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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Hey all, my main was a Night Widow who tore up everything, but you know, things have a tendency to run even more than usual when you are a Night Widow.

    So i respecced to Fortunata. After awhile i found the killing to be slow unless Psychic wail was up, Which in that case things died rather fast.

    Eventually respecced back to a Night Widow, Was more used to the claw attacks and the damage of forts seemed....Lowish.

    I'm wondering if the nuke changes will have the Fortunata be even to, or perform better than the night widow for soloing missions on missions spawned for 8, with bosses.

    Please excuse any typos i may have made >_>
    I would like to put a few things into perspective. I have been playing this game for a long time and I have tried building quite the variety of toons. Fortunatas are NOT easy to build if you are seeking min/maxing the whole build; they are a challenge, even more challenging than a Night Widow.

    I have both a Night Widow and Fort build. The bad thing about the NW - it's melee. One of the good things about NW- it's melee. You have to move to catch your target if you went all out claws attacks (except for Darts and burst).

    Fortunatas I compare like a Psionic dmg machine gun with the tank armor on the cover of it. I went all single target dmg except for the nuke. But the dmg on the fortunata is nothing short of very effective (unless you find critters who are highly resistable to it.)

    From the center of the mob or the center of the room or the center of a park or any other outdoor scenario, Fortunatas can give you a faster kills due to the very solid dmg AND they can stay in place and shoot very quickly at any foe.

    Could you place your build and we can try to give you some good advice here in case you are stuck.
  2. Commando

    kinetics pvp

    Originally Posted by mekmek View Post
    do effects like siphon power, siphon speed stack in pvp?
    Yes, they do.
  3. Commando

    Dark Control

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    still having issues getting beta to work. oh well. may have to wait till it comes out anyways, plus hate working a character and cant transfer it to live server especially a set that i start to like.
    Be more specific. What is going on? You should use the game launcher, the NCSoft launcher to download beta. You must be ViP to log to beta.
  4. Commando

    Dark Control

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    So when is nature affinity hitting live? I plan on having this toon rolling by the 12th Aug.
    The more players play it, give feedback, and the Devs work on it by the feedback, data mining, etc, the faster it is done. Of course, they may have a date they want to get it out by to us, but I don't know it.

    What I suggest is play it now on beta. Make it, play it, get a feel, give feedback if u want, and help out.

    You can team in beta too.
  5. Commando

    Dark Control

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    more like I'm aiming for control and solo survival. Only team maybe ten-15% of the time for an occasional TF/SF/Trial.
    You will enjoy it and love it even more.

    Nature affinity has some great -dmg debuffs, -to hit debuffs (even better mixed with Dark Control) -resitance debuffs, a very powerful dmg and to hit buff (like a squishy version of Rage but no Rage crash), great heals and regen which, unlike Empathy, buff and heal you when solo, gives you solid resistance and great regen, a dull pain or absorb power, a healing/recovery patch u can stand on...

    Now add that to Dark/ Control, which is a very very solid set that has all the tricks and tools to control except a sleep, but with a very very nasty fear, 3 pets which do gooood dmg together, a patch or placement area hold, a freaking wide wide area stun which recharges fast enough, and lots of -to hit debuffs.

    You will PWN.

    Roll it, try it, no matter what, solo or teaming, you will naturally feel some dark fun... (no pun intended).

    Look, Dark/nature affinity
  6. Commando

    Dark Control

    If you want a superb combination in terms of control and team support, do not roll anything dark/ controllter UNTIL Nature Affinity goes live. I am telling you, and would bet all my paychecks... Dark/Nature Affinity will make you a SUPER debuffing/buffing/healing/Regen/Controls machine ALL IN ONE packg. Wait, young Jedi, just wait, the force WILL BE WITH YOU.

    Go to beta, try it out.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Vegans rule, that's why.
    But Vegans who eat fish is what I find perplexing
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Because, when IOs came out in i9, Dominators were the only AT with Plant Control not to mention Dominators were practically a different AT back then...they had lower ranged and melee damage mods, Domination didn't recharge so quickly, it wasn't as easy to build and things like mez protection, being usable while mezzed and the ability to perma it were things that were added features later.

    All in all, Seeds of Confusion on old style doms, while a decent signature control power but only moderately above performance compared to the other sets the AT was released with.

    The ability to use and abuse domination along with the proliferation of the set and the empowering of Doms helped highlight just how out of line SoC is.

    It'd be kinda like if old 'only crit on slept or held foes out of hide' Stalkers got Titan Weapons. It probably wouldn't make any waves in its performance beyond the steep limits of the AT. With all the changes they have now? I'd say Titan Weapons on a Stalker would be *the most* effective melee character, bar none.
    Not spot on at all.

    Here we go --

    The reason why Dominators were buffed was because they were a very sub-par AT to play outside of IOs. Controllers were miles and miles ahead of Dominators outside of IOs.

    With IOs, you saw an ever increasing number of players who played Dominators reaching for the golden Perma Dom.

    It is the IOs who made a totally different AT. I and others have been making that point for a very long time. It is a fact.

    No one, no one was asking for a Dominator nerf in ANY power, before IOs came out. When IOs came out, then came the cry for TK and holds to be nerfed in PvP, perma doms were a different AT outside of IOs... guess what? THEY STILL ARE A VERY DIFFERENT AT OUTSIDE OF IOs now.

    First thing you should do if you want to nerf it, strip that toon of all his/her IOs. Go play it without IOs, and for that matter, from incarnates too.

    Tater, you don't think IOs make THAT MUCH of a difference? Fine, strip your Domis of all their IOs. Now, go play them, and come write on the forums how UBER and cool your Domis are, any of them.

    Same reason peeps had been crying that Brutes were too OP and this and that. Gee, all that crying came after IOs too.

    Go strip an ss/fire brute of all those IOs... to say that will suck is an understatement.

    You might be spot on, but just on the wrong "spot".
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
    I teamed with a Plant Dom the other day, and his Seeds of Confusion seemed to outperform my Mass Confusion consistently. From what I could tell, it was up every fight, had a pretty fast activation time and lasted quite a bit. It just seemed to outperform my T9 completely.

    Is there something I should know about Plant's confuse? Having access to such a great power, as well as terrific holds and a pet seems a bit OP. Now, if Plant has been deemed the bees knees of dom/controllers than i'll chuck it up as a design oversight and leave it at that.

    But, just curious as to why it's sooo good?
    Did you by chance team with Spiked Tomato? Please, if that is the case, the way he plays all DOMs makes them all look very good.

    I have to agree with the comments made above, and I again invoke this fact -- NO ONE WAS CALLING FOR A NERF ON S O C BEFORE IOS CAME OUT.

    IO's make Doms look way way better than they ever did.

    SoC is the only reason to play plant. I have said and I will say it again, this is fact, Earth/ is the KING OF CONTROLS, not Plant.

    Plant without SoC is not meh, it is as bad as Ice is, no wait, take SoC out of Plant and it will be a good secondary for controllers, like trick arrow or something like that. But take SoC out of plant and plant just does not come close to Earth, Dark, or Mind.

    Dark is indeed up there now with Earth, IMO.

    Seriously, Plant is a DMG set with SoC. The reason why Plant shines is the DMG and SoC.

    The reason why Earth shines is the huge lockdown tools available that cover areas.

    The reason Mind shines is the many tools to stop mobs cold in their tracks regardless of what they doing... still is the the only set that can solo LRSF for a Dom.... Maybe Dark/ can do it one day.

    Dark, IMO, is already competing with Earth for the control aspect and has very decent dmg to boot. Not one specialty but very nice assortment of controls available.

    Plant draws tons of aggro, and will draw aggro from places you are not even looking, if SoC is not up, or you miss, you better run.

    Earth has many options to deal with it , Mind does too (and aggro free), Dark/ also has it.

    If illusion ever comes to Doms, you can forget about this whole SoC discussion. Illusion on Doms will be UBER UBER UBER UBER. I am almost at the point of saying DO NOT give illusion to Doms. Phantom Army will take the cake and then some.

    Again, NO ONE CRIED FOR A NERF TO SoC before IOs came out. STop crying for nerfs to SoC.
  10. Cool !!

    You want a disorient set in Heart of Darkness. I would use Basiliks on Shadow Field. I also would use a confuse set in Posses.

    I would also go with Cold mastery. Sleet is super good, you get a nice heal, and Ice storm. Your taste may be different.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I have to agree with the OP that it is fine for the devs to nerf Seeds of Confusion and Roots because they are not important for making an overpowered dominator, IOs and incarnate powers are what really matters.
    I am the OP. I did not say what you are saying.
  12. King,

    I am going to guess you teamed with my Dark/Dark Dom. I think you said I was the one who convinced you to roll one. Dark/Dark is indeed all that and some. It has it all, except a power like Ice Patch or Earthquake, but I am totally fine with that, the FEAR rocks.

    Look, I think you are sacrifing a bit too much for higher defense numbers. Let me add some perspective, Dark/Dark does not have much need for high defense numbers since you are applying constant -to hit debuffs. On my Dom, I only have 26 Defense to S/L, and I am fine. I still see them miss, even bosses. I sometimes, even knowing I can do it in one shot, do not hold a boss who is left alive, and just hit them with immob and blasts, and fear, and we have a shoot out. I have fun seeing the boss miss miss miss miss, even when he/she is up in my face wanting to pound me with melee. I have floored their -to hit so much, I know my 26 S/L is just a little insult to the injury.

    Slot your blasts for dmg, so that means Life Drain should get some more love. You don't have to do it this way but I recommend just one or at most two IOs for healing in Life Drain. The rest are dmg, acc, rech, end IOs. Try 4 IOs from damg set and two IOs from an accurate healing IO set, if you will.

    I would drop tough and weave on a PvE dark/dark. I would also drop the ST immob. I placed the set of Dominator IOs on the AoE immob, with the dmg+ proc there too.

    I also took Midnight Grasp on my Dom, because I love that big hitter. I understand you might want to drop it and leave it all at range , but understand Dark/Dark does well in close range, especially since the Stun, which you have shown very little love in slotting, is PBAoE. I absolutely love Dark's Stun. It has a MASSIVE area coverage and it recharges fast enough.

    I will let you take this in first and let you think about it, and see if you want to rework your build based on what I wrote.

    Enjoy the gloomy awesomeness of Dark/Dark. I was hooked on it since it came on beta. I played it two weeks straight and grinded that bad boy from 1 to 50 doing all the PvE content I love in all the old school zones and I saw the light on the dark side.
  13. From testing many secondaries from the 1-50 range, and spending a good chunk of time playing and seeing others play it, I say /Thorns Assault to be the best secondary for AoE-liciousness. Lots of AoE, and good ones at that, for you to choose from. It also makes for a very neat costume.

    99% of the builds I see of /Fire assault are ST oriented dmg and ranged.

    Plant/Thorns is a fantastic combination and the most thematic.

    Now, here is another option, if you do not feel like going plant assault, then what other secondary is good for AoE and ST dmg, go dark assault. Dark assault has Nightfall and engulfing darkness, you have to jump in and out to make the best use of both, and practice will make you better, but it's good.

    Really, no other secondary beats /Thorns assault for AoE goodness.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prometheus30 View Post
    Hello, This is my first Dom after playing many Tanks, Scrappers, Brutes so I wanted to try something different. Either Dark or Earth. I have heard some good and some bad things about Dark Control. I haven't heard much about Earth however but from what I see it seems like a pretty solid set. Btw im pairing it with Ice. So what is better in your opinion and why.

    Thanks All.
    They are both very good. Earth/ after playing this game for sooo long and trying different control sets, Earth/ is still the KING of controls, you will handle lots of things, and even from the other side of walls/corners, and some pretty sweet defense debuffs and slows.

    I got two Earth/ Doms, Earth/Thorns (Thorns rocks the AoEs more than any other secondary) and an Earth/Earth Dom, complete lockdown with SMASH !!!

    The thing is I love Dark/ as well. It has a bag full of tricks. It does not specialize in just one thing, it has it all, and the -to hit debuffs means even a little defense goes a long way. The pets are cool too. The Posses is amazing, the MASSIVE AREA FEAR is yummy, the Stun covers a big ol area, and the hold patch that is affected by Domination and the immob has very sold dmg.

    As far as secondaries go, I like Dark assault. It has AoEs and St dmg well balanced, not too much of one or the other, and good selection of melee and range. You have a great variety. Dark assault is the ONLY set for Doms that has a hybrid power of powerboost and build up. Nice places for dmg procs in dark assault as well.

    I also like Thorns assault even with the redraw. The AoEs and the dmg is very good, and it has some very nice defense debuffs.

    Earth Assault is for Doms who want to BRUTE IT UP and feel the earth shake... although a bit light on the AoE, but strong on the ST side.
  15. The reason I posted is because I had been seeing posters, I am not going to mention names, writing and suggesting some nerfs to Dominators.

    I don't get much time to post, and I never had the time. I started playing in 2005, joined the forums in about 2006, and my posts are relatively few. I am busy with lots of other things.

    I don't have the time to go fetch all postings I have come across where I read suggestions from posters to nerf things about Doms. Believe me, if I took and somehow made the time to write about this is because I do believe that something should be mentioned to the defense of Doms. My statements above are my defense for them.

    It's good to see different opinions, at least.
  16. I should correct some statements or suggestions made by others --

    If any of the posters here thought or said I did not play Doms before IOs, they are wrong. I did. I tried Doms a very very long time ago, since I got CoV. I posted earlier when I started playing the game.

    When I tried Doms, Dominators had poor damage, and outside of domination, the controls were just OK, no chance to crit like controllers had, and no secondaries to help control the situation(s). Before IOs, Controllers were my favorite ATs to play. Dominators had to wait for Domination for the damage to be good, and for the controls to be better. Dominators were among the least played ATs, if not the least. Kheldians were played more than Dominators did. Then again, Blue side always was played more than red. I just mention Kheldians because pre IOs, to me, Kheldians were just another way to play at yet another increase in difficulty level (slot starvation anyone??). Oh, VEATS, how I love you !

    My first Dom to 50 was my Ice/Fire, pre IOs, and when Dominator dmg was good only when Domination was up. I loved Ice on my controllers, and I loved Fire blast. I combined them. Fiery Embrace... it could not come soon enough pre IOs. I used to feel I was excited when I got it because when it recharged for me to use, then I could more than dent something, woot !!

    I won't go on with all my history on the Doms I played or tried pre IOs. I will tell you this. NO ONE I KNEW WHO PLAYED DOMS EVER WANTED ANYTHING NERFED FROM DOMINATORS BEFORE IO's EXISTED. Never was anything posted on the forums about "please nerf this or that Dom" -- That's a fact.

    Players had been pleading for some love to be given to Dominators. The dmg buff was given later, wooot! When IOs came out, most Dominator players wanted to deck them out, but IOs were way too expensive relative to how poor players were back then. They wanted to IO, and the number one reason for IO'ing a Dom was, and I think still is, for perma Domination. Outside of Domination performance was meh or less then meh. Dmg was not good, and the controls were not as good, and the endurance issues were ... not a good combo.

    When do I start seeing some players ask for a nerf to this or that from Dominators ? AFTER IOs. After you see many Dominators rolling around decked out.

    Like Arcana said earlier. The times the Devs have given attention to Dominators was to give them some love, and rightly so !!!

    Want to nerf your Dom? Strip him or her from all IOs. Do it, play it, watch other players do the same, and come back and post that Dominators, any one of them, should be nerfed. No one, pre-IOs, campaigned for nerfs to Dominators. After IOs is when anyone or any group of players started thinking about nerf to Doms.

    Yes, IOs make a HUGE difference to ANY AT. For example, if any player wants to nerf ss/fire Brutes, all right, very easy, strip them from the IOs. Play an ss/fire Brute with no IOs, then come back and tell me you still feel they should be nerfed. Strip ANY brute of all IOs, and then come back and talk about how different it is. The reason Brutes and MMs were the most popular BY FAR ATs to play when CoV came out?? Yep, they sucked the least to solo with or play in general in solo mode as well as team. MMs were the easiest to solo play.

    Stop asking for any nerfs to Dominators. A huge chunk of the reason Dominators can perform really well is because of IOs and incarnates. Before IOs, Dominators had to be buffed, like the Devs did, so their decent damage was done even outside of domination.

    I still think Dominators are among the least played ATs in the game. If they ever grew to a much larger pool of players, it was, in a significant proportion, thanks to IOs.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Calm down. The devs don't just randomly nerf things because players complain about them. As much as people tend to hype the moments when things are nerfed, they are extremely rare for existing powers with no critical balance issues, and *never* just because players complain about them. Ever.

    The devs are unwilling to touch Rage, Drain Psyche, and other powers that clearly are broken pretty badly, whatever apologies some make for them. And when they swung the nerf bat at Brute Fury, the bat was itself made of nerf, and then one ATIO totally mooted the changes.

    The last time the devs looked in the general direction of Dominators they were significantly buffed. I am unaware of any reason why anyone should be worried about the devs going after Dominators any time in the intermediate future.

    The devs are never going to stop balancing things, and that means sometimes some things will go up and some will go down. None of us can stop that, we all have to learn to deal with it. But if the devs have Seeds of Confusion in their sights, stopping all players from complaining about it won't change that. Conversely, if its not, a bunch of random forum complaints won't put it there either.

    Relax and enjoy the game. 99.9% of all player complaints about powers needing to be nerfed go unheeded. How unlucky do you believe yourself to be?
    Arcana, there have been posts, I have read them, of players complaining that this or that Dominator power or set is broken.

    I am pointing at a very important and essential aspect - The IO'd perma this, perma that, decked out Dominator. I think players need to keep in mind, and Developers have to always take into account that IOs and Incarnate buffs/bonuses change Doms to practically a whole new AT, in a good way, of course.

    Also, Arcana, with all due respect. I remember arguing with you that players did not need a nerf to Elusivity in PvP since at that time many players were just building pvp toons badly when i13 had just been released. With the knowledge and experience many players had or have in more recent times, the former elusivity would not be an item that players just needed a solution handed in a platter to them. Yet, they listened to you, and others.
  18. There is a vast performance and power difference between a fully decked out with IO dominator and one who is not. The difference between a fully decked out Dominator with IOs and one who uses SOs or generic IOs, is like a difference between two different ATs.

    Why do you I state this? I have read suggestions by other posters about nerfing Seeds of Confusion for Plant Doms, or nerfing this or that for whatever Dom. STOP ! STOP it !

    There is not one single type of Dom I will play without IOs now. Even at mid levels or as early as I can, I put them in. They do matter that much to the performance potential.

    I read that this power is too strong or it needs to be recharged a bit more...

    Are you, whoever you are, taking into consideration the performance level of an IO'd Dom?

    I should also mention a fully incarnated Dominator playing at an effective level of 50 or higher is also a big difference between it and a non incarnated but IO'd Domi.

    A fully incarnated AND IO'd Dom is as different as night and day.

    Stop calling for nerfs on any plant Dom or any other set. IOs and incarnates is the magic, the power, the essence of all super performing Dominators.

    I played this game since 2005, and I tried Doms and just gave up on them many times. IOs made me fall in love with Dominators so much that I replaced my number one AT, the controller, with Dominators. Perma Domination and the rest of juicy and advantageous bonuses IOs can give your character was just what I needed to love them and love their performance.

    I don't have the chance to write much lately. I have been very busy with work and real life. The few moments I get for the game, I devote to playing. But Devs, please, if you have been persuaded to nerf anything in any set or powers for Dominators, take into consideration that IOs and incarnates is the reason why Doms are what they are today for the majority of us who love Dominators.

    I can nerf my Doms to the point I will not touch them if I just strip them all of the IOs they have. That will nerf it to the ground for any of them. It will give me a whole new AT I will play only if I was court ordered by a judge as punitive action.
  19. It is crafted.

    Selling for 2.2 bill inf. PST @voltak in game. First come first serve. There are none of these in the market.

    You can ask here if anyone has done business with me. I am a trustworthy buyer. This is my first sale using the forum.
  20. Commando

    Who Killed PvP?

    Originally Posted by FuegoTrue View Post
    This is a lame rant. However the question is an interesting one. Pvp prior to ai13 although unbalanced was fun. Now it is okay but not nearly as fun. Really the only reason I still play coh is because of the pvp. But since i13 and all the nerfs thereafter (remember widows being gods of pvp until their defense got nerfed) have made pvp almost comical. My main pvper has gone from decent to a complete stud back to decent just due to i13 and the post i13 nerfs. The way the devs ignored the pre 13 pvp community was tragic. So I think, like most of my pvp freinds that i13 killed pvp. Widows got hammered by post pvp nerfs and were basically made irrelevant, at least in SC where I pvp the most. That should not have happened. My own little rant. Maybe lame too:0) not sure if I feel any better though:0(
    Well, what you said about widows in i13 is part of the wrong view and feeling going around which motivated the nerfs to widows. Widows were not ever GODS of pvp. I been participating in PvP since 2006. When i12 came out and decked out Widows hit the scene, I still saw very good Spines/Regen beat Widows, saw Rad/Psy defenders beat widows, I saw Mind/Storm Controllers beat widows, I saw Ice/Thermal controllers beat widows (in i12 when slows were still very powerful). In short, it was all rock, paper, scissors.

    IOs made a huge divide between peeps who had them and who did not. Many players just walked away from PvP at that point. Either you came up, somehow with a lot of money to buy the IOs or you were not going to compete, not even practice. IOs make a huge difference, regardless of what anyone else says, and that's in addition to skill. IF you want to practice with a non IO'd toon vs IO'd toons, your vision of what really is going on is very short and distorted. Practicing on a decked out character vs another decked character will help any player learn and do better.

    i13 made some really neat changes but also made some devastating changes. For example, it was sweet to have buffers in your team before i13 like bubblers, sonics, or slowers and other types of support. DR killed the support aspect of team pvp in a big way. Sonic shields are useless in pvp now, DR killed them. Bubbles... DR killed them, and healing decay also killed the healers until it was introduced as an option to remove HD. I was one of the players who wrote a letter to the Devs asking them to give us the option of removing DR from arena and to remove TS and HD. It was granted thanks to all of the players who voiced this. But the Devs gave squishies cap'd resistances... so what is the point of removing DR when a squishy can cap their resist thanks to the bonus resists given?

    Why has not the resist number given to squishies not been reduced in order to accomodate the elimination of DR? WHo knows. If you remove DR, there is still no point for many buffs. Those blasters and squishies will be moving all over the place with cap'd resists already with no outside help.

    The best MMO for PvP, IMO, is still Guild Wars, or Nerf Wars, called by many. It is the most balanced MMO for PvP. It is vastly popular for its PvP and PvP there is very very competitive. They implement a lot of great things for their PvP--

    1. Their PvP zones or maps will not load until an even number of players are on both said or have chosen to enter the zone. So there is no such thing as an RV type map with 30 players from one side and 5 from the other. You Q up to enter a PvP zone or map, then you wait for the other side to Q up, and everyone is picked from the pool of players choosing to enter, like a lottery, at random, then they all zone in, battle it out.

    2. There are Competitive PvP missions in GW as well. So not just zoning in and aiming to kill and only to kill opponents. Competitive pvp missions are an option, not forced upon anyone.

    3. The gears, their equip, ANYONE can have them. Let me give you an idea. When I started in GW, I did so to participate in their PvP. My concern was equipment and gear, or I tried to find out, what is their equivalent for IOs in GW. I was very delighted to find out you can buy the PvP Kit for GW. That means you can get the best equipment for PvP and creat a pvp character and use all of that for PvP and for PvP only.

    You can not load into a PvE zone with a character which was made for PvP only. But they created a place or a server, or a zone, for PvP only. They offered new players and any player the option to jump right into PvP without having to spend a long long time gather enough Gold or hording equipment and materials to craft or acquire gooooood equipment for PvP. You can buy the PvP kit and you are set, go fight.

    4. Devs change the powers in GW to have an execution different in PvP than that of PvE in many cases when it is certain that it would be OP in either field.

    5. You can respec your character at any second before entering the fight, without losing your stuff. You can have almost an infinite number of builds stored in a file which you can use at any moment to fight any type of opponent or team setting, etc.

    It is very frustrating to build 1-3 toons in CoH and deck them out with everything, then nerfs or other changes happen, then your investment is almost completely lost or entirely lost. Now getting a different toon, getting all the accolades, then IOs, then all the incarnates you want or need to pVP... that's a very long process. In GW, you create a new PvP toon, u got all the gear and powers available when you create it and you can change them whenever you want outside of battle. You don't lose anything.

    What killed PvP? THere is not enough interest in making this a more important issues, not enough from enough players, and not enough from the Devs. That is my opinion.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I don't see it specifically mentioned in the forum rules, but I might just be missing it. I know many forums prohibit "calling out" players in such a manner. You might want to PM a mod or something to make sure it's OK before you start publicly compiling such a list.

    The general idea is that it's incredibly easy to assassinate someone in the court of public opinion that way, with little or no evidence, and often with no chance for them to respond to such allegations, if they're aware they've been accused at all. It can allow far more griefing than it prevents. So, be careful in doing this.
    If there is such a way to do this, I am, and I ecourage all of you to support this. List names of scammers. I need to make very clear and stress the importance that the list MUST be an honest list. I mean, we can not afford to make a false accusation of anyone or the ENTIRE list will lose its virtue, and our credibility in posting the list of offenders will also lose its value.

    So, if it's not against the rules, and the GMs will not take care of these issues which are easily and very possible to tackle, let's proceed with such a thread.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Hardly. Griefing is 'human nature'. Stalking is 'human nature'. Using profanity is 'human nature'. Using racial or religious slurs is 'human nature'. Cheating someone is simply one more example of unacceptable behavior.

    Allow me to add something else. It is a whole different issue when you think about GMs tackling players who commit these from the angle of the victim. If it happened to you, I doubt you would argue that GMs should not execute repercussion for this.
  23. Ok, here is the reply I got from GM -- My reply to the GM comes first--

    **** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****

    Are you saying that you can not take corrective action to exercise justice and execute repercussions to the player who scammed me out of 1 bill of inf in the game? He walks away with no word or action of justice from the game admins? Do you know how much this hurts honest traders? Many transactions are not capable of being executed due to a cap in trades. Add dishonesty, that makes a real problem in these types of transactions.

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    You can also review and update your ticket at our support site by clicking this link.


    I got ripped off from someone offering to sell Glad Armor IO

    Discussion Thread

    Response Via Email (Leah)

    02/24/2012 01:48 PM

    Hello (my name),

    I know transactions that take place in the game world often involve a certain element of trust. A player will need to place trust in another player to fulfill his or her end of an agreement. Occasionally a player will go back on an agreement or act in a less-than-honest manner. Such acts are matters over which we have no control of and cannot take corrective measures. If a player does not live up to his or her end of an agreement we are unable to force that player to do so.


    I appreciate the advice from fellow forum members. I have played this game since 2005, and I have been a member of the forum since 2006. I have never ever been ripped off. Now that it happens to me, and I talk about it on channels in game and broadcast, I am hearing stories from others.

    Devs, you can help make this go away or help it be something which occurs less frequent.

    Fello market posters, I hope many of you understand, I will not be making any more transactions on the first bid without the merchandise. If I forego that method, I will use the other method proposed above. I do like the idea of a forum, known poster, be a bonds player. He holds the money until the merchandise is served.

    I am very dissappointed at the support from the GMs or from game policies. I am really disgusted at @really bro for being such a thief.
  24. ....unfortunately, now I get ripped off, and swiftly.

    Team invite sent!

    PL4Y3R has joined the team
    You are now the active player of your team. Your teammates are currently experiencing the world created by your deeds.

    Team] Mentalizta: two payments
    [Team] Mentalizta: cap is 99999999
    [Team] PL4Y3R: kk
    [Tell] Dread Lord Deeds: whats up?
    [Tell] -->Dread Lord Deeds: buying glad armor proc
    [Team] PL4Y3R: yep!
    You traded 999,999,999 influence, for Nothing
    [Team] PL4Y3R: ty
    [Team] PL4Y3R: i appreciate your business
    [Team] Mentalizta: ok, place the glad armor proc
    You traded 999,999,999 influence, for Nothing
    Trade invite sent!
    PL4Y3R has quit the team
    Trading cancelled - your trading partner left.
    PL4Y3R has the global handle: really bro

    [Tell] -->PL4Y3R: hey, send me the item
    [Tell] -->PL4Y3R: i will report you
    [Tell] -->Dread Lord Deeds: the guy ripped me off

    So he walks away with 1bill inf. It takes me a few weeks or a month to earn that, but I am disgusted at this. I have never been ripped off on any trade.

    Devs, I sent a petition. I would like to get my inf back. Maybe I won't get it back, but I want justice served on that account and all his related accounts because chances are he is sending that money via global somewhere else. I don't know. But it's making business player to player a thing I might just walk away from now.
  25. I have enough to make either one of these. Provide a bid for the specific IO and the level you want it. Highest bid wins.

    I let you decide what IO and what price, and what level. Send me an email at @voltak in game, or you can post here. I will post the winner once the highest bid is selected.
