2010 2nd quarter earnings




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Given some of your other posts in this thread, you seem to care a little!

Why though? I understand supporting the devs, but I don't understand why people take it so personally when others complain. Seems strange to me. I like pizza, but it is no harm to me if someone else doesn't. *Shrug*
I do care a little, but I'm not gonna get entirely bent out of shape over it.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
It's also inconceivable to the doomies that peoples real life schedules do in fact change and that when something like school or college starts they may decide only to play 2 nights a week rather than the 5 nights a week they were playing previously. No instead the doomies are convinced that any change to a persons schedule means they have cancelled their account and they'll never be back. So any change in the number of players online at a given time is proof the game is dying.
As a counterpoint, the fanboys always have an excuse as to why less people are playing:

It's Summer, people are outside

It's Fall, people are busy starting school

It's the holidays, people are spending time with family

It's after the holidays, people are playing with their new games

It's Spring, people are getting out after a long winter

It's finals/graduation people are busy

It's summer...

I've seen every single one of those brought out as an excuse as to why the player population is dropping.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No Guild Wars isn't currently a subscription game. No idea if GW2 will be.
GW2 most likely will not be. ArenaNet knows what they have. I was talking about CoH being sub based. If it's sub based allowing any move of characters who've already progressed is silly.

To be honest, I'm not that enthusiastic about CoH2. Sequels tend to want to fix what was wrong with the first game. That's going to require a very careful understanding of what was fun (even if it didn't work) and what wasn't. Everquest, IMO, did OK on that score, from all accounts FFXIV sucks, so I'm not hopeful.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think they might run some kind of discount sub offer for people who wanted to play CoH and CoH2 - like 20-25 bucks a month for both games.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
GW2 most likely will not be. ArenaNet knows what they have. I was talking about CoH being sub based. If it's sub based allowing any move of characters who've already progressed is silly.

To be honest, I'm not that enthusiastic about CoH2. Sequels tend to want to fix what was wrong with the first game. That's going to require a very careful understanding of what was fun (even if it didn't work) and what wasn't. Everquest, IMO, did OK on that score, from all accounts FFXIV sucks, so I'm not hopeful.
I think the developers here have shown a pretty good understanding at what was and wasn't fun in CoH with the changes over the last few years. I'd be really interested in what Castle and Co could do if they got to design a powers and AT system from the ground up.

A new version of CoH with all the improvements to content and play built in from the ground up would be worth playing.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
I think the developers here have shown a pretty good understanding at what was and wasn't fun in CoH with the changes over the last few years. I'd be really interested in what Castle and Co could do if they got to design a powers and AT system from the ground up.

A new version of CoH with all the improvements to content and play built in from the ground up would be worth playing.
As much as I love her, I'm concerned that a certain math smartie might influence them too much into perfect boring balance.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
A new version of CoH with all the improvements to content and play built in from the ground up would be worth playing.
If they had enough content anyway. The problem any sequel or many MMOs would run into is to provide enough content for players compared to the older games.

If they make a new game I hope they aim for something along the lines of what GW2 is trying to do.

[url="http://adingworld.wordpress.com/mission-architect-story-arcs/"][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Given some of your other posts in this thread, you seem to care a little!

Why though? I understand supporting the devs, but I don't understand why people take it so personally when others complain. Seems strange to me. I like pizza, but it is no harm to me if someone else doesn't. *Shrug*
a, those people are generally disrespectful, on a general human level, for the same reason i dislike seeing someone cuss out a grocery cashier when they are actually at fault or it is something realistically out of their hands, i see that person as a jerk,and empathize. people really should have some borderline level of empathy, even if they are upset, it is something i try to hold myself to, until someone fully proves they lack any class themselves, and it bugs me on a personal level. You can imagine, i love being on the internet .
b. those people loudly push specific agendas, some of which only benefit a small group and would be detrimental to content for me, it's selfish, but if you are trying to take my content development time, im'a fight ya. As i am SURE you know, people like to make their voice heard when they think that people are making suggestions that would negatively affect your fun, right gekky?
c. those people keep going and going long after any reasonable point has been made, just to be pests. "gee, here is another 5 threads about AE farming started by the same guy, i bet those will all be individually productive"

lets face it, this thread is an armchair quarterback saying why the game is doomed if the devs dont follow his directions, its comical if it weren't so frequent. correlation is melded neatly with causation and reason is abandoned in favor of manifestos. things like the economy looking as though it is going to flatten out again, if not a full on double dip, are ignored in favor of someone inferring that the only true way to save the game is to listen to his words.

i notice jazzy has yet to provide a link to where someone said the population is not down, its strange that when people claim that there are these masses of deniers, they can never find me a quote.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
As a counterpoint, the fanboys always have an excuse as to why less people are playing:

It's Summer, people are outside

It's Fall, people are busy starting school

It's the holidays, people are spending time with family

It's after the holidays, people are playing with their new games

It's Spring, people are getting out after a long winter

It's finals/graduation people are busy

It's summer...

I've seen every single one of those brought out as an excuse as to why the player population is dropping.
let's not forget about the financial excuses either.

some interesting information i found yesterday.


Study: U.S. Gamers Spent $3.8 Billion On MMOs in 2009
by Eric Caoili
5 comments Share

March 9, 2010

U.S. gamers spent $3.8 billion on massively multiplayer online games in 2009, almost 15 times more than other substantial MMO markets in Europe, according to a new study.

Consumer data from Today's Gamers MMO Focus Report by Gamesindustry.com and TNS indicates that the number of MMO players in the U.S. has reached 46 million, 46 percent (21 million) of which paid to play online games; the rest, around 25 million gamers, play MMOs without spending any money. The average paying MMO player spent around $15.10 per month on their games.

The report points out that Blizzard's World of Warcraft has the most number of players in the U.S. out of all the MMOs it tracked, just in front of NeoPets and Club Penguin. Other MMOs in the top five include Disney ToonTown and RuneScape.

The study also breaks down the $3.8 billion total spent on MMOs in 2009: 47 percent ($1.8 billion) was spent on monthly subscriptions, 15 percent ($580 million) on annual subscriptions, 19 percent ($740 million) on virtual currency, 8 percent ($280 million) on direct microtransactions, and 11 percent ($400 million) on the initial boxed product or client download.

Consumers in the UK, which has the second highest total measured by the report, spent only $270 million on MMOs in 2009. However, the country's total had the highest percentage of revenues from direct microtransactions, 19 percent ($51 million).

Germany ($250 million total), France ($220 million), and the Netherlands ($65 million) had the biggest 2009 revenue percentages from virtual currency, each pulling in at least 26 percent from that source. Belgium's ($55 million) revenues had the highest percentages for monthly and annual subscriptions, at 53 percent and 20 percent respectively.

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=219670

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
As much as I love her, I'm concerned that a certain math smartie might influence them too much into perfect boring balance.
im sure someone will scream and yell until some sets are ridiculously unbalanced and "fun"



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
a, those people are generally disrespectful, on a general human level, for the same reason i dislike seeing someone cuss out a grocery cashier when they are actually at fault or it is something realistically out of their hands, i see that person as a jerk,and empathize. people really should have some borderline level of empathy, even if they are upset, it is something i try to hold myself to, until someone fully proves they lack any class themselves, and it bugs me on a personal level. You can imagine, i love being on the internet .
Understood. I defend the devs myself when people get out of line, even if I'm on the complainer's side.

b. those people loudly push specific agendas, some of which only benefit a small group and would be detrimental to content for me, it's selfish, but if you are trying to take my content development time, im'a fight ya. As i am SURE you know, people like to make their voice heard when they think that people are making suggestions that would negatively affect your fun, right gekky?
That's different. That's just general forum warfare. I don't however, bother to argue against folks who want something that I may not want personally. I'm not a big base builder, but I have no quarrel with folks asking for the devs to support them, even if it means my high level loot grind that will makes casual gamers cry and make the EvilGeko .003% more leet per update, will be delayed a bit.

c. those people keep going and going long after any reasonable point has been made, just to be pests. "gee, here is another 5 threads about AE farming started by the same guy, i bet those will all be individually productive"
9 times out of 10, if you ignore folks like that (not put them on ignore, just don't respond) the thread will die. Much better than giving them a platform IMO.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
As a counterpoint, the fanboys always have an excuse as to why less people are playing:

It's Summer, people are outside

It's Fall, people are busy starting school

It's the holidays, people are spending time with family

It's after the holidays, people are playing with their new games

It's Spring, people are getting out after a long winter

It's finals/graduation people are busy

It's summer...

I've seen every single one of those brought out as an excuse as to why the player population is dropping.

They aren't excuses. They are legitimate reasons why people change their real life schedules. Having those things happen doesn't mean that they up and cancelled their subscriptions like you want people to believe.

The truth is that even with subscriptions being lower then they used to be most of the playerbase doesn't have problems finding teams on any server regardless of the size of its population.

It sure is fun watching you guys froth at the mouth whenever anyone disagrees with you.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
To be honest, I'm not that enthusiastic about CoH2. Sequels tend to want to fix what was wrong with the first game. That's going to require a very careful understanding of what was fun (even if it didn't work) and what wasn't. Everquest, IMO, did OK on that score, from all accounts FFXIV sucks, so I'm not hopeful.
CoV was in nearly every way a massive improvement on CoH and the current dev crew seems to have a fair grip on what we think is 'fun' and what doesn't work.

I'd pre-order a theoretical CoH 2 sight unseen.

r/e the topic of the thread, as I kept repeating to someone quite a while ago I have no emotional investment in how well this game does financially as long as it earns enough to keep the doors open. As it demonstrably has the corporate backing for the long haul, I find these types of threads basically meaningless.

People have been posting them almost literally as long as the game has been around, and the game is still around.
And it has an expansion coming out.
And is hiring new talent.

So, what's the point of these things?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'd pre-order a theoretical CoH 2 sight unseen.
So would I - moving hair or no moving hair

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They aren't excuses. They are legitimate reasons why people change their real life schedules. Having those things happen doesn't mean that they up and cancelled their subscriptions like you want people to believe.

The truth is that even with subscriptions being lower then they used to be most of the playerbase doesn't have problems finding teams on any server regardless of the size of its population.

It sure is fun watching you guys froth at the mouth whenever anyone disagrees with you.

yes there are some legit reasons but how do you explain CoH only having roughly 60k subs and earning 1mil per month currently when in 2009 there were roughly 21,000,000 (pay to play) mmo gamers in the U.S. alone who spent an average of $15 per month???

Even with flaws, CoH is one of the cooler games out there compared so why such poor numbers???

Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
let's not forget about the financial excuses either.

some interesting information i found yesterday.


Study: U.S. Gamers Spent $3.8 Billion On MMOs in 2009
by Eric Caoili
5 comments Share

March 9, 2010

U.S. gamers spent $3.8 billion on massively multiplayer online games in 2009, almost 15 times more than other substantial MMO markets in Europe, according to a new study.

Consumer data from Today's Gamers MMO Focus Report by Gamesindustry.com and TNS indicates that the number of MMO players in the U.S. has reached 46 million, 46 percent (21 million) of which paid to play online games; the rest, around 25 million gamers, play MMOs without spending any money. The average paying MMO player spent around $15.10 per month on their games.

The report points out that Blizzard's World of Warcraft has the most number of players in the U.S. out of all the MMOs it tracked, just in front of NeoPets and Club Penguin. Other MMOs in the top five include Disney ToonTown and RuneScape.

The study also breaks down the $3.8 billion total spent on MMOs in 2009: 47 percent ($1.8 billion) was spent on monthly subscriptions, 15 percent ($580 million) on annual subscriptions, 19 percent ($740 million) on virtual currency, 8 percent ($280 million) on direct microtransactions, and 11 percent ($400 million) on the initial boxed product or client download.

Consumers in the UK, which has the second highest total measured by the report, spent only $270 million on MMOs in 2009. However, the country's total had the highest percentage of revenues from direct microtransactions, 19 percent ($51 million).

Germany ($250 million total), France ($220 million), and the Netherlands ($65 million) had the biggest 2009 revenue percentages from virtual currency, each pulling in at least 26 percent from that source. Belgium's ($55 million) revenues had the highest percentages for monthly and annual subscriptions, at 53 percent and 20 percent respectively.

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=219670

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
yes there are some legit reasons but how do you explain CoH only having roughly 60k subs and earning 1mil per month currently when in 2009 there were roughly 21,000,000 (pay to play) mmo gamers in the U.S. alone who spent an average of $15 per month???

Even with flaws, CoH is one of the cooler games out there compared so why such poor numbers???
I explain it this way: niche game.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
I explain it this way: niche game.

Technically, every game out is a niche game. The question is, why is CoXs niche so small compared to so many others. If NeoPets and Club Penguin have bigger shares of the market than CoX, there is a problem.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Technically, every game out is a niche game. The question is, why is CoXs niche so small compared to so many others. If NeoPets and Club Penguin have bigger shares of the market than CoX, there is a problem.
If CoH was a game aimed at pre-teens you'd have a point.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
yes there are some legit reasons but how do you explain CoH only having roughly 60k subs and earning 1mil per month currently when in 2009 there were roughly 21,000,000 (pay to play) mmo gamers in the U.S. alone who spent an average of $15 per month???

Even with flaws, CoH is one of the cooler games out there compared so why such poor numbers???

Wow, it really galls you that NCSoft is still turning a profit with this game despite all your predictions that it's doomed.

Keep your fingers crossed there big guy, and maybe things will get worse like you keep saying.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wow, it really galls you that NCSoft is still turning a profit with this game despite all your predictions that it's doomed.

Keep your fingers crossed there big guy, and maybe things will get worse like you keep saying.
don't deflect, just answer the questions.

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=219670

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If CoH was a game aimed at pre-teens you'd have a point.
valid point.

do you think that CoH could pull off a major expansion for Cimerora and provide a "fantasy" niche as well to draw in some of those types of gamers?

i personally feel CoH has the potential to cover multiple niches very well.

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=219670

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



Going after the hyper-saturated fantasy MMO niche seems like it would be a huge waste of time.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
don't deflect, just answer the questions.
I don't think that anyone here really can answer your questions. That's the whole point.

The fact is that most people here(Nethergoat being a good example) don't really care how close the game is to 'failing'. As long as they can play it right now and for the foreseeable future.

Another hefty dose of reality that we all have to learn to swallow is that even if the game were at death's door, the devs would not tell you. They literally could not tell you, even if they knew, because they are beholden to a corporation that has rules.

No one knew that Tabula Rasa was close to shutting down until the very end. I was a player and looking forward to some of the updates they were working on.

Last thing. The devs are probably the last people to know when a MMO game is going to die(unless they self-publish and self-fund). That's a decision made at a corporate level that developers don't get to be in on directly in most cases.

In the end, I'd reserve this kind of thing until a few months after GR. It's too close to the launch of a new expansion to make any kind of prediction. I may have some concerns over how they market this game but I don't have any control over that.

Besides, even if the game did die, do you know how many other games there are out there to play? My Steam list is full of stuff that I haven't finished yet(and some I have yet to install) and more games are getting announced every month. Heck, I just saw the previews for Warhammer 40K: Space Marine and I'm stoked.