Ladder Captains' Vote/Suggestions
dUmb votes:
1. Roster cap? None.
2. What should the scheduled match timer be? Within 2 weeks after challenge is accepted.
3. Matches take place (by default) on Test or Freedom? Test.
4. If Test is the default server, and it becomes unavailable before a scheduled match can take place, should the match automatically take place on Freedom at the originally scheduled time, or should a reschedule take place (essentially resetting any match date timers)? Reschedule.
5. Blind line-up submission or counter-pick? Blind submission. (I'm voting based on dUmb consensus, since I don't personally care.)
6. Power(s) you want banned:
• Defender TK
• Dominator Poisonous Ray
• Corrupter Lingering Radiation
• Stalker Thunderstrike
(We're open to discussion...just voting along league lines atm.)
7. Limit the number of stalkers (the league had a 2-stalker limit)? 2-stalker limit...again, just voting along league lines and open for discussion.
8. DC rule? (If yes, applicable to stalkers only, or do you suggest a different rule?) Applicable to stalkers only is fine, unless we start having problems.
9. List any rule changes/suggestions you have: I prefer having strict, set rules, but I don't want to run into situations where wins/DQs happen because of technicalities, loopholes, etc. The problem with requiring some sort of voting system to settle controversies is that win/loss decisions can then be made based on emotions or alliances. I'd like to hear suggestions from captains that address potential, grey-area-type issues.
1. Roster cap? No cap, if a cap becomes needed: 16
2. What should the scheduled match timer be? 2 weeks.
3. Matches take place (by default) on Test or Freedom? Test
4. If Test is the default server, and it becomes unavailable before a scheduled match can take place, should the match automatically take place on Freedom at the originally scheduled time, or should a reschedule take place? [b]If and when test goes down: Captains should meet and decide procedure for ladder matches during the down time. To avoid unnecessary complications we should leave it at that.
5. Blind line-up submission or counter-pick? Double Blind. Potential problem: what happens if teams can't decide on a third party?
6. Power(s) you want banned:
Defender TK
Dominator Poisonous Ray
Corrupter Lingering Radiation
Note: To my knowledge TS is working as intended.
7. Limit the number of stalkers? 2 stalker limit.
8. DC rule? If this is in reference to the stalker-quit-win, I think the rule needs to be polished more.
9. List any rule changes/suggestions you have: Timer before a player who recently joined a team can play. I suggest two weeks, like the old ladder.
1. Roster cap?
Not necessary, team numbers should police themselves, benched people can always swap teams or create new ones
2. What should the scheduled match timer be?
Arbitrarily I'd say within a week, but optimally I'd say the day should be decided between the captains of the participating teams, 2 weeks max.
3. Matches take place (by default) on Test or Freedom?
4. If Test is the default server, and it becomes unavailable before a scheduled match can take place, should the match automatically take place on Freedom at the originally scheduled time, or should a reschedule take place (essentially resetting any match date timers)?
Reschedule, unless both captains agree upon playing on Freedom
5. Blind line-up submission or counter-pick?
Blind line-up submission.
6. Power(s) you want banned:
Current list is okay with me.
7. Limit the number of stalkers (the league had a 2-stalker limit)?
No. Who was it that arbitrarily chose 2 stalkers as the limit. Set the stalker limit to 3. Currently if a team wants to use stalkers as their source of damage and is limited to 2, a single Fortunata can neuter their damage. Set the limit to 3 that way 1 toon isn't capable of shutting down the opposing team's damage.
8. DC rule? (If yes, applicable to stalkers only, or do you suggest a different rule?)
I'd say any case where more then half of a team DCs. This would cover the stalker problem and prevent a team from all quitting out after they have a lead. (If anyone would be interested in doing that I have no idea)
9. List any rule changes/suggestions you have:
Limit the number of taunters to 2 per team
Change the stalker limit to 3 per team
Are there any rules on trades or changing teams, etc?

Ladder teams aren't static, people can leave/apply to others whenever they want to.
I like your idea for the DC rule. If four or more people DC it's pretty apparent that you are being a goose.
shouldn't the leaders just decide on a time to meet on vent and discuss all this... might be easier imo
Things to add to the captain discussion:
What Silit said, time contraints on play eligibility. It was 2 weeks for someone already on a roster, 1 for someone not on a roster.
2 stalkers is because 3 sharks can technically kill someone lol.
I'm actually a fan of Home/Away/Random map picks. Brought a bit more competition knowing you could run a specific team for a specific map. It also allows for more team diversity. ONLY JUMP TEAMS!
Most of what Psoma posted for dUmb I agree with except for the stalker thing. I'd honesty rather see :
- The cap just raised to three
- Sharks banned (more powers banned always suck, but yeah)
- Work something goofy out like can run 2 stalkers with the intention of them being sharkers, 3+ no sharks allowed? Could be like the same deal with Thunder Strike, if you are against a team with 3+ stalkers and get a screenie with someone being sharked? DQ DQ!!!
I don't really know for sure how to work it out, but having run some 2 stalker line ups, adding a third in for that third AS would have added a HUGE amount of pressure on targets, where with only 2, if they are about a second apart on the AS, there is enough time to jam greens and get away with no real follow up to worry about.
If you lot do decide to have a cap at all, the multiple acct per player rule should probably follow along.
Most of what Psoma posted for dUmb I agree with except for the stalker thing. I'd honesty rather see :
- The cap just raised to three - Sharks banned (more powers banned always suck, but yeah) - Work something goofy out like can run 2 stalkers with the intention of them being sharkers, 3+ no sharks allowed? Could be like the same deal with Thunder Strike, if you are against a team with 3+ stalkers and get a screenie with someone being sharked? DQ DQ!!! I don't really know for sure how to work it out, but having run some 2 stalker line ups, adding a third in for that third AS would have added a HUGE amount of pressure on targets, where with only 2, if they are about a second apart on the AS, there is enough time to jam greens and get away with no real follow up to worry about. |
Isnt defender tk fixed now as well? I mean you can attack back when hit and move. whereas before you couldnt. It does still have a repel component to it though. Is repel really op or something? might as well ban force bubble as well...
Isnt defender tk fixed now as well? I mean you can attack back when hit and move. whereas before you couldnt. It does still have a repel component to it though. Is repel really op or something? might as well ban force bubble as well...
only psi/ems and emps plz.
lol u mad?
Nothing changed about defender TK. At all.
Yeah those 5v5 tk/as/as/as teams were fun to play. -_-
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Duping IOs is more annoying than slotting them on live... >_<
The new copy tool sucks!
After a quick captains' meeting last night, here's what was decided (all items earned at least 3 votes):
1. No roster cap.
2. Matches must take place within 2 weeks after a challenge is accepted.
3. Matches will take place on Test.
4. If Test goes down, a captains' meeting will take place to discuss Freedom back-up plan.
5. The double-blind line-up submission process will be used.
6. Banned powers:
• Defender TK
• Dominator Poisonous Ray
• Corrupter Lingering Radiation
(For now, Stalker Thunderstrike is legal. If this becomes a problem, we will revisit the idea of banning it.)
7. 2-stalker limit.
8. If 4 or more players from the same team disconnect from a round, that team forfeits the round.
9. Joining a ladder team: after being added to a team's official roster, a new player must wait 1 week before being eligible for match participation; players that were on a previous ladder roster must wait 2 weeks to become eligible.
Are there any other items that need to be discussed before we post the official rules?
How did you have a captain's meeting without all the captains? No one from Convenient was there :/
EDIT: Also is there a ruling on the map rule (i.e. all rounds random or home/away/random)? If that's still up for debate Convenient votes home/away/random.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I don't care much either way, but I think Vinnie and I both lean toward doing it random.
I suggest having a meeting with all the teams represented. Regardless if you can get a majority vote. And having it scheduled ahead of time and actually tell people about it.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

I was going to post a suggested time/date, but Silit asked me last night, in-game, if we could do it right then since he thought everyone was on to get it over with, so I said I'd show. We looked for you guys, but yeah, none of you were on. Since the rest of us happened to all be on right then and not too busy, we got on vent anyway to see if we could go through the list to knock out whatever we could with a majority vote. We went through it pretty fast, and I think there was maybe 1-2 things that weren't unanimous (but had 3 votes). If you want to do that part again when we go over any remaining stuff, I'm fine with that, personally; last night's meeting took maybe 10 minutes.
If it eases your mind, we can waste more time, but it wasn't necessary to have the other team since we were all pretty much in agreement outa the gate.
As far as map, random's fine, but I'm not really feeling strongly either way.
Both seem viable.
Please keep this to ladder captains only. I copied the now-buried draft ruleset from the other thread for reference. I added in the barcode name rule, since I figured it was a no-brainer. I also changed the 10-minute round wording to include optional 20-minute rounds. There will be obvious changes, based on what is decided here:
Ladder Entry and Positioning:
• Teams sign up for the ladder by announcing so in this thread after creating an official team thread (on these same PvP Arena boards) with their official roster and team name.
• Initial ladder placement will occur when the first match takes place between 2 teams that have signed up for the ladder.
After this initial match has taken place, the following procedures will be in place:
• Teams climb rungs by challenging teams on higher rungs.
• Challenges must be accepted by teams that are less than 3 rungs higher than the challenging team. (Teams on rungs higher than 2 spots above the challenging teams can refuse the challenge.)
• Challenging teams can only move up 1 rung at a time by winning matches against teams on higher rungs.
• Challenges are to be made and responded to in this thread.
• Challenges must be responded to within 48 hours or the challenging team is awarded a forfeit.
Banned Powers List:
• Banned: Defender TK
• Banned: Dominator Poisonous Ray
• Banned: Corrupter Lingering Radiation
• Banned: Stalker Thunderstrike
Team Captains must be able to show proof for a ruling to be made on the use of restricted powers, enhancements, and/or procs. Use of the above-listed powers will result in a forfeit for the violating team.
Match Rules:
• All matches will take place in Pocket D, Test Server. If Test is down, Freedom Server will be used as a substitute during that time.
• Matches will consist of 10-minute rounds by default. If both captains are agreeable, 20-minute rounds are permissible. Rounds will be played until 2 rounds have been won by one of the teams.
• Matches will be 8v8. If both captains agree to it, team sizes may be reduced.
• Round Wins: The team that has scored the most kills at the end of a 10 (or 20) minute round is the winner of that round. Rounds in which Sudden Death occurs are considered ties, no matter the result of the Sudden Death Round.
Round Details:
• Round Length: All rounds will be 10 minutes in length by default. If both team captains are agreeable, 20 minutes rounds are permissible.
• Round Settings: All rounds will be set with only the following options selected: No Travel Suppression; No Heal Decay; Small Inspirations Only, Super Heavyweight.
• Map Selection and Illegal Maps: Map selection will be set to Random for all rounds. Resets occur if the map draw is: Monkey Cage, Office, or Cave.
• Each team is allowed one reset within 60 seconds of round start if a player did not load into the round, disconnected, or loaded in off-team. Teams will play short-handed if their reset has been spent. If a round is reset, the line-ups submitted for that round are to be played again with no AT alterations and on the same map.
• Only small inspirations and temp powers bought from the Arena Store are allowed. No Base Buffs or special inspirations (i.e. Presents and SoWs) are permitted.
• Barcode-type names will not be permitted. Player names shall be easily distinguishable.
• No Ouroboros portals will be permitted during the match.
• All matches must start within 15 minutes of the agreed upon match time. This includes time required to submit and approve line-ups.
• Match Results: The captain of the winning team must post the match results in the official ladder thread within 24 hours of match completion. Both team captains should be prepared to supply screenshots of the results for all rounds if necessary.
Line-up Submission Rules and Procedures:
• Prior to each round of a match, the captains of each team will be required to present their lineups via private tells to a neutral, 3rd party line-up taker (agreed upon by team captains).
• The 3rd party line-up taker will ask both captains for their lineups at least 5 minutes prior to the start of each round. The line-up taker will announce that the round is playable once he or she has received both team line-ups. The line-up taker will NOT disclose the line-ups to anyone until both line-ups have been received.
• A team will forfeit the round if they do not submit a line-up prior to that round.
• A team will forfeit the round if they run any line-up other than the one submitted to the line-up taker.
General Match Procedure:
1. Team Captains present their lineups to the agreed upon line-up taker.
2. In arena chat, the line-up taker announces both line-ups and that the round is cleared to start.
3. The round is listed and played out.
1. Roster cap? (If yes, propose a cap number.)
2. What should the scheduled match timer be? (For example: Matches must take place within 2 weeks of an accepted challenge.)
3. Matches take place (by default) on Test or Freedom?
4. If Test is the default server, and it becomes unavailable before a scheduled match can take place, should the match automatically take place on Freedom at the originally scheduled time, or should a reschedule take place (essentially resetting any match date timers)?
5. Blind line-up submission or counter-pick?
6. Power(s) you want banned:
(sample taken from league-banned powers):
• Defender TK
• Dominator Poisonous Ray
• Corrupter Lingering Radiation
• Stalker Thunderstrike
7. Limit the number of stalkers (the league had a 2-stalker limit)?
8. DC rule? (If yes, applicable to stalkers only, or do you suggest a different rule?)
9. List any rule changes/suggestions you have: