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  1. DarkMistNinja

    The Boot Myth

    I've kicked people for being rude, or doing something completely stupid as pulling the big group from across the room to many times when we are still working on the AV or w/e. But Usually I don't kick for build, the only time, and I repeat this, the only time I have kicked a Petless MM was because he was a Thug MM and he wanted on our LGTF, he was replaced instantly by another MM Thug that was petless except for Gangwar the most useful power in that set in my Opinion, but we only did that the one time, he was picked up by use later for other missions. (He did participate in the LGTF just not as his Petless, he changed to a Blaster after we told him no.)
    But other then that one time, I wont kick ya now, I've grown sence then, I understand peoples choices a little more, plus I usually play the Defender or Brute so I'm usually wiping up the mess anyways.
  2. I put my Teleporters in both My SG and VG right next to the entrance, Hospital and Workshop is always connected in someway, but I have designed some intereting Doorways that may confuse people, mainly they were setup in the idea that we may do base raids someday, then the winter came and I lost most my People. I have put on the Triumph Threads though that Naughty Knights and Zodiac Hell are recruiting, so maybe I'll take the kewl little doorway down till after a few meetings with new officers and see if we want to try base raids again.

    Base raids would seem the only feesable idea to put teleporters/workshops/hospitals in funny places or behind mazes to me, but some people think it's artistic to put a fancy room between their entrance and all the stuff needed for the SG.
  3. Well maybe if the Tutorial had a Little Video Flash where the Example Images are you could cover both bases, where people read stuff, and where some people refuse to read but will watch a little video thing. Or atleast add some tutorial videos to the website, they did it kind of with the Invention system (Or atleast there is a video marked Invention Tutorial, I couldn't view it because my Flash Player is for the 64bit system and it is still in beta, Need to download the 32bit again I guess)

    I guess it is only a matter of time before Going Rogue comes out and we get to see what they did with the Praetorian Tutorial which I imagine will be much the same as the Hero/Villain cloned tutorial. But who knows, they have surprise me before those Tricky little Rednames!
  4. It's all a Nemisis Plot! DOOOM I SAY DOOOOOM!!!!! Someone had to say it.

    I knew Warwitch was a villain when she ruined all my fun in using Lightningrod against Statesman at Manticore's wedding, instead I ended up kill the 8 low lvl villains around me due to confusion then Statesman killed me and laughed about it all, but Castle hid in a tree the whole time so it was good whether I was dead or not. But yes, only a Villain would steep that low, I should know most my toons are villains, MUHAHAHAHAHA!
  5. After Looking back through the Tutorials in all the originalness, the CoV Tutorial Covered the same thing the CoH one did (Sept mentioning pets for MMs), the mistake there is after you leave Mercy Island you no longer have a Contact and are stuck to the paper. Even though the game mentions this when you get into lvl range of the Paper Contact it doesn't mention it in the fact that "This is your next and only contact to you successfully complete a Bank Robbery"

    Also in both tutorials it still tells you that Enhancements are an Optional thing. If they were so optional then I could hit something at lvl 20 with no Enhances when in fact I only have a 1 in 5 chance of actually hitting what I have in target without the Enhances. Thats what isn't really explained besides the fact that the Enhancements after Trainning Lvl are confusing as hell (I learned Tech and Natural, I still have probs with the other groups and have been playing since CoV Started). I tend to stick with what I know which isn't a problem for me, but can be a HUGE problem for the new people.
  6. It'll Blen bananas into the next galaxy and beyond!
  7. I played Star Wars Galaxies before this, so I was lost for a long while. While a Person from WoW is only lost for maybe an hour. Tells ya something about MMOs doesn't it lol.
  8. A lot of the "Impossible" Comments came from Pre-NorCal and Paragon Studios Era when Cryptic still ran the game, it was the fact they didn't want to make the resources availible to the game at that time or possibly never. A few of their newer releases are running through the same issue, "It's Impossible to do that!" is a catch phrase of theirs.

    But Paragon Studios uses the phrases "Not at this time" Or "It can't be done at this time" because of the fact they have other more pressing matters to fix first (Going Rogue and the next 4-5 issues they already have mapped out, if they map out that far) So it's a good way of shifting around the Phrase "Impossible". The minute a Dev says that now, yes I might second guess them, depending on how stupid the Idea is.

    Like everyone else is saying it's all a matter of Time, Money, People, and Technology.
  9. Okay Yes all the relevant information to the Enhancement system is out where you can read in it Tutorial, In the books that come with the CD (If you didn't buy Digi Download) and there are various websites including mine that explain how to do Enhancements. The Biggest problem is... New People Don't Read Much!

    Enless you are experianced in games that have tutorials about how to do something like our enhancement system, or have the Patients to read the stuff you are more likely to skip past it and bug the crap out of the first person you see because you don't understand the Enhance Menu you looked at or what the little Enhancement Icons are that are showing up in that bin. Get my Drift?

    If they showed a cutscene for the more difficult things (That you could click skip) it would make it easier for the people who don't want to read, annoying for us who run through the Tutorial for the badges, but more help for the True Newb!

    Though I am sure half of you will disagree on this, I think it would just make it that much easier (But more annoying to badge Hunters)
  10. Thank You guys for some serious Answers. Gave me a lot to Chew. I'm going to leave Red in my Story Arc for a while and see what happens, or until a red name pops on here and makes a comment. The Player character himself though no reason in getting him back from Support, I can just recreate him with a new name and save the trouble.

    Thanks Alot Guys.
  11. No I know, I'm just wonder where our rights start and end in this, the User Agreement isn't that specific, but I guess I am gunna get as good of an answer as I am gunna get. And if I was gunna make a mountain out of an Anthill I would go off about problem with another characters name, but its an issue of another matter interely (Not infringement or rights)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    Here's my persepctive:

    If in the future you make a character and Hollywood later comes out with a similar character, you have legal but not actual protection.

    NC Soft has the right to use (and therefore let you use on your account) any character created with their tools, so long as the character did not exist prior to it being entered into their database.

    So if your Red Mist is first, theoretically Lion's Gate could not win a lawsuit to get NC Soft to force you to delete the character, even if the two were by coinidence identical, down to the biography.

    However, that's not how it wil work in real life.

    Because of the prominence of the movie, people are going to be specifically looking for Red Mist (and Hit Girl, and Big Daddy, etc) clones for a while. Characters named Red Mist are more likely to be reported now than they were a year ago.

    Whatever NC Soft employee your character is reported to may have seen this thread (or heard of any PM you may have sent regarding this), but if not, they are not going to take the time to research your character and do the legwork to verify that it preexisted Mark Millar's earliest verified drawing/writeup of Red Mist. They are just going to generic the character and send you an email saying "Send us 3 alternative names for this character different from the old one."

    They are not going to take the chance on even a failed lawsuit from Lion's Gate, nor should they.
    Now see this is the remark I was waiting for, because of the Fact my Characters have Mist in the name tells have been crazy about reporting that fact to NCSoft and I believe it would roll the same way, that said Employee or GM isn't going to want to do the work to look it up, enless I can make the proof, which I figure just the Anniversary badges alone are not going to be enough. So rather deal with the Email or nuisance of a tell from a GM I might as well delete the character, but should I remove him from my AE mission too? He looks nothing like the Movie Character (Accept from the trailer I believe Mist carried a sword) and his Bio is nothing like the Movie Character, so the only similar thing is his name Red Mist, and his colors are black and red.

    The others of the group don't infringe on the Trademark but since I started this post have gotten a various amount of tells from people who know me and a few who have put me on friends list.

    If a Red Name could throw in a word here It would be nice, no I havnt PM'd any, they are so busy with Going Rogue and all that I don't really want to bother them, but I do know they Casual Browse the Forums (Castle, BaB, and some of the Community Mods) One of them should have my exact answer.
  13. I actually got to the Point that I made a Gif Animation tutorial on my CoH SG Website to try and explain to people how to use things like SG mode and Enhancements and stuff, cause even after the tutorial I kept getting asked how the stuff worked because the people (mostly kids who are impetiant but a few adults) didn't understand CoH/CoV's tutorial.

    Heres my Webpage I did devoted to that stuff http://www.angelfire.com/planet/indyskeep/tut.html

    Looks like the Invention Tutorial on Youtube got shut down again, Guess I need to make a new one!
  14. Also the fact that if your a Deubuffing or Hold build, do you really wanna deselect the NPC your fighting and waste that minute or two it takes for the idiot on the other end to hit accept (Not calling all dead people idiots, but it happens) I've wasted rezzes before because someone walked away after they died or isn't paying attention when my Debuff powers coulda been used somewhere else, so the one character I have with rez, enless you ask for it I aint using it!
  15. Yeah Red Mist over two years and I probally over reacted by deleting him. And no I'm not going to bug NCSoft support about replacing him, he was low lvl and barely through the teens, so It wasnt a big thing with how easy a scrapper is to lvl. But he is still alive and well in my AE Arc.
    I didn't point him out the way most people think, if you look up Dark Mist Ninja (My Forum name) You will never find me online on CoH because my forum name now differs from my Global Handle (There is a reason for that) but I can tell you after this thread was made my character Dark Mist Ninja got a few tells on how he is an infringment upon the Copyright which annoyed me since he is coming into the limelight of this post and has nothing to do with the Red Mist character.

    Truth be told, if it came down to it and a Dev or Red Name came up and said "You have to remove Red Mist from you AE mission" I would do it. I'm not as much worried about the character since he was so low lvl'd. It just popped into my head that this Happened and could happen to other names and what is our protection against it (They head it in Copyright information but I do know names are Trademarked)
    I've litrally been playing a few of my Characters since Villains came out and I knew that it was a matter of time with the names I used someone somewhere would use them, and I'm sure if it was someone like Marvel or DC Comics who used the name and enough people pushed the issue someone with a two year old name would get Generic eventually to stop the complaining.

    But it seems the running answer from you guys means I shoulda tested it out a little and seen what happened with the character once he got used a little more.
  16. Well the few Def's I have built have been Rad's, my lvl 50 Rad has two builds a less used solo build (No rez) and a build for teams with a rez, and usually I never use it cause I'll be on a team with a true Healer (Empathy or whatever it is) and they have such a recharge it never really matters I have a rez enless were going up against an really powerful AV or GM that people are dropping like flies.

    But a Mastermind, I usually wont touch the rez enless it's the Dark Miasma one. No Point enless that rez does something then just bring the person to their feet, if your on a good team they got a Pain Specialist for the Rez and your MM for your pets. Same thing on heroes, they got an Empath for the rez, and just about the rest for the Debuff/buff or Holds.
  17. Found it! Warning Long Copy and Paste Post!

    (e) Character Name. In order to use the Service, you must create a character and choose a name for your character to identify your character to other Members (your "Character Name"). You may not select as your Character Name the name of another person, or a name which violates any third party's trademark right, copyright, or other proprietary right, or which may mislead other players to believe you to be an employee of NC Interactive, or which NC Interactive deems at its sole discretion to be vulgar or otherwise offensive. NC Interactive reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to (1) delete or alter any Character Name or (2) terminate any license granted herein, for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any suspected or actual infringement of any trademark or trade name right, copyright, or other proprietary right.

    (c) Member Content. Members can upload to and create content on our servers in various forms, such as in selections you make and characters, certain additions to the game world, and items you create for the Game(s), and in bulletin boards and similar user-to-user areas ("Member Content"). By submitting Member Content to or creating Member Content on any area of the Service, you (i) you represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights to submit such Member Content; (ii) the Member Content does not infringe the proprietary rights of any third-party, including intellectual property rights; and (iii) acknowledge and agree that such Member Content is the sole property of NC Interactive. To the extent that NC Interactive cannot claim exclusive rights in Member Content by operation of law, you hereby grant (or you warrant that the owner of such Member Content has expressly granted) to NC Interactive and its related Game Content Providers a non-exclusive, universal, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicenseable right to exercise all rights of any kind or nature associated with such Member Content, and all ancillary and subsidiary rights thereto, in any languages and media now known or not currently known. You shall indemnify and hold NC Interactive and its affiliates harmless from and against any claims by third parties that your Member Content infringes upon, violates or misappropriates any of their intellectual property or other proprietary rights.

    Now I don't speak legaleze, can anyone translate to see if this covers what I am asking and maybe explain it out, cause I tried to read it and the words went all blury and I began to drool and all sorts of crazy stuff. Now my head hurts.
  18. Well atleast some of the Red Names have acknowledged you. Maybe you could talk one of them into talking to marketing or something. Or just wait till the next time I get Manticore cornered in a PvP zone again, He'll rue the day! Then you can demand a job from him. Probally wont work, we're still tied 1-1, I think it's his turn to beat me horribly with the new Defender Buff.

    Edit: Ohh Yeah, loved the video, lol, maybe next time I will show my face on Test, I'm still waiting to be hunted down every time I log onto Rogue Longbow though. He'll get me I know he will, the minute my computer lags! *Looks cautiously over shoulder*
  19. Yeah Sam, I got Bronzeum to LvL 50 too (Defender Rad/Rad) but I am glad to hear I don't have to wait for people to log on to have a team just so I can do a mission. It was getting irritating, this crazy looking Defender who could Debuff GM's and AV's to where they couldn't hurt him (Well the Monsters could but he made it a little harder) but in turn he just tickled them.
    I can't wait to work on my Praetorian Arc (Maria Jenkins) Or Actually mean something on a duo or a team of three! Besides Cannon Fodder and a rezzer.... snore....
  20. That would be funny, if I hadn't deleted the Character in my freakout about the whole thing. Though like I said he is still in my AE Arc. I don't wanna unpublish it just to make a new AV character!
  21. Dawg, Sound like Chris "Back Alley Brawler" was replying in character. I mean atleast thats sorta how Randy on American Idol speaks.

    I've seen a lot of City Of Heroes stuff on BBT in total, and yes a lot of NCSoft stuff in the Comic Book store there, seems they have a huge fan there, most likely like someone said, the producer, or even more then one of the actors cause I remember seeing the Hero Clix CoH/CoV characters on the desk in the two guys apartment in one Episode. Think it was the one where the Rocket Scientist one (Sheldon) gets thrown in jail for a speeding ticket, not sure though.
  22. I realized today as I sat and watched yet another trailer to a new movie called "Kick-***" that one of the names of a character was something I heard before.
    Scratching my head I dove into my account and realized sitting on Infinity was one of my many Alternate Characters I never use anymore named Red Mist, a Katana/Super Reflexes character, part of a group I started called the Mist Ninjas. His Brother is the name of my Forum account, Dark Mist and one of my Deleted and Rerolled heroes at that and another incartnation of that character is Light Mist.
    The thought finally hit me, That Character is going to get Genercised for Copy Right infirengment! So I deleted him instantly. Though dismorning I remember in my Current AE arc he is a Main Character in it. I have yet to delete him, he has been there pretty much sence the AE Started so why delete him just because so movie came out that has that characters name?

    Alright finally we come to my point... Do we have ny protection, that I didn't not in the user agreement, that protects said character? I mean just think about it, if we can't use the name of a character from something else (Which I agree with, who wants 50 million Spider Bug Guys running around) then will a character who has a name that is suddenly taken by Hollywood get genersized? I'm guessing that since I could prove the character is over 2 years old and all that he wouldn't. Can anyone answer this Question, is there something I missed in the User Agreement?
  23. A mutant pack would make sence, I havnt actually touched the origin myself, but it could be a kewl addition.
  24. Yippie DR Put up new stuff, wait I'm not in it this time. Well still cool anyways.
    I'll make it next time, maybe, Brute on test needs some dusting, he is way less kewl then Live version LOL. Thanks again for all the Vids though!
  25. It would be nice if they kept track of Positive comments made towards your posts in a little inbox, I could care less about the Negative, cause really you either agree with a person or don't. I also agree with the fact if the post is obscene or really not even meant to be on any of the boards then the person should be reported not -Rep.