The Boot Myth




Originally Posted by Wird_ View Post
my $.02.

Ran (being me/ie. myself, leader) KTF a couple weeks ago.

Kin/Rad. Solo build. NO SB/ID, but the rest of all the goodies. Also have Leader defense/attack (names escape me atm). No one complained AND we rocked the TF fast! Why you ask?? Because I know how to use my defender even without the SB and ID. Did I heal? Yes when needed. Did I attack? HELL YES!!! My Radiation attacks are slotted for damage, plus the Fulcrum and Aim add to damage.

I even told team that I didn't have SB and no crying ensued. Now, did I have a Team Build also? Yes, but they were very ok with my build because we took down monsters with it very fast.

Star does not = Tyrant. It's for leader to pick missions to suit team. Not dictate who's build sucks and to kick according to sucky builds and what not. Yes, kick for being a jerk. But for builds?? Pshhhh!!!


Even my Emp/Defender has a very full attack chain + all of the goodies. If anybody cries that I'm not "playing" like you want me to? Buh-bye!!!
But see, no problem is there, because you even say you told them you had no SB.

I've been fine with people not having SB.

I've been fine with those with SB not passing it out every two minutes.

What I don't care for are the ones who take it, have team members sucking wind, and don't use it at all.

It's even worse when they complain about even being asked to give it. Which if they didnt want to do, they could of not taken.

And that's what I think most agree on, is an idiot.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
But see, no problem is there, because you even say you told them you had no SB.

I've been fine with people not having SB.

I've been fine with those with SB not passing it out every two minutes.

What I don't care for are the ones who take it, have team members sucking wind, and don't use it at all.

It's even worse when they complain about even being asked to give it. Which if they didnt want to do, they could of not taken.
I completely agree, if you take a power that can only work on others and then take offense when someone asks for it then you may as well have taken something from the Presence Pool.

Defiant EU
Quaver: Kinetics/Sonic Defender
Semiquaver: Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor



I've never kicked someone solely because they had a sub-par build, or left out an important power in their build. I'll occasionally ask someone if they left something out for reason or just didn't realize they should take it (scrappers without mez protection seem to get this question most commonly from me). And I will occasionally kick someone because they're not contributing to the team at all, or are actually being detrimental to the team. Sometimes a bad build will contribute to this kicking, but I've never looked at someone's build and kicked them immediately simply because it didn't match up to what I would make.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
So you admit that your stance is of low moral character? Bold move.
I never said that either. The personal attacks are getting old. I'm going to ask you to stop.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I never said that either. The personal attacks are getting old. I'm going to ask you to stop.
So now you realise how annoying some of your repetitive comments in other threads have been?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Why do people have such trouble with the concept of irony, anyway?
I'd like to blame Alanis Morisette.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I'd like to blame Alanis Morisette.
But isn't it Ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic...

Anyway, I blame her too. :P



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I'd like to blame Alanis Morisette.
Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
But isn't it Ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic...

Anyway, I blame her too. :P
I also blame her for ED.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Quaver View Post
I completely agree, if you take a power that can only work on others and then take offense when someone asks for it then you may as well have taken something from the Presence Pool.
If I take it, I'll give it to them when I deem it necessary and/or proper. The more often they ask for it/demand it the less necessary/proper I will deem the bestowment.

Especially if they're asking for it while I'm cycling buffs down/up the team list and they're at the bottom/top of the list. Or if they're already under the influence of said buff.

Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I never said that either. The personal attacks are getting old. I'm going to ask you to stop.
I haven't really started, so asking me to stop is a bit premature.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Bad players are binary regardless of AT, powerset or power selection. But that's not what you said. You clearly differentiated defenders from everyone else.

Your words. Defenders are a special case. Not "bad players are a special case", not "inexperienced defenders are a special case", not "people playing an AT they haven't really learned to understand yet", defenders.

You then go on to further denounce defenders who aren't dedicated buffers/healers in every reply you make. You ridicule defenders who attack at all, you deride offender builds across the board, but you also turn around and pat the dedicated buffers/healers on the back, despite the fact that they're typically less capable and flexible than offenders.

Hell, your first post to this thread was to lecture Adeon Hawkwood because he expressed disdain for dedicated buffers/healers who skip all but their tier 1 attacks.

So no, sir or ma'am, I do not accept your newly revised and carefully polished point. You've expressed nothing but dislike for defenders who do anything but keep you on /follow with buffs on auto, and that is the kind of attitude that I find offensive.
It's bad when I can no longer tell whether you're purposely taking what I say out of context, or you just don't get it. I'm hoping the former, but guessing the latter. I said if given the choice between a buff/heal bot and an offender, I'd take a buff/heal bot. But--and I say this yet again--I'd rather have a defender that did both (but please, feel free to continue ignoring this part and believing about me what you wish to believe).

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
You expect a defender to use both powersets only to the extent that it doesn't interfere with their efforts to ensure that you stay buffed.

Again, your words. You expect a defender to buff, first and foremost, and to attack only if/when they acquiesce to your expectations. "Keep buffs/heals perma'd (sic)"... with 60-120s buffs, on seven other people, plus whatever pets might be present, running wild on a map, while fending off stray aggro. But hey, if we manage that, we're granted the privilege of shooting off an attack every now and again. How gracious of you.

"Do what I want, spend the majority of your time making my life better and I'll let you have a little bit of fun. Don't, and I'll belittle you and not let you have any fun" is basically what that says. And that's a contemptible attitude to have. We aren't pets. We aren't employees. We're supposed to be teammates in a game, but you want to treat us like indentured servants and give us pats on the head when we oblige?
Um...yes? You rolled a DEFENDER. Not a blaster. If at any point, at any time, a player puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, that person is playing wrong. If a tankers build takes every single attack, and doesn't work on defenses at all, guess what? He's not a tank, he's a weak wannabe scrapper. If blaster puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, he's a glass scrapper. (You can see where I'm going with this, yes?) I'm guessing, by the lengths you go to defend this playstyle, you are part of the problem.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
No, in fact, I didn't. Energy Blast imposes varying magnitudes of KB on targets, dependent on the power and enemy level. The end result is damage mitigation, and it can be just as effective as buffs or debuffs when used properly.
Yes, and everybody just LOVES KB, don't they? The end result is pissing off the tank and any melee characters, who then have to run to catch the enemy you just sent flying. (Weren't you the one complaining about defenders having to chase players all over the map? Hold on one sec...)

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Keep buffs/heals perma'd (sic)"... with 60-120s buffs, on seven other people, plus whatever pets might be present, running wild on a map, while fending off stray aggro.
Ah ok, there we are. No wonder you hate doing your job as a defender. When you knock enemies all over the place, it must be a pain to keep up with the melee ATs.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Based on the entirety of what you've said thus far, you don't want defenders anyway, so why not just "hire" a blaster.
What? You just berated me for allegedly wanting a buff/heal bot, but now apparently I want a blaster? I believe thats what YOU wanted, when you roll your offenders.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Defenders can buff, debuff, deal damage, control, summon pets, restore HP, restore endurance, change entire combat scenarios... and you think they're only good for one "job". No single defender primary or secondary is specifically limited to one "job", but you think you can pigeonhole them all into that single function that you believe they should fill?
See all those words I bolded for you? Those are things Defenders can do only if they make use of their primary powers. And unless you're thinking about controllers, only Dark/ fenders can summon anything. Unless you count the Voltaic Sentinel a pet, I suppose.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
And we're all quite grateful that you have such patience with us, despite our failures to do our jobs. It's ever so generous of you.
You're welcome. Also, I fixed that for you.

Seriously though people, we've diverged from the main point of this thread. What would you kick a person for--if you kick people (and some people talked about personal experiences)?. I've already said what I had to contribute, and I have no wish to continue back and forth in this endless cycle.

Please collect your things before disembarking from the train. Have a good day.



Stone Daemon doesn't see:

It's bad when I can no longer tell whether you're purposely taking what I say out of context, or you just don't get it.
Actually, it seems to be more about the way you express yourself. For example....

If at any point, at any time, a player puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, that person is playing wrong.
No, they most certainly are NOT. It's not your call, and there is no "right" or "wrong" here, only your preference.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Um...yes? You rolled a DEFENDER. Not a blaster. If at any point, at any time, a player puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, that person is playing wrong. If a tankers build takes every single attack, and doesn't work on defenses at all, guess what? He's not a tank, he's a weak wannabe scrapper. If blaster puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, he's a glass scrapper. (You can see where I'm going with this, yes?) I'm guessing, by the lengths you go to defend this playstyle, you are part of the problem.
And what of the AT's that can have their entire primary marginalized by other members of the team or game mechanics? Do you want the third Force Field Defender on the team to keep buffing? Do you want a controller to sling controls in an AV fight or pay more attention to their secondary? What of an empath on a team that's buffed to the gills? Maybe the problem is you don't realize what an Offender is or how potent they can be.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
[list][*]A Mastermind with no Henchmen
This one I will kick if I'm only gathering a small team. In a large team people's weaknesses fade, but no matter what a Petless Mastermind is not carrying his weight. It really doesn't matter in an 8 man team, you can slack off a bit (or be a basically useless build). I duo'd with one of these and it was worth nothing but progress towards my debt badge. An hour later he came back insulting me in broadcast and saying "see? I finished the mission without you!".

He probably still to this day doesn't understand what's wrong with dying 8 times in a mission and why I didn't want to be involved in that. I'm not a powerleveller by any means.. it took me 3 years to finally get someone to 50, but ugh.

I am NOT looking forward to all the idiotic petless Belmonts coming up.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I also blame her for ED.
Funny thing about that, so does my wife. If we're thinking of getting intimate and one of her songs comes on the radio, man it's time for snuggles instead. That chick's voice is the opposite of alluring.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I was once kicked from a team because my Scrapper was killing more efficiently than the team leader's Scrapper.

Stupid people are stupid. </em shrug>
Some people just can't stand being shown up

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I was once kicked from a team because my Scrapper was killing more efficiently than the team leader's Scrapper.

Stupid people are stupid. </em shrug>
I've never had that, though on my scrapper I often get complained about, and have once been kicked* for putting tanks to shame. If you want to go in first, it's your job to ensure you stay in front of me

* Note that when I get complained at for jumping into mobs before the tank, I explain that I can usually take it (<3 softcap + Aid Self ) and if I die, well, it's only a wakie. Most accept this and let me be an idiot, though if they continue complaining, I stop doing it as I understand that not everyone likes how I play. The time I got kicked, the tank (who was the leader) seemed to accept me doing it. Then he kicked me along with a tell saying that I needed to learn how to play.

As to the question of kins without SB and so on, my attitude is that if you don't want to use it, fine, don't take it. I might remark on it and ask why, as the person could easily be a newbie who doesn't know whats good yet, but if they just don't like the power, I can understand fully: I love everything else about the kinetics powerset, but I despise having to rebuff every 2 minutes. The point of the game is to have fun, so build the character that you enjoy playing. If you know that it's the norm to do otherwise, it's nice if you mention before we start that you've not taken SB or have some other "odd" build, but that's just courtesy.

However, if you have taken a power, I expect it to be used. I won't kick unless it's really bad (say, an empath with 1 blast who only uses that one blast and nothing else...), but I will start complaining a lot if you have something that would be really useful and it's sitting there unused.



My /sonic corruptor has been booted from teams a few times. It's an honest mistake though, when a Brute ask for SB it looks so close to SR.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
It's bad when I can no longer tell whether you're purposely taking what I say out of context, or you just don't get it. I'm hoping the former, but guessing the latter. I said if given the choice between a buff/heal bot and an offender, I'd take a buff/heal bot. But--and I say this yet again--I'd rather have a defender that did both (but please, feel free to continue ignoring this part and believing about me what you wish to believe).
Obviously, you don't really understand the concept of an Offender. Offenders use all of their abilities to aid their team, not just their primaries. My Emp/Elec Defender does just that. You know why? Because every little bit of Endurance and health that I can drain off of the bad guy helps the team. Not just my 2 heals, Fort, CM, RecA, RegA, and AB. Or the occasional Rez when RegA wears off at an inconvenient time.

If you were to tell me to stop blasting away, just so I could heal you more. I'd do one of two things. Quit the team (which would be the polite thing to do) or I would just not buff you.

Um...yes? You rolled a DEFENDER. Not a blaster. If at any point, at any time, a player puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, that person is playing wrong. If a tankers build takes every single attack, and doesn't work on defenses at all, guess what? He's not a tank, he's a weak wannabe scrapper. If blaster puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, he's a glass scrapper. (You can see where I'm going with this, yes?) I'm guessing, by the lengths you go to defend this playstyle, you are part of the problem.
That makes me very happy that I won't be teaming with you. Because I'd be bruising your delicate ego with my Controller that can tank better than many Tanks that he's teamed with.

Yes, and everybody just LOVES KB, don't they? The end result is pissing off the tank and any melee characters, who then have to run to catch the enemy you just sent flying. (Weren't you the one complaining about defenders having to chase players all over the map? Hold on one sec...)
I love KB. Even on my Melee characters. However, I know how to use KB. I have found that those who whine and complain the most about KB never learned to use it properly.

In other words, Lrn2Play!

You're welcome. Also, I fixed that for you.
No, he had it right. You want Defenders to have you on Follow with their buffs on auto because you haven't actually learned to play with others yet.

Seriously though people, we've diverged from the main point of this thread. What would you kick a person for--if you kick people (and some people talked about personal experiences)?. I've already said what I had to contribute, and I have no wish to continue back and forth in this endless cycle.

Please collect your things before disembarking from the train. Have a good day.
About the only thing I would kick someone for is them being a jerkwad who thinks they know the "only" way to play the game. And yes, I have kicked people from my team before.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
Obviously, you don't really understand the concept of an Offender. Offenders use all of their abilities to aid their team, not just their primaries. My Emp/Elec Defender does just that. You know why? Because every little bit of Endurance and health that I can drain off of the bad guy helps the team. Not just my 2 heals, Fort, CM, RecA, RegA, and AB. Or the occasional Rez when RegA wears off at an inconvenient time.

If you were to tell me to stop blasting away, just so I could heal you more. I'd do one of two things. Quit the team (which would be the polite thing to do) or I would just not buff you.

That makes me very happy that I won't be teaming with you. Because I'd be bruising your delicate ego with my Controller that can tank better than many Tanks that he's teamed with.

I love KB. Even on my Melee characters. However, I know how to use KB. I have found that those who whine and complain the most about KB never learned to use it properly.

In other words, Lrn2Play!

No, he had it right. You want Defenders to have you on Follow with their buffs on auto because you haven't actually learned to play with others yet.

About the only thing I would kick someone for is them being a jerkwad who thinks they know the "only" way to play the game. And yes, I have kicked people from my team before.
Now, here I think you're wrong. I have an Elec/Thermal Corr. And unless you're actually draining those mobs, then every bit of end you're draining, isnt helping if they're still attacking alot.

But that's more of Electric Blasts failings.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



City of Heroes is a funny game. I like to look at the mechanics much like I look at TF2 mechanics. You can do obviously silly, funny, or downright unorthodox things and still succeed with life and limb to spare. Dark tank magically holding Recluse aggro? Sure. A team of petless Masterminds attempting a Strike Force? You bet!

You will, however, meet the serious person who does not necessarily have a whimsical outlook on the not-so-serious situations presented in a game. As such, you will most likeky meet the person I like to call "Sir Ragesalot" or "Minicus Maximus". Minicus Maximus, as I am so fond of, will demand the best of the best of the BEST from his or her teams, and anything shortcoming of their goal will ultimately be weighed down onto the "Gimpicus Minimus" or the player who isn't tailored exactly to absolute maximum efficiency. In this case you should analyze the team leader through shrewd pre-team tells or through his or her actions while teamed.

Remember! Look first, then leap.



Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post

You will, however, meet the serious person who does not necessarily have a whimsical outlook on the not-so-serious situations presented in a game. As such, you will most likeky meet the person I like to call "Sir Ragesalot" or "Minicus Maximus". Minicus Maximus, as I am so fond of, will demand the best of the best of the BEST from his or her teams, and anything shortcoming of their goal will ultimately be weighed down onto the "Gimpicus Minimus" or the player who isn't tailored exactly to absolute maximum efficiency.
Most of the min-maxers I know are more concerned with their personal performance than that of their teammates. In fact, they're probably the people like;u to skip a power that doesn't benefit them and be kicked off a team.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Most of the min-maxers I know are more concerned with their personal performance than that of their teammates. In fact, they're probably the people like;u to skip a power that doesn't benefit them and be kicked off a team.
I'm speaking of the occasional control freak that demands absolute success from their teams. No deaths. No restarts. No nonsense.



Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
City of Heroes is a funny game. I like to look at the mechanics much like I look at TF2 mechanics. You can do obviously silly, funny, or downright unorthodox things and still succeed with life and limb to spare. Dark tank magically holding Recluse aggro? Sure. A team of petless Masterminds attempting a Strike Force? You bet!

You will, however, meet the serious person who does not necessarily have a whimsical outlook on the not-so-serious situations presented in a game. As such, you will most likeky meet the person I like to call "Sir Ragesalot" or "Minicus Maximus". Minicus Maximus, as I am so fond of, will demand the best of the best of the BEST from his or her teams, and anything shortcoming of their goal will ultimately be weighed down onto the "Gimpicus Minimus" or the player who isn't tailored exactly to absolute maximum efficiency. In this case you should analyze the team leader through shrewd pre-team tells or through his or her actions while teamed.

Remember! Look first, then leap.
You know, I still think if you're advertising yourself as your powerset, you should be including that you skipped the team buffs before you get on a team.


"Lvl 48 Thermal Defender lft"

I'm going to invite (if looking for a defender) because, besides those debuffs, I'm thinking "Yummy Sheilds" (and having two thermals at 50, I cant see why you wouldn't take them, they cause you to have to spam less of the heals to begin with).

but that is small potatoes compared to...A petless MM.

While I've only ran into one, and didn't kick him from my team, I promose you, I didn't invite him back.

"Lvl 32 MM lft" I expect to see they're being a Mastermind over something.

"Lvl 32 Perless MM lft" I can at least know if I invite them, I'm getting a weaker Corruptor basically. A LOT WEAKER.

However, saying "Lvl 32 MM lft" and I invite you to the team, and you don't have pets, I wouldn't be happy. You see MM lft, you're thinking "hmmm...pets for damage, and some buffs/debuffs...unless it's a forcefielder/thermal...then it's only a 50% chance they'll even give the buffs to the team"

(I made that 50% up But, I've seen enough MMs do that. )

I wouldn't hold it against anyone for kicking a petless MM. How could anybody. I understand it's about having fun. But...let them know!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
It's bad when I can no longer tell whether you're purposely taking what I say out of context, or you just don't get it.
Out of context? There's a good context for snide, derisive comments like "wanna-be blaster" and unfriendly sentiments toward defenders who blast? Like you were actually complimenting defenders for attacking, and I just twisted it completely around to make you the bad guy?

I'm hoping the former, but guessing the latter.
Yes, that has to be the answer. I "just don't get it". After over 4.5 years, after playing every AT, after hitting 50 with several different ATs, after burying myself up to my eyebrows in the mechanics of the game, after writing several popular and widely read guides, I "just don't get it".

I said if given the choice between a buff/heal bot and an offender, I'd take a buff/heal bot. But--and I say this yet again--I'd rather have a defender that did both (but please, feel free to continue ignoring this part and believing about me what you wish to believe).
You've also said "why should defenders be asked to do their job" (in context, buff you), and "you rolled a defender, not a blaster" and various other things which contradict that. You make snide remarks and veiled implications about defenders who attack, then you turn around and insist that it's just dandy.

In your own words, you don't want your defenders blasting when the team is in trouble, yet half of the defender primaries have limited or no means of disaster response, and of those that do, it's a gamble using them because they might result in the defender being yelled at for doing the only thing he/she could (such as Phasing foes). So what do you want them to do, stand around picking their noses?

No. Get a dog.

You rolled a DEFENDER. Not a blaster.
And you created a scrapper, or a tank, or a controller, or a blaster, or a Kheldian, each with options to improve survivability. Use them once in a while and you may find that you don't need a defender to keep you alive.

Furthermore, we create characters with the tools available. By design, AT has been relegated to little more than an identifier and a method of differentiating between strengths of effects. This is not WoW, EQ, SWG, LotRO or even the City of * of five years ago. Everyone can buff, debuff, control, deal damage, heal, tank, etc., and no-one is expected or required to fill a "role" or "job".

If at any point, at any time, a player puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, that person is playing wrong.
No, actually, they aren't. That's the kind of thing the developers expect us to do, and they encourage it. The more we expand game play by doing things differently, the more they can expand game play by challenging us in different ways and creating new and different options.

How you imagine the game would be if you were in charge isn't the way the game really is.

If a tankers build takes every single attack, and doesn't work on defenses at all, guess what? He's not a tank, he's a weak wannabe scrapper.
Or it could be someone who hasn't fleshed out a build fully yet, or someone with a specific concept which couldn't be fulfilled by any other option, or someone who realized that having 40% more base HP provided sufficient mitigation to allow him/her to work with less defensive measures, or any number of other things.

If blaster puts his/her secondary over his/her primary, he's a glass scrapper. (You can see where I'm going with this, yes?)
Or what I said above could apply here as well. Who are you to decide that someone who enjoys playing a blaster in melee range is wrong? Are you paying that person's subscription fee? Are you on the development team? Have you even contributed anything to this community to foster a change for the better?

I'm guessing, by the lengths you go to defend this playstyle, you are part of the problem.
Yes, I'm one of those evil, spiteful people who exercises creativity and designs characters without regard for AT. Unfortunately for you, I not only have developer approval for my actions, but I may have even inspired them.

Kinetics Melee is coming out with Going Rogue, four and a half years after I made my Kin scrapper.

Yes, and everybody just LOVES KB, don't they?
The KB discussion happens almost weekly here, and the overwhelming majority of posters have no issue with KB. Personally, I love KB, even when I'm playing melee characters. I've never heard one complaint about KB when I was in a team, not about my KB or anyone else's. I've even prevented team wipes and completely reversed disasters with KB, and ended up with numerous in-game friends as a result.

So, should we expect Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster to swing by and support your statement about players hating KB? One good myth deserves another, after all.

The end result is pissing off the tank and any melee characters, who then have to run to catch the enemy you just sent flying.
The tank and other melee characters will live, longer thanks to that KB, and all they have to do is hold down the W key for 1s or use a ranged power, like Taunt, Confront or an attack to regain aggro, or switch to a different target and allow the person who knocked the other one(s) back to deal with it (them). It's called "adaptability".

(Weren't you the one complaining about defenders having to chase players all over the map? Hold on one sec...)
Players. People with brains and wills of their own, running away in different directions and not paying any attention to each other. Not critters being knocked a few feet to a completely predictable and typically easily reached location.

Ah ok, there we are. No wonder you hate doing your job as a defender. When you knock enemies all over the place, it must be a pain to keep up with the melee ATs.
Broad side of barn: missed.

See all those words I bolded for you? Those are things Defenders can do only if they make use of their primary powers.
Or pool powers. Or temporary powers.

And unless you're thinking about controllers, only Dark/ fenders can summon anything. Unless you count the Voltaic Sentinel a pet, I suppose.
Traps, Storm Summoning...

Seriously though people, we've diverged from the main point of this thread.
That occurred seven pages ago.

Look, honest advice: talk to your teammates. I have social anxiety disorder, so it's extremely difficult for me to talk to people. But I make it a point to talk to my teammates so I know what they need or want from me, and so they know what I'm capable of doing for them. You need to do that, too. You need to communicate with your teammates. If you don't tell your defender that you want Speed Boost (there are a surprising number of people who don't), or that you'll come to him/her for Accelerate Metabolism (few things are as irritating as informing your team that it's recharged, then waiting twice as long before you can use it because some jackass was three miles away and ignoring team chat, but whined and moaned when he/she missed it), or whatever, then you have no grounds for complaining when you aren't getting buffed. Yes, there are inexperienced players who don't know what those buffs do, who to use them on, etc. Yes, there are players who get tunnel vision and forget to buff. Yes, there are players who actively avoid buffs. But by not speaking up, you are as much part of the problem as they are.

Talk to your teammates. Blowing off passive-aggressive steam on the forums won't solve anything.