2010 2nd quarter earnings




Unfortunately, CoH is doomed. I know we all want to fight that. But simply put there's a game coming out that's going to crush City of Heroes under its leather boot. I'm sorry to say it honestly.

But THIS! is the future. Enjoy your last few months in City of Heroes.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They aren't excuses. They are legitimate reasons why people change their real life schedules. Having those things happen doesn't mean that they up and cancelled their subscriptions like you want people to believe.

The truth is that even with subscriptions being lower then they used to be most of the playerbase doesn't have problems finding teams on any server regardless of the size of its population.

It sure is fun watching you guys froth at the mouth whenever anyone disagrees with you.
People on both sides froth at the mouth and wet themselves whenever anyone posts something that disagrees with their opinion. Personally, I never have trouble finding a team, so I don't care too much. Are the servers lower in pop? Yes. Does that mean Doooooom? No. Lot of games survive with low pops and without server mergers. All it means is that there's less money coming in for updates and eventually the game goes into maintenance mode. Short of something cataclysmic, even that won't shut the servers down.

What's funny to me is watching the excuses and mental gymnastics that fanboys will go through to deny that the game is anything less than 100% perfect.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Unfortunately, CoH is doomed. I know we all want to fight that. But simply put there's a game coming out that's going to crush City of Heroes under its leather boot. I'm sorry to say it honestly.

But THIS! is the future. Enjoy your last few months in City of Heroes.
Hey look the before mentioned preteen market!

If they have dinosaurs (not just that kid who changes into them) Toney will want it.



The only thing that really matter is business is that you are making more than 5% profit on your money and couldn't possibly put that somewhere else that would make more money and that's the catch with MMOs, once they are developed they are pretty much money machines and there is literally almost nothing that can make for a better investment or guarantee the same turn around on the investment.

how can we figure out roughly how much they are making?

Let's say a server costs roughly $10,000 per month...
There are 12-15 servers.

That's 150,000 a month to run the servers... 1.8 mil at yearly cost.

So if the game ever goes below that amount the servers will likely start merging and such >.> but long before that, the dev team will be cut as a previous calc puts that cost at a minimum of 4.8 million.

This means that CoH roughly costs $6.6 million a year to run as it is now.
So how much do they need to make for CoH to not be considered a good investment at this cost?


That means as long as the revenue is over $7m per year we aren't going to see much change as far as we are concerned as players.

Also not to mention. A lot of that is considered a lost leader. Consider that the current cost of 4.8m is up from around 900k and if Paragon Studios really needed to I think the dev team would get shredded more before the servers are changed and as such the minimum revenue we before change is something like...

$2,835,000 a year.

So if you see that number in the per year value then you might need to start worrying, but until then you just sound like an idiot.



welcome to the doom n gloom. as soo many of you are thinking this.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If CoH was a game aimed at pre-teens you'd have a point.

Apparently you missed the point. The point is that games targeting a demographic that isn't really known for having a significant MMO presence are showing higher numbers than this game. That is sad.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
What's funny to me is watching the excuses and mental gymnastics that fanboys will go through to deny that the game is anything less than 100% perfect.
Funny enough, I haven't seem many people proclaim that the game is perfect.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
don't deflect, just answer the questions.
NCSoft can speak for themselves, and the answer so far has been pretty clear. Even tho the population has dropped lower than it was last year they are still making enough money to keep all the servers up, pay everyones saleries, and still show a profit.



All this hand wringing does seem poorly timed An expansion is launching in two days and the population is going to spike up dramatically. My SG alone has seen about ten re-subs in the last couple of days, and it isn't showing signs of slowing down.

Many players are going to come back to check out GR, when CoV launched the population went up by something like 30,000 players, back in the day when we got a subscriber number info. So, there is going to be a significant influx of revenue to the game over the next two to three months at a minimum.

Granted, many people will come back for a short amount of time, but that's life, and its not like the money they already spent on the game goes away with them. GR is going to keep CoH going for a while yet, and the incarnate system coming in the future will people back as well. The short term 1-2 year future of the game seems pretty bright.

Yeah, CoH is a small part of the overall revenue picture for NCSoft, but that has always been the case. If the game becomes a money loser, NCSoft will kill it eventually, as they did with Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, and other games. The odds of that happening in the next 48 months seem extremely low.

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Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
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Jotunheim Skald
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Venator Arawn
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Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post

It's Summer, people are outside

It's Fall, people are busy starting school

It's the holidays, people are spending time with family

It's after the holidays, people are playing with their new games

It's Spring, people are getting out after a long winter

It's finals/graduation people are busy

It's summer...
People may have had a new addition to their family, and decided to stop playing for a while

People may have gotten laid off from their jobs and decided to only spend money on top priorities

Another MMO just released, and people went there

People burned out and didn't want to play anymore

A power got nerfed, and caused people to ragequit (*snicker*)

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
People may have had a new addition to their family, and decided to stop playing for a while

People may have gotten laid off from their jobs and decided to only spend money on top priorities

Another MMO just released, and people went there

People burned out and didn't want to play anymore

A power got nerfed, and caused people to ragequit (*snicker*)
To be fair, all that stuff applies to every single other MMO in existence. So are we saying that every single other MMO is showing the same population/earning trends?



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
People may have had a new addition to their family, and decided to stop playing for a while

People may have gotten laid off from their jobs and decided to only spend money on top priorities

Another MMO just released, and people went there

People burned out and didn't want to play anymore

A power got nerfed, and caused people to ragequit (*snicker*)

Now these are great examples of why some people let their subs expire instead of rearranging their game time to fit a new schedule. But you forgot ragequitting when the devs fixed an exploit they were abusing.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
To be fair, all that stuff applies to every single other MMO in existence. So are we saying that every single other MMO is showing the same population/earning trends?
Yes all MMO's are DOOOOOOMED!!!



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
2,925,000 USD

can city of heroes survive much longer on these numbers?

will going rogue breathe new life into the game?

has city of heroes been left in this anemic state purposely because a sequel is around the corner?
Is this number for only Coh or all NCSOFT revenues?



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
yes there are some legit reasons but how do you explain CoH only having roughly 60k subs and earning 1mil per month currently when in 2009 there were roughly 21,000,000 (pay to play) mmo gamers in the U.S. alone who spent an average of $15 per month???

Even with flaws, CoH is one of the cooler games out there compared so why such poor numbers???
Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
don't deflect, just answer the questions.
The questions based on made-up numbers? You don't know how many subscribers there are. None of us do. Seriously, "How do you explain these numbers I just made up? Answer me!"

As for the dollar figure, why is it so low? Because this game isn't WoW.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Apparently you missed the point. The point is that games targeting a demographic that isn't really known for having a significant MMO presence are showing higher numbers than this game. That is sad.
The games you mentioned are not comparable to CoH, period.

It's like saying Ford is in trouble because they don't sell more tricycles than Radio Flyer.

So what? They're not in the tricycle biz.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Just glanced over the thread... did we ever get those quotes in which people were claiming that there was no decline in numbers at all? I seem to recall someone saying they had heard that a great deal, and then being challenged to produce some examples.

I don't suppose those examples ever surfaced, did they?

- - -

Speaking for myself, I have been excited about this game before they turned the lights on (although I had to talk myself around for a long time to the concept of paying a subscription to the game). In the course of playing, I first hooked my spouse, one my spouse's friends (and her daughter) and now I have gotten my brother (and his three daughters) involved as well. And as soon as I can convince my dad to get off of dialup, I'll send him a copy as well.
Therefore I do have a vested emotional interest in seeing this game continue - and I have no idea of its status, lacking the relevant insider information.

We (well, many of us, anyway) were very concerned when Another Game was released, but there were implementation problems, and that turned out to be not much of a threat. Now we are facing Yet Another Game being released, and I think there might be lore problems with that game - but I dunno.

I have seen nothing that suggests to me that they will be closing the doors on this game anytime soon, and that's about as much as one can hope for in the MMO world.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Ironblade: As for the dollar figure, why is it so low? Because this game isn't WoW
No. Has nothing to do with WoW. At the risk of infuriating many, I can say that the recent severe dearth of players can most likely be laid at the feet of the AE nerfs. I personally know about 10 people who quit over this; I can only imagine what the gamewide effect must have been.

We saw a large player spike with the introduction of AE; when that was over, those people were gone. And they were gone, angry.

I know we have many here who will argue till the heat-death of the universe about how that is all a fallacy, the perceived dearth of players is due to everyone being on Hide, or being in missions, or what have you.

I hope you are right. I truthfully do. I love this game. This does not blind me to the fact that a big upswing of paying customers would be a very good thing, and much needed. Is the game folding tomorrow? No. Could we use more people? Don't be silly, of course we could.



The report points out that Blizzard's World of Warcraft has the most number of players in the U.S. out of all the MMOs it tracked, just in front of NeoPets and Club Penguin. Other MMOs in the top five include Disney ToonTown and RuneScape.

WOW - obviously a sub based MMO. (14.95/month)
Neopets - erm this is more a website/community than a MMO from what I understand. Is Steam an MMO ?
Club penguin - free to play (sub based as add on ) ($5.95 /month)
Toowntown - free to play (sub based as add on) ($9.95 /month)
Runescape - free to play (sub based as add on) (from $5.95 /month)

So yeah, of the 'top 5' MMOs, 3 are free to play MMOs, one isn't a MMO by almost anyone's definition, and one is the aberration in the industry that is WOW.

Given the same report says the UK as the second biggest market (wot no China, wot no Korea as #1 and #2), I'd happily suggest that this journalism was pulled from the nether regions and simply is not to be trusted.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Question: even if all, some or none of the above is true, what am I - or anyone else here- supposed to do about it? Light a candle? Fart a happy tune?



Originally Posted by SirFrederick View Post
Question: even if all, some or none of the above is true, what am I - or anyone else here- supposed to do about it? Light a candle? Fart a happy tune?
Someone is going to try both at it will end badly.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
We saw a large player spike with the introduction of AE; when that was over, those people were gone. And they were gone, angry.
The people that quit because the exploits got fixed wouldn't have stuck around very long anyway. They were planning to leave in September when that other super hero MMO went live. While they waited they bashed CoH on those forums but when that game went live they started cancelling their subs before the first week was up. By the end of the month that game was a barren wasteland compared to our playerbase.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Yes, but it's also painfully obvious that some people are clueless. Usually, when increased server capacity is brought up, it's because someone is doomcrying that Freedom didn't go to red dots on some occasion.

The point is, some of the things people think are signs of declining population are actually meaningless. Dollars and cents is a lot better, but still not perfect. At least, not for people trying to claim that subscriptions have dropped by a specific amount.
Nah. I've had people tell me the player base has not drastically declined due to increased server capacity. I'm not hunting down the posts and could care less if you believe me or not.

I agree, this game will live or die based on the profits. Plain and simple. I, for one, like to see these stats. Gives me an idea what is ACTUALLY happening. As for all of you that are out here crying: what's the point of this....oh, the nasty old OP is crying doooooooom (as you dorks put it)....he's a bad man blah blah blah. Give it a rest. The OP put down a fact and is generating discussion. Some of us like to know what's going on in the world that is actually real. I don't like to stick my head in the sand and ignore things I am interested in. I'm not saying all of you do but it seems obvious there is some that going on in here It seems you people apply that 'oh he's crying doom, he's a hater, he's a troll' criteria/critique to the posts you don't like or disagree with. That's nice. We don't all think alike. Feel free to contribute or post etc. Stop telling others what to do or what their intent is. You only verify your own stupidity. Unfortunately, some people on here have been verified several times over



rian_frostdrake elaborates:

a, those people are generally disrespectful, on a general human level, for the same reason i dislike seeing someone cuss out a grocery cashier when they are actually at fault or it is something realistically out of their hands, i see that person as a jerk,and empathize. people really should have some borderline level of empathy, even if they are upset, it is something i try to hold myself to, until someone fully proves they lack any class themselves, and it bugs me on a personal level. You can imagine, i love being on the internet .
b. those people loudly push specific agendas, some of which only benefit a small group and would be detrimental to content for me, it's selfish, but if you are trying to take my content development time, im'a fight ya. As i am SURE you know, people like to make their voice heard when they think that people are making suggestions that would negatively affect your fun, right gekky?
c. those people keep going and going long after any reasonable point has been made, just to be pests. "gee, here is another 5 threads about AE farming started by the same guy, i bet those will all be individually productive"

lets face it, this thread is an armchair quarterback saying why the game is doomed if the devs dont follow his directions, its comical if it weren't so frequent. correlation is melded neatly with causation and reason is abandoned in favor of manifestos. things like the economy looking as though it is going to flatten out again, if not a full on double dip, are ignored in favor of someone inferring that the only true way to save the game is to listen to his words.

...for making that too long to fit in my siggy.

Dec out.