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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psycho007 View Post
    GG last night guys.

    If anyone of you want to come participate in some scrimmage on tuesday and thursday from 9-930 est, than come on down.


    Unlike then, than is not related to time. Than is used in comparative statements.


    ~ Another pair of words that I see misused far more often
    thannot is than and then.
    ~ He is taller than I am.
    ~ Other than the interest on a small inheritance, he had no income.
    ~ Today's students certainly do seem to read less than students in previous generations did.
    ~ We learned more on the playground than we did in the classroom.
    ~ Despite their lack of flavor, the hothouse tomatoes cost far more than those from the farmers' market.


    Then is used either as a time marker or with a sequence of events.


    ~ I took all of the exams in the morning, and then I spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep.
    ~ Back then we knew what was expected of us.
    ~ I bought apples from this orchard last summer, but I seem to remember paying more for them then.
    ~ Look over the study guide first, and then if you still have questions bring them up in class.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Voided_Soul View Post
    build off that with the (very) few good additions like toggles not dropping
    With the original mez system, toggles should drop. It adds a necessity of awareness to remain buffed via your team, or keep a BF running. Especially in team PvP, if CMs, Clarity's, Thaws aren't kept on people, they deserve to lose Def/Res Travel, etc.

    Just found that to be an odd exception to the removal of i13s changes.
  3. If anyone actually had hope that was spurred by this or other similar threads; that's unfortunate. Nothing is going to change. They asked for and were given feedback with i13 was being implemented anyway. Resounding no, canceled subs, but they pushed on.

    I guess it's somewhat understandable, since even in beta phase, development takes money, but what's shockingly stupid is that they just let it go on that way, even after it effectively killed competitive PvP.

    If you're not giving your customers what they want, they'll eventually leave. It's just sad it's taken this long for some. Nostalgia and friends would be the only bit of glue left at this point if you're not particularly interested in PvE.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    Yeah I ******* hate it when people try to convince me of things.
    Like to stop eating? Get it!? 'Cause you're fat! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
  5. See, the flaw is that you're trying to make others share your view on ethics and morals. While that's idiotic just in and of itself, it's also in a game.

    So you can be the carebear that you are, and we'll be the villains you cry about.

    Fair enough. Have fun out there.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    Agreed and it is a blanket statement, but I never said there weren't great people to play with on Freedom. I'd just hate to see all the enthusiastic, cheery EUers come over ready for a greet and meet in zone and get slaughtered by Stalkers and Psi/Em Blasters all day without a heads up is all.

    I've seen players step into zone, say "hello all, I'm new" and then with minimal replies back...people target that person and kill him/her over and over again until they leave. There are very cool people on Freedom, but there is a certain reality that exists behind that as well.
    You keep talking about Psi/EMs and now Stalkers, as if that's some unfair advantage some would have over others. Are we limited to certain power sets based on region? They'll show to PvP, if that's their interest. If they're actually interested, regardless of ganks, etc, since that's just a part of PvP, they'll stick and play.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    I'm not raging. I'm not up nights or stressing to my wife what the Dex/Vex crew did. It's just stupid and makes no sense. I don't see why you didn't just trade for him. Or have him formally quit and join your team. To prove a point? Hey if it makes you feel better I guess you can stand at that podium. I just honestly thought you were a more stand up guy Dex, and I was excited cause I thought this would be the first league in a long time without stupid crap to deal with.
    We offered trades, but Chris wasn't willing to leave that team, since he'd started it and had a commitment to the players, especially Rice. When he no longer had an account, he took an opportunity to play with friends. It wasn't for spite on his part, though anymore, he doesn't care.

    I'm not sure what you people can't understand. It's gotta be intentional to ignore facts to try and villainize someone. "Chris hid on another roster to spite his team! He could have just traded himself! Why didn't he!?!? OH MY GOD SAME PEOPLE ARE RUIN LEAGUE!!!"
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Less vocal members of your own team feel the same way which is how it was found out to begin with that Chris was playing for you guys.

    Was me calling him Chris several times in AC not clear enough? Great detective work. We aren't hiding anything. We don't care. Quit. I couldn't give two ***** about what you think a league should be. Carebear leagues are far more retarded than a ringer in my opinion, but I don't rant about it, pretending I matter. Just stop trying, Kat. Obviously, only you and 3 other people give a ****.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    Oh I'm sure all of them would be too out of practice and unfamiliar with the way it works now to do anything, but that wasn't really the point.

    Common sense should dictate that that's not the way an organized league is supposed to work. To say it's acceptable because it's not against the rules is really stupid. What's worse is it doesn't even make any sense. Why do it? It didn't better your team. It didn't increase your chances. I doubt any of you are so close with Chris you just couldn't play without him in the lineup. You didn't 'need' it. But, whatever. It is what it is. And what it is is just.. pathetic.
    Actually Chris is a good friend of mine. I'd always rather play with him than without him. That's pretty simple. If you're making the point that it wasn't beneficial, there was no harm or detriment to our opponents. So if you wanna talk about something being stupid, it'd be the deal you're making out of it.

    Playing with friends is literally the only draw this game has anymore for me. I log in once a week, and Chris and I play other games together, so this works out, too.
  10. Punki hasn't broken a rule or changed in any way. He shows to up to play and have fun. He's not involved in the "drama". He made a pretty normal statement. Obviously you're confused by your ragings.

    You should pick people more involved in shady behavior, rather than those who aren't involved at all, just present and hoping for match time.

    It's sad what this has come to, when you're trying to come at people like Punki. You also mention some people fro U2BG, as if they're somehow responsible for a ringer.... Like March, who'd been gone for, like, 2 weeks. Spiner, who wasn't even here for the last match. Peril, who spends his time dancing and making sexy videos. Sad.

    Go back to Denny's and re-think your strategy. These illogical leaps are surprisingly stupid, even coming from you, Kat.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    So it would be perfectly legal for me to grab Peritus, Sorrows, Anichi, Lab, Gramma, and whoever else I wanted and let them play our teams toons in the last match/es? Maybe just grab the best players from FOL, JAL, Vel, and OS and stick them in here and there? That would be acceptable under our setup here? Maybe some random people off the street. One of the other teams in the league perhaps. Let's just put all the account names in a hat and start drawing at random.

    Just because we didn't specifically make a rule against it doesn't mean it should have been done. By that logic the teams could have gone for wins by getting all opposing teams accounts with emps and pains on them banned before match night. What a joke.
    Not sure how much Peritus would help your 8v8 team.

    Yes, it'd be perfectly legal.

    Not sure if even Anichi could save your team, though. =P Good luck getting them to play this bad game. Maybe shoot for something more realistic. Good luck with your dream team.
  12. You forgot me. The best and most influential captain this game has ever seen.
  13. No one wants you. You're bad.
  14. He said Jick Jick Joo. Not Vex.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
    vex and spiner are two of the best emps in coh today. Not picking a fight but Vex was on Jik Jak Joo on the tuesday dumb re fights so he was on his stalker and according to dex everyone showed up for tuesday. I think the only person you were missing was March.
    Lol, I wasn't even near a comp on Tuesday. I didn't play. Next, it's Jick Jick Joo, son. Get it right.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    If he wasn't even subscribed to the game and wasn't active with his own team, then what the **** was he doing playing in an official match for a different team? You didn't need him to play so why do it in the first place?
    A team dropped because of the loss of a player, thus effectiveness. That player was a captain. They lost 3-0 in a set of games, then rage-quit. This isn't some new happening. You can ***** and whine about what you think happened, but really, it's irrelevant.

    Personally, I don't care. I'm probably quitting this game anyway. I log in once a week, long enough to play 3 matches, sometimes not even that. People who are making excuses to quit is funny, but not unexpected.
  17. Add @Delphimo to Vex's accounts, please.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    dUmb is number first.

    Even with ringers they couldnt beat us. Also, vex and dex are bad
    Aww! You're on my dick! <3
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tricant View Post
    i second this comment.. brasil was already a good roster.. chris being a ****** to ditch his own team and play against them in "secret" just showed how this league was not to bring the community together.. but to win at all cost.. i'm not suprised though.. but to avoid anymore drama.. we decided as a team to disband and not challenge those who really wants to prove they're the best.. so GGs to all.. and thanks for all the matches..
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    We wont.
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    BFG vs AJ

    Atlas - 11-8 BFG
    Striga - 17-4 BFG
    Cargo - 22-4 BFG


    Nice job evading Chris.
  20. First off, it was Venny, not Vinnie.

    Chris wasn't playing the game anymore, he didn't have an active account. He didn't ditch a team *to* join any other.
  21. Cold/Dark for more utility. Technically Fire would do a bit more Dam, but at least you could 1v1 with the Defender and there are more Proc options.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    Now thats the gold I was looking for. Thank you.
    I'll be honest, it offended me, personally.

    I'd just like to say: **** you. Don't you eva in yo life holla at my ***** 'Deezy like that again.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    There's a lot of things people enjoyed about the old PvP system, laundry lists of likes, but I want to know what you think is the absolute, most standout thing about pre-I13 PvP. If you were to say, "Hands down, out of everything I liked in PvP before the changes, the thing I liked the most is _____," that's what I'd like to hear.
    Despite the laundry-list aspect; it's hard to name a single thing when so many are equally game-changing.

    Even still; it was the role diversity. Line-ups were cookie-cutter in their own way, but toons had their own uses. Sonics were actually useful, as were Kins, etc. You could use more than just one type of Blaster while still being competitive. Trollers had a use, even if it was primarily griefing; stacking holds on one Emp, forcing the other to go toss CMs, then the spike goes down with one Emp held and one out of position. The dynamics possible in the previous system trump what's possible now in literally every way.

    There's really too much about Pre-i13 vs post but I guess ultimately, that's the main thing that sucks dick now about the game. It's played out, boring, mundane, repetitive, like my list of.. what it is.