Accuracy WAS Nerfed

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What happened to the OP?! He's not responding!!!



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
What happened to the OP?! He's not responding!!!
He realized he was wrong, isn't a man enough to admit that, but smart enough not to go on with his rant.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Actually, the Devs nerfed the random number generator with a quantum debuff -- your rolls are worse unless you observe them carefully.
But does the act of observing them inherently change the situation (ie does the act of observing the real numbers change their outcomes more favorably)?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

So, OP, you have two options:

1. You are misunderstanding the data you're seeing.
2. There's a conspiracy between the devs and the rest of the playerbase to hide an accuracy nerf. Nobody will admit to anything, except *you.*

Which, logically, is more likely?
I'm really hoping it's option 2.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
What happened to the OP?! He's not responding!!!
Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
He realized he was wrong, isn't a man enough to admit that, but smart enough not to go on with his rant.
Maybe he's trying to respond, but keeps missing.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
I just glanced back in the thread and blinked at this.

... Soloing content meant for groups of 20 or more?

Um, let's see. Mothership raid? No..
Actually, yes. There are players who have done solo and duo Mothership raids.

Originally Posted by Largo View Post
Best thread of the weekend..hands down. And its only Saturday.
Eh, there was a sillier thread early in the weekend. It's gone now, so i'll say no more about it.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by superferret View Post
maybe he's trying to respond, but keeps missing.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually, yes. There are players who have done solo and duo Mothership raids.
You also skip over a pretty important "fact" in those events. They were players with heavily tweaked and "time expensive" or "farm expensive" or "auction house expensive" IO builds.

Players who have accomplished such events were not casual players with Single Origin builds, mixed SO/IO builds, or casual IO builds.

The reality is, not everybody in the game has Perma Phantom Army. Not everybody in the game has perma-AM. Not everybody in the game has Perma-Hasten, Soft-capped defenses, high regeneration, and high recovery. I've been biting my tongue since Oedipus's way out of line quote from earlier in the thread:

I'll say nothing about the Control set with the immune-to-everything pets that has been soloing content meant for groups of 20 or more.
The number of players who have Illusion builds that are capable of doing this can probably be counted without even having to use all your fingers and toes. The number of players that can pull this off is not, by any means, a significant amount of the player-base.

Which is just one of the many reasons the developers haven't taken any steps to "deal with" builds that players can see as over-powered. Very few players ever reach that over-powered state, and the developers are largely content to allow the players to feel a sense of achievement at successfully working the Invention System to do something their character was never designed to do to begin with.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually, yes. There are players who have done solo and duo Mothership raids.
You also skip over a pretty important "fact" in those events. They were players with heavily tweaked and "time expensive" or "farm expensive" or "auction house expensive" IO builds.

Players who have accomplished such events were not casual players with Single Origin builds, mixed SO/IO builds, or casual IO builds.

The reality is, not everybody in the game has Perma Phantom Army. Not everybody in the game has perma-AM. Not everybody in the game has Perma-Hasten, Soft-capped defenses, high regeneration, and high recovery.
Now really where did this come from? There are always top end players and builds, and there always will be. Just because person "x" can't do something doesn't mean person "y" also can't. The game mechanics work just the same for everyone. A casual player on straight SO enhancements deals with the precise same tohit and accuracy mechanics that an optimized extreme IO build character does.

I guess the thread's drifting from incorrect assumptions on the part of the OP into irrelevancies of what high end players can do. A very few select players have managed to solo virtually everything in the game short of Hamidon. Heck, I've soloed a lot of content with some of my more powerful characters; I do have a perma-PA Ill/Rad as well as numerous soft capped high damage characters. I wouldn't try some of the things others have pulled off though, primarily because it isn't worth the time and effort to me... not because they're impossible. I'll also freely admit that there are players more skilled than I am, and I can respect that.

Knowing that a very few dedicated players can pull off amazing things gives others something to shoot for and in my opinion is a good thing; but the rest of the players are still capable of managing nearly anything in the game if they play well and have a decent team; they don't even need to have an uber-fantastic build.

Yes, dedicated players will have better characters than casual ones, that's the nature of every game out there. Even back when SO's were the best there was a dedicated player simply built and played his character better than a casual player did.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Going to try my hand at throwing in some formulas, filling out the variables, and completing each step-by-step to maybe shed some light on this. Granted, I haven't done much math in a few years, so feel free to correct me if there are any mistakes. Here are the formulas we'll be using(AccMods formula is included to fill out the value in the final HitChance):

HitChance = Clamp( AccMods × Clamp( BaseHitChance + ToHitMods – DefMods ) )

AccMods = the power's inherent Accuracy × (1.0 + the power's Accuracy Enhancements + all global Set Accuracy bonuses)

But first, here's a picture from Mids' since it's being brought up. Part of the problem may be found here.

This is from good ol' unslotted Brawl. You notice the "Accuracy" is at 75%. This isn't referring to the inherent accuracy, but the final HitChance which will be seen further ahead. Meanwhile, although you can't see my cursor hovering over the "Accuracy" value, there's that tooltip displaying the AccMods value.

Now the formulas if we applied Brawl, starting with AccMods.

AccMods = the power's inherent Accuracy × (1.0 + the power's Accuracy Enhancements + all global Set Accuracy bonuses)
AccMods = 1 x (1.0+0+0)
AccMods = 1 x 1.0
AccMods = 1

Now to place this and the other values into HitChance.

HitChance = Clamp(AccMods × Clamp(BaseHitChance+ToHitMods–DefMods))
HitChance = Clamp(1 x Clamp(.75+0-0))
HitChance = Clamp(1 x Clamp(.75))
HitChance = Clamp(1 x .75)
HitChance = Clamp(.75)
HitChance = .75

Here you can see how the number(1.00 or simplified to 1) in the tooltip is used and the resulting "Accuracy" number(.75, displayed as a percentage in Mids').

By checking out the combat log in-game, you can see that this is true if you disregard any conspiracies or quantum debuffs. I ran 300 Brawls against an even con, even level minion and my hit percentage was right around 74%.

OP is suggesting the formula goes like this:

AccMods = .75 x (1.0+0+0)
AccMods = .75 x 1.0
AccMods = .75

HitChance = Clamp(.75 x Clamp(.75+0-0))
HitChance = Clamp(.75 x Clamp(.75))
HitChance = Clamp(.75 x .75)
Hitchance = Clamp(.5625)
HitChance = .5625



Originally Posted by Sir Talomose View Post
I ran 300 Brawls against an even con, even level minion and my hit percentage was right around 74%.
So accuracy WAS nerfed! It used to be 75%!!!

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I'm confused by this. Ranged powers pass straight through enemies between you and the target, phased or not. Enemies can't be "hidden behind invincible ones." Do you mean that they are hard to see and click?
Yes, which is why I compare it to phantom army. It can be hard to:

Tell which of them are phased
Even if you can tell, to target them (clicking is hard, tab even harder)

This makes none of the dark miasma heals, tohit debuffs, or controls usable except fearsome stare.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
You also skip over a pretty important "fact" in those events. They were players with heavily tweaked and "time expensive" or "farm expensive" or "auction house expensive" IO builds.

Players who have accomplished such events were not casual players with Single Origin builds, mixed SO/IO builds, or casual IO builds.

The reality is, not everybody in the game has Perma Phantom Army. Not everybody in the game has perma-AM. Not everybody in the game has Perma-Hasten, Soft-capped defenses, high regeneration, and high recovery. I've been biting my tongue since Oedipus's way out of line quote from earlier in the thread:

The number of players who have Illusion builds that are capable of doing this can probably be counted without even having to use all your fingers and toes. The number of players that can pull this off is not, by any means, a significant amount of the player-base.

Which is just one of the many reasons the developers haven't taken any steps to "deal with" builds that players can see as over-powered. Very few players ever reach that over-powered state, and the developers are largely content to allow the players to feel a sense of achievement at successfully working the Invention System to do something their character was never designed to do to begin with.
Nowhere in the post i was replying to was it specified that the activity was being done by average players. In fact the offhand reference to soloing GMs implies that the statement was about what it was possible for characters to do in the game, period. Not average or below average characters, but characters across the performance spectrum, which would include high end builds.

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i make stuff...



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
So accuracy WAS nerfed! It used to be 75%!!!

The discrepancy is probably due to quantum. I.e., he wasn't watching the screen closely enough.



Originally Posted by Sir Talomose View Post
I ran 300 Brawls against an even con, even level minion and my hit percentage was right around 74%.
Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
So accuracy WAS nerfed! It used to be 75%!!!
oh my's a...I dare not say it...
[spoiler alert]




Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Wrong again. Powers still have a base ACCURACY of 1.0. Player base TOHIT has been 75% for as long as I can remember.

Final hit chance is not the power's accuracy, it's base ToHit multiplied by the power's accuracy.
I have played, on and off, since before the release of issue one.

The 1.0 modifier and the 75% have both been around since then and to my knowledge the launch of the game.

Mids is taking a shortcut in how it displays the information.

To the original idea, if accuracy were to be adjusted by the devs, and should they wish to hide this fact, were I a Dev, I would simply tweak the random number generation process for To_Hit calls. I do not believe that any such thing, hidden or declared has happened.

You have not answered a key question in your assumed 'nerf.' Why would the Dev team change a process that has worked and is working? A core game mechanic that players by and large are quite happy with.

Should you be tempted to say that you still believe accuracy not to be working as declared, and that it was not changed on purpose, then it is a BUG not a nerf, and you should be prepared to post a significant amount of data supporting your claim.

Sets of to-hit rolls, reported and derived hit chances. The power used, level of the target, level of the 'Hero/Villian,' how the power was slotted, etc. Blocks of data with N lower then a few thousand really wont show anything. Even with a large data set, all you will really show is that random number generators in computer games are not perfect. I also suspect the streak break code will skew the results.

I have, over the years, watched many 'Acc Nerf' threads go by. None I have read showed anything other then game mechanics working as advertised.



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
He changed his name to Balseraph didn't he?
No, Balseraph is Brian Urbanek. When Geko was here, Balseraph was working on The Saga of Ryzom. I don't think he joined Cryptic until late 2008.



Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
I have, over the years, watched many 'Acc Nerf' threads go by. None I have read showed anything other then game mechanics working as advertised.
That's not ENTIRELY true. There was that one bug that caused people to whiff on gray enemies.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



If it hasn't been said already.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
In all fairness, this is a direct result of the "three minions = one hero" design, which was intended to be the LEAST powerful a hero would be. Most other MMOs design around a one to one philosophy, with boss level monsters REQUIRING a whole team.
Actually, its due to a different rule most players have forgotten, but which the devs also acknowledged. Its the "three shots rule." The game was originally designed around the basic premise that three "standard" attacks (read: three tier 1/2 blaster attacks at the original 1.0 modifier) would defeat a normal even con minion. That speed, coupled with unbalanced AoEs, originally promoted the sense that killing was better than mitigating.

But while that explains where the original encouragement came from, it doesn't fully explain why it took root so quickly and so pervasively. It didn't start that way. It wasn't until maybe I2 when this concept fully solidified in public opinion.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It seems remarkably pedantic to point that out. I wasn't making any comment about Bad_Dog's claims and whether or not they (or the responses to them) depended on hit-chance mechanics. I said only that the people responding were intimately familiar with those mechanics, which is relevant because it is the context which gives them the familiarity with the 75% base value for hitting even-level foes. You have the pedigree to have come about that value before the rest of the mechanics were understood (given that you educated most of us in them), but that doesn't invalidate the relationship most people have in knowing that value in the context of the larger hit mechanics ruleset.

Really, was a response in the form of a correction needed there?
What I was saying, and it seems it was worth saying because I'm now repeating, was that after careful consideration the OP really isn't interested in anyone correcting his understanding of game mechanics, as you were pointing out in your post; he is convinced that accuracy was nerfed, and that if his understanding of the mechanics is at fault, all it means is that the problem lies elsewhere. I'm pretty sure that's what he meant when he said:

"Accuracy reduction is not a myth. And I will be the first to acknowledge my own in-game testing seems to point that the "math" being presented works out correctly. The point of what I posted is that we noticebaly began missing suddenly, like 3, 4 and 5 times in a row and now requiring 2 accuracy enhancements or a higher level IO to compensate for it. I have been here since CoH Beta and this was never the case."

So when you said:

"B_D, please, you were mistaken. It's totally forgivable that you got this stuff mixed up. It's not rocket science, but it is kind of complicated. There was no nerf. You've got some of the people most knowledgeable about game's hit-chance mechanics that exist in the player community responding to you in this thread. They're correct here.

Think about it. If Mid's contained information showing the kind of discrepancy you're describing, and if the makers of Mid's really trusted their powers info enough to believe that discrepancy was valid, do you really think the makers of Mid's wouldn't have come to the forums posting about it? Or that someone using Mid's wouldn't have noticed by now?"

I don't think it matters to the OP. Either our information proves accuracy was nerfed, or our information is wrong. Either way, I don't think our corrections are meaningful to the OP. I'm not even sure the OP is reading my posts at all.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not even sure the OP is reading my posts at all.
They make too much sense for him to understand.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
The thing that I read as remarkable in his statement is that it was pure theory. It sounded like he had never tried to use the power, because in practice, it does anything but remove enemies from action for 30 seconds. In a large mob it can make some dark miasma defensive powers unusable while a few enemies that were not phased attack you with impunity, hidden behind the invincible ones.
But that has nothing to do with geko's statement, at least the part you quoted:

Black Hole is not a Controlling power to be used in every encounter. Like most high level power, it is situational and is very powerful when suddenly faced with more foes than you can handle. It is very potent to remove half of your enemies for 30 seconds when used correctly.
He's saying:

1. Don't use it all the time.

2. Use it specifically in situations where without it you'll die.

All I said was that there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that statement. All the problems you mention about the power are lesser evils to the alternative, which is to die. If you're not going to die in that situation, you were really not supposed to be using the power.

The real catch to black hole is that many CoH players simply do not like highly situational powers. And that actually traces back to a totally different error on the part of the devs: balancing attacks with long recharge, and balancing defensive sets with power layering. If players could make full attack chains with fewer attacks, and enable the core protections of their defensive sets with fewer powers (for those with defenses) there would be less antagonism towards situational powers, I think.

The other catch is that when you compare Black Hole to, say, Mutation, no player gets blamed for using Mutation, because obviously Mutation virtually always makes sense when its used, even with its drawbacks. But if you use Black Hole, it can be almost impossible to prove that its use was necessary rather than punitive. But both powers are only intended to be used when players are about to die, Mutation later than sooner.

I'm well aware of the mechanical flaws in the power, but geko's statement wasn't addressing its flaws, just the intent of its usage benefit. And while we might question that benefit in retrospect, I don't think its fair to knock that statement at the time, when it was unclear if it really would be seen in the long run as too punitive given its situational nature.

I should point out that there was a debate for months on the forums (and in-game) about whether Elude was too punitive for its benefit - the I2 click defense version that is more or less the version we have now, as opposed to the toggle PFF/Superspeed odd ball. The end crash was seen by many as so detrimental to offense that it made the power almost pointless (I should point out that at the time SR scrappers were often running toggles inside of Elude - there was no such thing as a "soft cap" back then with critters easily reaching 100% tohit and more). And in a crazy twist you could never have predicted, with so many high-end SR scrappers aiming for soft-capped defenses with inventions, I'm sure some of them would actually consider the old I1 toggle Elude to actually be more useful - it would be a better panic button when soft-capped defenses fail, and it doubles as a travel power.

Edit: on the subject of foe intangibles in general, back when this was being discussed for the 38,714th time in I14 I suggested the following:

1. Add a visual effect that was obvious to intangible foes.
2. Add a way to tab through non-intangible foes, skipping intangible ones.
3. Add an effect to foe intangibles which temporarily stopped their powers from recharging and halted regeneration and recovery, so that in effect they are time-stopped within the intangible effect (so they do not emerge stronger than when they went in).
4. Add a random foe effect on emerge from intangible, random damage in particular, as an effect of returning to normal space that could be enhanced. This makes foe intangible powers attacks with an intermediate intangible, rather than a pure intangible effect only.
5. Replace AoE intangible with cones, or some other directional effect, so they can be aimed.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
What I was saying, and it seems it was worth saying because I'm now repeating, was that after careful consideration the OP really isn't interested in anyone correcting his understanding of game mechanics
I think I see. I just read it as though you were correcting what I had said, but I think I get what you were saying now.

I don't think it matters to the OP. Either our information proves accuracy was nerfed, or our information is wrong. Either way, I don't think our corrections are meaningful to the OP. I'm not even sure the OP is reading my posts at all.
Possible. He was involved in a pretty involved market discussion (in the Test Server forum of all places) and when presented with some detailed information that was contrary to his position, he moderated his viewpoint to something more middle-ground. That doesn't seem to be going on here, though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The real catch to black hole is that many CoH players simply do not like highly situational powers. And that actually traces back to a totally different error on the part of the devs: balancing attacks with long recharge, and balancing defensive sets with power layering. If players could make full attack chains with fewer attacks, and enable the core protections of their defensive sets with fewer powers (for those with defenses) there would be less antagonism towards situational powers, I think.
For many but certainly not all players, the change to make Fitness inherent is a nice band-aid for this. I know it lets some things I dropped off the bottom of my power pick priority list fit back on my characters, though perhaps with limited slotting.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
For many but certainly not all players, the change to make Fitness inherent is a nice band-aid for this. I know it lets some things I dropped off the bottom of my power pick priority list fit back on my characters, though perhaps with limited slotting.
I doubt that will help Black Hole and its cousins much. Although, while typing that post above, it occurred to me that the *ultimate* in situational usage intangibles that would *never* be questioned when used is this one:

1. Toggle.
2. 15' radius PBAoE.
3. Usable while dead.

As a toggle and PBAoE, it you could turn it off and on, like Choking Cloud. You could maneuver around and only affect the targets you wanted to. And if you could use it while dead, you could theoretically intangible away all the critters around you when the team wiped, allowing them to rez in perfect safety. It would be like an inverse Soul Transfer.

Few people would take it still, but no one would complain about it anymore. At worst, team mates would tell you to turn it off if you were using it while everyone was still alive. Although to be honest, a controllable toggle foe intangible might actually be too powerful.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)