2010 2nd quarter earnings




EvilGeko fires off a good one:

Unfortunately, CoH is doomed. I know we all want to fight that. But simply put there's a game coming out that's going to crush City of Heroes under its leather boot. I'm sorry to say it honestly.

But THIS! is the future. Enjoy your last few months in City of Heroes.
Hee, I know you're kidding and I do love watching SHS, but I'd only be able to take about a day of actually playing the "super-kewt!" before I'd contract diabetes.

Dec out.



TheJazMan shows it:

Nah. I've had people tell me the player base has not drastically declined due to increased server capacity.
See, that right there is NOT "the population hasn't declined". That's you and the person who said it having different ideas about what "drastically" is. Qualifiers are important, and sadly ignored in many many internet conversations.

Dec out.



I'll be here for as long as Paragon Studios keeps being super-heroically awesome. Now, I wouldn't dare suggest to anyone here what they should do with their time. But armchair MMORPG forecasters have been around since the first days (yes, mere days) of UO. And UO has actually outlived several of those naysayers, how about them apples?

Shine on and stay classy, armchair forecasters. I'd finish reading past page one--I usually make it a point to read through a thread before replying--but I believe there's a lady somewhere getting her purse snatched, so I'm needed elsewhere!

Edit: Abbreviated the name of a non-City of Heroes game.

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Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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Don't we normally get Graphs with this?

I want to see Worm battling out on the Graph like last time damn it!

As for me...well I've yet to find any other MMO that tops both customisation AND playability, so here I'll be until I do.


Also good point Ultima Online, Everquest 2 (and I believe 1) are still kicking...Ultima Online has been going for what, 10+ years now?



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Don't we normally get Graphs with this?

I want to see Worm battling out on the Graph like last time damn it!

As for me...well I've yet to find any other MMO that tops both customisation AND playability, so here I'll be until I do.


Also good point Ultima Online, Everquest 2 (and I believe 1) are still kicking...Ultima Online has been going for what, 10+ years now?
Ummm let me see if I can find the one MNP started...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The people that quit because the exploits got fixed wouldn't have stuck around very long anyway. They were planning to leave in September when that other super hero MMO went live. While they waited they bashed CoH on those forums but when that game went live they started cancelling their subs before the first week was up. By the end of the month that game was a barren wasteland compared to our playerbase.
I will certainly agree with you about the quality - or lack thereof - of that other game. I logged into the game ONE TIME and cancelled. But all that aside, how on earth do you know that all the new people who came in "wouldn't have stuck around very long anyways"?

I certainly never saw anyone say any such thing while hanging around in AE. What I DID see as nerfs were announced was, "I left over ED, I'm back again to try things out - and here they go with the same old bait-and-switch nerfage, I've had enough and the minute they do [X], I'm gone!" Then poof, implement nerf and they were gone.

I admit that my ten people are a vanishingly small sample-size which proves nothing, really. However your statement seems extremely broad and... I dunno, it just seems to me like we'll never really KNOW what happened, all we can do is guess. Love them or hate them, it looks from where I sit like the AE nerfs did quite a bit of damage to the subscription base. I certainly have not seen an influx of new people logging in, on fire to create new missions - hardly. AE is a ghost town now. But they were logging in, on fire to create new missions back in the day, for sure.

I don't love AE. I considered the missions I ran, for the most part, both boring and stupid.... but there were a lot of people really into that. Those were paying customers.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
AE is a ghost town now.
I've seen it quite populated when I step in there like I did I think Friday night at about 8 PM SMT.

Neither your perception nor mine really tell us anything though.

And even if it does, a "nerfage" such as the changes to AE (some of which are temporary, mind you) was totally needed, no matter if it did drive away players; those were exploits, pure and simple.



as far as population goes, we're not near 200k like the old days



Bad_Influence needs to watch qualifiers:

But all that aside, how on earth do you know that all the new people who came in "wouldn't have stuck around very long anyways"?
He didn't say "all the new people". He said the ones that left because of exploit fixes. If someone is of the mindset that fixing exploits is something bad, then they wouldn't hang around this game very long, as fixing exploits is a high priority on the devs' list. Many of those only came here (or were sticking around at the time) because of the whole "PL to 50 in twenty minutes" thing.

"Is that anywhere near Atlas Park?"

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
He didn't say "all the new people". He said the ones that left because of exploit fixes. If someone is of the mindset that fixing exploits is something bad, then they wouldn't hang around this game very long, as fixing exploits is a high priority on the devs' list. Many of those only came here (or were sticking around at the time) because of the whole "PL to 50 in twenty minutes" thing.

"Is that anywhere near Atlas Park?"
Those videos were hilarious! I was SO glad when that plague ended. What's funny is, Issue 14 was what lured me into City of Heroes, because I've always enjoyed writing science fiction. But guess what kept me coming back month after month? The regular mission content and game lore! Over the past year+ of play, I've come down with an awesome case of Altitis, started reading comic books, and last but not least, worked on some arcs of my own. Well, a few months ago, I finally admitted that I had a problem... so I put my credit card on auto renew!

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Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



QR: I think what happened to AE went far beyond "exploits getting fixed." I don't think people should be able to PL to 50 in 20 minutes, true - except for me, because I can handle it.... JOKE! Its a joke, people - but they went far beyond merely fixing that.

They basically stripped 98% of the rewards out of AE, rendering mostly useless a system they had devoted an entire issues' worth of thought to.

The merits [pardon the pun] of this strategy are debatable. They did stop the exploits, true. But at what price?

All I know of exploiting is the one AE baby I kept. She's extremely rich due to having had to purchase few enhancements - she had tickets. We all had tickets. And they were fun.... She went in the door level 1, came out level 20 in about ten minutes flat. I skipped a great deal of the pain of a pre-stamina character on a very end-heavy character. Call it "exploit" if you must, but that was a lot of fun. She's one of my top five favorite characters now.

I also got to try out other characters without having to sink six months of work into them only to discover that I hated the powerset. Strangely enough I did all this "exploiting" and here I still am, with just shy of fourteen level 50s and counting. Still paying a subscription. I would say that anyone who quit over perceived fun being blasted out of the game with a nuclear warhead - which is what the AE nerfs amounted to, a nuke applied to the AE building - may not actually qualify as an Evil Exploiter.

Sometimes people just wanna have fun. If they are paying a subscription to do it.... I don't know. All I wish is that we had those ragequit people back. We could use 'em.



Bad_Influence was there:

They basically stripped 98% of the rewards out of AE, rendering mostly useless a system they had devoted an entire issues' worth of thought to.
If the break point for you is the rewards, then you really didn't know what the purpose of AE was supposed to be. That said, they did screw up a bit, allowing too many exploits to leave Beta and then bringing the hammer down (although I was GREATLY amused by the uproar over Posi's "Dad voice" post. ) and having the rewards too high to begin with.

Sometimes people just wanna have fun. If they are paying a subscription to do it.... I don't know. All I wish is that we had those ragequit people back. We could use 'em.
I don't, but that's the kinda thing that makes horse races. Ragequitters would find something else down the line to ragequit about anyway.

Dec out.



AE was created with creators in mind (and potential fans of those creators). It was made so that players could create their own stories, villain groups, worlds, universes.

It was designed to be a content creation tool, not a ticket/reward/loot creation tool. And I'd still explore those creations even if there weren't any "rewards" for doing so. As a creator and lover of stories, I know what the real rewards of the MA system are.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
If the break point for you is the rewards, then you really didn't know what the purpose of AE was supposed to be.

Oooo, it's dead horse beatin Monday, I want a turn!

Matt Miller said you would be able to level via MA the very same way you would with dev content from 1 through 50, all while exploring the limits of your, and everyone else's, creativity.

Initially there was XP parody between MA content and dev content.

They didn't get how A LOT of players would use this tool (though they were told endlessly during c/beta), and then they reacted in a way that was harsh enough to sour many subscribers on the new feature.

Apparently the argument is always that players who want comparable rewards to time spent in MA over dev content, are like greedy football players who should just take the pay cut and realize they're on a good team.

Blah blah blah.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Hee, I know you're kidding and I do love watching SHS, but I'd only be able to take about a day of actually playing the "super-kewt!" before I'd contract diabetes.
SHSO is going to be crack for 5-10 year old kids. My 4 and 5 year old get angry when I go to the site because it's not out yet.

(Not that it matters since they have different demographics, but I do expect this game to have more subs than CoH. And I do expect somebody to doom and gloom about that, so I thought I would get it out of the way! )

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
2,925,000 USD

can city of heroes survive much longer on these numbers?

will going rogue breathe new life into the game?

has city of heroes been left in this anemic state purposely because a sequel is around the corner?
Will the Duke boys make this jump?

Find out after the commercials, folks.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by OPTICAL_ILLUSION View Post
has city of heroes been left in this anemic state purposely because a sequel is around the corner?
How is releasing an expansion an "anemic state"?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
the argument is always that players who want comparable rewards to time spent in MA over dev content, are like greedy football players who should just take the pay cut and realize they're on a good team.
Unfortunately that isn't what happened. The people that ragequit over the fixes to the AE exploits were furious that they could no longer get outrageous rewards for little time and risk put into running AE content.

It wasn't about comparable rewards for them, it was about filling maps with targets that couldn't/wouldn't fight back.



Acemace gets out his beatin' stick:

Matt Miller said you would be able to level via MA the very same way you would with dev content from 1 through 50, all while exploring the limits of your, and everyone else's, creativity.
He did and you can. In fact, I still am, with my MA-only toon, Virtual Lad.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
How is releasing an expansion an "anemic state"?
It's anemic in the sense that a huge portion of the playerbase qualified to be invited to the closed beta testing of GR, and once invited, we flocked to the test server to try out the new stuff as soon as possible. As a result we weren't on the live servers which gave the illusion that the population had dropped significantly.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
He did and you can. In fact, I still am, with my MA-only toon, Virtual Lad.

If your Virtual Lad, who's running AE Monkey? I thought that was you.



Let me expand on my previous question here: What are we hoping to achieve? I have a few guesses:

1. Strongarm the developers into making our changes under threat of game sink. "See, you did this, and now your game is sinking. You better do that, or you will go out of business!" This is, has always been and will always be futile. The developers cannot be strongarmed. They can be persuaded, and they can be persuaded by desire and enthusiasm, not threats of vague apocalypse. If the point was to persuade the developers, focusing on how a change could help the game is far superior to threatening how not making the change means doom.

2. pwn teh noobs. "People said the game wasn't dying, but now I have proof. Ha-ha!" This is pointless, useless and, above all, petty. While there is a certain degree of satisfaction in "I told you so!" what is it actually achieving? If we WANT the game to fail, then it makes sense to try and depress current players enough to leave by prophecy of doom, thereby doing little more than creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, thereby removing any satisfaction of being "right" anyway, since you didn't know, you just helped make it happen. But that's a bad motivation in any ethical context.

3. Sour grapes. "I hate this game because of all the bad changes made to it, but it's OK. It's the game's fault because it sucks and see? See? It's failing!" Having seen people do just that (and fall several levels down the ladder from "friend" into "*******"), I can definitely see it as a possibly intent, but again - what does this achieve? It's like the console wars all over again - I cannot simply prefer one game over the other based on personal taste. One game has to be provably superior to another in order to justify my opinion with hard fact and make my decision obviously correct. This is not a good motivation, because it could just as easily be replaced with a modicum of self-esteem.

And that's all the options which I could envision. And none of those options are productive. WE are not going to fix the game if that were our intent, because WE are not game designers who work for Paragon Studios. The most we can do is campaign for what we want, make our opinions and ideas heard and trust the developers to make a good game out of it. We can't keep second-guessing them and trying to yank their jobs from out of their hands like we know everything. All the gripes here are legitimate, but as complaints constrained to their own particular field, not extrapolated into doom and gloom.

And the rest is just mean-spirited alarmist hysteria. I've seen and seen claims that Going Rogue will bomb and sink the company. Even assuming that it will, so what? How will that change what YOU are doing right now? Do you need assurance that City of Heroes will last another decade in order for you to keep playing? Because such a guarantee will never exist. For any game. Even WoW. It's likely, obviously, but it's never guaranteed. Any game can bomb and fail. What does dwelling on that accomplish?

Even if we could prove that City of Heroes is going down the drain, what are we trying to achieve by it?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
In 2009 CoH/V generated about US$18m in revenue across Jan - Dec.

To date in 2010, CoH/V revenues are well down on year-on-year comparisons. Q1 and Q2's combined revenues are about US$5.8m vs Q1 / Q2 2009's US$10.3m. Although Q2's revenue is slightly up on Q1's, I'm putting that down to GoRo pre-order dollars and there may be an exchange rate effect (US$ improved against the KRWon, so that every $ is worth more Won).

Saying that CoH/V generated about US$2.9m in Q2 2010 sounds like a lot, but it really depends about their expenses over the same time period.

(Responding to the part in bold.)

Not sure how it works in all states, but where I work, we're not legally allowed to report a "pre-ordered" profit as revenue until the service/product is actually delivered. We have millions of dollars contractually bound to us over the next year that we can't "realize" as earnings until the month the service / product is delivered.

If this is normal, it would explain a few things in CoH/V quarterlies:
- A 6-month / yearly subscription promotion like we saw last fall wouldn't result in a "burst" of revenue in the promotion's quarter, because it'll only report the REALIZED revenue of the 3 months in that quarter- not the future yet-to-be-delivered cash.
- Preorders would likewise not be included (though a portion MAY be included, as the preorder did have some tangible immediate product delivery (the powersets)).