 aoe's on, at best, an 19.5 second cycle time (ignoring Arcanatime, for the moment.) Then again, to get that, you've got a +400% Recharge, which is freakin' huge.

That leads me to believe the discrepancy lies with the primary sets Fire Melee and Dark Melee. Fire is MEANT to have higher DPS overall, so that's 'fine.' Dark Melee, not so much. I'd have to look at specific builds and slotting to see what's going on there, but that's a project I don't have time for now.
His post was filled with misinformation and incorrect "beliefs" about the causation of the perceived issue. And appeared to be formed on a laughably insignificant sample. Which I (not you btw, just thought I'd point that out) and others quickly tried to correct. No point in him taxing his efforts in an area that has nothing to do with the issue.

If he truely believes that a persistent 81% damage buff isn't "that large" then I fundamentally disagree. Maybe you agree with him I dunno, I'm guessing yes cause you are picking this nit silly.

As mention the cause of the discrepancy isn't fire or DM because if you enabled shields for all primaries you'd see claws, db and kat right up there too. But now I'm just repeating myself and getting pulled into a position of similar contribution that you have made to the discussion - none.

FWIW an approximately 35% increase is all AAO is contributing on those high end builds (the rest is fire's innate higher damage and near perma souldrain for DM, procs and likely better attack chain optimization), but you'd know that if you knew what you were talking about rather than just trying to prove some pointless point that only you seem to be intent on making.



Wow, looks like you were WAAAY off on this one, huh, lol.
Indeed. It seems you are correct in assuming shutting off conversations and spreading misinformation about your favorite OPed sets being weaker than they actually are might really prevent the devs from finding out about the imbalances for a while.

Carry on with your anti-nerf shouting, I guess. Won't stop me from expressing my opinion on balance whenever I feel like it.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Well considering you've contributed exactly squat to this discussion other than picking a particular nit that I said I guess we'll just leave it at you feeling really good about yourself now hey?
The Nit I'm picking is you twisting what he's said in this thread so you can cluck your tongue about how dumb he obviously is. I don't have an investment in a shielder so I didn't weigh in before now, but it really ****** me off when someone tries to mock a guy for something he didn't do in order to make them self feel important; especially when that guy has already gone out of his way for them.

Earlier in this thread, you were precise and analytical...right up until you started shading Castle's words. That means you don't have an excuse for it.

His post was filled with misinformation and incorrect "beliefs" about the causation of the perceived issue. And appeared to be formed on a laughably insignificant sample. Which I (not you btw, just thought I'd point that out) and others quickly tried to correct. No point in him taxing his efforts in an area that has nothing to do with the issue.
My god, what a burden it must be to have your massive and incisive intellect weighed down with the need to correct the vacuous stupidities of the lesser mortals you are shackled with.

Or maybe you just read his post wrong :P.

You've chosen to interpret his statement in a way that let you tell yourself how much smarter you are than this "dumb guy", rather than what was written there.

If he truely believes that a persistent 81% damage buff isn't "that large" then I fundamentally disagree. Maybe you agree with him I dunno, I'm guessing yes cause you are picking this nit silly.
Is 81% damage buff significant relative to other damage buffs in the game? Yes it is. It's about the size of Rage. Is it "that large" that it could account for half-again more dps? No, that would be somewhere around 115% and further north from there depending on what the Primary's +Dam tool is. 81% is less than that so no, it is literally not large enough to completely account for the difference, as Castle said. It "isn't that large", not large enough.

Castle never said that 81% was tiny, which is what you want to stuff into his mouth because it's patently absurd.

Try to read his post while pretending he's at least as smart as you and see if it makes sense.

As mention the cause of the discrepancy isn't fire or DM because if you enabled shields for all primaries you'd see claws, db and kat right up there too. But now I'm just repeating myself and getting pulled into a position of similar contribution that you have made to the discussion - none.

FWIW an approximately 35% increase is all AAO is contributing on those high end builds (the rest is fire's innate higher damage and near perma souldrain for DM, procs and likely better attack chain optimization), but you'd know that if you knew what you were talking about rather than just trying to prove some pointless point that only you seem to be intent on making.
Great. Finally. Congratulations. You've just recapitulated exactly what Castle said in the block you quoted and I linked to. Go read it and see!

But you can't admit that's what the man actually said, because then you wouldn't have ground to stand on when you try to color him incompetent. What good would that interpretation be to you? It certainly wouldn't be any fun.

Indeed, at this point if you admitted that you'd have to acknowledge you made an error instead of sneering at a guy who's taken time out of a deadline-approaching schedule to actively look in on matters that are important to you.

Having been roundly shamed by my lack of "contribution" to this thread as you colored it above, (you're right, I didn't sniff at the man when you did) I'll slink away now and let you get back to the important business of personally keeping the game from running aground through the demonstrated ignorance of the Development staff.



Having been roundly shamed by my lack of "contribution" to this thread as you colored it above, (you're right, I didn't sniff at the man when you did) I'll slink away now and let you get back to the important business of personally keeping the game from running aground through the demonstrated ignorance of the Development staff.
Dude, you haven't posted anything in this topic before a red name popped up. My money's on you only being here through the dev digest too, I don't really recall that many of your posts in the scrapper forum. Your credibility as a completely neutral bystander interested in contributing to the conversation who happens to genuinely "defend" the devs is hovering around 0.

Personally, I have faith in the devs. Sort of. Maybe "had" now ? Yeah, because no matter how you sugarcoat it, that post of Castle was completely unscientific - picking one example that isn't even true to start with, simply because it's from someone famous, and jumping to conclusions without fact-checking everything.

You can run that post of his through the fanboy glasses all you want - I'll lend you my pair, it served me well during all these months when I thought balance was done carefully and not by some guys doing "fixes" drastically changing powers by a factor of 100% while the main power guy isn't informed ; it's still worrying. I'm not saying Castle is dumb or anything, of course there's much more than Shield he has to worry about, but it's still a worrying mistake because this specific post was wrong on several levels.

It's not like Frosticus was alone in interpretating Castle's post the way he did, so there's either some miscommunication or maybe, just maybe, Castle might have made a mistake in this post (and really the answer to that question was about 4 pages ago - when it's not "omg you're pro-nerf" blocking the discussion, it has to be "omg you're anti-dev"... Sigh.)



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

Boost other sets to match.

It's a SUPERHERO game. Let's be SUPER.
In MMO history, every time this has been tried it's been a disaster. MMO balancing is not science, it's an art and there will be peaks and valleys. That means nerfs, then buffs, then nerfs, etc... It's the only way to ensure that we don't get to a point of instant kills on the offensive side and invincibility on the defensive side. And considering we can get darn close to that now in this game, I think it's pretty clear that we are SUPER.

Seriously, even if Castle took Shield Charge out of the game and replaced it with a power that summons a portable generator to charge your shield's batteries, the set would still be remarkably powerful.

As for what to do with Shield Charge, I say leave the small radius damage alone and go ahead and lower the splash damage. That's fair. If the power is doing to much damage it's doing to much. Sure that doesn't stop the power from being great against a single (or few) target(s) because of it's super DPA, but I don't think the powers team should butcher the power when it seems to be doing fine in most situations (otherwise, why would it take a post like this for Castle to check his work).

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The "buff not nerf" philosophy is a vacuous fiction with no rational numerical consequence due to the fact such changes ultimately require compensating alterations which when normalized have an immaterial differential result. Its only game design benefit is a transient psychological perspective shift which is unsustainable.
Has anyone ever told you that you talk way above the norm for a video game? I understood what you said but seriously?

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Has anyone ever told you that you talk way above the norm for a video game? I understood what you said but seriously?
While I agreed with her point, Arcana like to beat down folks with her intellect. Especially, when like here, you push one of her pet peeve buttons. It's one of the reasons, I'm still not sold on the idea that she is a she. Typically only us guys have such a (just or unjust) high opinion of ourselves.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
While I agreed with her point, Arcana like to beat down folks with her intellect. Especially, when like here, you push one of her pet peeve buttons. It's one of the reasons, I'm still not sold on the idea that she is a she. Typically only us guys have such a (just or unjust) high opinion of ourselves.
EG, one day you'll grow up enough to realize just how ******* ignorant this post was.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
While I agreed with her point, Arcana like to beat down folks with her intellect. Especially, when like here, you push one of her pet peeve buttons. It's one of the reasons, I'm still not sold on the idea that she is a she. Typically only us guys have such a (just or unjust) high opinion of ourselves.
I guess but it comes off as having to prove that I am smarter than you rather than you know being humble about how smart you are?

I can agree with the bolded statement

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It's one of the reasons, I'm still not sold on the idea that she is a she. Typically only us guys have such a (just or unjust) high opinion of ourselves.
Dude. How many chicks do you actually know? I have no idea what Arcana's gender is, but I'm with Bill. The above is dumb.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Well considering you've contributed exactly squat to this discussion other than picking a particular nit that I said I guess we'll just leave it at you feeling really good about yourself now hey?

Uh oh, now here is where the fun starts.

Billz said: (nothing wrong with his observations either

To which Castle said:

His post was filled with misinformation and incorrect "beliefs" about the causation of the perceived issue. And appeared to be formed on a laughably insignificant sample. Which I (not you btw, just thought I'd point that out) and others quickly tried to correct. No point in him taxing his efforts in an area that has nothing to do with the issue.

If he truely believes that a persistent 81% damage buff isn't "that large" then I fundamentally disagree. Maybe you agree with him I dunno, I'm guessing yes cause you are picking this nit silly.

As mention the cause of the discrepancy isn't fire or DM because if you enabled shields for all primaries you'd see claws, db and kat right up there too. But now I'm just repeating myself and getting pulled into a position of similar contribution that you have made to the discussion - none.

FWIW an approximately 35% increase is all AAO is contributing on those high end builds (the rest is fire's innate higher damage and near perma souldrain for DM, procs and likely better attack chain optimization), but you'd know that if you knew what you were talking about rather than just trying to prove some pointless point that only you seem to be intent on making.
But look at the builds it is not just an 81% damage buff my IO build adds another 20+% to that 81% so I am hitting a 100% damage buff and I am sure I am not the only one

I tested the pylons both saturated and non saturated I can hit 190-195 dps with solid global recharge on my build when I fully saturate I was hitting the 230-235 range so i think it is more than just the 80% it is the extra ontop of that from the builds

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Good catch. I was looking at the original power, as I designed it, rather than the reworked version that was done later. For scrappers, it is scale 3.6 on the Minion_Pet table, which is a far cry from the scale 1.4 on the Minion_Pet table I originally designed for it. I vaguely remember someone (Synapse? Sunstorm? I'd have to dig into check in notes to see) asking me if they could update it to include AT Mods in the damage scales and saying yes.

Hmm...yeah, ok. I can very easily see what happened here.

Shield Charge when released was set for a scale 1.7 damage to all targets within 20' of impact, with 0.7 scale bonus within 3' of impact. When the change to allow AT scaling was made, the bonus damage was rolled into the overall damage, for a scale of 2.4 to all targets in a 20' radius. At the same time, instead of have Brutes getting a mod of 0.75 applied, they were treated as the base.

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.
What REALLY sucks is that you'll change it a year or 2 from now and we'll all be like "why?" and you'll all be like "it was overpowered".