What changes do we need?




Why the hell did the PvP wishlist thread and this thread get transferred to the new forums? What a waste of space, the people who started these threads are long gone and it's clear the devs want nothing to do with what's outlined in them.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, ummm....oh yeah and they should also fix the defense.



Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Billy View Post
Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, ummm....oh yeah and they should also fix the defense.
devs don't read pvp forums...<_< and even if they do they don't see anything sicne most of us on ignore anyway...:P



I was hit in RV by a blasters flares for 200+ which, or so I though, was minor damage.
And it has such a fast recharge rate, how can anything survive it?

The balance between Villians and Heroe's is way to lop-sided.
Nerf every Hero's defense and damage output, especially Blasters would be a start.
Put the Domination back into the Dominator button.
Roll back the nerf you put into dominators. They were actually fun for about 3 day's.

A hold is a Hold, take back the Vengence thing you put in Blasters.
Nerf PSI Blasters

Nerf all blasters.

There's your fix.



PvP victories should spawn "pretty girl"



Originally Posted by Bad Bad Girlfriend View Post
I was hit in RV by a blasters flares for 200+ which, or so I though, was minor damage.
And it has such a fast recharge rate, how can anything survive it?

The balance between Villians and Heroe's is way to lop-sided.
Nerf every Hero's defense and damage output, especially Blasters would be a start.
Put the Domination back into the Dominator button.
Roll back the nerf you put into dominators. They were actually fun for about 3 day's.

A hold is a Hold, take back the Vengence thing you put in Blasters.
Nerf PSI Blasters

Nerf all blasters.

There's your fix.
Holy ****, lrn2play before you whine. Most zone Blasters are completely incompetent and are easy kills if you have half a brain.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Holy ****, lrn2play before you whine. Most zone Blasters are completely incompetent and are easy kills if you have half a brain.

lol @ mac falling for it.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Well hey at least it's better than the normal "zomg nerf stalkers" posts I've seen.



Speaking of which, Zomg, Fix Elusitivity!

I demand that this game be made to obey the Conservation of Ninjitsu! One stalker I can handle. 2 is pushing it if i'm lucky (otherwise, im just dead). Throw in a corr or a dom, who i usually have no trouble with, and bam, dead before i can click a single attack. I mean really now, how's that anyone's idea of fun? Might as well hunt Level 1 Skulls for all the challenge a single player can put up against multiple opponents.

Though as far as Stalkers go, i thought they were a hit-n-run melee class... so how come they have access to Ranged(!) Holds(!!) that do MORE damage than a Blaster Snipe(!!!) (at least, if they're hidden)? I wish my CONTROLLER could whip out a CONTROL that good!



Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Billy View Post
Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, Fix defense, ummm....oh yeah and they should also fix the defense.
This, however I think this "wish list" is the Devs circular 'out file' kinda like those suggestion boxes at work or the 'How are we doing?" boxes at the store. people fill em but no one ever looks at them.



Things for the devs to do:

1) Fix defense
2) Remove Heal decay
3) Increase the timer on Hibernate resistance
4) Make slows WORK again
5) More lenience when it comes to interrupts (Such as when hit by an enemy toggle power)
6) Remove -regen portion of travel suppresson.

Though to be honest, I don't think PvP will ever be viable in this game to anyone who doesn't have everything slotted with purples and rare IO sets. The sad fact is that most set bonuses aren't reduced in PvP effectiveness like your basic powersets are, giving these high fliers an obvious and distinct advantage. I don't think they should be made useless, far from it, but AT's which are generally considered vulnerable can be virtually untouchable with the right slotting (eg. blasters).

As for the Hibernate, this is more of a personal bugbear. I'm rather tired of seeing the same pattern emerge from fighting blasters and corruptors. They shoot, they take hits, they almost die and then.... yup. Hibernate. Instant HP/Endurance and then they beat a hasty retreat or finish off what's left of you when they break out. There is already a hibernate resistance, but it's timer is too forgiving in my opinion and needs a small extension. It's an incredibly overpowered skill since it's essentially a reset switch for combat which puts it at the top of my pet hates.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



Originally Posted by Thunderspark View Post
As for the Hibernate, this is more of a personal bugbear. I'm rather tired of seeing the same pattern emerge from fighting blasters and corruptors. They shoot, they take hits, they almost die and then.... yup. Hibernate. Instant HP/Endurance and then they beat a hasty retreat or finish off what's left of you when they break out. There is already a hibernate resistance, but it's timer is too forgiving in my opinion and needs a small extension. It's an incredibly overpowered skill since it's essentially a reset switch for combat which puts it at the top of my pet hates.
So kill them when they come out of Hibernate since they can't go back into it for 90 seconds? Y'know, the whole "learn to play" thing instead of the "whine about something and try to get it nerfed" thing?

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Agreed just learn to play. Its PvP your either good or you stink . They do it because they are trying to stay alive. The thing we all do. Create your build accordingly. I agree with Mac kill em when they come out. For me AS bam and something else i don't know lol. BUT KILL WHEN THEY COME OUT.



Originally Posted by Bad Bad Girlfriend View Post
I was hit in RV by a blasters flares for 200+ which, or so I though, was minor damage.
And it has such a fast recharge rate, how can anything survive it?

The balance between Villians and Heroe's is way to lop-sided.
Nerf every Hero's defense and damage output, especially Blasters would be a start.
Put the Domination back into the Dominator button.
Roll back the nerf you put into dominators. They were actually fun for about 3 day's.

A hold is a Hold, take back the Vengence thing you put in Blasters.
Nerf PSI Blasters

Nerf all blasters.

There's your fix.
Lol are you serious? it's idiots like you that caused i13 and ruined half the game if a blaster which is supposed to be the highest damage dealing toon on hero side gets nerfed even more then it WON't a damage dealing toon....they need too boost the damage on inferno bone smasher(not as much as before) and Fireball if you have a charecter where there are 10-12 powers that can't do ANYTHING in pvp then you know the charecter has been nerfed way to much there is your problem you are nerfing way too much unstead of nerfing things here's a idea boost and buff other things so they equal what is "overpower" not nerf it and make something else "Overpowered" and end up nerfing that too..that's what they have been doing and they need to stop we are trying to slowly bring back pvp in the "dead zone" were in now...but if you keep nerfing things and don't start buffing things no one will come back and more will leave also I do think that the whole "Defiance" for blasters you over did it...unstead of letting them hit through holds,stuns,sleeps just boost there damage...that way your not screwing over dominators,widows,controllers and they actually have a chance with there holds doing something. Speaking of holds you should probably increase the effects of break frees there so minor that no one uses them anymore all you hear is " no one uses breakfrees they don't do anything!" which is kinda sad that a inspiration is noteffective enough to be used also by changing defiance back there will be a need for break frees with even blasters..Taking off heal decay and travel suppresion would be nice and also make sense..how could not being able to move or having a "Healer" heal for close to nothing after 4 heals be effective useful or improve anything? i can't think of anything..Finally "Deminishing Returns"..Why is that a option at all...on or off it doesn't make sense with "DR" off it raises your deffense like +40 and with dr on if you pop 3 reds they deminish how is that also helpful? Here is my wishlist plain and simple

Boost Damage on Blasters
Change Defiance
No more Heal Decay
No more Travel Suppresion
Enhance effect of break frees
Boost damage on stalkers but then less Stealth (meaning can see with cap close to cap perception.)
Deminishing Returns should NOT deminish something as simple as popping 4 reds..
Finally Try to even out all powers across the scale and think of each position in pvp and pve if you don't do that it's impossible to make the game as succesful as it could be...remember the controller,dominators are made to Hold people and keep them down,grounded,confused,slept,held,and immobilized!
The blasters and stalkers are made to be the Main and Most damage
Dealers although both used in different ways keep in mind they should do the most damages and the fastest.
Tanks and brutes are used more or less to do one there called to tank as much as they can and keep it off others.
Defenders,corruptors are made to heal,help,buff, and a bit of holding.
Scrappers are used to do be minor tanks but then still have damage..MM are used mainly to just stay alive (they are VERY well at doing) and buff,heal the team and debuff the enemies..
Finally the epics can be used for many many things..so that is based on your opinion on what they are used for



Originally Posted by Thunderspark View Post
Things for the devs to do:

1) Fix defense
2) Remove Heal decay
3) Increase the timer on Hibernate resistance
4) Make slows WORK again
5) More lenience when it comes to interrupts (Such as when hit by an enemy toggle power)
6) Remove -regen portion of travel suppresson.

Though to be honest, I don't think PvP will ever be viable in this game to anyone who doesn't have everything slotted with purples and rare IO sets. The sad fact is that most set bonuses aren't reduced in PvP effectiveness like your basic powersets are, giving these high fliers an obvious and distinct advantage. I don't think they should be made useless, far from it, but AT's which are generally considered vulnerable can be virtually untouchable with the right slotting (eg. blasters).

As for the Hibernate, this is more of a personal bugbear. I'm rather tired of seeing the same pattern emerge from fighting blasters and corruptors. They shoot, they take hits, they almost die and then.... yup. Hibernate. Instant HP/Endurance and then they beat a hasty retreat or finish off what's left of you when they break out. There is already a hibernate resistance, but it's timer is too forgiving in my opinion and needs a small extension. It's an incredibly overpowered skill since it's essentially a reset switch for combat which puts it at the top of my pet hates.
Yeah and it's not just blaster's,corruptors,its stalkers,dominators,defenders,controllers,and even ice tanks..why should someone with more resistance/defense like idk a stalker,tanker be able to use it especially when stalkers can go back into hide after 5 seoncds of being in it(which is fine because you can just try and kill before they do) be able to use it but someone like a corruptor,blaster that is a lot squishier not be able to??



One last thing...ice blasters have been NERFED beyond the point of return right now i would HIGHLY reccomend giving them a good damage bonus anything can beat a ice blaster...only because they can't slow and there damage is beyond bad...please consider bringing back all slows and at the same time buffing ice blast all around blaster and corruptor!



Originally Posted by CYCI0N3 View Post
Boost Damage on Blasters
Change Defiance
i disagree. you're asking for this because your experience in a team setting. in a pvp setting where damage is 90% of the game, blasters have an edge over every squishy class, and in that 9/10 combos, that includes damage-focused squishies such as stalkers and doms.

if you want more damage in kickballs ask for unresisted debuffing on defenders (vigiliance fix as a potential catalyst) and a reworking of scourge on corruptors as to actually have an effect on debuffs.

Originally Posted by CYCI0N3 View Post
No more Heal Decay
No more Travel Suppresion
i agree with these. with the failure of the anti-spike code, these two things should have been removed.

Originally Posted by CYCI0N3 View Post
Enhance effect of break frees
Mez sucks already. I dont see the point of doing this unless you are interested in the kb aspect of break frees.

Originally Posted by CYCI0N3 View Post
Boost damage on stalkers but then less Stealth (meaning can see with cap close to cap perception.)
Deminishing Returns should NOT deminish something as simple as popping 4 reds..
i believe stalkers are working great this point. less stealth on stalkers is something akin to asking for forts and banes to be further nerfed, specially when going rogue is right around the corner.

finally, as stated before, asking for a damage increase in anything at this point doesn't make much sense; the key is in buffing debuffs and allowing the DR ceiling to be loosened to the point of making buffs on squishies actually matter.



Originally Posted by CYCI0N3 View Post
One last thing...ice blasters have been NERFED beyond the point of return right now i would HIGHLY reccomend giving them a good damage bonus anything can beat a ice blaster...only because they can't slow and there damage is beyond bad...please consider bringing back all slows and at the same time buffing ice blast all around blaster and corruptor!
this translates to burst effects vs. dps effects of powers should be looked at. dps should be adjusted upwards.



Eliminate all I13 pvp changes. Tweak S/L damage. All done.



Originally Posted by cyci0n3 View Post
one last thing...ice blasters have been nerfed beyond the point of return right now I would highly reccomend giving them a good damage bonus anything can beat a ice blaster...only because they can't slow and there damage is beyond bad...please consider bringing back all slows and at the same time buffing ice blast all around blaster and corruptor!
this this this this this this this this



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
So kill them when they come out of Hibernate since they can't go back into it for 90 seconds? Y'know, the whole "learn to play" thing instead of the "whine about something and try to get it nerfed" thing?
Well I also found hibernate can get very annoying, also totally subjectively. Partly due to its "Oops, I am beat. Reset." nature, or because while frozen you can plan what to do when you get out and noone can prevent your first few moves (I guess) as opposed to every other situation in PvP, and partly because I have seen it used to an extent where I felt like in an ice palace with 4 or 5 icebergs around.
Not necessarily wrong, just personally annoying at times and apparently very popular.

But, what I really wanted to throw in...

Wouldnt it be better to increase the level-you-are-set-to of the lower PvP zones?
So that at least in Warburg everyone is 50 too?

I think it was a noble idea to try to provide a zone for each level range to PvP in without anybody being much more powerful. But aside from that not really being the case right now anyway, the leveling pace has changed a lot, level 50 is a matter of weeks instead of months, so do we really still need 3 zones dedicated to the PvP between levels 15 and 40 ? Wouldnt it be better if level 50s could PvP in more than one zone without being exemplared down so that they work totally different?



Pvp is whacked I got a friend to come back to game and we went to pvp like old days and heal decay, movement suppression. WTF Changes were made for what reason? This is crazy. I was embarrassed and my friend canceled again. Sad day I wanted to try but these changes made make no sense. PVP isn't more welcoming its a mess now



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Well I also found hibernate can get very annoying, also totally subjectively. Partly due to its "Oops, I am beat. Reset." nature, or because while frozen you can plan what to do when you get out and noone can prevent your first few moves (I guess) as opposed to every other situation in PvP, and partly because I have seen it used to an extent where I felt like in an ice palace with 4 or 5 icebergs around.
Not necessarily wrong, just personally annoying at times and apparently very popular.

But, what I really wanted to throw in...

Wouldnt it be better to increase the level-you-are-set-to of the lower PvP zones?
So that at least in Warburg everyone is 50 too?

I think it was a noble idea to try to provide a zone for each level range to PvP in without anybody being much more powerful. But aside from that not really being the case right now anyway, the leveling pace has changed a lot, level 50 is a matter of weeks instead of months, so do we really still need 3 zones dedicated to the PvP between levels 15 and 40 ? Wouldnt it be better if level 50s could PvP in more than one zone without being exemplared down so that they work totally different?
so are you saying that the devs should pull or nerf defensive powers such as hibernate or personal force field,just because a player uses it and you get mad because you can't hurt them? Hibernate has a small window right before it incases a player in ice to recover. If you learned to play you might be able to time it just right for a kill instead of whining about it not being fair. Respec and get it for yourself



Originally Posted by baddog66 View Post
Pvp is whacked I got a friend to come back to game and we went to pvp like old days and heal decay, movement suppression. WTF Changes were made for what reason? This is crazy. I was embarrassed and my friend canceled again. Sad day I wanted to try but these changes made make no sense. PVP isn't more welcoming its a mess now
the outcome of players who decided that "it wasn't fair and it should be nerfed",instead of building a toon that would be good in pvp. See te ds do listen but when they give the players who arec onstantlycomplaining what they want like in the case of the ae being farmed and people complained about that and now the servers are empty. Why dont they just stop whining and just play the game?



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Eliminate all I13 pvp changes. Tweak S/L damage. All done.
While I agree with this, Castle, BaBs and the Devs-Dat-Whine will not.

Clearly, it is "working as intended" and if the playerbase doesn't like it, there is NO way they make mistakes.

Just ask 'em - if you object to their changes, provide reasons, suggestions, etc...

You get Issue 13.

"TY for your input! Issue 13, "Mysteries of BOHICA: Jump the Shark (A non-PvP'er's Solution to PvP)!" has arrived!"

To say that we're beating a dead horse is an understatement. When Statesman (Jack Emmert) *****'d Iss 5 & ED... that was nowhere near as backstabbingly low as Castle's completely gutless, unrequested, and untested Issue 13 PvP changes - and Mr. Grubb was far more sanctimonious and high handed than Jack had been.