Tell us about your forum handle!

Ad Astra



I've been known as Celidya for like... hmm... 5 years now. The first time i used this name was in Daoc, i made a paladin and after about 30min spaming "random" with the random name generator, i came up with celi-something. I liked the beginning, so i thought about celidya, where the last part comes from "Lydya", which was the name of my first character on this game.

I played the character for a few months and i liked the name so when i moved to WoW (sigh) i chose it as my forum handle and main character name. It turned out i made a lot of friends there and i was a well known player on my server at release, so when i moved to the next game, i just kept it so friends could still find me easily.

Some years later... i still use it as my forum name/general name (for msn, boards, youtube, etc), all my friends know me as Celidya and whenever i tried to change it i realized they were still calling me "Celi" so... why bother ? I just keep it even if i never name my characters like that anymore, and it's quite useful. The french gaming community is not that big and whenever a new game is released, some players remember me by my name and it's always fun to chat a bit with peoples i haven't seen for months, or even years.

Dark armor lover.

The Claws/DA Scrapper guide.



Mirai has been my forum handle from the beginning. Besides meaning "the future" in Japanese...

See here.



My forum name came from my predisposition towards darker colors,an unhealthy habit of using Magic origin characters(which I'm slowly breaking now, no the magic pack didn't help, nor my hobby of Magic:The gathering) and consistently trying out stealth based classes in RPG's(and constantly working with Sniper rifles in FPS)

Originally I was going to be Dark Mystic which I had used as a forum handle for a bit, when I tried to change my ingame global to Dark Mystic it was taken so I just shortened it down to DMystic which actually worked out better cause I was the one pulling off some of the most random stuff in games.

Now it's my tournament handle as well as my gamertag



Mine is the simplest.



I love this thread! Some great stories

Berlin - they were kind of big in the 80s; you'll probably recognize the song Take My Breath Away, from Top Gun (not going to lie - not a huge fan of that song :x).
I'm in love with them. They're one of my favorite bands and their cd, Love Life, is my favorite cd of theirs. Luckily for me, seeing as their fame had died out by the time I was born, Terri Nunn and a new band are still touring and making music. I've had the joy of being able to see them live 4 times so far

All of my avatars on these forums are Terri Nunn.

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



I am Beldoman (even though I haven't actually played Beldoman seriously for years, but that is besides the point).

Many moons ago, when Everquest was first released, I rolled up Shadowknight named Beld Demonblade, because I was being an unoriginal anime nerd and totally ripping off the evil emperor from Record of Lodoss War. And yes, he had red hair. I played for about a year and a half, before I realized I was spending *way* too much time playing Everquest of all things and decided I needed to move on.

Later, Planetside came out and I thought I'd give it a go as it was something different. This time, I named myself Beldo, after the nickname I had picked up from most of my fellow travellers in EQ. Shortly after I started up (within minutes IIRC), I was invited to join an outfit that turned out to be pretty awesome and full of non-idiots, and spent the next year or so as a Magrider driver, gleefully mowing down the poor suckers who found themselves in front of my hover-tank.

Then, City of Heroes came out and a number of people in my PS outfit decided to make the switch. I joined them here about a week after live. My first character was once again a Beldo, but, needing a suitably heroic name, he became Beldoman. A towering behemoth of a man in a Captain Marvel-esque homage outfit and a wild mane of garishly bright red hair and an oblique reference to Mr T for a background. My outfit/supergroup has long since moved on to other games, but Beldoman remains... in my character list. I'm more of a redside player nowadays, really



Heraclea the character existed in my drawings well before CoH came out.

In her original conception she was a mixture of Wonder Woman and your basic 1960s Italian sword and sandal movie strongman lead. The name, which is actually the name of a number of Greek towns (still in use as Herakleia, Iraklia, Eregli) is a female version of Hercules / Heracles.

CoH was the first MMO she has been created in. Parallel versions of her have existed in WoW and in Age of Conan. The only MMO I've played that didn't contain a Heraclea was LoTRO; she didn't really fit in with the setting.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Stole it from this fella: Jack Ketch Usually, it's just Ketch or some variant of it.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
This was the first board I used Friggin' Taser on, but I've since carried it over to Twitter and some other websites.

The name was actually an accident. My first character in City of Heroes was Plot Device, a name I use to post under on other forums (mainly Television Without Pity). I made him a tanker during the pre-order headstart and didn't dig it right away. So I went to reroll him as an elec/elec blaster but forgot to delete the original first. So I'm at the naming screen with a fully made character I didn't want a delete. Earlier that day I was taken up on a dare to play the horrible Austin Powers games for Game Boy Color, which honestly features the phrase "Frickin' Lasers" during every piece of Dr Evil dialogue.

I changed it slightly and that's how the name came to be.

Since then, my original character, Plot Device, was rerolled 47 times as hero into every AT and almost all powersets. It became a running joke that he'd never hit 50. Then I got a list of powersets that would be featured in City of Villains just before closed beta and picked Rad/Thermal Corrupting as my new set for him. Even in closed beta I never looked back and he hit 50 slightly after issue 7 hit.
Good grief! 47 times now? It was still single digits the last time we teamed up (granted it has been a long time).

When my husband bought City of Heroes for me I intended to create "Steel Magnolia". I found this name was already taken on Pinnacle. Curses! So I decided to go with "Steele Magnolia".

I've taken the handle to the LOTRO forums and any other game forums I join, including game radio sites.

I've also named my fantasy football team "Steele's Bouncing Kitties" much to the consternation of all the men in the league. I'm the only woman. I know virtually nothing about football, draft my players by "how cool" their names sound, and spend 5 min a week putting my roster together. The first year in the league the kitties took me to the Superbowl.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Aether Crash is the new name for my formerly joke character, el Thor (electric/electric blaster) . i decided to make him more serious (and not 3 feet tall) about a year ago.

Aether Crash, real name Miguel Garcia, found a magical helmet infused with the power of aboriginal thunder god Mamaragan while he was working in Australia. He spends his time in Paragon City honing his skills. his name and original costume were created by his friend Soren Holst, who later becomes his arch-nemesis, Kinetic Impact.

Chat Handle: @Aether Crash -- Guardian
Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper

Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan



Blue Bandana is the name of one of my heroes on Virtue.

He is not, however, the *first* hero I created. That would be Betty Blue, my MA/Invul scrapper. In my head, he's a Staff/Willpower scrapper who gets his powers by his namesake. I have him as a Dark/Will now (49 already), but I'll gladly re-roll if and and when staves ever become a powerset.

I don't use this moniker on any other boards, save for my brief stint in the Champions beta. I usually use pieceoftheuniverse, but there's a character limit on the forums, so I had to pick something else. I've had Blue Bandana in my mind, fighting the forces of evil, for a year or so before CoH launched when I was dabbling with the idea of making an online comic, so I decided to go with that.

A lot of my character names in the early days were color-based. Something about the color blue, usually, though I'll occasionally dabble in reds and browns and greens ...

"We are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future."
- Positron



It was Lancek at first (don't know why my brother chose it). Changed it to Cynical_Gamer because of the massive decline I've seen in the gaming industry and its consumers over the past decade or so.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Min Min is a name I've used for a couple of heroes, including my first one.

The name comes from the Australian version of the "Ghost Lights" myth. My family has lived in several parts of far western Queensland which most people would associate with the Outback* and the Min Min were irregular night-time sightings throughout my childhood. Seriously spooky when you see them, particularly if you're driving at the time, as they will keep up with you and occasionally disappear and reappear.

The phenomena is pretty much explained now: it's a particularly cool representative of temperature inversion. Basically over-the-horizon reflections of light source off air layers with different temperatures, much like a mirage. Outback Australia is one of the few places in the world that have the right conditions: enough light sources, extremely large temperature variations (40c or more during the day, close to freezing at night) and large amounts of flat land with a mostly unimpeded view of the horizon.

The name has been recognised a few times by fellow aussies in game, but I've been surprised how many other aussies have never of heard the myth.

*The Outback - if you're from the city the Outback starts pretty much as soon as you stop seeing farmland and move into the drier grazing parts of the bush. If you're actually from the bush, then the Outback is more commonly thought of as areas where you can't see a tree. Anywhere. There's lots of Outback in Australia.



Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
. . . we liked to make fun of how nonsensical Finnegan's Wake and Ulysses are.
From The Five Minute Iliad's introduction to its version of Ulysses: "While Ulysses is not so difficult a novel as Finnegan's Wake, this is akin to saying that a bullet between the eyes is not so difficult as half a dozen hand grenades up one's [self-censored]."

I am officially required to mention this any time some brings up James Joyce novels, which seems to happen distressingly often in my life.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Mine was created with 6 characters taken from my full name. I'd been trying anagrams of my name, trying to find something that sounded good on a human champion for Lord of the Rings Online. I realized taking only these 6 of the 18 characters gave me a workable name that sounded (to me anyway)like one of Strider's rangers. I've since left LotRO, but kept the name.

By the way, I pronounce it with long O's and with 3 syllables, not 2. Ro-do'-an.

Previously, I'd used the name of my main, Ace Barnstormer.



Mine was an evolution of sorts.

For the past decade I've had a character designed that I called simply;

He was the master of reality. Maestro of the 3rd dimension.

Needless to say he was the 1st toon I created. Got all the way to the naming screen and then found out the name wasn't valid...

So I resigned to name him Maestro Mavius after the Roman name I'd been given by a professor during a mythology course.

Mavius has since become my identity in most forums and other games I play.

I still recall how ruthless I was when I 1st encountered the AV Maestro.
I was sure he was the reason I couldn't be just Maestro!!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Like many here my first choices 'Faust' from my Wolfenstein ET days, 'Grog' from my Never Winter Nights Howard's LotR days, and 'Cromag' from my MuD days were all taken. I settled on Ignatz, which was one of my most endearing DnD characters...a gnome Illusionist(with a little rogue). Ignatz is in a tie with my favorite DnD character ever made...a strength based Halfling Paladin named Cosmos Stormhammer, which you guessed it, wielded a Holy Thundering Warhammer two handed.



I created MunkiLord over a decade ago on AoL. Not sure what inspired the name, and I believe it is my own creation since googling MunkiLord turns up almost all stuff I've posted.

I use MunkiLord as screenname/forum handle for pretty much every site I go to and I create MunkiLord in every single game that allows me to. No exceptions.



my name here is based on my first character made in coh, and still the most "me" of my characters rian frostdrake. The first name, which many people mistake for rain is actually an alternate spelling of my first name, Ryan, that a friend of mine from high school had for a first name. as for the last name my first main online character was a HUcast on phantasy star online named frostwolf. basically he was a big, honkin robot(blue, of course) who hit hard and could absorb punishment, since then, i used the name for several online characters in different games.. since rian was a dragon, i decided to alter it slightly to call him a drake(in the D&D terms, a small dragon, not a male duck ) and poof, there it is.



I have always been into history, legends and lore. It's some sort of hobby for me. When I bought City of Villains (a week before I got City of Heroes as well) I tried to make up a real cool villain. Real evil. Vampires would be a nice idea. So I thought Vladislav Dracul... Vlad Tepesh... but that would be just too obvious. And I would like to see how the game makes sexy women too. It would be my first try at making one.

So I thought about Elizabeth Báthory. I knew her from documentaries and reading. To me the pinnacle of evil women. And perfect to give vampire and witchcraft as powers.

Wikipedia gives this on her...
was a Hungarian countess from the renowned Báthory family. The family is famous for defending Hungary against the Ottoman Turks. She is possibly the most prolific serial killer in history and is remembered as the "Blood Countess" and as the "Bloody Lady of Čachtice", after the castle near Trencsén, in the Kingdom of Hungary (present Trenčín, Slovakia), where she spent most of her adult life.

She became a Necromancy/Dark Miasma. As those powers fitted well. Then I noticed the name was taken in almost all versions. Bathory Erzsebet was free though. It is precicly how she spells her name under the only letter ever found of her. In-game I got responces from people who lived in her country asking if I was from there. I am not.. I am from the Netherlands.

My global became @Elizabeth Bathory though. As global it was still free. And I set up a gothic horror themed SG for her on UNION called 'The Court of the Blood Countess'.

When I tried to use that name signing up on the forums Elizabeth Bathory was too long. In-game people started to relate to me as 'Liz'. So I shortened the name to Liz Bathory. Which became Liz_Bathory as the old forums didn't accepted spaces in the name.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Demobot was my first hero. Well, maybe not, but he was certainly the first I ever got past level 14. Also my first 50. And the first toon I ever fully IO'd.


Also on Steam



I had a character called Zorielle on Ragnarok Online and Final Fantasy XI. When I tried the EU CoH beta, I decided I liked the Zor- part, so added tel to make it sound more dynamic and techy for my Energy Blaster.

Then I started roleplaying, and Zortel became known as Zorielle Rolando, a hero who had built her suit of powered armour with partner Tessa Lenson, and Zortel became a sort of backronym for the creators of the suit, Zorielle Rolando and Tessa Lenson.

And now it's stuck as my longest lasting handle online. And while I don't get called it much in real life, my friends from CoH tend to refer to me as Z (that's Zee, not Zed, if I was Zed, I'd have a big staff with a Z on and live on the moon.)

Oddly enough, over on WoW, my main character also starts with a Z, Zackary.

Also, my avatar has nothing to do with my characters. It's just the cool Diana 17 from Chōkō Senki Kikaiō/Tech Romancer. Because the world needs more mecha with breasts.



eh, mine's boring...

It's not the name of my first toon. That's still my global @hornetsnest, an insect themed bots/ff MM. Because I registered on the forums a few weeks later, my main toon at the time was an amphibious SS/Inv brute. I'd gotten flack from a few people for his name, Simon Unloved. To avoid further mocking, I chose BigFish as my handle.

Haven't used that anywhere else. Mostly just use my full name, as the middle name (Earl) is unusual enough to get me in the clear

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



My Forum handle is just to have something different from my typical online handle. The name itself came from my old AOL days, where I was Lance3397, which slowly changed over the years as I switched providers, e-mail, and the like. The number itself was just something at random I used to have the 'lance' name, as that's what I used during AOL's old old OLD Neverwinter Nights game (which was my weapon of choice during that time), and for the sake of keeping it I've kept it after leaving AOL.

When making this forum handle, I wanted to change it a little bit. My main is Shadow Kiana, so I took Kiana and simply added Zero to it, because, well, I think Zero for a character name is pretty cool.

Since I wanted to have a toon named after my handle, I figured why not and made a teenaged clone of my main and named him "KianaZero", so the character, handle and names came full circle.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



I've been told I'm pretty tasty at night.

More seriously, Noxilicious is kind of a mutation of my original nick, Nocturn.

This was before I was fluent in English and new words like 'nocturnal'. Nocturn was the name of some shadow elemental in the German translation of some Japanese RPG for the SNES. Being yound and stupid like that, everything dark was instantly five times cooler.

That lasted for a couple of years, but as is the matter with things, eventually you grow older and those silly interests you had earlier left you, and omgdark just isn't interesting anymore, and to find something unique, after some brain-storming I went with the Latin word for night, Nox, and slapped a y on the end. Perfect!

Except it's not as unique as I would like to think. Plenty of places have Noxies. Usually I circumvented that issues with names like [adjective]_Noxy or [noun]_Noxy, but eventually I grew tired of that. I actually got called Noxilicious by some internet buddies (or Noxious when I annoyed them, heh), so I figured, may as well pick that.