Two minds about First Ward

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
These are unbreakable paths
But they're paths upon which I can choose not to tread

You can take your Incarnate junk and shove it

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Too lazy to multi-quote so just a few observations:

1: Johnny Ambush should look up the definition of "ambush." It usually includes the words "surprise," or "unexpectedly" or some such. If the player is surprised when they click a blinky or defeat a named boss and don't get ambushed, this is a sure sign that you are overusing them.

2: "Bosses on" is technically the default. Allowing us to scale them down to lieutenants is a bone thrown to weak soloers. So, if you have to turn bosses off, the difficulty may well be an issue. If you have to turn bosses off with a Scrapper post SOs, the difficulty is definitely an issue.

3: When someone says the same thing over and over again in every single related thread this is called spamming and should be reported as such, not replied to and quoted so said person has an excuse to keep doing it, and incidentally derails the thread.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Spectral_Ent View Post
The idea that all content has to be capped off in an Incarnate trial somewhere is a thought that I'm sure alarms more people than just me.
Not all content - but the Praetorian content has been created at the same time as the Trials - so the major events will be played out in them - and you should also be preapred for major parts of the Coming Storm storyline to be played out in Trials too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
These are unbreakable paths
So is goody-goody GG willing to walk the amoral Well's path?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All paths lead to the Well



Obviously anyone who plays the game for any sort of challenge has bosses on from level 2.
Not obvious. Lots of people leave them off so they can blow through missions faster (esp. if they're running Tips on lots of characters for AMs.)

BTW, Eva, "bosses off" is the default. You have to explicitly turn them on.

The reason I mention that I was on 0x1 is because I assume that anyone complaining about the difficulty of the zone is also playing on that level.
Do not assume. Difficulty adjustment was pitched as a way of keeping challenge in the game for more powerful builds. Some, myself among them, argue this means anything that forces players to lower difficulty is too hard.

My point is not that I am some sort of uberplayer, but that the zone is very doable on default difficulty with a set that is popularly known to be particularly susceptible to its tricks.
This is another reason why people argue that anything that requires lowering difficutly is too hard. The game is profoundly uninteresting at default difficulty. You can take a Man Build through FW on default difficulty. Turning the game down that low removes any value in the gameplay. The only reasons to do it are either, as alluded above, to blow through missions as quickly as possible to obtain mission-based rewards or to experience the story. FW offers no noteworthy rewards and its story is not worth experiencing at all.

Surely my getting through it deathless on an /EA scrapper is more impressive than your turning up the difficulty and never playing the zone again.
Not sure if this is sarcasm, but if it isn't, I don't see why you would draw that conclusion.

Oh, and I'd be curious to hear what about the gameplay you find miserable since you don't find it to be overly difficult?
  • I did not find it particularly difficult on that character. Scrappers in general are powerhouses and SRs at that bracket have good defense against anything that isn't unpositioned or AE. They also have Confuse protection, which matters because one of the mutant Seer powers is an escalating Confuse. (I had to look up what it did because it was doing nothing to me.) Melees with different protective sets might not have it so easy and I expect squishies to have issues thanks to everything and its dog throwing status effects. Not to mention....
  • ambush ambush ambush ambush MUSHROOM MUSHROOM ambush ambush ambush....
  • Mobs with aggravating powers that made many fights feel like kicking dead whales down the beach.
  • Too many cutscences/talkies breaking the action.
  • Wretched, miserable storyline that took everything that was wrong with Praetoria and dialed it up to 11.

Just off the top of my head.

Edit: Oh, and:

We're not on the Well's path - that's the whole point
No, the point is we are on the Well's path, we are being manipulated and played for saps in a stupid and obvious manner.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I fall into category 1... my firend and I team up on a regular basis and we took our Beam/time corruptors to First ward shortly after level 20, around 21 after doing our cape and costume missions, and stayed until we finished the last arc.

The arcs are entertaining and challenging and we enjoyed them completely. A two man team ensured us bosses to battle and EBs as well. I found it interesting, at least on a 2 man team, that they not only find a way to give you enough to battle to get the badges for all 5 of the new enemy group but we wound up with 4 or 5 badges for the groups normally found in the 1-20 content.

Occasionally we got overwhelmed by an ambush but usually we held our own and survived. One thing we loved was not a single contact had any missions outside of their arcs.. we like to sync up so that both of us get the ned bonuses and merits. While it was always a part of the overall story a few less talk to missions would have been just fine LOL Other than that I enjoyed it totally.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Actually, the complaint about Katie could probably be resolved in the same complaint as "the ending feels rushed and unconnected." We could have two arcs, 20-24 and 25-29, a "find out about the apparitions" arc that ends on "something's up with the Carnival of War", and then a 25-29 arc that deals with the Talons. Then we could build them up properly and rescue Katie at the end. During the Talons arc she could fall to their anger because of lingering resentment toward you, and then snap out of it (after you beat her up, of course) to hold off part of the army before you go fight Serene.



Originally Posted by Spectral_Ent View Post
Actually, the complaint about Katie could probably be resolved in the same complaint as "the ending feels rushed and unconnected." We could have two arcs, 20-24 and 25-29, a "find out about the apparitions" arc that ends on "something's up with the Carnival of War", and then a 25-29 arc that deals with the Talons. Then we could build them up properly and rescue Katie at the end. During the Talons arc she could fall to their anger because of lingering resentment toward you, and then snap out of it (after you beat her up, of course) to hold off part of the army before you go fight Serene.
Incidentally, I totally agree with venture that the storyline for First Ward is largely awful. The Carnival of Vengeance reveal especially seems like the kind of terrible stuff I was writing for pen n paper RPGs when I was 14.

I was also extrremely irked to find Diabolique and that chick with the bob (who is she? She just turns up and everyone acts like they know who she is - I thought she was War Witch for a while) in a quite cool cave with the big bird statue, and then I'm sidelined as the two of them and Midnight enjoy themselves in a cut scene, and then because i'm on a squishy i have to just sit at the back whilst Diabolique finishes the arc for me.

I'm now in Striga, enjoying actually being a hero in missions that are enjoyable, for contacts who aren't wankers.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Do not assume. Difficulty adjustment was pitched as a way of keeping challenge in the game for more powerful builds. Some, myself among them, argue this means anything that forces players to lower difficulty is too hard.
All right, but in that case the remedy for their difficulty in the zone is close at hand indeed. There is at least one difficulty adjuster in First Ward itself. If you're being frustrated by giant ambushes on x2+, surely the sensible thing to do would be to lower the difficulty rather than simply trying again over and over while becoming progressively ornerier and ornerier?
This is another reason why people argue that anything that requires lowering difficutly is too hard. The game is profoundly uninteresting at default difficulty. You can take a Man Build through FW on default difficulty. Turning the game down that low removes any value in the gameplay. The only reasons to do it are either, as alluded above, to blow through missions as quickly as possible to obtain mission-based rewards or to experience the story. FW offers no noteworthy rewards and its story is not worth experiencing at all.
Here again, the same issue. If the game is too easy to be interesting on the default level, it makes no sense to complain about its difficulty having cranked it up. Likewise, if they add new content that is more challenging at the default level, it becomes less uninteresting in terms of difficulty. I think you and I both know, though, that most people who are reporting frustration with soloing the new content here on the forum are likely to be running on 0x1. Those who care to turn up the difficulty on a neonatal build know what they're in for.
Melees with different protective sets might not have it so easy and I expect squishies to have issues thanks to everything and its dog throwing status effects.
I actually don't recall getting confused and I don't believe EA has confuse protection. My first run through was on a beam blaster and that definitely doesn't have confuse protection. I did get feared a few times which is always obnoxious but at that level it isn't a very credible threat.
ambush ambush ambush ambush MUSHROOM MUSHROOM ambush ambush ambush....

Mobs with aggravating powers that made many fights feel like kicking dead whales down the beach.
Isn't this an aspect of the difficulty of the zone? I'm not saying you have to like it, but if they present such new challenges well, again, it isn't that the zone is too easy.
Too many cutscences/talkies breaking the action.

Wretched, miserable storyline that took everything that was wrong with Praetoria and dialed it up to 11.
Heh, I quite enjoy both of these things.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
(who is she? She just turns up and everyone acts like they know who she is - I thought she was War Witch for a while)
You need to read the text to follow the stories

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You need to read the text to follow the stories
I was trying to read the text, but i kept getting distracted by ambushes and dying and text windows appearing at the same time as speech bubbles and "hello hero - blah blah blah now go see vanessa and then come back and then go speak to her again and then come back and ignore the comms we've all given you by now, you've got to physically go there" and by then, I was sick of it all, tbh.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
None of the text about Sorceress Serene involves ambushes
I don't care.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I was also extrremely irked to find Diabolique and that chick with the bob (who is she? She just turns up and everyone acts like they know who she is - I thought she was War Witch for a while)

She is.



I felt bad about Katie, but only because I had freed her from the Network in the first place. What a shame and waste of effort. Probably end up having to kill her outright eventually.



All right, but in that case the remedy for their difficulty in the zone is close at hand indeed. There is at least one difficulty adjuster in First Ward itself. If you're being frustrated by giant ambushes on x2+, surely the sensible thing to do would be to lower the difficulty rather than simply trying again over and over while becoming progressively ornerier and ornerier?
This means you either waste travel time grovelling over the zone to change difficulty, reacquiring the mission so the difficulty change actually takes, returning to the mission and then having to reset difficulty again since you don't know (until it's too late) whether or not the next mission is either a snoozefest on base difficulty or a deathtrap on anything else (and, likely, a snoozefest on base difficulty).

If difficulty adjustment is supposed to compensate for build capability, i.e. it is something you are supposed to set once and leave alone, then every mission's difficulty needs to be within some acceptable delta of a base value. If you're supposed to change it for every map then it's got to be a menu option.

If the game is too easy to be interesting on the default level, it makes no sense to complain about its difficulty having cranked it up.
This statement makes so little sense as to not require further refutation.

Likewise, if they add new content that is more challenging at the default level, it becomes less uninteresting in terms of difficulty.
It isn't more challenging at the default level. This is the point. It is practically impossible for the devs to kill a player on a standard mission at base difficulty without making an overt attempt to do so. I.e. they could drop fifty mobs on your head for clicking a glowie, but that would be kind of obvious. The game is not merely easy at base difficulty, but stupidly and mind-numbingly so. You can't fix the problem by throwing more mobs at the player or even making them tougher, again not without resorting to outright killer-GM tactics (which doesn't solve the problem either). Fixing this requires changing fundamental game systems the devs don't have the will to change.

I think you and I both know, though, that most people who are reporting frustration with soloing the new content here on the forum are likely to be running on 0x1.
I doubt it.

Those who care to turn up the difficulty on a neonatal build know what they're in for.
Level 20-25 is not neonatal. Characters get SO-level enhancements at 22, which is where the game breaks. I raise difficulty on almost all my characters in the low single digits, and so do most of the people I've spoken to about it. People running on base difficulty are either playing very weak builds, or are incompetent players, and in either case are fossils.

Isn't this an aspect of the difficulty of the zone?
It's not difficult, it's tedious. I never fought anything that was seriously likely to impede my forward progress. It just wasn't any fun dealing with it.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



It's funny that you go to such lengths to assure we the readers that First Ward is definitely, absolutely, categorically not a challenge for a couple of reasons. The first is that you seem to be strongly implying, amid your accusations of mere tedium, that you do in fact find parts of it annoyingly hard but don't want us to think that you do. The second and more interesting point is that if you think First Ward is so pathetically easy, you appear to be basically alone in your beliefs. I and others have argued that it isn't too hard in the face of many, many posters who feel that it is. But now you're here to tell us that we're all wrong, it's ludicrously easy and we're literally all stupid because we can't see how easy it is. That's an interesting claim.

I have to ask, is there anything that you like about City of Heroes at all? It really seems like there is not. The gameplay is for simpletons, the story is dreck, I'm sure you find the graphics repugnant both for how antiquated they are and for the fact that ultra mode has made the system requirements marginally higher. Do you just pay your sub because you like the forum so much?



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
BTW, Eva, "bosses off" is the default. You have to explicitly turn them on.
Yes, it is the default at the difficulty changer, but the missions are designed around the assumption that bosses are on. That is what I mean by "default." And if you are not solo you can't avoid them at all. A Scrapper should never be required to turn bosses off due to difficulty, ever, unless you playing some kind of weird concept build.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I play weird concept builds. I have two toggle-less tanks. I don't turn bosses off.



FWIW, I always run new content at base level the first time so I can concentrate on the story. That said, there are several instances in the First Ward arcs that spawn bosses wether you turned them on or not. Apparations are especially bad at that.



The more I think about the story of First Ward, the more frustrated I get. It starts off well enough with bringing peace to the survivors’ compound and the build up of the Apparitions as threats is pretty good. But then it just seems to stop. After you’ve secured the chapel the plot just spins off into nowhere. Once the reveal as to what the Apparitions are (which I did quite like) is given, the plot gets hijacked by Serene.

And here’s the issue: I have no idea who this Serene is, neither do any of my contacts. Apparently I’m meant to know who the Talons of Vengeance are though and why them being released is a big threat but this is never explained. Suddenly, stopping the Apparitions or at least putting them to rest or restoring the Seers becomes a non-priority.

I’m a film buff and I know how evil test screenings can be to a plot. All it takes is for some bad test reviews and all of a sudden, a crappy new ending is shot and slammed onto the backside of the film regardless of whether it fits the rest of it. This is exactly like what First Ward feels like to me. Once the villain is revealed, the story becomes about her and whatever else was going on up till that point is jettisoned. Which would be forgivable if the villain was actually interesting or had some purpose or, heavens forbid, we were allowed to kick her back to the Stone Age. But, as others have noted, the whole conclusion to First Ward is done by NPCs.

Once the villain is banished, nothing happens. Several people died, the Apparitions are still there and the best damn character in the whole sorry mess is locked up back in the Seer network with no way to get her out. For a hero, it’s an entirely Phyrric victory. And as for a villain… well I can’t see any of my villains following the plot that far. Despite Doorman’s little speech and the option to occasionally be rude to contacts, there’s nothing in First Ward for them. None of the contacts even have the decency to try and buy my villains’ help which is the usual stock solution for ‘why should I help you?’

And that’s the kicker. Once I left First Ward I was left with a feeling of ‘what was the point of that’? There’s zero reason to go to First Ward by Primal characters, none. It looks beautiful, the missions are fun but it’s let down by its overall plot. Now I’ve run the missions, I’ve got no desire to return to it again which is a real shame. Oh and yes, I did read every bit of dialogue and every clue. I had plenty of time to read them all carefully having had my backside kicked by Captain Ambush every time I dared to try and read the wall of text presented to me.

First Ward is an amazing visual zone but as I’ve noticed in recent years, the quality of the writing is slipping further and further and this really undermines everything else, at least to me. When I get more excited by tracking down and defeating Frostfire, an arc that’s almost seven years old, that’s a fair indication that something has gone awry.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I feel pretty much the same way as the first post here. I'm only just starting on Katie's arc but it's alternating between "that's cool", "man this is a lot of running around talking to people", "That's kind of neat", "well that's a kick in the pants", "getting my butt handed to me", and "that's pretty funny".



Wait till you meet Master Midnight. He's "hilarious".

I think you can envisage the look on my face when I type that.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."