The Boot Myth




I will never ever kick anyone off my team based on powers. If you wanna roll a petless MM, I'll question you in my head, but wont mention it. If you wanna roll an empathy and only have 2 powers out of your primary, whatever. If it's fun for you, it's fun for me.

But if you decide to be an *** on my team, whether you're the petless MM or the purpled Elec/SD scrapper, you will get the boot and probably a /ignore.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What abput blasters who skip most of their Secondary? Like alot of /EM blasters?
If I wanted to fight with melee powers I'd be playing a scrapper. It's not my fault that the devs made some stupid power choices for some powersets. Give me an EM2 powerset that focuses on supporting a ranged-based character and I'll re-roll every /EM blaster I have (well, except my first which has a lot of badges ). I don't mind Power Thrust, being that it has a good chance of knocking the enemy away from me (and Knockback IOs are cheap ), but I seldom take any other melee powers from /EM. Okay, Total Focus isn't bad , but I really don't like the animation.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
If I wanted to fight with melee powers I'd be playing a scrapper.
Damn fine point. I'd add - as an ex-Empathy defender - if I wanted to blast I'd play a blaster, but that doesn't mean I expect everyone else to think the same.

My defender was made as a team support character; it was created to heal & buff so all my power choices were infomed by that. I never had more than 3 powers from the secondary, I had everything from the primary and a bunch of useful pool powers. What, I'm supposed to ditch the leadership pool so I can shoot more? Ditch TP friend so I can shoot more?

I fully slotted my attacks and used them (and I'd always be in the thick of it - I hate the 'stand-at-the-back-with-heal-aura-on-auto 'healers'), but I wasn't going to kid myself that I was adding significant DPS - even when I briefly had the Nova.

I've met a few Empathy defenders in my time who took the opposite approach - they took one or two Empathy powers and spent most of their time blasting, which is also perfectly fine, so long as they make it clear that they won't be supporting the team with heals & buffs.

There's no reason to kick anyone over their power choices, it's all good.



I've never managed to be kicked from any team at all. I've played an Illusion/Storm (she did used to get told not to use Freezing Rain by Herding Tanks back in i4 but thankfully they seem to have died out), a Warshade (who doesn't want a WS on a team? *boggle*), a Grav/TA controller (got more "Cool choice of sets" and "Nice control" tells than anything else) and currently a Plant/Emp lacking a rez or big heal.

I think the boot myth is just that for the most part.

I do get miffed if the team is struggling and there's people doing silly things which aren't helping (MMs focusing on shooting over support, someone negating another persons abilities mindlessly for no good reason), but a gentle "Hey, lets try this instead" usually does the trick without people getting upset.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
I've never managed to be kicked from any team at all. I've played an Illusion/Storm (she did used to get told not to use Freezing Rain by Herding Tanks back in i4 but thankfully they seem to have died out), a Warshade (who doesn't want a WS on a team? *boggle*), a Grav/TA controller (got more "Cool choice of sets" and "Nice control" tells than anything else) and currently a Plant/Emp lacking a rez or big heal.

I think the boot myth is just that for the most part.
Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't make it a myth. I've been kicked twice for my power selections, none of which was when I was shooting with my MM...

I do get miffed if the team is struggling and there's people doing silly things which aren't helping (MMs focusing on shooting over support, someone negating another persons abilities mindlessly for no good reason), but a gentle "Hey, lets try this instead" usually does the trick without people getting upset.

Silly? My MM attacks are as strong as my Tier 3 henchman's attacks. And since I've usually taken /traps as my secondary, once those are set then I start shooting things. I keep the shooting to a secondary role, but I do shoot. It's a lot more fun.



*Comes in, reads the first page, skips to the end to post*

I run TFs regularly under a very specific, very simple mantra.

Any build, any budget, no exclusions.

I've never kicked someone from a team for power based reasons.

Attitude, however, is a different story.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't make it a myth. I've been kicked twice for my power selections, none of which was when I was shooting with my MM...
I said "for the most part". I've certainly never come across it anything like as much as it seems to pop up on the forums.

Silly? My MM attacks are as strong as my Tier 3 henchman's attacks. And since I've usually taken /traps as my secondary, once those are set then I start shooting things. I keep the shooting to a secondary role, but I do shoot. It's a lot more fun.
You missed the bit where I said "shooting over support". Shooting pistols is hella-fun, I agree with you, I've a Thugs/Traps myself who does the same thing. Doing it instead of laying down Poison Gas and Acid Mortar when your team is struggling with a big evil spawn is indeed silly.



I've never been booted from a team for bad power choices.

I have however, quit a team when the leader decided to kick an FF Defender for not being a healer, even after I pointed out that my Tanker had a better survivability rate with FF Defenders than Emp Defenders and told him point blank that if he kicked the Defender I'd quit as well.

I quit, teamed with the defender and got tells off the rest of the team 5 minutes later saying that the leader had been an idiot, caused a teamwipe and blamed it on them and could they join the new team.

I invited them and had a fun night of it.



I never kick for power choices.

I kick if you do something stupid like training mobs on us, or run into a room screaming some version of "lerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroyjeeeeeenkins", and if you act like a jerk.

Funny enough I can barely remember the last time I kicked someone.

Might be because I no longer do pugs and make most teams from the global channels like VU and the Freedom Channels.


Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I can't recall ever being kicked from a team. Then again, most of the time I'm the team leader, and I generally like myself enough not to kick myself.

That said, I'm also in that camp that never kicks people simply for power choices, only for bad behaviour, including leeching. 'course that happens so rarely I have yet to encounter such behaviour. In my experience people just get along in the game.

There's been one situation where I wished I kicked someone, though. Now, there's a few things I need to specify about my teams first: Everyone is welcome on my teams regardless of AT or powersets and I usually don't give orders, at most I just give suggestions to the team. What that means is that I do give an order, I expect it to be followed.
So I was doing Maria Jenkins' storyarc and we were at the mission with Black Swan, you know, the one where you don't actually need to beat Black Swan. Knowing that, I explicitly told everyone not to save the hostage until Black Swan is defeated. Naturally one Scrapper decided that orders are unheroic so he went for the hostage. At +2/x8 I just hoped he would faceplant and since we've been steam-rolling AVs up to this point I figured just seven people were enough. Naturally circumstances conspired against us and the Scrapper was the twinked out with IOs kind so he did save the hostage as we were fighting Black Swan. Minutes later we team-wiped and since the mission was officially complete, we couldn't just hosp it and return.

Yeah, I know you can just keep doing the non-arc missions to get Black Swan again, but at that point I was so pissed at being cheated out of my Dimensional Warder badge I told the team I just don't feel like playing anymore. Later, though, in tells someone basically agreed with my sentiments, since he didn't just cheat me out of the badge, but six others as well.

So I guess the moral of the story is I should've just kicked the jerk because those six other people were awesome. Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose.



While I don't doubt there are idiots out there that do kick over such pointless things, I feel that we have far less of them here than in other games I've played. If anything, I'd say the opposite attitude is far more prevalent.

A couple ofdays back I was invited to a Frostfire team, despite telling them that my level 11 Tank was a concept build with no active powers from the Primary and an attack chain of Air Superiority-Boxing-Kick. The general attitude was "No worries, the more the merrier".

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I've kicked people for being rude, or doing something completely stupid as pulling the big group from across the room to many times when we are still working on the AV or w/e. But Usually I don't kick for build, the only time, and I repeat this, the only time I have kicked a Petless MM was because he was a Thug MM and he wanted on our LGTF, he was replaced instantly by another MM Thug that was petless except for Gangwar the most useful power in that set in my Opinion, but we only did that the one time, he was picked up by use later for other missions. (He did participate in the LGTF just not as his Petless, he changed to a Blaster after we told him no.)
But other then that one time, I wont kick ya now, I've grown sence then, I understand peoples choices a little more, plus I usually play the Defender or Brute so I'm usually wiping up the mess anyways.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Let me give some examples of people who, according to the forums, will get kicked from the team because of their own foolish considerations:
  • Any Kheldian
I find it odd that *any* Kheldian would be dropped simply for being a Kheldian. I can *sort of* see if they were stretched too thin across a Tri-Form or not slotted properly, but simply for choosing *that* AT?!


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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I find it odd that *any* Kheldian would be dropped simply for being a Kheldian. I can *sort of* see if they were stretched too thin across a Tri-Form or not slotted properly, but simply for choosing *that* AT?!

People fear the cysts or they think every kheld cowers before Voids/Quants/Cysts.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I recently kicked someone from a RWZ Raid team for being level 18.

Player: TP pls?
Me: No travel power?
Player: No, i'm only level 18.
Player: Why did you kick me?
Me: Because you will die over and over and reduce the team's ability to earn merits. Get something higher and I'll reinvite.

That's the first time I have kicked someone from my team in many, many months.



If a player is contributing little enough to our success that I actually notice them as a gap in our effectiveness amidst the chaos of CoV battle, then they get kicked. This is usually a case of them standing around without contributing, spending more time chatting than fighting, etc. I usually won't kick a person for powerset choices, if they're at least trying to use those powers... even if they're a petless mastermind who ignores their secondary to use nothing but crappy Thugs pistol attacks. What I will do at that point though is start looking for someone else to take the star, and go start another team. And if I know in advance that a person is playing that kind of combo? I won't invite them in the first place.

When I'm starting Strike Forces, it's a totally different matter. I find out AT and Power Sets before inviting anyone. I don't have any requirements ("Need a Granite Brute and Kin, or we can't start!!!"), it's just a sort of basic competence test to bounce a couple questions off of people, just to make sure they can communicate. But if they join the SF team and I see that "Thugs/Poison" actually means "Crappy pistol attacks/Poison", then they're out before we start the first mission.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
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Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I keep seeing post after post after post of people using the words "surely," "likely," "probably" and even "definitely" in regards to people getting kicked from teams due to perceived "bad power choices."

Let me give some examples of people who, according to the forums, will get kicked from the team because of their own foolish considerations:
  • A Mastermind with no Henchmen
  • An Arachnos Soldier or Arachnos Widow without Tactical Training: Maneuvers
  • A Kinetics without Fulcrum Shift
  • Any Kheldian
Now, I've done my fair share of teaming, and I've never come across those intimidating types who carefully examine your build to see whether or not your power selections satisfy their min/maxing appetites. In fact, very rarely am I ever on a team where any member even checks to see what powers another member has. Everybody just goes with it, and if it works, it works.

Maybe I'm just lucky, or perhaps Triumph is just a better server than the others, but in my experience, you are not going to get booted from a team based on your power selections.

Also: petless Mastermind /plug
Watched the video, your MM sucks without henchman and does nothing but prove the point about petless MMs.

You are getting booted from my team if you play like crap, which inherently also has to do with your power choices. If you do your part then you are good, but a your character in particular would get kicked no ifs, ands or buts about it.

And about Khelds...they kick *** in the right hands, and cosmic balance is good business.

My team usually involves, me (on whatever), 1 tank, everything else is Controllers and defenders. +4/+whatever and we stomp stuff. This is all PUGing, I just picked a **** ton of debuffers/buffers for the super team concept that works so well. Debuff overload. I usually lead, since no one else will it seems, and a lot of AE babies are around so they need help and direction for regular missions. Nothing like having a **** ton of stormies on a team stacking FR and steamy mist.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm just going to say one thing here:

Petful Masterminds are actually a serious drag on the ITF, because Romulus' healing Nictus has six more targets to drain from, making him all but impossible to overcome the conventional way, and I'm not aware of any other ways that work. I've personally been that drag on at least two ITFs, the last one of hich I basically had to unsummon my henchmen and play Defender until the healing Nictus died resurrecting Romulus for the third time. I can't imagine what a full team of 8 Masterminds would do against him. Even the most conservative estimate put this at 56 targets to drain from.

That said, I did a Respec trial with four Masterminds and we did pretty well, failing only because of sidekick Go Fish.
Sam, this is hogwash, and Alpha hs proven it time and again by laser-****** Rommy's nicti-fied face time and time again. For one thing, afaik, the nictus heal is a PBAoE around Rommy. So, against Ninjas and Zombies, maybe there might be more problems. But even so, they are still damaging him. So long as you can out-damage the heal, which really isn't that hard, you're home laughing with roman style crumpets soon enough.
The only reason we've failed an ITF with an MM on it was because the goon had FF's and didnt have a CLUE about actually, y'know, buffing his team? Or keeping his pets upgraded? Or anything? And we were 5 down from about 8, and when we hit 4 I just quit.

Oh, and anyone kicking a half-decent Warshade from a team needs their head examining. Stat. Warshades are power addition AND multiplication, all in one deathly purple package.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh, and anyone kicking a half-decent Warshade from a team needs their head examining. Stat. Warshades are power addition AND multiplication, all in one deathly purple package.
Warshades are great additions to a team, but they aren't force multipliers, at least not in the way I understand the term.



Things I Have Been Kicked For:
Not being a healor. (O2 Boost doesn't count!)
Using Freezing Rain. (It makes some of the mobs run away!)
Using Seeds of Confusion. (It steals our XP!)
Successfully taking the alpha (and beta and delta, for that matter) on a Dark/ Defender. (zomg wait for the tank!)
Not having a heal. (... on a Dominator.)
Using Ice shields. (They hide my costume!)
Not having enough IO set bonuses. (On a Plant/ Dom on the ITF.)

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Warshades are great additions to a team, but they aren't force multipliers, at least not in the way I understand the term.
Well khelds debuff with their attacks: -def for the PBs and -rech for the WSs.

Isn't that part of the force multiplier equation?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Well khelds debuff with their attacks: -def for the PBs and -rech for the WSs.

Isn't that part of the force multiplier equation?
I suppose, but not really to a massive extent. Neither is what I'd usually consider powerful force multiply buffs/debuffs. -Recharge caps fairly quickly anyway and -Defense isn't the most sought after of debuffs, people tend to be well slotted anyway.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I never kick for power choices.

I kick if you do something stupid like training mobs on us, or run into a room screaming some version of "lerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroyjeeeeeenkins", and if you act like a jerk.

Funny enough I can barely remember the last time I kicked someone.

Might be because I no longer do pugs and make most teams from the global channels like VU and the Freedom Channels.

Oh sweetheart, don't run pugs with VU chan members; that's scraping the bottom of the community barrel.

Let me know your Global and I'll get you invited to channels with some competent Virtue TF/SF runners.

As for being kicked from teams, I have been kicked 4 times in my entire gaming experience and each of those times were on blueside.

1st Time: I was kicked for declining a SG invite.

2nd Time: I was kicked because I wasn't participating in role-play.

3rd time: The leader thought my avatar was hot and tried to coax me into ERPing with him in tells. I declined, I guess his ego was hurt so he kicked me.

4th time: I wiped the first floor clean waiting for the tank on my ill/storm. I was kicked because "I wasn't the tank."



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
1st Time: I was kicked for declining a SG invite.
Oh, hey, I forgotten I'd had one of these too.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Things I've been kicked for...

SG RP Respec Trial...I brought along my Spines/Dark, cocky attitude, make fun of everyone 11 year old hero.

I get a tell "((I don't know if I should kick or not. ICly I would, but OOCly I wouldn't"

I respond "(( can just say you do, and I can help OOCly OR just do it and I'll find it funny))"

That was right before the last mission of the respec, and I was kicked. OOCly I was glad they were able to complete it, I would of teased them terribly ICly if they didn't.

I was kicked one other time, for defending another players power choices.

I've only kicked someone twice...

1 was a RAD/ Defender who wanted to be just a healer, spamming AOE Heal, Aid Other, attacking was almost non-existant, and kept dying because he'd stay in melee with Mary. And wouldn't use the the toggle debuffs, because they drained his END.

This one I feel a bit bad about, as after lots and lots of defeats, we beat the tenth spawn of Mary (on the KHTF), and really didn't matter after that point, but I had everyone on my team sending me tells to kick him (before and after we defeated her). But he was annoying me so much, because he wasn't listening, that I did.

This was back when she actually grew in levels as you defeated her.

The second was on last mission of a STF. Got a message of "If you don't like it, I can leave." Being very snotty to me. So I kicked and said "I'll save us both the headache" Should I have? Eh. Maybe, maybe not, again had members saying to kick him. I believe I'm on his global ignore list now.

I've never kicked someone for power choices though. I might complain about power choices in my SG OOC channel, but I've never kicked for it.

And I do get annoyed by the KINs with SB, who refuse to give it to team members with low end. I don't even go about saying "SB me". I let the KIN go about it how they normally do. I'll send a tell, hey, so and so is low on end they can use a SB, if I have the star.

But, I've never kicked a KIN who didn't have SB. But if you do grab it, I think you should be using it at least when a team member is sucking wind.

I'll sigh and get annoyed at tanks who keep getting mezzed because they didn't take their mez protection, even more so if they complain about it. Same with any melee really. Makes it worse when they blame the defenders for not keeping them alive.

If they do the complaining or blame the rest of the team, I'll tell them.

I don't care for the Trollers with 1 power from their Primary and all their secondary or the Defender with their tier 1 secondary (I find this worse with Archery and AR Defenders who skip their nuke)...but I've never kicked them.

And I get REALLY annoyed by Cold Doms, Sonics, FF, Thermals who skip the ally buff shields. While I haven't kicked any of them who lack them, I promise you, if I invite any of those toons, part of the reason why is for those buffs.

This was made plenty obvious when running a PuG ITF, and out of 5 support toons, all the above mentioned Secondarys (trollers, 1 corr), none of them had the shields. *sigh* Luckily for me, my Dark/Sonic Defender didn't need them. But I don't recall if we actually finished that ITF.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection