The Boot Myth




I don't think its anything widespread but I've seen a few cases. One tean i was on the leader announced he HAD a defender coming "Our heals are taken care of" then the Trick Arrow defender arrived from another zone and the leader bounced him so fast it had to hurt. AREN'T ALL defenders HEALBOTS? DUH

One other time a Kin got the boot on a team I was on for not having SB. Leader was a tanker (STONE) so he wanted SB but even then I think he'd have put up with the Kin except when someone asked why he hadn't taken SB the rather rude reply was something like "It doesn't help me a bit so WHY should bother with it? I'm here to earn XP and Influnce you can all fend for yourselves." The Kin pretty much insulted his way right back outside that cave in PI by making it pretty clear we could all die for all he cared as long as HE made XP and INF faster. Little Hint .. taking powers that HELP your potential team mates aids in that whole process LOL

Those two aside I cant recall a whole lot of the PUGS I have been on kicking anyone willing to join., Hey I did a Citadel TF with 7 Blasters and one Defender (yes he had heals). The Damage output was so high nothing lasted long enough to stop us. I'm sure other players know of more incidents where someone got the boot for NOT living up to some STANDARD... there are a good number of BAD team leaders out there too :-D I just manage to avoid them.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
One other time a Kin got the boot on a team I was on for not having SB. Leader was a tanker (STONE) so he wanted SB but even then I think he'd have put up with the Kin except when someone asked why he hadn't taken SB the rather rude reply was something like "It doesn't help me a bit so WHY should bother with it? I'm here to earn XP and Influnce you can all fend for yourselves." The Kin pretty much insulted his way right back outside that cave in PI by making it pretty clear we could all die for all he cared as long as HE made XP and INF faster. Little Hint .. taking powers that HELP your potential team mates aids in that whole process LOL
This right here. this is why I...

1) Don't understand KINS who don't take a power that helps their teammates move faster. Powers are recharing going just with the hero ATs melee's big attacks/defense clickies are recharing faster, trollers controls/debuffs/buffs are coming back faster, defenders the same, blasters big attacks are coming back fast and now they have the end to use them often, so things are dying faster.

Why wouldn't you take it? And if you don't, why are you at least putting it in your sig? I've seen more than a few put "KIN" in their lft description, not once have I seen "KIN with no SB"

2) This is also why I don't play a KIN, that 2min recharge kills it for me. When they make it 4 mins, I'll make a KIN.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
This right here. this is why I...

1) Don't understand KINS who don't take a power that helps their teammates move faster. Powers are recharing going just with the hero ATs melee's big attacks/defense clickies are recharing faster, trollers controls/debuffs/buffs are coming back faster, defenders the same, blasters big attacks are coming back fast and now they have the end to use them often, so things are dying faster.

Why wouldn't you take it?
It doesn't last long enough, which makes it slightly annoying to keep applied.

Also, "SB PLEASE!" and all its variations are irritating.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I may be weird but I never invite people for buffs/heals X.x If someone mentions that they're bringing a cold dom to something I think debuffs. I also never rely/care on certain at's, it's pretty much bring whatever you want. I've yet to kick/get kicked from a team because of power selections :P Seems like something is wrong with your own toon if you have to rely so heavily on someone else's decisions (not directed towards anyone, just in general). This game isn't hard, it really shouldn't matter aside from master runs.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
To be fair, I wouldn't invite a kin without SB in the first place. Nerd rage, not at all. I like individuals on my team that have a team mentality.
But we weren't talking about a Kin. We were talking about an Illusionist. Yes, his secondary is Kinetics. If you want a Kin, get a defender. The secondary is there to supplement the primary, and frankly, SB is useless for Illusion.

As far as "team mentality" goes, yes the team should work together. Working together doesn't mean having a kin babysitting toons that can't turn on [Sprint] without gasping for breath. Myself, I quit team the instant I hear "We need a kin", "I need Speed Boost" or anything of the sort.

I'd rather have Father Xmas of a power pool scrapper on my team, than you refusing good players for skipping skippable powers. Good thing I'm on his server and not yours.




Only boot I've ever done was on a "concept character" over on Defiant, Empath Fender with no buffs. At all. Only heals, including the Med pool for some reason.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
Only boot I've ever done was on a "concept character" over on Defiant, Empath Fender with no buffs. At all. Only heals, including the Med pool for some reason.
I've seen a few of these too, one on a Citadel TF we took part on. Didn't think they should have been kicked but did feel like shouting "Why did you take 2 Rezzes and skip Fort!!" but kept it bottled in and instead basked in the warm knowledge that my Plant/Emp kicked their arses in terms of contributing to the team.

They dropped halfway through the last mission and no-one noticed until after the AV was down. Then we got the "stuck TF" bug and some of us repeated the last mission without the Tank, the Warshade just ran at Vandal instead.

That TF ruled (I got a Miracle Unique with the first roll as well just to cap it all off, so all those monotonous Council Bases were worth it).



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I run TF/SFs for efficiency. If you don't like how I run tfs or sfs you have a right not to join. Telling me to "grow up" because I am being honest is immature.
Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
To be fair, I wouldn't invite a kin without SB in the first place. Nerd rage, not at all. I like individuals on my team that have a team mentality.
This is not only immature, but ignorant. The lack of SB does not mean the player doesn't have a team mentality, especially when it's a controller.

Likewise, the inclusion of SB does not mean that a player does have a team mentallity.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I'd be more likely to label "control freak" than "immature", but it just makes me glad there's lots of sandboxes in this game and plenty of room for me to avoid people like Tokyo and vice versa. He can have his fun his way and I can have mine my way. I much prefer team leaders whose main function is to get the team together and have fun, rather than being "in charge".

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Ha! They're debuffs, n00b

That's what I tell people anyway. "Any additional effects like it healing you or accidentally raising you from the dead are incidental and unintended."
I will quote you on that! Love the remark hehehehe....

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Warshades can blast opponents into day-after-tomorrow, but *can* they heal other people? Nope!

Personally, I much prefer playing a Peacebringer than a Warshade. The whole "drain their essence" thing (while visually stunning) is about what I would expect from "The Dark Ones".
When there is nothing left but ash and drained souls, there is no need for your wussy heals, lightbulb. Don't worry; when the New World Order comes, your passing will be swift.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
When there is nothing left but ash and drained souls, there is no need for your wussy heals, lightbulb. Don't worry; when the New World Order comes, your passing will be swift.


Lightness rules, Darkness droolz.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
When there is nothing left but ash and drained souls, there is no need for your wussy heals, lightbulb. Don't worry; when the New World Order comes, your passing will be swift.

My Warshade : "Mmmm. Corpses. Om nom nom"
SG Teamies : "Your preoccupation with corpses is starting to worry us."

Hurry up i17. I want to be Purple Death again.



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Warshades can blast opponents into day-after-tomorrow, but *can* they heal other people? Nope!

Personally, I much prefer playing a Peacebringer than a Warshade. The whole "drain their essence" thing (while visually stunning) is about what I would expect from "The Dark Ones".
Drain their essence, eh?

I still think it's better than the righteous indignation that heralds the approach of an army of light bearing peacebringers who "purge," "cleanse" and "smite" everything they deem "evil."

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post

Lightness rules, Darkness droolz.

Yes, darkness drools dark energy ectoplasm over you, while watching your silent screams as the nova strangles you with multiple tendrils, waiting for you to expire and be consumed.

Light is finite. Darkness is eternal!

Someones is gonna be using GR when it comes out

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Funny story I was invited to a full PUG with my Ice/Storm Corr by the Brute/Leader after two mishes he said "I picked you to heal us, not tank... <Kick>"

Seconds later all but the Brute and one other dropped team sending me tells asking to team with me because "He was an A** for doing that, and your a better tank with a corr than he is with a brute" hehe

The moral of the story ~ if you boot for not liking someones build it may backfire on you



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Oh, no, quite the contrary. Your "point" wasn't missed, it was dismissed because it was based entirely on erroneous assertions and faulty logic. Your "point" was that defenders are binary, only capable of causing a single effect at any given moment, and you are wrong.

Unless you're playing exclusively with */Archery defenders, it's absolutely impossible for this statement to be true because every other blast set is designed to mitigate incoming damage or increase player/team damage in some way.
No, my "point" was that bad players, playing defenders (and corrupters too), are binary. I expect a decent defender to use BOTH powersets, not one or the other. Apparently I should have spelled it out for you. That was my bad.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Outside of */Archery, there is no such thing as a defender who "refuses to debuff". So even if they aren't coddling you and tending to your every little scrape because they're attacking, they're assisting you and the team.

So half of your complaint about offenders is moot. They might not buff you, but unless they're */Archery, they're definitely debuffing for you, even if they do nothing other than blasting. Which means the only leg you have to stand on is that you're dissatisfied with defenders who don't buff you when you want, where you want and how you want.
You forgot energy. And again, I suppose I should have used the word primary, instead of buffing/debuffing. If I wanted a defender that would do nothing but attack, I may as well have hired a blaster.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
And who..blah blah...such as the defender being sick of chasing people halfway across the map to drop short duration buffs on them, or fighting to stay alive because some fool dragged half of Hell back to the team and no-one is even trying to pull the aggro off of him/her, or being even remotely intelligent enough to watch and gauge team performance and decide what buffs might be necessary (if any), is irrelevant.

Now, this is the part where you inform me that you graciously request buffs, but only after seeing that they haven't been granted after the entire team has patiently waited for, oh, hell, HOURS, and it's with dismay that you discover that 80% of these defenders don't even take their buffs, and only with a heavy heart do you click on that Kick button. For the good of your team, of course. Trust me, I'll believe it. I'm that gullible. I even believe that your on-the-spot statistic of buffing defenders is an accurate reflection of the situation. I'm that dumb. Seriously.
Now who is the one making 'erroneous assertions', hmm? Wading through all that sarcasm is a chore, especially to see all the words you're putting in my mouth. I'm not gonna repeat myself, just going to add that I don't believe in having to request buffs--if Scrappers and Blasters don't need to be asked to shoot stuff, why should defenders be asked to do their job? That said, I'm not going to kick somebody for failing to do their job, unless they just plain aren't trying to contribute at all.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
It's funny, but if there were an "idiot defenders who don't buff/debuff" problem of that magnitude on Protector, I'd expect to find some evidence of it in the Protector forum... and it's not there. I don't see any complaints about 80% of the defenders that people team with being incompetent "wanna-be blasters". I'm not seeing any threads at all about bad defender experiences.
It's cute how you keep poking fun at the stat. Yes, I made it up...well more of an estimate of defenders at low to mid levels that I run into.

Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Apparently all of the servers I play on do. I haven't run into you yet.

Still want to ride this train?
So, your magical noob blocking barrier must have been put up after you created your guys there, huh?

You really like that train metaphor, huh?



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
But we weren't talking about a Kin. We were talking about an Illusionist. Yes, his secondary is Kinetics. If you want a Kin, get a defender. The secondary is there to supplement the primary, and frankly, SB is useless for Illusion.
I would take a kin troller and an emp troller over a Defender any day for two words:
Power Boost.

As far as "team mentality" goes, yes the team should work together. Working together doesn't mean having a kin babysitting toons that can't turn on [Sprint] without gasping for breath. Myself, I quit team the instant I hear "We need a kin", "I need Speed Boost" or anything of the sort.

I'd rather have Father Xmas of a power pool scrapper on my team, than you refusing good players for skipping skippable powers. Good thing I'm on his server and not yours.
I play two Kins an emp, force field MM and a rad/rad. I hardly have to Baby-sit, teammates when I play my emp or kin, I take SB and other buffs because my buffs are keeping my teammates alive and allowing us to run the TF/SFs more smoothly.

If I neglected those team buffs I am doing my team a dis-service. Likewise if I didn't take Radiation Infection on my rad..I doubt my teammates would want me back on their team.

SB in my opinion is NOT a skippable power, especially if team efficiency and speed is your goal.

If you are only taking powers for selfish reasons, why team at all?



Originally Posted by Finrir View Post
Funny story I was invited to a full PUG with my Ice/Storm Corr by the Brute/Leader after two mishes he said "I picked you to heal us, not tank... <Kick>"

Seconds later all but the Brute and one other dropped team sending me tells asking to team with me because "He was an A** for doing that, and your a better tank with a corr than he is with a brute" hehe

The moral of the story ~ if you boot for not liking someones build it may backfire on you
I think the moral of the story was that, that guy was an idiot.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This is not only immature, but ignorant. The lack of SB does not mean the player doesn't have a team mentality, especially when it's a controller.

Likewise, the inclusion of SB does not mean that a player does have a team mentallity.
Dechs, I've ran on ITFs with your MM on Virtue, you have absolutely no concept of what a team mentality is.

It may not mean they lack a teaming mentality, but it sure as hell is a good indication that they probably do lack one.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Now who is the one making 'erroneous assertions', hmm? Wading through all that sarcasm is a chore, especially to see all the words you're putting in my mouth. I'm not gonna repeat myself, just going to add that I don't believe in having to request buffs--if Scrappers and Blasters don't need to be asked to shoot stuff, why should defenders be asked to do their job? That said, I'm not going to kick somebody for failing to do their job, unless they just plain aren't trying to contribute at all.
This is a valid point. And something to think about.

Make a scrapper, just take the first attack from the primary, all the other power choices are secondary and pool powers.

So, here's you an "IOed BS/SR" as advertised by their LFT Description in a PuG OR It's a concept build and they're in your SG...they get on the team, and when not busy healing, debuffing, trying to lay down control with Char, they'll use Slash (because it uses less end).

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| this Scrapper just joined the team people. Do you kick them or quietly excuse yourself from the team? Or do you keep them on the team/stay on the team and figure the others on the team can pick up their slack.

Oh, and they're using their powers at the very least. Sure, nevermind there's 1 other IOed Scrapper on the team, 2 IOed Blasters, a Fire/Kin Troller (who uses SB), a SS/Shield Tanker, a RAD/RAD Defender [EDIT: Removed a blaster from the question and added this--->] and whatever YOUR toon is.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post this Scrapper just joined the team people. Do you kick them or quietly excuse yourself from the team? Or do you keep them on the team/stay on the team and figure the others on the team can pick up their slack.

Oh, and they're using their powers at the very least. Sure, nevermind there's 1 other IOed Scrapper on the team, 3 IOed Blasters, a Fire/Kin Troller (who uses SB), a SS/Shield Tanker, and a RAD/RAD Defender.
*Waves hand wildly.* ooh, oooh! Can I answer?!



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
80% of defenders I run into choose one thing or the other to do. There's your offender, that refuses to buff/debuff *while on teams*, and then there's your heal-bot. It is very rare that I run into a decent player that manages to do both,
Okay, so the problem is that you run into a lot of sucky defenders and it has affected your perception of defenders in general. How sad.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
But we weren't talking about a Kin. We were talking about an Illusionist. Yes, his secondary is Kinetics. If you want a Kin, get a defender. The secondary is there to supplement the primary, and frankly, SB is useless for Illusion.
Wrong. BOTH sets are there for the same reason - to defeat/help defeat enemies.

BTW, my ill/kin has SB.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I keep seeing post after post after post of people using the words "surely," "likely," "probably" and even "definitely" in regards to people getting kicked from teams due to perceived "bad power choices."

Let me give some examples of people who, according to the forums, will get kicked from the team because of their own foolish considerations:
  • A Mastermind with no Henchmen
  • An Arachnos Soldier or Arachnos Widow without Tactical Training: Maneuvers
  • A Kinetics without Fulcrum Shift
  • Any Kheldian
Now, I've done my fair share of teaming, and I've never come across those intimidating types who carefully examine your build to see whether or not your power selections satisfy their min/maxing appetites. In fact, very rarely am I ever on a team where any member even checks to see what powers another member has. Everybody just goes with it, and if it works, it works.

Maybe I'm just lucky, or perhaps Triumph is just a better server than the others, but in my experience, you are not going to get booted from a team based on your power selections.

Also: petless Mastermind /plug

As usual I'm in this thread really late but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway.

It wasn't that long ago that I was using my level 47 PB and I was in Cimerora looking to do an ITF and low and behold one starts forming up. So I ask the leader a couple of times if they have room and was ignored.

I took that as a "no" until the leader finally said something along the lines of me not being able to keep up.

When I asked what that was about, she was explaining that they were running the ITF with only level 50s. A level 47 wouldn't do any good. I reminded her that with Super sidekicking I'd be in fact, level 49. She then explained that apparently 47, missing 6 slots and a power, wasn't as good as level 50 and then went into the bigger problem, which was, I was a PB. Apparently PBs are horrible in ITF speed runs...

Now I've run a lot of ITF Speed runs, and my PB has never been the one to slow it down except once, and it was because I was drunk, not because I was a PB. Don't drink and Speed ITF. (We still one, no thanx to the drunken PB.)

So I tried to point that out to her and got ignored.

So it does in fact happen. Though I will say, it's been my only experience with that.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker