2010 2nd quarter earnings




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Lemme' ask a quick question - what are we trying to prove here?
I was wondering that too. I'm quite sure no one here knows the costs of running and marketing CoH. I'm similarly certain that they wouldn't tell us because such information positive or negative would be misused. And in any event, what does it matter to you if you're enjoying the game?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
We ?

I was pointing out that some people have an incredible ability to ignore the elephant in the room. Whats more they think if they talk about how great the furniture is no one else will notice.

Other people who have long ranted on how population decline isn't happening and the people that complain about it aren't doing things right seem to be offended by reality.
Let's say you're right, and you very well may be. Other than the satisfaction of being right and making the fanbois and fangurls look silly (which is rather entertaining I'll admit), this doesn't accomplish much.

If GoRo doesn't pave the way back to glory for City of Heroes, then NCSoft will have some decisions to make. They can put the game into maintenance mode, which sucks. They can shut it down if it gets back enough, that would suck more. They can continue to support it until CoH2 is done, that would be OK, but it will probably be back to the 15 dev days (which wasn't so bad actually).

Personally, I choose not to dwell on those things. If the game fails, I've had a good run. If it returns to glory, then that's wonderful and we'll have much to look forward too. Again, it doesn't really matter either way.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
A word of warning: Even if you are 100% correct in whatever you are trying to prove(and I'm not saying you are), this kind of thing is going to get you good and flayed around here.
Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Eh, it's not like you and O_I actually care if the game succeeds or fails, you just want attention and to piss people off. Of course if you stay around long enough the game will eventually be shut down, and then you can boast how you were right all along even if it happens six years from now.

Long extension of more of the same
Prophetic Slashman.

And Schismatrix I have made suggestions and pointed out actions by the Developers which do drive players away. Unfortunately the cult of the developers is heavily entrenched here and when anyone points out that no doing X is really not a great Idea, the response is doom, so what if they go away, the game is fine, etc etc.

And geez if somebody pointing out that there is feces on the sidewalk is enough to antagonize and send them into a tizzy they need to get away from the game and get to a therapist.



Isn't this all in the wrong thread?

Consolidate, people!

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Let the doomies rant their doom. I'm too busy playing the game to care what they say.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
And geez if somebody pointing out that there is feces on the sidewalk is enough to antagonize and send them into a tizzy they need to get away from the game and get to a therapist.
The problem is not that you point out feces on the sidewalk. It is that you pick it up and fling it.





Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I was pointing out that some people have an incredible ability to ignore the elephant in the room.
Oh, I agree.

The elephant in this case being that in just one slow quarter they made enough money to cover salaries. Conservatively another quarter's revenue to cover all other expenses, leaving at least half the year's income as pure profit. So that's what, around $6 million in profit for the year?

Yeah we better shut er down. $6 million isn't nearly enough money!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Eh, it's not like you and O_I actually care if the game succeeds or fails, you just want attention and to piss people off. Of course if you stay around long enough the game will eventually be shut down, and then you can boast how you were right all along even if it happens six years from now.

Seriously, it's not like you do anything but try to antagonize others. Do you have any solutions or suggestions to offer that aren't really ploys aimed at antagonizing and insulting others? i'm somewhat puzzled by people who continue subscribing to a game while constantly whining about how much the game sucks, ******** that anyone who actually enjoys the game is a mindless fanboi, and crying that it's d00med.

Yeah, we get it by now. Some of you have been posting how the game is failing and the end is here for over four years now. It's doomed and eventually, someday, you'll get to stand over the ashes and cackle how you were right all along. In the meantime you'll do as much as possible to convince others that the game is about to die and irritate those who actually enjoy playing. After all, it might speed up the end so you can boast about how right you were.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Another_Fan reads poorly:

Other people who have long ranted on how population decline isn't happening and the people that complain about it aren't doing things right seem to be offended by reality.
No one claims population decline isn't happening. That would be stupid, as it's quite obvious and documentable. The claims are about it being normal for an MMO this age and whether or not the current declines go below a viable population. And the bits on ""aren't doing things right" are about people complaining that everything's dead and they can't find teams, not about population decline (which are not even close to the same things).

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
And Schismatrix I have made suggestions and pointed out actions by the Developers which do drive players away.
This is also senseless.

ANYTHING the developers do will drive some players away. Ironically, doing nothing will also drive some players away.

Pointing out that the developers actions will drive some players away is on par with predicting that the sun will come up tomorrow. What's harder and actually constructive is making suggestions that will bring new players in.



Also, we should remember that the AE edition box hit in Q2 2009. That impacted the numbers I'm sure, so a straight year over year doesn't tell us as much - we'll have to see the Q3/Q4 numbers in 2010 to see what GR does.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
No one claims population decline isn't happening. That would be stupid, as it's quite obvious and documentable. The claims are about it being normal for an MMO this age and whether or not the current declines go below a viable population. And the bits on ""aren't doing things right" are about people complaining that everything's dead and they can't find teams, not about population decline (which are not even close to the same things).

Actually, a number of people DO believe there is no population decline. I have talked on this topic in these forums before and many people come up with all types of reasons as to why the population isn't really decreasing. Such faves as: server capacity increased, school, etc etc. It is painfully obvious there has been a significant decrease in population. These numbers help verify the said decrease.

I have no problem with the OP posting this data. Maybe the ones trashing him prefer to live in your own fantasy world and don't like things like facts. I actually want to know these things and have a realistic idea of what is happening around me.



TheJazMan points out:

Actually, a number of people DO believe there is no population decline. I have talked on this topic in these forums before and many people come up with all types of reasons as to why the population isn't really decreasing. Such faves as: server capacity increased, school, etc etc. It is painfully obvious there has been a significant decrease in population. These numbers help verify the said decrease.
I've seen those things come up, but not as "there's no population drop". I've only seen them used as "it's not as 'dead' as it seems". I've never seen anyone completely deny it, but then there's Holocaust deniers out there, too, so anything's possible I suppose.

Dec out.



Actually it's up from the first quarter, 3.49 B KRW from 3.35 B KRW.

Yes we are only 2.26% because when Lineage I, II and Aion combined is 92.7% of their income. Also we need to take in account exchange rates for the quarter, not what it is today. What would be interesting would be the % of NA income from CoH/V relative to their big three here.

Average exchange rate for the 2nd quarter 2010 is 1167.7 KWN to $1 so it's $2.99 million. First quarter is $2.91 million. 2nd quarter 2009 was $5.18 million, but the Architect Edition was released near the start of that quarter.

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Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Actually, a number of people DO believe there is no population decline. I have talked on this topic in these forums before and many people come up with all types of reasons as to why the population isn't really decreasing. Such faves as: server capacity increased, school, etc etc. It is painfully obvious there has been a significant decrease in population. These numbers help verify the said decrease.

I have no problem with the OP posting this data. Maybe the ones trashing him prefer to live in your own fantasy world and don't like things like facts. I actually want to know these things and have a realistic idea of what is happening around me.
people keep saying this, quote one. we will wait, quote a single person who has said there is NO population drop and get back to us. significant is disputed, because it rarely is quantified what significant means, but any pop drop? give us the numbers



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Actually, a number of people DO believe there is no population decline. I have talked on this topic in these forums before and many people come up with all types of reasons as to why the population isn't really decreasing. Such faves as: server capacity increased, school, etc etc. It is painfully obvious there has been a significant decrease in population.
Yes, but it's also painfully obvious that some people are clueless. Usually, when increased server capacity is brought up, it's because someone is doomcrying that Freedom didn't go to red dots on some occasion.

The point is, some of the things people think are signs of declining population are actually meaningless. Dollars and cents is a lot better, but still not perfect. At least, not for people trying to claim that subscriptions have dropped by a specific amount.

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It's also inconceivable to the doomies that peoples real life schedules do in fact change and that when something like school or college starts they may decide only to play 2 nights a week rather than the 5 nights a week they were playing previously. No instead the doomies are convinced that any change to a persons schedule means they have cancelled their account and they'll never be back. So any change in the number of players online at a given time is proof the game is dying.



Whenever DC Universe Online comes out, that's when there will be worries I reckon.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Whenever DC Universe Online comes out, that's when there will be worries I reckon.

Unless PS announces around DCUO's launch that they've begun work on a followup to City Of Heroes and offer loyalty perks for those who remain subbed during it's development. Win, win.



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Unless PS announces around DCUO's launch that they've begun work on a followup to City Of Heroes and offer loyalty perks for those who remain subbed during it's development. Win, win.
I heard something second hand along the lines that when GW2 comes out GW players that buy it are supposed to be able to bring over at least one of their characters in some capacity.

That would be cool here.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I heard something second hand along the lines that when GW2 comes out GW players that buy it are supposed to be able to bring over at least one of their characters in some capacity.

That would be cool here.
If it's a subscription game, I don't think that will happen. It would be fairly idiotic, unless by "bring-over" they mean they'll save the name for you or something.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Let the doomies rant their doom. I'm too busy playing the game to care what they say.
Given some of your other posts in this thread, you seem to care a little!

Why though? I understand supporting the devs, but I don't understand why people take it so personally when others complain. Seems strange to me. I like pizza, but it is no harm to me if someone else doesn't. *Shrug*

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
If it's a subscription game, I don't think that will happen. It would be fairly idiotic, unless by "bring-over" they mean they'll save the name for you or something.
No Guild Wars isn't currently a subscription game. No idea if GW2 will be.