Eek a Mouse

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    A whole litter dies for every dominator without it, but it's not essential for a lot of other builds although it is desirable for most.
    My dominator is perma without it, although I do still have it. Domination is on Auto so I often go a while before I notice that Hasten isn't up. I don't plan to respec out of it, as I use it when forced to exemp, but at this point it isn't required.

    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    Not enough for me, been "marksmanned" too often, but yes less essential with 45% rech from alpha.
    Alpha doesn't affect Domination, though.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
    imho, the problem is that "the usual suspect" is too short... one good spider is the appropriate difficulty and time investment for something as valuable as a hero merit. I'd like to see the rest of the alignment missions brought up to that level.
    I admit that RvR seems wrong for "The Usual Suspect". The first time I ran it, the cop was in the very first room, and I finished it in under 5 minutes even reading the story. I thought "there's no way that's as intended". But even now it is common for the hostage to be on the first floor. The only time the mission lasts longer than 5 minutes is if the hostage is towards the back.
  3. It's why I don't play my Rad defender any more. By the time Radiation Infection and Lingering Radiation and Enervating Field are on the enemies, they are all dead.
  4. Depends on the character and powersets. On my current main (plant/fire dominator, hero) I skip all Nemesis and most Carnie missions. I also skip "You're a Cruel One Mr. Phipps" because it is just too long and the Jocasta one because I have trouble keeping her alive. I sometimes skip the Maelstrom mission just because I hate chained objectives.

    The missions I love are the stealthy ones:
    Shattered Jar of Flesh (stealth to two bosses)
    Some Nut on Talk Radio (stealth to a boss, plus one glowie)
    Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary (stealth to hostage, plus an ambush)
    Blatantly Fake Malta Plans (stealth to hostage, plus an ambush)
    A Biting Wind (stealth to a hostage, plus one glowie)
    Scrawled Bark (stealth to room with boss and 4 hostages)

    My question is, does anyone do the "One Good Spider" hero morality mission instead of "The Usual Suspect"? I can do "The Usual Suspect" in less than 5 minutes. The other one takes me 30 at least.
  5. My first 50 was a claws/SR Scrapper and I still love her dearly, although I don't play her much any more. One thing that nearly every /SR player says, though, is that it is a very squishy set until you get to SOs. You will take a lot of damage until you get into the 20s.

    If you are going to play a brute, you should be aware that it won't be as durable as a willpower or invuln or stone. A teaming scrapper can be fairly flimsy. A soling one may have some difficulty at low levels. The good news is that with inherent Fitness you can take all of your defensive toggles fairly early.
  6. This suggestion is a request to move the point at which people zone in to Ouroboros to somewhere away from the portal itself. It seems that many people go AFK when they zone to Ouroboros, and most of the time there is a crowd of unattended characters standing around the portal. This often makes it difficult to click to return to Paragon/Rogue Isles without accidentally clicking a player or pet.

    This isn't a major issue, nor is it game breaking. But a small change would be nice.
  7. I tried the tactic of binding Domination to the forward move key, with hasten on Auto. However it drove me nuts to have the "bzzt" sound of a power that isn't ready whenever I moved. I turned that sound off, but it is handy in combat.

    My solution was to use Herostats. I never cared about the stats or badge tracking uses of Herostats, but I realized it had buff tracking. I could set it to ding whenever Domination recharged. It worked perfectly, and I used it from level 30-50.

    When I hit 50 I added a bunch of recharge and got to permaHasten. At that point I switched Domination to auto and I use Herostats to warn me when Hasten is ready. It is really an automatic response now. I hear a ding and I press Hasten.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
    actually I looked it up and the way I spelled it is the way the candy is spelled here so either spelling is okay ^_^
    Aha, it is a UK/US difference. Good to know!
  9. These are terrific! I love them all.

    If you plan to publish these or submit them to a contest or something, there are a couple of minor spelling errors if you can still fix them. I hope this isn't overstepping by pointing out some small changes.

    Mountain Dew Enrich says it is "Bannanna" flavored. Should be "Banana".
    (Also, in the game it is "Enriche", but I can see why you would spell it the way you did).

    Mountain Dew Under Ground has "Pomegranite" where it should be "Pomegranate"

    Dr. Pepper Widow's Kiss has "liquorice" instead of "licorice"

    Again, I hope I haven't gone too far with this comment. I really love the designs and the flavors and really the whole idea. Well done!
  10. I think the doves were just for the teaser video shown at one of the cons. I doubt if they built an actual effect in game for them. I'd bet it was added in post just for the video.
  11. I wonder at what point we will have more capes and auras available at start than are unlocked by the appropriate missions at level 20 & 30. It certainly seems silly to so a special mission to "unlock' capes that are less impressive than the ones given at level 1.

    Maybe all capes and auras should be available at level 1, and the missions can just be for badges or story.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    No power; not buying.
    Agreed. I find there are already enough costume options to keep me very, very happy. I am not creative enough to need more.

    Powers, on the other hand, I would buy.

    My suggestion for an Origin Power: summon a merchant who buys DOs & SOs at full price regardless of origin.
  13. Why would Praetorian Cole choose the same name as Primal Statesman when Marauder, Anti-Matter, Dominatrix, Mother Mayhem, Neuron, and Battle Maiden all have distinctive names?

    Sure, it COULD have been, but he would be an anomaly.
  14. Maybe he never took a superhero name?

    I'm a big fan of roller derby. If you are not familiar with the sport, it is traditional for the athletes to take on humorous or "punny" names. In the film "Whip It" there were characters named Babe Ruthless, Smashley Simpson, and Eva Destruction. However there are a small number of derby athletes who reject these monikers and skate under their real names in an attempt to bring some legitimacy to the sport.

    Maybe Cole feels the same way?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
    Yes, because any form of disagreement is automatically a flamewar, and arguments on the internet mean that real-life interaction is bad.
    I didn't call it a flamewar. I said that it devolved into an argument about the philosophy of character generation. That doesn't interest me in the least. I'm not a big roleplayer, and rarely bother with my characters' backstory. So I won't bother. I'll play an online game where I can just play the game.

    I shouldn't have even read the thread, I guess. I saw "Tabletop games" in the title and thought of military games like Squad Leader or board games like Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Railroad Tycoon, and Betrayal at House on The Hill. I've always called RPGs "pen and paper games".
  16. I was going to throw my hat in the ring to participate in this experiment, but after seeing how quickly it devolved into an argument about the philosophy of character generation, I think I'll stick with online gaming. At least then, if someone is a jerkwad I can copy and paste the interaction into the Rude tells thread for everyone to enjoy.
  17. I try not to go off topic unless the OP does first :P

    I'm not sure I agree with your distinction between a merged market and two separate markets with one interface. I've been to many real world markets where if you pay in local currency you get one price and if you pay in dollars you get another.

    But as you said, it is off topic.
  18. Jack Wolfe is going to be very popular for a while. I wonder how many people crowded around him it would take to make it impossible to click.

    And thinking about that, what happens if you are hovering when you begin the respec? Do you drop to the floor as soon as you start?
  19. Couldn't you have every item on the market be flagged as "villain" or "hero"? If a hero tried to buy a villain item with influence, there would be a currency exchange fee, and vice versa. The markets would be merged, but the currency wouldn't.

    I'm not saying this is desired or anything. Just wondering why it doesn't satisfy the requirements of the claim.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    None of the above. its pureply prestige based. you go talk to the supergroup registrar and ask to see the top SGs they're arranged by quantity of prestige.
    Really? Wow, I had no idea. I guess I just go there to pay my rent.

    Good luck then! Carry on.
  21. OK, I get 2 & 3, but who is doing the ranking? City Vault?

    I had no idea there were "ranked" supergroups out there. Is it like EQ or WoW where people have to apply to join and you have to have some minimum level of "gear" and attendance is mandatory. Or where they say "taking applications for two Dominators (perma-only please!) and a soft-capped Shield Scrapper or Brute." or "all members must take Vengeance."

    Man, I don't miss those days. My current supergroup is just a place to hold my loot and have teleporters to all of the zones. I shudder to think what my ranking is.
  22. Some questions:

    1) Who or what is ranking SGs so that one of them can be considered the #1 SG on a server?

    2) How does "destroying" inf cause a SG to be ranked higher?

    3) How does this relate to the Market? By "destroying inf" do you mean buying things for your SG? What base items are sold at the market, or sold at all for that matter?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    Make it a male and call him Gary Stu
    That would be Marty Stu*

    * Caution: TVTropes. Enter at your own risk

    Edit: Nevermind. I guess TVTropes lists Gary Stu as an acceptable alternative. I've never heard that one.
  24. The first time you do the Hero morality mission you only get 50 standard reward merits. So if your two morality missions were 1) Rogue, then 2) Hero, you shouldn't have earned an alignment merit yet.

    If you actually have done two Hero missions, then I don't know what the problem could be.