The Boot Myth




Only thing I won't team with is idiot/idiot - and that includes the team leader kicking someone for not having the "right" build. I have quit teams when they've kicked someone else for that - which is, perhaps, twice in the last five years.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I saw someone kicked from the team once because they wouldn't stop complaining that I was playing an energy blaster and had too much knockback.
Whenever I play my energy/energy blaster I have this comment bound to a key so that I can say it every now and then: "Sorry about how my powers spread the mobs around so much. I even annoy myself sometimes."

On the kicking from team thing. I actually seek out teams with wildly diverse class combinations. If people know how to play, the powers they pick don't mean a thing to me.



I have a Kinetics/Energy defender and when people whine about my knockback...I toggle on Repel.

Okay, I'm making that up. Unfortunately I'm too careful with my knockback and never get complaints. It would be hilarious though, such a waste.



The best/funniest boot I ever got was when the team leader, a Fire/ tanker, booted me (an Inv/ Taker) because he was lead tank and kept dying while I was "taking his aggro away" and staying alive. Yes, that was his stated reasons.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Do you have a developer comment indicating that they "intend" for us to play any specific powerset in any specific way, or that they disapprove of any "unintended" power or powerset usage that isn't directly related to an exploit? I'd like to see it, please.

Before you answer that, I've broached this subject with Castle on more than one occasion, and I know that he thinks it's absolutely wonderful to see players turning the game on it's head this way and doing things he never expected, as long as they aren't exploits. And Castle's sentiment is pretty much standard for the entire team. So you might want to re-examine your determination to kick other players based on what you think the developers "intend".

That "play the way you're told" crap went out the door with Jack Emmert. And you don't get to reinstate it, mister. If you want to be a build nazi, you go right ahead, but don't try to justify it by claiming that you're just following the rules.

And for anyone else claiming to be entitled to kick other players for not having your idea of an acceptable build, the only person you're really hurting is yourself. A good player with a "gimp" build is a better player, and person, than you, because that player is willing to take a chance on something different, isn't afraid to deviate from the cookie cutter mentality and can actually teach you more about the game than you'll ever learn from reading the wiki and copying someone else's build on the forums. Nor will a new player with a "gimp" build learn anything by being kicked, except that you're a selfish ****** who can't even be bothered to talk to someone and help them improve their experience in this game.
Here here!
Or is it Hear Hear!
Or... Hear here!
Wait... don't kick...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
Would you kick me from your team because of that?
Well one thing to keep in mind is the difference between theory and practice. In theory it's a poor build, if you want to avoid melee then /Fire is a poor secondary for a Blaster and I'd rather have a Blaster who uses their secondary.

In practice I am a lazy, lazy man when it comes to forming teams. I pretty much take whomever wants to join and don't bother to check powersets. Unless you specifically told me that you weren't using your secondary the odds of me noticing are pretty low. Even if I noticed I'd probably just sigh and ignore it. I don't like Blasters who ignore their secondary but they are probably the AT where doing so has the least impact on team play. In practice the only ATs were I'm likely to notice are Defenders who don't attack and petless masterminds (ok, I might notice a Tank who repeatedly faceplants).

So no, I wouldn't kick you but if I got a tell saying "Hi, I'm a Fire/Fire Blaster with only ring of fire and build up from my secondary" and one saying "Hi, I'm a Fire/fire blapper" I'll take the blapper thank you.

Even with other characters who ignore half their powers my problem isn't so much that they are ignoring their power it's that they are so damn smug about it. Admittedly it's a small sample size and they were all Empathy Defenders but they all insisted that their build was the one true way to build an Empathy Defender.



I had a sonic/archery defender I played for a while get kicked from a team for not being a healer. I never even got a chance to run any missions with the team as the leader wanted a "healer" so I was kicked and this was a defender in the high 20's so I had all the team buffs. I didn't argue as I was better off not being on that team.

Also, this is a behavior I see more on blue side than red.



I have never kicked someone from a team for powerset reasons, but I have certainly passed over certain chars for others while forming TF/SFs, though that is usually only when the current team make up is looking a bit "shakey" as it is.

The thing is normal teaming and the majority of TF/SFs are so easy, you only need maybe a 1/3rd of the team to know what they're doing in order to carry the rest of the team, and I'm not even talking about min/max builds in this case.

That said I feel compelled to play devil's advocate for this thread: not everyone who thinks you should have X power is some min/max jerkass with delusions of 733tness. Some of us just see it as a form of "team courtesy" as it were. When you advertise yourself as a Kin troller while I'm picking players for an ITF run, I expect that means you will actually SB people instead of just staring at your imps.

I think the perception of pulling one's own weight factors into this too. To use the OP's example: can a petless Mastermind still contribute to a team? Sure. Can a petless mastermind's contribution equal or even surpass the same mastermind who took their pets? I think I can confidently say no, they can't.

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I have saw that before but only from players which only purpose to form teams are for power leveling or farming. I choose my powers always for concepts and i am very happy with the ones i have.

I always preferred to be part of small teams since anything have gone great and my power choices work very good in it. A lot of times i get tells from others asking my Axe/Willpower Brute if i am a SS/Fire or my Shield Defense/Warmace Tanker if i am a Stone/Stone Tanker but only from the kind of player i have mention above.

95% of the times most players don't care about that.



Even with other characters who ignore half their powers my problem isn't so much that they are ignoring their power it's that they are so damn smug about it.
Quoted for irony

Are you confusing "ignoring their secondaries" for "being efficient with their primaries that the secondaries (named such for a reason) are not needed much?"

A ranged blaster is no less formidable than a melee one, and more likely to survive in a big fight. Do you even bother to find out if the person can hold their weight in a team before you "lecture" them, or do you just assume they're gimped in some way and boot them?

There is no power in any set that's mandatory for survival. There are only powers that make a team a) fight better or b) cover for mistakes. If the team leader can't adjust their strategy for the team they've assembled, they've got no business being a leader. Until the game starts rewarding teams for speed, there's no point in worrying about someone's build.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



(I'm in a good and relaxed mood and replying casually, just in case that's not clear in the text below. Sometimes it's helpful to make that clear)

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Even with other characters who ignore half their powers my problem isn't so much that they are ignoring their power it's that they are so damn smug about it. Admittedly it's a small sample size and they were all Empathy Defenders but they all insisted that their build was the one true way to build an Empathy Defender.
See that's the complete reverse of it and I know and understand exactly what you're talking about. And I remember players boisterously claiming that skipping these powers is the only smart way to ever play this powerset and/or AT.
In that case it was (Or is, for such people that still feel this way), "The attacks suck! They are a waste! I heal and buff, not attack!".

Well, okay, if someone wants to do that for themselves, for either personal preference of playstyle, conceptual reasons or just to try out something different... Fine!
However, it is not simply correct by default.

And neither is the reverse... claiming that someone should never do that.

Honestly, people claiming this stuff on both sides of the argument are equally flat out wrong.

Now... Me... I dance to the beat of my own drum in all walks and defend anyone who wishes to do so in any field, any time.

What it all comes down to is performance.

To judge beforehand is to jump to conclusions.

Hey, I think we've all been in a situation where it is pretty clear how it will play out.
However, I think we've all also seen how much you can overcome in this game.. and, honestly, how fun is it when you do?
(I Can't tell you how many times I've been in situations where people think it's impossible... but, with a little positive re-enforcement and a bit of strategy... we prevail)

Anyone who, in performance, disrupts or hurts the fun... They need to be corrected or kicked or whatever. That has no bearing on build (How many idiots have you seen with the "correct" cookie cutter build that will destroy fun if left unchecked? I've seen many!).
I've seen too many players on odd builds that perform well enough (And even exceptionally well) to worry about what powers someone has chosen.

Now... newbies who clearly just didn't realize that they need certain defensive toggles in order to survive the way they are playing? They can certainly benefit from some helpful advice and such.

Otherwise... Don't presume you're in a position to edjemucate everyone to your preferred conformity!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Quoted for irony
No argument here. I fully acknowledge that I am a smug, know-it-all and a bit of a jerk. That being said I have a way I prefer to play and when forming teams I will prioritize selecting people who look like they will fit my style.



I was kicked from an ITF for using Rain of Fire after being told not too. I'm not a big fan of being told to "not do X" and it tends to make me do it more and to greater effect.

EDIT: i haz 8000 posts. i haz cheezburger?



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
This game is so easy that, short of someone actively harming the team (perhaps by causing wipes via training mobs), I can't imagine getting worked up over a gimped build. I've seen enough people with standard builds still slack their way through a team that I'd worry more about whether they're at least trying to contribute.
I wouldn't go quite that far. For many players the game isn't a complete cakewalk: we aren't all expert MMO drivers.

I would say that there's only two possibilities:

1. You're strong enough yourself that compensating for a weak but not disruptive player should be trivial, and there's nothing to complain about.

2. You're not strong enough yourself to compensate for a weak but not disruptive player, and thus you'd be the weak link on any team with actual experienced players, and you should therefore keep quiet.

I'm not talking about some special run to complete a Master of arc or anything. But even the LRSF can tolerate one weak build if the rest of the players are strong enough that they are in a position to be complaining about weak builds in general.

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Originally Posted by Primal View Post
Oh, it's really pretty easy. Here are only two examples, I'm sure others can fill in.

- Gale is a good power. But it is situational. The mere fact that it has recharged is not always such a situation. When we have enemies on a Tar Patch, an Ice Slick, or in Freezing Rain, it is quite the opposite of that situation. Following the Galed enemies into another previously-unaggroed group of enemies when the team's already struggling, is a situation of an entirely different nature.

- Hide on a Stalker is a good power. However, it becomes a bad power when it is seen as a license to "scout the map" and hang out on the other side of the building in safety while leeching xp and ensuring that we don't know what part of the map we've already covered. Bonus points if the Stalker decides to stab something on aforementioned other side of the map and, in the inevitable hasty retreat, trains several other mobs down on the rest of the team.
I still wouldn't ever kick anyone for their power choices - it's attitude problems that would make me consider removing thme from the team - but even then, it'd have to be quite serious.

@Golden Girl

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Anyone who kicks my Warshade from a team apparently has something against invincible death dealing aliens who out blasts a blaster and can tank when the going gets rough.

But hey, it takes all types.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
No argument here. I fully acknowledge that I am a smug, know-it-all and a bit of a jerk. That being said I have a way I prefer to play and when forming teams I will prioritize selecting people who look like they will fit my style.
Wow. I am just really glad I don't have to team with gamers like this.

In the years I have played, I have yet to see someone kicked for a 'bad build'. I have, however, quit a few PUGs that start to even sound like they are build snobs and I min/max pretty much all my characters.

The whole idea of XP leaching is hilarious to me as well. Since most of the time my character can take on the mission alone, why would I care if the baby needs to be fed?

I really think some people, thankfully a pretty small portion that play this game anyway, don't know how to relax. Sad really.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Wow, i guess i understand now why some people dont want the servers to merge... assuming that most of these stories and the rude tells in another topic come mostly from highly populated servers.
A year and a half ago,my first toon was an nrg/nrg blaster. leveld till 48 and never got kicked from a team, but some people did say they hate kb on a blaster. tbh i never was even upset, knowing that i loved my 2 aoes in a tight packed mob. One of my friends (Nidalap) actually went through all the trouble in aiding me and my friend to do our midnightersand then to form a team for the all mighty itf we wanted to try. never had more fun
And then in i14i got my own lil fire.kin that never had speed boost. people asked for it in teams but always said sorry, dont play with it. the reason was tha t my play style was ... dealing damage and not chasing team mates to boost. never had an issue with that and lack of sb never ruined any of the pugs i was in. and also never encountered any of the kicking on Guaardian due to powers or powersets. tbh i cant remember the name of the tf i was in a few months ago , but i do remember falling asleep after it started and not having any complaints about it lol . lesson well learned , to not play while tired and in bed.
From what i read so far, Guardian is far better in terms of players than other servers.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
The best/funniest boot I ever got was when the team leader, a Fire/ tanker, booted me (an Inv/ Taker) because he was lead tank and kept dying while I was "taking his aggro away" and staying alive. Yes, that was his stated reasons.

I don't think I've ever been kicked for such reasons and can't remember seeing anyone kicked for such reasoning, but my level 50 brute is both somewhat squishy (electric armor) and also does not have taunt. If you want me to play like a tank, that may not work so well. But I can do massive damage.

I was on an ITF with a brute who COULD taunt and COULD handle large crowds of Cimemorans. That was good. That allowed me to destroy them all quickly. If I'd have been required to do his job, it wouldn't have been pretty. Only time I died was when I did wind up in a large group by myself. ^_^

It never occurred to me to get mad at him because he was more survivable than me. ^_^ I have an invul tank who's softcapped for smashing/lethal, is incredibly survivable on an ITF, but can't touch my brute for damage of course. So it goes.

Generally all of this boils down to:

1. Team Leader gets to assemble the team he wants.

2. People that don't like how that's done are free to leave and/or start their own team.

3. Use the notes and rating system so you don't team with people that annoy you (for whatever reason) or at least are warned ahead of time the next time around.

But generally I'm happy to team with anyone.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I was told "don't use propel" once on my grav troller, because the leader (tank) was so hung up on herding - I had already only been using it on things under the influence of Gravity Distortion, which grants knockback protection. He admonished the whole team to not screw up the herds if they wanted the XP to keep coming... yeah, I stayed on for about two missions, and told the tank exactly what I thought of him in team chat before I quit.

He didn't respond.



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
Wow, i guess i understand now why some people dont want the servers to merge... assuming that most of these stories and the rude tells in another topic come mostly from highly populated servers.
I had the worst PUG experiences of my gaming life on one of the less-populated servers. I do not then think that "low pop servers have bad players", because say half a dozen bad experiences does not equal the entire player base of that server.

Same thing goes for high pop servers. Which is why it's never wise to assume.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I keep seeing post after post after post of people using the words "surely," "likely," "probably" and even "definitely" in regards to people getting kicked from teams due to perceived "bad power choices."
I havent seen anyone kicked from a team for poor build, I have for going on extended AFK or out weirding the team leader at times.

I've seen a few teams dissolve when faced with build/tactic dictators micro managing stuff.

edit: I;ve seen builds refused on teams, particularly for Master runs, but also the tired attiude of 'last spot is for healer/tank"

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



My fire tank got kicked from an ITF for not being fully IO'd because the leader didn't believe fire tanks could contribute to a team without spending millions on IOs.

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



I loved Taskmistress with her pistols and bow but no henchmen. Was eventually gonna get them but she has to train first.