The Boot Myth




Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I find it odd that *any* Kheldian would be dropped simply for being a Kheldian. I can *sort of* see if they were stretched too thin across a Tri-Form or not slotted properly, but simply for choosing *that* AT?!
I just came to this thread late, and have resisted jumping in on conversations that began months ago. However when I finished reading the thread, one thing jumped out at me. Not a single person defending Kheldians mentioned Peacebringers. It's all "Warshade this" and "Warshade that".

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

I've only kicked someone twice...

I've never "had" to kick anyone as I have always been able to pick-up the slack of a team member. However, I rarely have the privelege of teaming with incompetent players. I have my Channel members to thank for that, you're all awesome guys!

<3 hugs and chicken butts!



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
3rd time: The leader thought my avatar was hot and tried to coax me into ERPing with him in tells. I declined, I guess his ego was hurt so he kicked me.
Heh...I was kicked from a long time global friend, for not wanting to cyber. And I was even kind about it...

"Okay look, you want down my toons pants so much, at least try to get to know her"

"But I don't RP."

"But you cyber?"


"Isn't that basically RPing?"

"I guess."

"Sooo...RP it."

"I don't want to. Why won't you cyber?"

"I don't cyber. Usually I FTB anyways."

...havent seen them since. Which is kinda sad, before that day, I enjoyed talking to them.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I've never "had" to kick anyone as I have always been able to pick-up the slack of a team member. However, I rarely have the privelege of teaming with incompetent players. I have my Channel members to thank for that, you're all awesome guys!

<3 hugs and chicken butts!
I do alot of PuGing. Which I don't find so bad, this is how you meet some really good people. But it also means you'll meet some annoying people.

As I don't mind it, and generally I find most people like having me on the team, it's not so bad.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I do alot of PuGing. Which I don't find so bad, this is how you meet some really good people. But it also means you'll meet some annoying people.

As I don't mind it, and generally I find most people like having me on the team, it's not so bad.
Oh, don't get me wrong I pug as well but I tend to make sure I have atleast 2 or 3 others that I know can pull the weight of the rest of the team. So, 2-3 of my team members are almost always channel friends and the five others are random folk that we are either veting for possible channel membership, we felt like being nice and allowing the player to ride on our coat-tails or they are just acting as a filler.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I suppose, but not really to a massive extent. Neither is what I'd usually consider powerful force multiply buffs/debuffs. -Recharge caps fairly quickly anyway and -Defense isn't the most sought after of debuffs, people tend to be well slotted anyway.
Dont forget, Warshades have a KO blow style Hold with a guarenteed Hold component and a couple of AoE stuns.

Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
I just came to this thread late, and have resisted jumping in on conversations that began months ago. However when I finished reading the thread, one thing jumped out at me. Not a single person defending Kheldians mentioned Peacebringers. It's all "Warshade this" and "Warshade that".
Because Evil, even reformed Evil, is cool
That, and because you would be daft to kick anything but the most atorciously built shade. They really are rather powerful, while PBs are Scrapper/Blaster hybrids which, while decent, aren't, IMO anyhow, in the same league.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Well I've been in angry PUGs because my Ill/Kin didn't have speed boost or inertial reduction. Sorry it didn't fit my concept of how her powers work. Anyways I prefer to use my character in ways other than simply be a team's buff bot (hey I have a whole primary powerset to work with).

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well I've been in angry PUGs because my Ill/Kin didn't have speed boost or inertial reduction. Sorry it didn't fit my concept of how her powers work. Anyways I prefer to use my character in ways other than simply be a team's buff bot (hey I have a whole primary powerset to work with).
I'd kick you too if you didn't have SB on my team as a kin. Don't care what your concept may be, if you expect to be invited on a team as a kin, expect the team to assume your build is team friendly; if it isn't, don't be surprised if you are kicked.

Besides, you can rationalize any power to fit your concept, just takes a little imagination.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I'd kick you too if you didn't have SB on my team as a kin. Don't care what your concept may be, if you expect to be invited on a team as a kin, expect the team to assume your build is team friendly; if it isn't, don't be surprised if you are kicked.

Besides, you can rationalize any power to fit your concept, just takes a little imagination.
Oh noez, no SB...must...nerd...rage.

I'd be more upset if the Kinetics user lacked transfusion, transference and fulcrum shift (assuming level appropriate).



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I'd kick you too if you didn't have SB on my team as a kin. Don't care what your concept may be, if you expect to be invited on a team as a kin, expect the team to assume your build is team friendly; if it isn't, don't be surprised if you are kicked.

Besides, you can rationalize any power to fit your concept, just takes a little imagination.
Seriously? Grow up.

If I'm forming a TF, I ask for people who have a pulse. I don't even ask what AT they're bringing, let alone what powersets and whether they have key powers that I deem important.

My TFs follow rules which are designed to keep me in check, not my team. A rule without exception lasts eternally.

Any build, any budget, no exclusions.

If I were to ever violate that rule, even something like kicking a petless mastermind, it opens the floodgates to more.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



One time someone invited my dark/dark defender with "we need a healer". I told him that I only had one heal and that I was much better at making sure they didn't need healing to begin with. He declined to invite me. Right after that I got invited to a great KR radio team no questions asked and got complimented on the heals... go figure.

That's the only time I've experienced that but then I don't join pug's very often. I'm much more likely to "accidentally" form a pug by getting tells from people wanting to join me. I never care what AT they are and I only look at their power sets so I know how they fit into the team. It's my opinion that you only need active players who want to be a contributing member of the team to have an awesome fun time.

I've never kicked someone but I have made excuses to leave sooner than usual. That's normally because some guy thinks he can solo the mission without the rest of us and I hate that. Even if he CAN solo the mission (usually they are just making the mission harder than it needs to be), how do you think that makes the rest of us feel? I want everyone in my team to feel heroic. But I still just leave rather than make a fuss.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
"I don't cyber. Usually I FTB anyways."
OK, I must be getting old. I had no clue about FTB so I did the usual thing (Google FTW) and looked it up ... and I *still* don't get it. :/



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Seriously? Grow up.

I run TF/SFs for efficiency. If you don't like how I run tfs or sfs you have a right not to join. Telling me to "grow up" because I am being honest is immature.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Oh noez, no SB...must...nerd...rage.

I'd be more upset if the Kinetics user lacked transfusion, transference and fulcrum shift (assuming level appropriate).
To be fair, I wouldn't invite a kin without SB in the first place. Nerd rage, not at all. I like individuals on my team that have a team mentality.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Is the defender using his/her blasts to knock enemies down/back, drain their endurance to nothing, reduce their hit chances significantly, slowing their attack rate, thus reducing or outright eliminating incoming damage and therefore giving the team time to recover?

Is the defender a debuffer with primarily click buffs or debuffs, most or all of which were already used and cannot be stacked, and who therefore has little else to do other than blast?

Congratulations on missing the entire point of my post. Let me restate it in simpler terms, just for you. 80% of defenders I run into choose one thing or the other to do. There's your offender, that refuses to buff/debuff *while on teams*, and then there's your heal-bot. It is very rare that I run into a decent player that manages to do both, and if I have to choose whether I want a wanna-be blaster, or a heal/buff bot? I'll take the heal/buff-bot. I did invite a defender, after all. As I already said in my previous post, I would prefer that the defender healed/buffed when neccessary, and did something with his/herself in the interim, such as, I dunno, making use of the secondary pool.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
In a game which has been completely redesigned around the solo player and which makes it nigh impossible to create a build which isn't self-sufficient in 99% of the content? No, I wouldn't be amused, I'd consider it standard operating procedure.
Thats why the dev's released the dual builds system. Solo play gets it's own build that focuses on secondary aspects, team play is more of a mix. Again; I would hope that the defender can do BOTH, but that's often not the case. At least, not on my server. Maybe your server magically filters out the noobs? That sounds nice.



Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
I just came to this thread late, and have resisted jumping in on conversations that began months ago. However when I finished reading the thread, one thing jumped out at me. Not a single person defending Kheldians mentioned Peacebringers. It's all "Warshade this" and "Warshade that".
Warshades can blast opponents into day-after-tomorrow, but *can* they heal other people? Nope!

Personally, I much prefer playing a Peacebringer than a Warshade. The whole "drain their essence" thing (while visually stunning) is about what I would expect from "The Dark Ones".

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
OK, I must be getting old. I had no clue about FTB so I did the usual thing (Google FTW) and looked it up ... and I *still* don't get it. :/
Fade To Black.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I was on an SG team, doing the Katie Hannon TF. We got a couple of non-SG people in order to fill out the last couple of team slots.

Things were going fairly well, but then we started having team wipes around the sixth or seventh wave. It was then that I noticed that the Fire Controller and his Imps weren't around and he didn't respond to team chat or tells asking his status.

I eventually found him & his imps hiding behind a wooden wall, sponging the xp that *we* were working for.

When he didn't respond *that* time, he got kicked from the team ... and we managed to finish the TF without further wipes.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Congratulations on missing the entire point of my post.
Oh, no, quite the contrary. Your "point" wasn't missed, it was dismissed because it was based entirely on erroneous assertions and faulty logic. Your "point" was that defenders are binary, only capable of causing a single effect at any given moment, and you are wrong.

Let me restate it in simpler terms, just for you.
You sure you want to ride this train?

80% of defenders I run into choose one thing or the other to do.
80% of all statistics are created on the spot.

There's your offender, that refuses to buff/debuff *while on teams*,
Unless you're playing exclusively with */Archery defenders, it's absolutely impossible for this statement to be true because every other blast set is designed to mitigate incoming damage or increase player/team damage in some way.

Outside of */Archery, there is no such thing as a defender who "refuses to debuff". So even if they aren't coddling you and tending to your every little scrape because they're attacking, they're assisting you and the team.

So half of your complaint about offenders is moot. They might not buff you, but unless they're */Archery, they're definitely debuffing for you, even if they do nothing other than blasting. Which means the only leg you have to stand on is that you're dissatisfied with defenders who don't buff you when you want, where you want and how you want.

My tears, they flow copiously for you.

Oh, sorry, let me restate that in simpler terms, just for you.


and then there's your heal-bot. It is very rare that I run into a decent player that manages to do both, and if I have to choose whether I want a wanna-be blaster, or a heal/buff bot? I'll take the heal/buff-bot. I did invite a defender, after all. As I already said in my previous post, I would prefer that the defender healed/buffed when neccessary, and did something with his/herself in the interim, such as, I dunno, making use of the secondary pool.
And who determines when it's "neccessary" (sic)? No, wait, I know this one! You, right? Because you're Important and Special, and any other consideration, such as the defender being sick of chasing people halfway across the map to drop short duration buffs on them, or fighting to stay alive because some fool dragged half of Hell back to the team and no-one is even trying to pull the aggro off of him/her, or being even remotely intelligent enough to watch and gauge team performance and decide what buffs might be necessary (if any), is irrelevant.

Now, this is the part where you inform me that you graciously request buffs, but only after seeing that they haven't been granted after the entire team has patiently waited for, oh, hell, HOURS, and it's with dismay that you discover that 80% of these defenders don't even take their buffs, and only with a heavy heart do you click on that Kick button. For the good of your team, of course. Trust me, I'll believe it. I'm that gullible. I even believe that your on-the-spot statistic of buffing defenders is an accurate reflection of the situation. I'm that dumb. Seriously.

Thats why the dev's released the dual builds system.
Yeah, the PvP enthusiasts who had been asking for this for as long as PvP has been in the game had nothing to do with it. It was purely a PvE-oriented change, specifically because it's impossible to make a defender build which is viable solo and in teams. Defenders are binary, right?

Solo play gets it's own build that focuses on secondary aspects, team play is more of a mix. Again; I would hope that the defender can do BOTH, but that's often not the case. At least, not on my server.
It's funny, but if there were an "idiot defenders who don't buff/debuff" problem of that magnitude on Protector, I'd expect to find some evidence of it in the Protector forum... and it's not there. I don't see any complaints about 80% of the defenders that people team with being incompetent "wanna-be blasters". I'm not seeing any threads at all about bad defender experiences.

You know what the commonality of all of those bad defender experiences is?

You. But that must be nothing more than an astounding coincidence, right?

Maybe your server magically filters out the noobs? That sounds nice.
Apparently all of the servers I play on do. I haven't run into you yet.

Still want to ride this train?



Luminara amuses me when I'm not the target of her gentle ministrations. Sometimes even when I am.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Maybe I'm just lucky...
Yes... you are. I've been - and seen others - booted for all sorts of ridiculous and arbitrary reasons, not in the least was power selections:

Common reasons I see/have been kicked for:

* u r tank wit no tauntz, lrn2ply
* u r 'fender wit no healz. lrn2ply
* u r 'mm wit no petz. lrn2ply
* y u pick/not pick >fill in the blank<, lrn2ply
* lol >enter power set here< sux, lrn2ply
* u not keep my tank alive, lrn2play
* u r lolstalker, thx 4 padding but we need room 4 real toonz, lrn2ply
* u r lolta 'fender, thx 4 padding but we need room 4 REAL 'fender, lrn2ply
* u r lolrper, less qq more pew-pew, lrn2ply (often this can mean you simply put something in ooc parens)
* gimme star 4 sec, now i pick good mish/farm/arc, u not like, lrn2ply
* u have my sg friend on ignore, lrn2ply
* ur toon is teh gai, lrn2ply (this is apparently the default reason used when no specific trait can be targeted)

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...