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That would be great too, so that while in the market you can avoid buying things twice. My thought were more something external to the game that provided a listing of what you have.
For instance, a Tuesday rolls around and some random costume part goes on sale, or an XP booster, etc. You are at work/school/whatever and cannot access the game and thus the market to see if you have said item. This system would allow you to pull up a manifest to see what you have on your account and if you need that particular item.
The best example I can give of an existing system as such would be the multiplayer aspect of ME3. Through the web you can connect to a "Player Manifest" that lists all the items/characters/boosts/etc. that you have unlocked on your account. -
Market access outside of the game. I know this has been requested many times since Freedom went live and we've received responses of "yeah, we want to do that." and "We're looking into it." I'm just wondering if there has been any progress towards this or if it is just totally out of scope.
If market access is not available, I was wondering if it would be possible to have some sort of "player manifest" that we could access to see what all we have purchased/unlocked from the market. This would be especially useful when considering the bundles that have recently found their way to the market. For instance, the Nature Affinity bundle which included the Leaves Aura, Powerset, and Travel Path Aura. I was about to purchase the bundle since it was a great deal, but then I couldn't remember if I had the auras already or not.This lead me to having to get into game, go to character creator and search out the auras only to find I already had 1 aura which made the bundle no longer a good deal. Having a listing (tied to the forums, or NCSoft account site, etc.) of what all I've already got would have made this process much easier. -
Blazing Saddles:
"Badges? We don't need...
"Tell me Jim, since you are my guest and I am your host, whatchya like to do...
"Spaceball one, they've gone to....
"I said shoot across their nose, not...
(And in honor of our amazing costume artist)
"Dink dink, dink dink dink dink dink dink... -
I could be wrong, but I believe that they said that Superpacks 2 will release with I24 on a coffeetalk or something.
I made an attempt at the first couple of rounds, but I can't type 20 digits in less than a half second. Oh well, would have been nice to have the aura but it just isn't worth the time or frustration.
Maybe I'm missing something here but out of the 14 costume pieces, 2 emotes, and 1 power, the only things that are "old" are the emotes and power. So how are 3 items out of 17 "so much old content"?
Already in-game:
Entropic Chaos, Self Heal Proc-10% chance to heal 5% of your unenhanced max. hitpoints. -
Yeah, the dance emotes are the same from the other packs. If you want it, though; it's still better to purchase the pack rather than exclude the emotes if you already have them.
I have a hunch that BABs will not take over as trainer in Atlas.
Quote:I could be wrong, I haven't moved or unlocked any slots on my main account since Freedom, but I think this is incorrect. When we were receiving character slots as annual rewards (pre-freedom) or even purchased slots they state specifically that these unlocked slots would be permanently opened to that server only (i.e. you could not change your mind and move an unlocked slot to another server).That isn't the way things worked originally, afaict. I wonder if this is new, and where it comes from. I'd ask the rep to escalate it. Not because I think it can be fixed, but because higher up folks need to hear that it's a problem.
The post-freedom free global slots work in the same manner, once unlocked on a server, they are permanently unlocked there and only there. It matters not what you do with the character in that slot. -
The way I understand it is that you unlock slots on a server, not the individual characters. The 4 slots you unlocked on the original server should still be unlocked and since you didn't unlock any slots on the server you moved to, those will not be unlocked.
In short, yes, you will need to either re-roll your characters or purchase character slots for the new server. -
This happened when they updated the Physx codex. Apparently the ragdoll effects are connected to that in some way.
Personally I think that the costume is a total waste and you should start over immediately...and put this one in the costume creator, you know, so, ummm, all that time you've worked on it won't go to waste. Yeah, that's it.
Limiting the amount of inf a character can earn is already in place, has been from the start...2 billion and no more.
Info on I22 is up...images show a shadowed wolf.
You have to fill all of the tier 8 slots before you can slot anything into tier 9; however, you do not have to fill any tier 9 slots before taking the tier 9 VIP rewards.
I jumped in game yesterday and noticed I was getting a message at the top of my loading screen that my drivers were out of date. I haven't updated my drivers due to all the bad comments the recent drivers have been getting and my game was running fine so I didn't want to rock the boat. I found the thread for safe AMD/ATI drivers and it recommends the 11.9 drivers, but I can only find the 11.12 drivers on the ATI website.
Do I really need to update, and if so, where can I find the 11.9 drivers or can I trust the 11.12? -
I vaguely recall that the Omega Aura changed at some point, but I thought it was on Beta at the time. I could be wrong since I cannot put my hands on the post about it.
Not getting into the whole belt not fitting and lack of holsters in a gunslinger set, I have to say I don't particularly have a problem with the female costume parts, minus the whole pre-tinting issue. The parts are nicely done and really look great. My issue is in the fact that those are the *only* pieces that females get. It's like the art team has blinders on that female characters wouldn't want chaps or jackets.
I understand their arguement with wanting to have equal costume parts between genders in sets, but seriously I have no issue if they wanted to provide more costume pieces to females than males. It only makes sense that females would have the option of dresses or pants. Just my 2 inf.