Spines Regen Build Crit.




Looking for advice and comments on this build please.

Built it for Zonal, I don't use jump on melee toons so please don't add that.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Not to bad...minus the lack of jump. But, if you don't want it there is no point suggesting it.

Id add the miracle proc someplace, extra end recovery is better than the .5% regen you get with DR on. I would also consider dropping the fighting pool for something else - perhaps leadership. I am not sure how close you can get to the perception cap anymore solo, but with the Perception proc/tactics/targeting drone, you should be able to see stalkers without CM (within 10ft). But my math could be way off.

...Gotta say this. Without jump, you might find yourself very frustrated when you can't kill things.



My Ma/Regen doesn't have jump nor any of my tanks... web nade helps alot with this and I have jump pack etc if I need it.

Was looking at getting recharge as high as poss for heal, don't think that it should be toooo expensive

few weeks work maybe.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



if you can afford this build i am going to have to charge you inf to critique it.



Farm ftw

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Barb Swipe >>>>>> Lunge for Scraps

Quills or Throw Spines would be better than spine burst. (The latter for MM's)

Runspeed way underslotted considering you have no vertical movement.

Buildup understlotted as well.

Perception IO is MIA

MoG is really underslotted for Recharge.

With this sort of IO investment you could easily easily easily drop fitness and run Staminaless on a Regen.

Also, vertical movement isn't just nice for catching people but for jump timing as well so you don't end up a major double or triple AS target as you ground for the entire duration of ripper, impale or spine burst.



Just going to throw this out there: The whole premise of the spines/regin build was that it could run slotted hurdle with CJ and deal damage from range while flower-kiting using its four ranged attacks (Impale, Throw Spines, Laser Eyes, and Energy torrent).

Energy torrent is obviously skipable in the current PvP system. Personally I'd go with Throw Spines, Impale, and Laser Eyes.

Poisen Spiner (Easily one of the best spines/regens to ever play CoH) currently uses fire mastery on his fire/regen build, and takes Fire Cage, Char, and Fire Blast - so that's an option too.



What Liberty said was good advice--listen to him.

I too recommend going staminaless and selecting the following power pools: SJ, SS, Phase, Leadership, and Weaps for your epic (web nade with hold proc is nasty--especially with impale).



As great as webnade is, for a zones spine scrapper I'd probably take Energy LBE + FA for perception/more acc and to hit or Blaze Mastery for 3 more ranged attacks.
I'm pretty sure Char is the damage equivalent of Tank Fossilize, only its DoT, but can also crit.

The only two "good" attacks the set as atm is Barbed swipe thanks to its lolzy animation time (and the fact you can shove like 4 procs with 2 Nucs and have an attack chain with just that) and impale which is average damage, but has range. Ripper and Throw spines were both gutted thanks to being AoE attacks.



Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
What Liberty said was good advice--listen to him.

...web nade with hold proc is nasty--especially with barb swipe.
Fixed to reflect my take on this. That hold buys you enough time, if you have been following them, to land that nasty attack, which is just lethal for squishies.

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.



Adding a LOT more HP to that build will do more for you than anything, the more HP you have, the more HP/sec regen you have. My /regen has almost 400 more HP pre DP than that, and for Zone, that helps more than anything.

Spines is great for zone due to the range, but it lacks any serious damage. MA, Fire, BS etc... all do WAY more damage to single targets and thats what PvP is all about.

Also as MrLiberty said, Barb Swipe is FAR better than Lunge, it's a nonstop melee attack you can just leave on Auto. I have won almost ALL of my duels vs melee toons using only that attack, it is a chain all by itself.

Tough and Resilience are a must, any damage you can resist you can think of as more regen, if you regen 45 hp/sec and are taking 95 HP/sec damage and you can reduce the damage received, it's in theory the same as adding regen.

DR nerfs all that recharge in Zone, 90-100% is almost overkill. I would tweak it for more HP's if I was you.

But, maybe you shouldnt listen to me, people think my build is retarded, untill they pick a fight, then they ask how the **** I built it =D Heck, I even have 6 slotted quills =/



Tough and Resilience are a must,


Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Get phase and play it like a blaster(that doesnt die), which means you take leadership and fire mastery. Or get phase and tough and take the web nades and annoy the **** out of people.