Positron's Wedding Gifts




Okay, so everyone knows that Posi's wedding gift to Manticore and Sister Pysche was a blender with a transwarp setting.

Strange as it may seem, that is NOT the oddest wedding gift that Posi ever gave anyone.

That honor has to go to Luminary. (For those of you who do not know, the android Luminary was built by Posi to replace the retiring human Luminary upon the occasion of his marriage. Luminary was supposedly built with the first Luminary's powers, but looking like his bride.)

Yes, really.

Personally, I'm blaming Synapse for this one ...

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So if I'm reading this right he created a robot wife for a guy getting married to living one. This is a cry for help if I ever saw one, just not sure if it's Positron or Luminary screaming for it.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Okay, so everyone knows that Posi's wedding gift to Manticore and Sister Pysche was a blender with a transwarp setting.

Strange as it may seem, that is NOT the oddest wedding gift that Posi ever gave anyone.

That honor has to go to Luminary. (For those of you who do not know, the android Luminary was built by Posi to replace the retiring human Luminary upon the occasion of his marriage. Luminary was supposedly built with the first Luminary's powers, but looking like his bride.)

Yes, really.

Personally, I'm blaming Synapse for this one ...
What is transwarp settingz?



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
So if I'm reading this right he created a robot wife for a guy getting married to living one.
A robot daughter would probably be a more accurate description.



A blender? Really? That's the best he could come up with? Man, what a cheapskate. If I was Manticore, I would have asked for a cloned Sister Psyche, or at least a Swan clone.



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
A robot daughter would probably be a more accurate description.
An adult robot daughter with his powers and his wife's looks and personality?

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Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
A blender? Really? That's the best he could come up with?
A transwarp blender. It'll blend that smoothie for you before you start making it!




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