After so many honest trades...
you should have covered yourself and given half before receiving the merchandise and half after receiving the merchandise
yes technically you could always walk away after you get the IO, but then you would be just as bad as he is
im not sure what you could petition it under or if the GMs will even care since you have to agree to do the trade in the first place, although it could be counted as a form of griefing which would be in your favor since you do have chat logs
personally i would never attempt doing such a risky trade type with a random person i did not know, would prolly be safer using the market even though they tend to be more expensive there

you should have covered yourself and given half before receiving the merchandise and half after receiving the merchandise
In any event, my sympathies. I don't know the policy on scammers here; hopefully it's like other places I've been, where your items/money will be taken away from the scammer and returned to you, and they also receive punishment (usually a temporary ban). Even if that's the policy, it usually relies on the deal being set up or confirmed via in-game chat first; a GM of course can't verify a conversation you had somewhere else.
If nothing else, let everyone be reminded of the danger of scams!

Condolences. I don't expect you'll get squat from your petition... but good luck.
Wow, that is absolute complete ********. If I manage to grab one of those in the future, I'll just outright give it to you. At this point in time, I'm working on a project that has sequestered most of my inf. Otherwise I would cover your losses. Right now I can offer 1B. PM me if you want to take me up on it.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Wow, that is absolute complete ********. If I manage to grab one of those in the future, I'll just outright give it to you. At this point in time, I'm working on a project that has sequestered most of my inf. Otherwise I would cover your losses. Right now I can offer 1B. PM me if you want to take me up on it.
I could donate to help cover the loss too. Or, I have 4 of these sitting in my base. >.>

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I don't know how feasible it would be for trades like this, but what if things were arranged as follows:
Player A wants to buy a PvPIO from Player B for 2-billion Inf.
Step 1: Player A trades Player B 999,999,999 for a different IO worth approximately 1 billion.
Step 2: Player A trades Player B 999,999,999 and the IO s/he just got for the PvPIO s/he wants.
That way if Player B bolts after the intial trade, at least Player A isn't left completely holding the bag.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I have to say, I've done a lot of these types of trades always from the side of the person offering the IO.
I have only had one person ask me to give them the IO after the first billion recieved, since I didn't know that person I politely refused and gave them back their billion.
What mousedroid is suggesting is a great way to do a trade with someone you don't know. Or another way to do it would be:
Player with item for sale: Puts item in trade window
Player looking for item: puts 999,999,999 inf +recipes worth the residual amount.
trade completed
Player who sold item: puts recipes in trade window
Player who received item: puts the residual inf
Trade completed
To me, I would rather just trade with people who trust me and are willing to send the inf upfront (most of the trades I've done have been via email). But these two ways offer a way to protect your item/inf during trades with unknown players.
This is why we should change our standard of currency to LotG recipes. It's possible to carry more than 2b worth of them, and trade more than 1b worth of them at a time.
I have also offered my services as a "bonded" intermediary. I'm bonded in that I have no need of the money, and can potentially cover losses should some manner of server hiccup eliminate an item from play.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I've done a few of these trades, and always from the seller point-of-view. All have been via gleemail, since every time, it seemed we were never online at the same time.
In one case, (selling for 2.25 bill) the buyer sent 2 bill up front, I sent the IO, they sent the remaining 250. This was their decision, and not an imposition I placed.
In a few cases, I just took a leap of faith, sent the IO and the buyer sent the inf. I figure if I want to sell more high-value IOs in the future, it would help to have some credibility with those buyers later on. This is also why I make the sale known publicly (either in this forum, in a global channel, etc.) I believe that if I am willing to attach my name to the trade (not that I am very prolific or well-known), that the person can expect a reasonable level of trustworthiness.

Thank you, Champion.
>>>Flame suit on<<<
IMHO this is just something that should never happen and is an obvious reason to raise the cap.
The devs could protect everyone from this type of scam yet refuse to do so. Ok devs.....
Flame away.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
They can't raise the Inf cap of 2B without a lot of work. But they CAN raise the trading cap to 2B, which would be fairly easy. As a professional software engineer, I'm fairly certain of that. And that would prevent scams involving 1-2B Inf.
That said, after Issue 22 this will no longer be a problem. There won't be any IOs worth over a billion till they introduce something completely new. And yes, I'm fairly certain of that too.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
They can't raise the Inf cap of 2B without a lot of work. But they CAN raise the trading cap to 2B, which would be fairly easy. As a professional software engineer, I'm fairly certain of that. And that would prevent scams involving 1-2B Inf.
That said, after Issue 22 this will no longer be a problem. There won't be any IOs worth over a billion till they introduce something completely new. And yes, I'm fairly certain of that too. |
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
This is why we should change our standard of currency to LotG recipes. It's possible to carry more than 2b worth of them, and trade more than 1b worth of them at a time.
![]() |
Not sure if you are serious, but the reason I shy away from doing trades for 'recipes' as a placeholder for inf is that the value of them changes so frequently and even if you end up "1 billion inf worth of trap of the hunter", is it really worth the time or effort to sell them to get the inf you were owed?
Don't trade anything worth more than 1 bil unless you know and trust the guy.
I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains
Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"
That does suck!
Here's the thing:
1. If you want your 1b restored, just ask (and PM me your global). I only occasionally play these days, so I keep coming in and discovering that I inadvertantly made 2b on the market while off playing another game. (Thanks, guys, for buying all those eradication quads. I was only asking 123M, the bonus inf was great.)
2. Overall, I consider this kind of thing a pretty marginal risk compared to the amount of money out there.
3. Just think for a while about what it would be like to be a person who would be willing to rip someone off of fake money with no real-world value in a video game.
Yeah, it's annoying, but mostly, it's just pathetic. Depending on your own preference between sympathy and schadenfreude, just feel bad for them or giggle about what a pathetic state they'd have to be in for this to happen.
Sorry you got cheated. I've only gotten cheated once and I did something against the Terms of Service. [That sounds more melodramatic and less lame than it actually was.] And I've done quite a lot of trades.
Think of it as a game where you get to trade imaginary money for the chance to show you're actually trustworthy. Or the other way around.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Ok, here is the reply I got from GM -- My reply to the GM comes first--
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Are you saying that you can not take corrective action to exercise justice and execute repercussions to the player who scammed me out of 1 bill of inf in the game? He walks away with no word or action of justice from the game admins? Do you know how much this hurts honest traders? Many transactions are not capable of being executed due to a cap in trades. Add dishonesty, that makes a real problem in these types of transactions.
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You can also review and update your ticket at our support site by clicking this link.
I got ripped off from someone offering to sell Glad Armor IO
Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (Leah)
02/24/2012 01:48 PM
Hello (my name),
I know transactions that take place in the game world often involve a certain element of trust. A player will need to place trust in another player to fulfill his or her end of an agreement. Occasionally a player will go back on an agreement or act in a less-than-honest manner. Such acts are matters over which we have no control of and cannot take corrective measures. If a player does not live up to his or her end of an agreement we are unable to force that player to do so.
I appreciate the advice from fellow forum members. I have played this game since 2005, and I have been a member of the forum since 2006. I have never ever been ripped off. Now that it happens to me, and I talk about it on channels in game and broadcast, I am hearing stories from others.
Devs, you can help make this go away or help it be something which occurs less frequent.
Fello market posters, I hope many of you understand, I will not be making any more transactions on the first bid without the merchandise. If I forego that method, I will use the other method proposed above. I do like the idea of a forum, known poster, be a bonds player. He holds the money until the merchandise is served.
I am very dissappointed at the support from the GMs or from game policies. I am really disgusted at @really bro for being such a thief.
Repeat Offenders forever !
Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.
Hey, friendly FYI, not meant to be a wannabe forum cop, but you can get in trouble for posting the interactions you have with CSRs. Might want to just summarize the above, rather than post it verbatim.
They are fairly zero tolerance about these things, even if it's an understandable situation, which I personally think yours is.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I appreciate the advice from fellow forum members. I have played this game since 2005, and I have been a member of the forum since 2006. I have never ever been ripped off. Now that it happens to me, and I talk about it on channels in game and broadcast, I am hearing stories from others.
Devs, you can help make this go away or help it be something which occurs less frequent. |
And I can see their point, as much as it sucks.
Taking sides, even the "right" side opens them up to liability. It also opens them up to having to wade through bogus claims as well.
The best thing you can do with this is quietly PM anyone who asks what this piece of trash's real global is so that he can be blacklisted permanently from anyone who'd ever make any more such transactions.

I am used to GMs taking advantage of the fact that they have COMPLETE LOGS of all communications to step in in cases of fraud.
k, money reimbursed.
To put the matter in perspective: I logged in, and whaddya know, I didn't have that much. But!
1. I had gleemail from myself with enough to pay it.
2. I also had 1075M of market sales.
Thanks to the people who bought my 301M purples for 350, 350, and 375M. You helped make CoH a safe place to do business.
This transaction insurance brought to you by the notion that one could have some sort of life and not need to rip people off in video games.
....unfortunately, now I get ripped off, and swiftly.
Team invite sent!
PL4Y3R has joined the team
You are now the active player of your team. Your teammates are currently experiencing the world created by your deeds.
Team] Mentalizta: two payments
[Team] Mentalizta: cap is 99999999
[Team] PL4Y3R: kk
[Tell] Dread Lord Deeds: whats up?
[Tell] -->Dread Lord Deeds: buying glad armor proc
[Team] PL4Y3R: yep!
You traded 999,999,999 influence, for Nothing
[Team] PL4Y3R: ty
[Team] PL4Y3R: i appreciate your business
[Team] Mentalizta: ok, place the glad armor proc
You traded 999,999,999 influence, for Nothing
Trade invite sent!
PL4Y3R has quit the team
Trading cancelled - your trading partner left.
PL4Y3R has the global handle: really bro
[Tell] -->PL4Y3R: hey, send me the item
[Tell] -->PL4Y3R: i will report you
[Tell] -->Dread Lord Deeds: the guy ripped me off
So he walks away with 1bill inf. It takes me a few weeks or a month to earn that, but I am disgusted at this. I have never been ripped off on any trade.
Devs, I sent a petition. I would like to get my inf back. Maybe I won't get it back, but I want justice served on that account and all his related accounts because chances are he is sending that money via global somewhere else. I don't know. But it's making business player to player a thing I might just walk away from now.
Repeat Offenders forever !
Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.