The Boot Myth




Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
My Fire/Dark Corruptor was once booted from a team for not being a "healer". Apparently Twilight Grasp and Howling Twilight didn't count.
Ha! They're debuffs, n00b

That's what I tell people anyway. "Any additional effects like it healing you or accidentally raising you from the dead are incidental and unintended."



Forcefield types without the group shield and the individual shields (but they have personal force field). "Oh, but they don't benefit me, why should I take them????".

Tanks/Brutes without Taunt. (Can you say TROLL? )

Kheldians without Nova "W T F ARE YOU THINKING?"

Controllers without their Hold power.

Scrappers without stamina who are always gasping for endurance.

Any character post Stamina, who insists on perma-sprint, who is always low on End (usuall because they didn't take stamina, but also when they just chew up all their end, and gasp for end whilst the rest of thre team whittles down the bosses "normally I play with a /kin, this team sucks!".

People who faceplant. Every. Single. Encounter AND in doing so, put the team in danger. (if they are just gimping themselves, that's fine).

Stalkers who insist on -initiating- combat, and then die, lather rinse repeat. "Just wait for the team to aggro the group THEN use Assassin Strike" "BUT IT'S MY BEST POWER, I DON'T DIE A LOT!". Idiots.

I think i've left a small percentage of the player-base out of my list, so I'll just add something a little generic "if you don't team up, you arent playing the game".

There. That about wraps it up for my involvement with this thread.


(moderators, please have a -slight- sense of humour before summarily deleting this post, you power-crazed gumbies!)


Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



I've had one character ever kicked from a team. My Ill/Rad Controller, around level 10 at the time, got an invite, accepted, then shortly thereafter was dismissed because "Oh, we wanted a healer." Rather than argue the point I figured that wasn't a team I'd want to be on anyway, especially considering that "not a healer" was in my LFT message. Healer mentality AND neglecting to read? Oh yeah. Looking back on it I should've checked to see if everyone was set to Invincible, to complete the debt trifecta.



I've only kicked a couple of people in my whole time playing - and that was for bad behaviour, as I know almost nothing baout the power sets, so it's hard to know if someone has "good" powers or "bad" ones

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've only kicked a couple of people in my whole time playing - and that was for bad behaviour, as I know almost nothing about the power sets, so it's hard to know if someone has "good" powers or "bad" ones
Oh, it's really pretty easy. Here are only two examples, I'm sure others can fill in.

- Gale is a good power. But it is situational. The mere fact that it has recharged is not always such a situation. When we have enemies on a Tar Patch, an Ice Slick, or in Freezing Rain, it is quite the opposite of that situation. Following the Galed enemies into another previously-unaggroed group of enemies when the team's already struggling, is a situation of an entirely different nature.

- Hide on a Stalker is a good power. However, it becomes a bad power when it is seen as a license to "scout the map" and hang out on the other side of the building in safety while leeching xp and ensuring that we don't know what part of the map we've already covered. Bonus points if the Stalker decides to stab something on aforementioned other side of the map and, in the inevitable hasty retreat, trains several other mobs down on the rest of the team.



I once got booted by a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I wasn't kicked.. but I did get lectured by an entire PUG team on how foolish I was for not getting pets on my Mind Control/Kinetics controller. They explained on how useless a troller was without pets. After that, transfusion and transference were "accidentally" removed from my power trays for the rest of the mission.



Years ago, before enhancement diversification, I had a blaster come up to me, out of the blue, and chew me out for not having Perma-Hasten on my Empath. He vowed he would never ever team with me because he demands Perma-RA from his buffers.

My win, really. Always nice when douchbags make the courtesy to identify themselves right up front. Makes for a more robust /ignore list.

I've seen more people booted (and booted them myself) for just being bad players, regardless of build or AT. AFKers. People that trash talk their own teammates. People that brag endlessly (well, I usually let them stay, since then tend to faceplant alot, and that is hilarious.)
I won't tolerate people being mean or exploitive to their teammates. Newbs, and even n00bs, however I like, if they're patient enough and willing to learn.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I was once kicked for not being level 45+ on a Halloween banner team.

What was horribly ironic was that I was on level 24 Controller with the Rad Emissions secondary, and had all the DR and -Regen debuffs that really help take down banners, plus the DPS improving Accelerate Metabolism.

I usually only see people kicked because they're being rude or perma-afk. But I also rarely play in PuGs, exactly because dumb stuff like this is more likely in them.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I was once kicked for having Dark Miasma. That's why I built the Cursed Sorcerer for soloing, if necessary, although he does work well with teams too. Fortunately, I think people have learned that I am a good player and Dark Miasma is not as weak as it has been previously perceived.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Been kicked once myself on my Inv/SS tanker for not healing. So, yeah.

I don't kick useless builds from a team, but I will kick useless people from a team. Useless people won't change, but a useless build can go a lot of ways (experienced player looking for a challenge, new guy that made mistakes, etc). And I can't stand xp leeches. They get the boot, and the salt.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Another "not healer" story:

My bots/dark got invited to a team and I could tell right quick there was going to be trouble based on the way the guy was recruiting and what he said he was looking for. When he saw I "wasn't a healer" he was disappointed and seemed about ready to kick me. I told him I had a heal and Heal Other but that didn't phase him. After some minutes of him searching and not finding what he wanted (I can't recall but I'd guess a /kin), he quit the group of four he'd built up.

I can't say I shed too many tears over that.



One of my blasters (Fire/Energy) was once kicked from an ITF before it even started. When I asked for an explanation, I was told that I didn't have enough AoEs. The leader didn't like the fact that I hadn't taken Rain of Fire or Fire Breath. What he didn't know was that I had so much global recharge that I could spam Fire Ball, but I didn't want to explain that to him. I just one-starred him and put him on ignore...

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



This game is so easy that, short of someone actively harming the team (perhaps by causing wipes via training mobs), I can't imagine getting worked up over a gimped build. I've seen enough people with standard builds still slack their way through a team that I'd worry more about whether they're at least trying to contribute.

It might be worth asking them privately about their build because maybe they're a casual player who never thought a particular power sounded sexy enough to try. But to kick them? Nah.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
This game is so easy that, short of someone actively harming the team (perhaps by causing wipes via training mobs), I can't imagine getting worked up over a gimped build. I've seen enough people with standard builds still slack their way through a team that I'd worry more about whether they're at least trying to contribute.

It might be worth asking them privately about their build because maybe they're a casual player who never thought a particular power sounded sexy enough to try. But to kick them? Nah.
Not only that, but the occasional team wipe is usually quite enjoyable, and I much prefer finishing a mob off with a team in the red than just plowing though mindlessly. We had a team of 8 12-14's in Hollows last night hammering away on Frostie. Took an age, but we had fun doing it.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Do you have a developer comment indicating that they "intend" for us to play any specific powerset in any specific way, or that they disapprove of any "unintended" power or powerset usage that isn't directly related to an exploit? I'd like to see it, please.
Nope, and honestly I don't care what the devs think. I have my definition for how people should be using sets and that is what I care about. If you have an armor set then you should be able to take damage. If you have a buff/debuff set then you should be able to do some buffing or debuffing. If you have a control set then you should be able to do some controlling (obviously Illusion is an exception to this). If you have a blast set then I want to see you shooting things. I don't particularly care HOW you go about it but if you're missing the core function of one of your powersets I'm going to ask some pointed questions.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Nope, and honestly I don't care what the devs think. I have my definition for how people should be using sets and that is what I care about. If you have an armor set then you should be able to take damage. If you have a buff/debuff set then you should be able to do some buffing or debuffing. If you have a control set then you should be able to do some controlling (obviously Illusion is an exception to this). If you have a blast set then I want to see you shooting things. I don't particularly care HOW you go about it but if you're missing the core function of one of your powersets I'm going to ask some pointed questions.
I had an experience with someone of nearly the same mindest on Virtue a month ago (Do you play on Virtue?) We had a team of 8 in the late 20's standing outside the mission door, about to enter. One player pipes up, asking the defender why she only has the first blast power out of her secondary. Before she could even reply, he pronounced that he does not play with people that ignore their secondary and are just "healers" and promptly quit the team. Needless to say, we replaced him in about 15 seconds and went happily about our mission. If he would have been the team leader, I have no doubt that he would have booted her for just the way she made her character, not even how she played it. People with such a narrow and "opinionated" view get onto my ignore list fairly quickly ingame...



Originally Posted by Partsman View Post
I had an experience with someone of nearly the same mindest on Virtue a month ago (Do you play on Virtue?) We had a team of 8 in the late 20's standing outside the mission door, about to enter. One player pipes up, asking the defender why she only has the first blast power out of her secondary. Before she could even reply, he pronounced that he does not play with people that ignore their secondary and are just "healers" and promptly quit the team. Needless to say, we replaced him in about 15 seconds and went happily about our mission. If he would have been the team leader, I have no doubt that he would have booted her for just the way she made her character, not even how she played it. People with such a narrow and "opinionated" view get onto my ignore list fairly quickly ingame...
Yes I do play on Virtue, but that one wasn't me. Personally my method is to try and educate people who play that way rather than just quitting the team. That being said, when I see someone advertising themselves as a "healer" in chat I tend to pass them over for my team.



i thought this thread, from the title, was about the heel/toe myth on boot wear. Imagine my dissapointment....

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Nope, and honestly I don't care what the devs think. I have my definition for how people should be using sets and that is what I care about. If you have an armor set then you should be able to take damage. If you have a buff/debuff set then you should be able to do some buffing or debuffing. If you have a control set then you should be able to do some controlling (obviously Illusion is an exception to this). If you have a blast set then I want to see you shooting things. I don't particularly care HOW you go about it but if you're missing the core function of one of your powersets I'm going to ask some pointed questions.
I hope you tell people something like this when you invite them. Even on my characters that fit your criteria, I'd rather be able to refuse up front than end up quitting later when I see you start lecturing someone on how the game must be played.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



I haven't had any trouble finding teams on my human/dwarf form Kheldians (I have one of each), not for being a Kheldian, nor for skipping Nova form.

I wouldn't kick a mastermind for skipping the pets. I'd just roll my eyes and ignore them until I could get back to my favorite global channel to complain about them. What I've seen more often, and I treat the same way, is (gods help us) a willpower or invulnerabilty tanker who skips all the toggles, who just takes the passives. Had one of those on a team I was on just yesterday. Also had no taunt and no AoE attacks. Useless as the paps on a boar hog. So instead, my human-form warshade and the blaster who'd taken tough took turns soaking the alpha strikes and trying to hold aggro.

Because here's the thing: unless you have the difficulty sliders completely maxed out, this game is so, so easy for an 8-person team that quite frankly, one entirely useless person tagging along with the team is hardly the end of the world. Heck, that team even had two completely useless people, the other one was a VERY low level pistols blaster with no enhancements, happily banging away without ever hitting or hurting any enemies. We still cleared every map fast enough.

Some people are just game snobs. Live a little. Treat the one or two completely useless people on your team as a pleasantly random difficulty increase, and prove that your oh-so-perfectly tuned build is as uber leet as you say it is.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
My Fire/Dark Corruptor was once booted from a team for not being a "healer". Apparently Twilight Grasp and Howling Twilight didn't count.
My Dark/Dark Defender wasn't even allowed on a team because he wasn't a "healer". Despite having the best Rez in the entire game.

Originally Posted by LadyMage View Post
I had someone scream at me once, on Triumph, that my heals weren't doing enough. Guy wasn't even on my team, but the green numbers weren't big enough for him. *boggle* So no, Triumph is not immune.

PUGs are funny things. Sometimes you'll find that min maxer who can't stand the idea of an inefficient build, and some who probably wouldn't even know how to check a build.
Thank you for that 5 minute giggle session. Literally brought tears to my eyes. I"ll probably be cracking up for no apparent reason for the rest of the day and getting a lot of funny looks, but I think its worth it.

Of course, the 6 weeks of 60 hours weeks at work might have something to do with the low laughter threshold I have.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



I generally give a quick look at the powersets of other folks on the team so that I will better be able to mesh tactically with the particular bad guys we encounter.

Part of the appeal to me is determining the best way to proceed given the powers available. If there is no tank, or they are bashful about grabbing aggro, well, how will we accomplish the task?

I am leveling up a Storm/Ice Defender, and when I play him, I will look to see if there are any Controllers with AoE Immobs on the team. If not, I am very careful about using Tornado or Lightning Storm, since they will toss baddies all about. I can generally hover above the bad guys and put out the Lightning Storm, and it will knock them straight down, which is okay, but Mr. Twisty really cannot be made to behave. He may come out in cramped hallways or if a team wipe is threatened, but otherwise, it tends to make the Melee folks unhappy. And if there ARE Controllers with AoE Immobs, but they are not being used (or they are Grav Controllers), then same situation. Then again, that Grav Controller may be using Wormhole, and I might have a Stun to stack with it or an AoE Blast to used on the massed bad guys. It is always interesting.

I imagine I will get to team with 3 or 4 Dual Pistols Blasters at a time this weekend. It will be interesting to leverage those strengths with my own character's, whoever I may be playing. I don't look for a Min/Max, I just play. If the Legion sends Matter-Eater Lad instead of Mon-El, you adapt.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Hey, I started a hot topic that wasn't controversial for a change!

Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
I've only been kicked once. And it was on my petless mastermind Was around three years ago, and i wanted to play a dusl pistols char. so i rolled a Thugs/Dark MM and picked only three powers from thugs
Pistols, Equip Thugs and Upgrade Equipment, right? (-:

Originally Posted by Tayla Ewa View Post
I wasn't kicked.. but I did get lectured by an entire PUG team on how foolish I was for not getting pets on my Mind Control/Kinetics controller. They explained on how useless a troller was without pets. After that, transfusion and transference were "accidentally" removed from my power trays for the rest of the mission.
But you had a whole PuG full of pets!

Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Been kicked once myself on my Inv/SS tanker for not healing. So, yeah.
Pfff. Slacker. Tankmaging is all the rage these days; don't you read the glossies!?

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Nope, and honestly I don't care what the devs think. I have my definition for how people should be using sets and that is what I care about. [...] I don't particularly care HOW you go about it but if you're missing the core function of one of your powersets I'm going to ask some pointed questions.
Here's a box of Band-Aids. You'll run out real fast if you keep shooting yourself in the foot, though.

Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Because here's the thing: unless you have the difficulty sliders completely maxed out, this game is so, so easy for an 8-person team that quite frankly, one entirely useless person tagging along with the team is hardly the end of the world.
I was on my Dark/Elec Brute the other day farming merits with a Rifle/Fire Blaster. I forgot I was on x8 when we did Gaussian's arc, but we went ahead with it anyway. Vanguard Sword has a reputation for being one of the nastiest groups around, but we still slaughtered them. Ironically, it wasn't until we got to the Longbow mission that we had any troubles.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
There are only two types of characters I'd kick, petless masterminds and defenders with no powers from their secondary other than the mandatory one (and sometimes the stun).

Actually I'll expand that slightly. I would kick anyone, regardless of AT, who seems to be ignoring one of their two powersets. However I've never encountered anyone doing that on another AT. I don't expect people to take all powers from both powersets and I don't care that much WHICH powers you take. However you should look as if you're making the effort to use the set in the way that it was intended (which for Masterminds means taking the pets).

That being said I rarely bother to check people's power selections so I normally only notice if they either tell me up-front or I happen to notice them behaving wierdly during play.
I realize you're talking about villainous builds largely, here, but I take issue with the idea of kicking someone who ignores their secondary. I play fire/fire blasters quite a bit, and in the process I intentionally ignore every single power in the secondary set that forces me to close to within melee range.

I'm a blaster. My hit points suck. I have no real defenses (well, maybe a paltry fire shield). Some folks may love the idea of wading into battle and being pounded on, but as a soloist, I don't. I belong in the air, raining down death and destruction from a safe distance. Bullets hurt a hell of a lot less than fists, in my experience.

But, if I took Fire Sword, Fire Sword Circle, Combustion, Blazing Aura, Consume, Burn, and Hot Feet, I'd have to be within melee range for them to be effective. That's not where I want to be. On a team, where healers and buffers can mitigate the damage, it's a different story. On my own, I'm just asking for a face plant.

So the only powers I take from that set are Ring of Fire and Build Up. They fit the concept. I may take others, but only if I have to because nothing else is available. And if I take them, it's exceedingly rare that I use them.

Would you kick me from your team because of that?