Two minds about First Ward

Agent White



I love First Ward. The Shadowed Paths are extremely cool, the varied atmospheres of the zone are all great in their own wzy, and the storylines are interesting and the new enemy groups are original and look great.

I hate First Ward. The enemy groups are annoying to fight and seemingly far too difficult for squishies, the NPCs spend an unbelievably long time waffling via multiple walls of text that make my eyes glaze over, I spend ages whittling bosses down, dying repeatedly only for them to 'give up' and grant me no xp, and the Street Hunt and zowie missions push me into contact with orange-level mobs that I can't reasonably beat.

It's the sharks that make it an overall win for me, though



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



So far, soloing it with a Traps Defender I love the place. It's an incredibly interesting zone with loads of rather interesting groups in interesting dynamics. Haven't found anything too difficult to fight yet personally, but I am a Trapper.

The one criticism I'd have is that Nobel Savage is too much of a Mary Sue on missions. He hits ridiculously hard and totally removes the challenge on a few missions.

My jaw actually dropped when I looked up while ninja-running through the shark infested ruins in the middle of a map and a giant shadow fell over me... (followed by all my End suddenly leeching from me as I frantically tried to escape).

Oh, the fact /sea is bugged is really annoying too, and the lack of teams in it is a bit disheartening for such a cool zone and storylines.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Oh, the fact /sea is bugged is really annoying too, and the lack of teams in it is a bit disheartening for such a cool zone and storylines.
It is VERY disheartening. CoH is diffuse enough as it is, with all the different arcs and zones and whatnot, and now you cannot even search First Ward in the hopes of forming a team.

If the F2P Hybrid model is going to work, it is ESSENTIAL to make it easy to team. The LFG tab for Death From Below is a big help, but there needs to be a LOT more work done on mechanics like that, especially since Freems cannot send tells, etc.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Agree with the posters above. Its not perfect, but its pretty darn close.

Some issues and observations:
1 - The seed GM, i have never seen anybody on X trying to take this down. Is the carrot no good, is the GM too hard, is X at EST prime time low on toons? I personally think its better if something is farmed than ignorned. See RWZ ship raid for example. I dont even know what the rewards for this GM are, but I assume they are poor since nobody bothers.

2 - Talking only missions. They need to replace these with cutscenes at the end of the previous mission. Yeah its more work, but go here and to talk this dude is lost on everybody when teaming. You pretty much have to solo First ward once just to know whats going on. The skip the cutscene tech from the BAF would be nice.

3 - Carrots vs Risk - First ward at 20-30 is harder than 8 man radios at 20-30 because of the mobs in first ward are stronger than council. This and problem 2 makes first ward not even close to optimal to level in and thus it will be hard to team up here once the newness of it is gone. Maybe a first ward XP bonus or something? I hate to see this zone empty.

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My two primary problems in the zone:

1: It's murder on squishies.

2: The walls of text combined with ambush-o-rama is ****ING ANNOYING AS HELL! Running through it for the first time, I want to actually READ some of the dialog in these arcs. The problem is, the ambushes begin the minute you either:

  1. Click on the contact
  2. Or midway through the reading
Now this doesn't happen on ALL of them. But there are two or three instances where I'm caught with a contact window covering the middle of my screen and I have enemies raining down on my. I could try to drag the window out of the way (which still leaves a portion of my screen covered) or I'm forced to just click through as fast as possible to get it out of the way.

In short, these encounters need to be restructured.

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Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
the lack of teams in it is a bit disheartening for such a cool zone and storylines.
One would assume the cool storylines are the reason there's a lack of teams. Team content and story content are generally mutually exclusive concepts. It's one thing to call in a few of your friends and coordinate missions, but you're not going to get that out of random pick-up groups, so if people want the story, it behooves them to stay solo.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
One would assume the cool storylines are the reason there's a lack of teams. Team content and story content are generally mutually exclusive concepts. It's one thing to call in a few of your friends and coordinate missions, but you're not going to get that out of random pick-up groups, so if people want the story, it behooves them to stay solo.
Well, except when new zone content has been released in the past there tends to be a glut of PuG teams running it anyway. That's what happened with Praetoria, even though half the teams one would join could be of an "opposite" alignment to you.

But with First Ward it just isn't the case. The lack of any search tools (and no acknowledgement of the issue even) seems to have killed the zone off ridiculously quickly.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
One would assume the cool storylines are the reason there's a lack of teams. Team content and story content are generally mutually exclusive concepts. It's one thing to call in a few of your friends and coordinate missions, but you're not going to get that out of random pick-up groups, so if people want the story, it behooves them to stay solo.
Agreed. Thats how I play. I have characters for story content and characters for teaming.

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Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



One thing which struck me as odd, and irritating, was how often, a 'speak to me now' boss would speak lines in speech bubbles at the same time as guvi g me a briefing window with info. I was told it's so my team can get the bare bones of what's being discussed while I read the 4 or 5 walls o text. As a soloer, I don't much care for it.

As regards reading vs smbushes etc, at times I get the i pression that the devs dont playtest the arcs they write. It's like maybe one test team is told 'read all these bits of text and make sure they tell a story' and a quite different test team is told 'play this arc, ignore the text, just see if the mechanics work'

Separately, both sysyems work but together they're often annoying.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I've only run a few of the arcs in First Ward on my EM/EA Brute, but I really love the zone. I don't remember a lot of trouble with the mobs, but I also went in at like 24 so that may have made a difference. Haven't tried to take down the Seed, like most of you have said, times I've been there the population has been low.



I went in at 20 as a squishy controller, fire/time. I play at stock 0/0 and have not had a hard time at all. The few times I bit it was because I got overly ambitious and tried to take more mobs on then I could kill at a time. Simply being more reasonable got me through without a problem. I take it slow and easy and eat candy wherever possible, and use my vet reward attacks _all the time_. Screw containment and that junk. My vet powers do tons more damage. And holding something? Sorry, at this level, killing faster is better than dying slower. I only have so much end, and it goes quick.

Hew in drag baby



1. I love First Ward. The construction and layout and ambience of the zone is awesome!

2. I soloed my time/beam defender because I wanted to read the missions and story arcs.

3. I hate First Ward and will never run through it again. The only reason I'll go is to get a specific badge or join someone who's teaming.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
It's the sharks that make it an overall win for me, though

OMG the sharks!!! I spent SO MUCH time just flying around in the water with the sharks! *delight!* There's no animals in CoX! <3 sharks!

I went into First Ward as a squishy (fire/dark corr) with nothing slotted (literally nothing - I only slot what drops until I can slot 25 IOs, so most of my slots are empty or red :P) and had no problems with it beyond other missions/zones at that level.

My biggest problem was the graveyard mission that combines an aggressive escort NPCs with ambushes. It took FOREVER to move even a few steps, because instead of following me to the next section, my NPC kept running off to fight other groups, and then we would get ambushed. EITHER the ambushes OR the aggressive escort would have been fine - both at once was just terribly obnoxious.

I've also never seen anyone try to take down the Seed, which makes me sad, as it looks awesome.



I played through First Ward starting at level 20, on a Mind/Psi Dom which makes it pretty easy on +0/x0. I only died a handful of times, mostly from getting careless, trying to stealth missions with Sleep and not paying attention. For the final encounter, I just downed a boatload of insps.

I thought the storyline was a pretty decent RPG game in parts (although I enjoyed the first half more than the second half), but maybe not such a great options for teams. Rather too many talkie missions chained together early on, and a fair few missions later where you have to bounce between contacts to talk to them, which drives me NUTS when I HAVE THEIR PHONE NUMBER. I would've liked the gamer guy a lot more if I hadn't had to keep running to his tower to see him.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



yeah all the time I've played I've never seen anyone attempt to take down the Seed.

I think part of it is because it *requires* a coordinated effort, as big and out in the open it is, you won't see people just trying to dog pile it because you need to take out the Seedlings and then nail it.

And the relatively low population helps it too.

And ya, the reward doesn't seem stellar >> You get 5 merits, a badge, and a temporary +15 XP/InF boost for 30 minutes.

I mean, not bad, but it seems like a much bigger effort is required compared to some of the other GMs. Then again, I've never taken part in taking down a GM (Though I've only been in the game about 2 1/2 months. I've at least seen Kraken and Scrapyard >>)



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
yeah all the time I've played I've never seen anyone attempt to take down the Seed.

I think part of it is because it *requires* a coordinated effort, as big and out in the open it is, you won't see people just trying to dog pile it because you need to take out the Seedlings and then nail it.

And the relatively low population helps it too.

And ya, the reward doesn't seem stellar >> You get 5 merits, a badge, and a temporary +15 XP/InF boost for 30 minutes.

I mean, not bad, but it seems like a much bigger effort is required compared to some of the other GMs. Then again, I've never taken part in taking down a GM (Though I've only been in the game about 2 1/2 months. I've at least seen Kraken and Scrapyard >>)
I don't think the devs ever got the point that if they want folks constantly taking out GMs they need to give a reward that benefit the coordination to take one of them out.

Until then GMs in general will continue to be ignored.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Pretty much what Aura said. GM's in this game are fun to take down the first time, but after that the reward for fighting them isn't really worth the time it takes to fight them.

I had quit playing when GR was introduced, so I got to finish up the Going Rogue content and then travel to First Ward. From a role playing perspective, it amuses me that my character simply shrugged off the decision to become a villain or a hero and instead just ran off into the wilderness.



I’m glad I read this thread because I must admit, I’m having a bit of a love/hate relationship with it too.

On the plus side, the zone is utterly amazing. The art team have truly surpassed themselves creating a bleak yet varied zone with different environments and enemies. Extra credit definitely goes to the sound design for the noise that the Seed makes as it floats around. I’ve been happily travelling or talking to a contact when that noise rises across my speakers and I feel a chill knowing that it’s coming. Wonderfully creepy. I normally despair over the sound design in CoX but in this, they really have excelled. Also, the stories are good and I don’t feel like a complete twit all the time like I have done with some of the newer story arcs that have come out. I also like some of the challenges, such as capturing the Apparitions while still in their hosts. Makes you appreciate Brawl.

On the downside, the story to First Ward is actually quite simple and yet it seems to take forever to get to the meat of it: what are the Apparitions? What is to be done about them? I went through three, maybe four contacts fighting these foes before those questions got answered. The contacts are terribly verbose and I do believe that a good story editor could have cut down the waffle tremendously. I like a good story, I love the CoX world but I can’t help but think sometimes the writers need to trim some of the fluff. First target would be Papa Smurf in Ouroboros though for that.

Not sure about hard on squishies, I’ve been soloing my Kinetics/Sonic Defender through it with no real issues and as it is, I like a challenge every now and then. Too many parts of the game are a cakewalk these days.

However, I did not know that /sea was bugged. I was expecting the place to be crawling with teams but I haven’t seen one since I’ve been there. That puts paid to that mystery. I’d love to have a bash at fighting the Seed but like others, I’ve seen no-one fighting it or even rounding up teams. Perhaps the difficulty in getting a team in FW is the problem here.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I've gone through First Ward twice now... Once solo with a claws Stalker and once as the support half of an SJ Stalker/Time Defender duo. I didn't find it excessively difficult with either character, but there are definitely some annoying bits.

The agressive NPCs in the graveyard full of distractions is certainly one... Officer Orb being completely unable to follow my Stalker in Hide was another... The constant ambushes are just something I've gotten used to (They seem to be the default mission design in Praetoria. <_<), but having them run up on me before I was even half-way through reading the first of several text screens was *not* a Good Thing... And, yeah. I got a little weary of having to dodge the space-whale and his vicious little seedling friends while I flew back and forth between the tower and the multiple people who were determined to send me there over and over and over again.

That said, I liked the story itself. The sharks rule and the zone has an incredible amount of detail in it... The little fish jumping in the shallows, the hollow Seed shell (With a badge in it! XD) and the tumbleweeds that we can actually knock around and play with are all personal favorites. I squeed about all of those things when I found them.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
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Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I don't think the devs ever got the point that if they want folks constantly taking out GMs they need to give a reward that benefit the coordination to take one of them out.

Until then GMs in general will continue to be ignored.
If only there was a precedent for GMs giving decent rewards...oh wait, they used to be worthwhile and then suffered a massive reward nerf for no readily apparent reason from which they never recovered, because who wants to spend 15 minutes taking down something that doesn't even give as much XP/Inf as most EBs, let alone something commensurate with the effort required.

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I really enjoyed the first ward, but because of the way it ended, I can't play the character I ran through the arcs again, not until I can do something to fix things.

I don't need to make the first ward perfect, I don't need to solve all the problems, but I need at least one more mission for Katie.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
The agressive NPCs in the graveyard full of distractions is certainly one... Officer Orb being completely unable to follow my Stalker in Hide was another... The constant ambushes are just something I've gotten used to (They seem to be the default mission design in Praetoria. <_<), but having them run up on me before I was even half-way through reading the first of several text screens was *not* a Good Thing... And, yeah. I got a little weary of having to dodge the space-whale and his vicious little seedling friends while I flew back and forth between the tower and the multiple people who were determined to send me there over and over and over again.
I solo'ed through on a stalker too (kinetic/ninja). During one particular ambush I thought "How the heck would I have survived this on a controller?" Defense definitely kept me alive until my endurance wore thin, then some purples until I could hold my own again. Another peeve for me, particular to playing as a stalker, was how wasted criticals from hide were on possessed mobs. It's a bit annoying to have one of the AT's prime strengths negated by foes who must take a single blow (any blow) before the fight began.

As for the zone and story on whole, I liked most of it. The first half was better than the latter. The Midnighter Master really ruined the pace and tension of it for me after he came around. With the mystery unraveling and a new threat mounting, the comic relief of this womanizer seemed so far out of place.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
I don't need to make the first ward perfect, I don't need to solve all the problems, but I need at least one more mission for Katie.
This. Right here gods dammit.

That plot undoes one of the best stories in Praetoria and boy how I cursed when I had to do what needed to be done to protect her.

One final mission, following up on Vanessa's promise would have given that place the final goodbye it needs before heading home.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
If only there was a precedent for GMs giving decent rewards...oh wait, they used to be worthwhile and then suffered a massive reward nerf for no readily apparent reason from which they never recovered, because who wants to spend 15 minutes taking down something that doesn't even give as much XP/Inf as most EBs, let alone something commensurate with the effort required.
People could solo GMs so they nerfed the reward to discourage it.

Then they nerfed the Controllers so they couldn't solo GMs. They never fixed the reward. Honestly most people don't bother with them unless they need the badges (redside two of the GMs are needed for an accolade, and one of those two unlocks a contact many like to run).

Also I'll never run this again, because there's too much work and minimal reward (no badges, the mobs are easy enough to find, etc). My Controller might run a couple arcs in ouro since they come with Ubar Boss/EB pets to buff.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.