Freedom's Magnanimous League
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa lets get this sh** goin!
Just to clarify one thing.
Will there be D6 and D8 teams like last time? I see that there is a core requirement and a draft, and people who practice must play. But, will there be a separate team for that or will there be 3 matches and everyone has to be rotated into those?
As a side not, I like the limiting of taunters to prevent draw teams, and the 3 stalker limit should be interesting.

No D6/D8. There will be one team with a 6 man core. Those who show to practices and make obvious effort and improvement are more likely to be played in the 3 weekly 'officials'. Lucky for us, this is a big boy league.
Gonna be good.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Limit of 7 Blasters |
No Thanx.
P.S. They should have the same limit as stalkers.
Why, exactly? It's not crazy to have 4 or 5 blasters on a jump team. Or should we just have 1 of each AT and all go play facebook yahtzee?
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
The rule with the intentions of trolling already got trolled. Sweet!
The chance of a team bringing 7 blasters and winning against a prepared team is slight.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
I just think no more than 3 for each AT would be fine, but 7 is a bit overkill.
More importantly, it would be stupid and less effective than other, more diverse line-ups to bring seven. It was a joke because idiots rage over Psi Blasters. This isn't a pentad. It's just a normal League and restrictions only exist to prevent 0-0 draw teams or broken ****.
Regardless; this was already discussed and voted on and isn't going to change because of some uneducated forum debate.
Can you post up the link for the forum debate please? I would like to read more up on it.
If it honestly isn't clear enough that your concerns aren't legitimate and no one cares, feel free to keep posting in the hopes that someone someday finally will.
I am an occasional zone PvPer and my arena skills kinda suck. I would like to get into it more arena pvp; however IMO I think 7 blasters is a bit to much. I have never used a "Jump Team" before and did not know it was the norm. I wanted to see if it would be worth transfering some characters to freedom.
Most teams will be running 2 support 4-5 blasters with the last spots being filled in by rads, stalkers or dominators. Maybe even a disruption spot.
7 blasters is not ideal, there will be no heal decay and two emps who are on point can usually handle "damage spam" (which is what happens in the zones) indefinitely. In arena PvP the offense creates a damage spike, where all the damage comes in at once. If the spike target is intelligent, they will evade/pop greens/ get heals from the emps as they are moving away from their attackers. (Evasion routes!) It is usually less about out damaging the emps and more about their timing and positioning.
If you are losing to a team who runs 7 blasters, its not because they ran 7 that you lost. Its that their players are better practiced than yours and you'd have likely lost just as bad if not worse if their team was running 2 emps and 4 or 5 blasters.
It was a joke rule that comes with understanding the way Arena PvP works.
Most teams will be running 2 support 4-5 blasters with the last spots being filled in by rads, stalkers or dominators. Maybe even a disruption spot. 7 blasters is not ideal, there will be no heal decay and two emps who are on point can usually handle "damage spam" (which is what happens in the zones) indefinitely. In arena PvP the offense creates a damage spike, where all the damage comes in at once. If the spike target is intelligent, they will evade/pop greens/ get heals from the emps as they are moving away from their attackers. (Evasion routes!) It is usually less about out damaging the emps and more about their timing and positioning. If you are losing to a team who runs 7 blasters, its not because they ran 7 that you lost. Its that their players are better practiced than yours and you'd have likely lost just as bad if not worse if their team was running 2 emps and 4 or 5 blasters. |
Caves may make the League more interesting and there was no reason *not* to play them. They can be annoying and disorienting, but the same effect's applied to each team so it all works out.
Yay, Caves! Yes, I'm awesome. You're welcome.
Caves may make the League more interesting and there was no reason *not* to play them. They can be annoying and disorienting, but the same effect's applied to each team so it all works out.
Yay, Caves! Yes, I'm awesome. You're welcome. |

I posted this in the captain thread yesterday but I'm thinking with the vent meeting last night that this thread will be the new communication area for FML, so I'll ask again here.
How does Super Bowl Sunday fit into the time table? I think people should know "if" the 1st week's matches hit on the 6th of Feb.
Thanks bro and GG for getting this going.

- Convenient - //\ - Exile - //\ - AatC -
I posted this in the captain thread yesterday but I'm thinking with the vent meeting last night that this thread will be the new communication area for FML, so I'll ask again here.
Dex- How does Super Bowl Sunday fit into the time table? I think people should know "if" the 1st week's matches hit on the 6th of Feb. Thanks bro and GG for getting this going. -Lite |
The long awaited return of a PvP League on Freedom is finally here.
Lets keep it simple.
Rules that have been decided by captains:
• Round Length: All rounds will be 10 minutes in length by default. If both team captains are agreeable, 20 minutes rounds are permissible.
• Round Settings: All rounds will be set with only the following options selected: No Travel Suppression; No Heal Decay; Small Inspirations Only, Super Heavyweight.
• Map Selection and Illegal Maps: Map selection will alternate for the first two rounds of a match; the defending team picks the map in round 1, and the challenging team picks the map for round 2. Third round will be set to Random map selection. The Monkey Cage, and Office maps are not permitted in any round; resets occur if any of those maps are drawn for rounds requiring random map selection.
• Each team is allowed one reset within 60 seconds of round start if a player did not load into the round, disconnected, or loaded in off-team. Teams will play short-handed if their reset has been spent. If a round is reset, the line-ups submitted for that round are to be played again with no AT alterations and on the same map.
• Only small inspirations and temp powers bought from the Arena Store are allowed. No Base Buffs or special inspirations (i.e. Presents and SoWs) are permitted.
• Barcode-type names will not be permitted. Player names shall be easily distinguishable.
• No Ouroboros portals will be permitted during the match.
• All matches must start within 15 minutes of the agreed upon match time. This includes time required to submit and approve line-ups.
• Match Results: The captain of the winning team must post the match results. Both team captains should be prepared to supply screenshots of the results for all rounds if necessary.
• Limit of 3 Stalkers
• Limit of 2 Tanks/Brutes
• Limit of 7 Blasters
• Limit of 2 MMs
• No spawn camping (attacking or mezzing a player that has just died and is at the spawn point, if a player decides to remain at the spawn point for over 30 seconds they are then able to be targetted)
• Must have at least 2 visible players on the map at end of match
• Must field 6 players minimum
• Redrafts week 2 and week 4 when people can be kicked from team due to inactivity.
• Captains have the option to remove a player from team even if active if they are being a detriment to the team.
• Captains may not trade themselves.
• Each team will play each team once with 3 matches played a win is worth 1 a loss is worth 0.
• The top 4 teams will enter into a play off after the regular season has ended 1v4 2v3 winners face off for championship.
• Teams will start with a minimum of 4 a maximum of 6 players. Those with less then 6 will get to draft players to reach 6 prior to the regular draft starting.
• Those 6 will be your core and core players may be replaced at any time (aside from Sundays) your other 8 players will be replaced in redrafts (weeks 2 and 4)
• Draws are replayed with new lineups submitted and team that had map pick retains map pick.
Matches will take place at 9pm est
Week 1 Feb 13
Week 2 Feb 20
Week 3 Feb 27
Week 4 March 6
Week 5 March 13
Week 1 March 20
#4 seed @ dUmb
#3 seed @ BFG
Week 2 March 27
Winner of dUmb and 4 vs Winner of BFG and 3
dUmb 14-1
BFG 12-3
NS 7-8
AJ 7-8
L&T 3-12
MMM 2-13
Free Agent Thread: