Tell us about your forum handle!

Ad Astra



Tyrantula is a obvious play on two words, tyrant and tarantula. I have always gravitated toward a more traditional type hero/villain naming convention, and one word or more simple names appeal to me more. I scored it here first, after I jumped to Virtue many, many moons ago. I use it everywhere now.



I don't really remember how I came to @Sigium.

My actual account name, Poyzinblud, was created about 7 - 8 years ago, when I was playing Phantasy Star Online, and Grandia 2. There was an attack; Poizon, in the game that I decided to use, but upped the ante and made it 'Poyzin'. After a bit more, 'Poyzin' became 'Poyzin Blood'. Not to be inconsistent, it became 'Poyzinblud'.

@Sigium, however? I think I was a junior in High School when I started really playing the game on a computer that could handle it. I remember I was just trying to pull a name out of my rear, and Knights of the Old Republic came into my head. There was a lightsaber crystal named 'Sigil'. I don't know how/why this popped into my head at that moment, but I wanted to edit it. Sigium... sounded a bit more flowing, and no one could pronounce it (See-jum). So, now it's my own, unique handle.



Mine's my main hero since 2005, Vector Vanguard. He's a college professor from then-known-as-Astoria before it got overrun by zombie kreaturez! I had been using "ebondefender" on most boards, who was a super hero I drew in high school back in the late 90's. But I had to use something COH-related on this one, soo...shrug.



I created a character, largely based on my own traits, that loved card games and gambling. I wanted a bots MM with robot names that followed a theme. The drones were called Clubs, the protectors were Hearts, and the assbot was the Spade.

With a decent concept, I needed a unique name. I wanted it to be in the first name, last name kind of format, not a Superman or Dr. Doom kind of name. He was simply a guy with robots, no need to disguise himself as a supervillain.

Kaison is an adaptation of the word kaiser, which is a word for emperor. And Dechs (pronounced Dex, notably not short for Dexter) was similar to the word deck, as in a deck of cards. So to me the name meant "King of the Deck," which fit very well with his robots, their names, and his personality.

I ended up liking the character so much and playing him so often that I changed my global handle to @Dechs Kaison. After that, it only made sense to have the same global as forum handle so I'd be easy to contact in game.

I only recently got back into the game, and remade Dechs on Virtue as a bots/traps and started from scratch. I also got a lot more in depth with his story.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Way back in the days of old, we had no graphics in our MMO's. We called them MUDs, MUSHs, MUCKs, and MOOs amongst other things. In these times, if you wanteted a semi RP game online (generally because you were having trouble finding a good RP group offline), you'd pull out your trusty 56k (or less) modem, and tie up a phoneline for hours. Some people used Play-By-Post, some used Telnet. I was one of these Telnet people. As the MUDs died to the MMO Dreadnought, my trusty 56k Modem had to be replaced by the mythical 10/100 Ethernet Card.

I hoped from one text based realm to another, not being able to keep enough gold to appease the mighty MMO, until one day I found the last MUD I ave ever played. I was an Angelic Cleric named Haruu, she was a Catgirl thief that called me lunch. She thought I was a very large bird you see. We began falling into temptation of the OOC diety, and eventually started talking offline. When I moved in with her, I stoped playing online games.

Then one day she wants to play a new breed of MMO, called Free to Play Korean Business Model. She had friends that wielded their ethernet cards against one names Maple Story. After months of that, we tried others. One day I see a friend frighing in city streets, gore running down the claws of his scrapper. I tell my wife about what I had seen, and we began paying tribute to the MMO called CoH. That was back around I8. One day am looking something up on these forums, and decided to post. When I created the alias that you all know me by, I paid tribute to who I once was, the character that introduced me to the woman that would get me into the game I love.



I`m really into pirates and I just thought Molly Roger would be a great name for a pirate girl



I got mine because I joined the forum while playing a character with the name Recluse's Phantom who was a Dark/Dark Corrupter. I eventually got bored of him and deleted him, but I'm remaking him in GR as a Demon Summong/Dark MM



Same name as my favorite char in CoH.
I created her when Issue 12 launched, found a costume i liked alot but had trouble finding a good name for her.

I was brainstorming some with Psygon, she had lots of ideas, but none which i felt suited me and the char.
Then we got thinking on me and my love for catgirls. So first choise was lesbian kitten. But some reconsiderations later it became Sapphic Neko



Agonus (aka Aggie) is my main character. I was trying to come up with a Name to Run Away From similar to what DC seems so fond of, like Sinestro, Despero, and Atrocitus. I left the name as gibberish for the longest time, until some googling revealed it does have legitimate meanings.

I change forum handles often, but I'm currently trying to stick to Agonus or The New Black if spaces can be used. (Not_this_stuff_either.) The New Black is my global, and is more of a nod to a Strapping Young Lad song than a fashion comment.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Back when I was in school, I read a story about a shy kid who wrote some stories to express himself. I thought "I could do that". Coincidentally, around the same time my 7th grade teacher gave an assignment for everyone in the class to write one page a day on any subject. So I decided to write a sort of episodic "movie of the week" kind of thing rotating different characters in different storylines from day to day.

One of the storylines was about a group of superheroes, two of them based on Green Lantern and Superman. Although they were originally a more obvious rip-off, over time I realized I should make them my own characters, and they evolved into Jade Dragon and Blue Diamond. Although I kept Green Lantern's basic color scheme with Jade Dragon, I changed his powers to be similar to a character called Mayhem from the comic Cloak and Dagger, who could summon a green, poisonous mist which she could fly on and direct for various effects.

I dropped the poison effect, but instead made it able to form more solid constructs, like Green Lantern's power. Blue Diamond had already been somewhat redesigned, by a friend of mine who had come up with the basic concept. I came up with a backstory that united the two, though, as well as a third character named Element Dog, and a villain Silver Bolt, who was inspired by Electro. Together they became the Crime Fighters, and I continued to write stories about them all through high school. I also got involved in playing D&D, and played the characters in the Marvel Comics RPG a couple of times.

When I heard about CoH, I knew I would have to create the Crime Fighters there. And since Jade Dragon is the leader (and GL has always been my personal favorite hero) I used that as my forum name.



I'll just make this easy for everyone on Freedumb:

"i jus luked arond my desk and used the 1st thing I sees. therfor 'brurntCheeto/noPants/mustard stain' was born!"



My forum handle is the same as the first character I created, on my 14 day trial. Who's still only level 41 -_-

The character is supposed to be a Zenith caste Solar Exalt Djala, and the naming scheme is similar to many canon characters in the game:
Arianna, Dace, Harmonious Jade, Panther, Swan
Tepet Ejava (The Roseblack), Mnemon, Tepet Arada, Cynis Denovah Avaku of Ways, Peleps Deled, Sesus Nagezzer (The Slug)
Anja Silverclaws, Madame Vert, Red Jaws, Strength of Many
Falling Tears Poet, The Lady of Darkness in Bloodstained Robes, The Maiden of the Mirthless Smile, The Seven Degreed Physician of Black Maladies, The Disciple of the Seven Forbidden Wisdoms
Black Ice Shadow, Crimson Banner Executioner, Shepherd of the Norht Star, Iron Siaka
May Blossom
Shikuzi the Weaver, Dilari of the Sea Foam, Neshi of the Double Whips, The Laughing Boy
Dreadful Adjudicator of Law, Lissome Avid Engineer, Fair-Spoken Rishi, Ecessively Righteous Blossom, Stern Whip of Industry
Captain Gyrfalcon, Sulumor (The Wan Stravorphore), Cearr, Bitter Copal, Manosque Cyan

I also always told myself, if I ever get a second account, it'll be @Everpresent Cacophony, or something similar



take a guess go on! you know you want too!!
for those that dont vampire the masqurade toreador is a vampire clan that loves all form of beauty and art.



Originally Posted by Toreador View Post
take a guess go on! you know you want too!!
for those that dont vampire the masqurade toreador is a vampire clan that loves all form of beauty and art.
And is cursed to be entranced by beautiful things, and to be unable to create beauty.



Ahhh Radmind.... one of the most uncreative names ever! First he was an in game toon that started as a Mind/Rad Controller. I didn't really like it, so I re-rolled him into a Kin/Rad.

Rad was my 2nd 50 and was the toon that introduced me to more people in COX. To me the name Radmind is more about the memories it brought than the name itself. So thats why its my Global name and Forum handle.

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Named after my third created character (the first two got deleted at around level 5 since I didn't like the theme).

He was, originally, more of a saturday morning kids cartoon villain so I needed something slightly cheesy, since every mad scientist is a Doctor, that was the first choice. Went through a list of names, came down to two Dr Todlich (Deadly in German) and Dr Mechano (a well known kids construction set), Dr Deadly sounded a bit too sinister for a bumbling, inept mad (big emphasis on the mad, he was a complete fruitloop when I initially RP'd him including insults which made no sense to anyone but himself such as "you sir, are a lawnmower!") scientist.

Thus Dr Mechano, mad scientist specialising in all things mad and sciencey, tormentor of the hero Britannic!



I used "Pep Cat" as my forum name after discovering what would be my main character for the time: Peppermint Cat.

I think I have it on a few other game boards, though I don't post very often elsewhere. I've also used "Pep" or "Peppy" as names for quite a few GameBoy and DS games.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Well, back when I first started in gaming in the "Doom" and "Wolfenstein" days, I was mainly into FPS games... I would always save my games with something really "hardcore" sounding, like "MurderOne," "MurderTwo," "MurderThree," etc.

So, when the games Diablo II and Unreal Tournament came out, and I started actually playing online with "other people" instead of all the single-player games I'd grown accustomed to, I just continued to use that first name (MurderOne) as my handle.

I've had the handle "MurderOne" for years and years, and my first toon I ever created in City of Heroes (an elec/elec Blaster) was named "MurderOne." I even named *most* of the rest of my toons with the handle "One" in it, in the tradition of MurderOne, and so people would be able to associate whatever toon I was on with the same person playing it (thus, how I used to sign out "The One"). Over time however, I wound up playing my Kheldians AlienOne and VestigeOne way more than I did MurderOne, so I re-named my global handle to "AlienOne."

Most people in the game and on the forums know me as "Alien", which fits nicely with my favorite AT types to play (Kheldians), so I just stick with that.

Besides, there are waaaaaaaay too many "MurderOne" imitators out there now...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



My forum handle is my namesake first character make during the CoH beta. The inspiration for character came from the character creation screen where you pick the character model, heigh, physique, etc. I saw the glowy energy form of the model, and I thought (said) I want THAT to be my costume. I can't tell you how disappointed I was then I couldn't get that as a costume. But the character being an energy being stuck with me.

I wanted a simple character to play so I could focus on learning how the game worked and how MMORPGs worked. Being CoH was my first MMORPG that caught my attention and held. A Tanker sounded simple enough. They are tough and punch villain, and I like Bricks as heroes. Picking powers for an energy being, Energy Melee looked like a nice fit. And Invulnerability sounded perfect for a Brick.

Now for the costume, I saw I could spend hours in the costume designer especially since I stink at that type design work. But I wanted to get into the game ASAP. I settled in the Metallic costume theme, picked Blue a the main color (my favorite). Black as a secondary color and the Blend pattern. For the head? Full Helmet, nice and simple. And finally onto the name.

Another thing I stink at: picking good names. I settled for being not so creative and picked "Fusion" as the character name. But to my consternation, the name "Fusion" was already taken. So I tried out various hominyms and psudeo-names. 'Fuzun' popped out and I liked it. Then click Enter Paragon City. So the tutorial, and then finally into Atlas Park with the glorious view and background music. What a magic feeling....

Fuzun was to be just a throw away character. Get my feet wet, learn the basics and them go create a "real" character. But overtime, I got to like the big lug. I like him so much, I re-rolled him on the first day of head start. And he went on to become my first level 50. He dinged during evening of Thanksgiving in 2004. (And also got me access to Kheldians...Issue 3 had just hit the Test Server earlier that week. And that's a whole other story....)



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
For the same reason endless crap about Nostradamus' prophesies and people hunting for UFOs and Big Foot are on my History Channel - TV execs suck.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I got Starflier as an in-game name after finding out Starfire was gone. Turns out Starfire is a comic character although I didn't know it at the time. Starflier has been my global since I4

The Starflier is the first ship you get in the game Freelancer. A solid, dependable little ship to start you out.

I use it in a few places.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I've had a number of handles on the Internet over the years.

My first, back in the primordial days of the early 90s, when CompuServe was actually pretty cool, was "corpore metal" which I took from the brilliantly satiric paper based RPG, Paranoia. "Are you a happy citizen? Unhappy citizens will be used for reactor shielding. Serve the Computer!" I still use this handle on occasion, just dig around on the Web and you'll probably find stuff I posted under it.

In the mid to late 90s, I took the handle "Mr. Farlops" which I swiped from a tune by a wonderful 3rd wave ska band called Dr. Calypso. Why? BECAUSE SKA IS THE UNDYING MUSIC THAT WILL BURY US ALL! Yes, I still use this handle or variations of it in lots of cases.

But "synthozoic?" That one I recently decided to use. It's a mangled Greek coinage, perhaps in reference to the geological eras we're all familiar with--mesozoic, cenozoic, paleozoic and so on. Literally it means "made life" or better, "artificial life." The silly science fictional idea I'm trying to get across with it is that we have entered a new era of life on this planet. Eventually there will be robots that can make copies of themselves, that can think. Soon there will be artificial cells built from lipids and proteins made from amino acids not found in nature. Soon life and mind will designed and built from scratch in processes no more god-like than rebuilding a car.

Or at least that's the way I see things going. And it's kinda fitting for a game about superheroes, right?

No, I haven't yet built a toon around the name synthozoic, but i have made a toon called Mr. Farlops!

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Originally Posted by Haruu View Post
Way back in the days of old, we had no graphics in our MMO's. We called them MUDs, MUSHs, MUCKs, and MOOs amongst other things. In these times, if you wanteted a semi RP game online (generally because you were having trouble finding a good RP group offline), you'd pull out your trusty 56k (or less) modem, and tie up a phoneline for hours. Some people used Play-By-Post, some used Telnet. I was one of these Telnet people. As the MUDs died to the MMO Dreadnought, my trusty 56k Modem had to be replaced by the mythical 10/100 Ethernet Card.
Ooo... you had 56k when you started?! When I first used Siolfir online it was at 1200 baud, and we liked it! Hey, you kids, get off my lawn! But I played on a MUD for a bit over 10 years before deciding to stop playing online games about a month before a friend bought a copy of CoV for me just after i7 was released...

Siolfir is (one of) the Old English spellings of silver, and was first used (by me at least) as an NPC name in a AD&D (not-really-1st-ed, but not using the 2nd edition books either) Dragonlance campaign (can you guess what the NPC was? The players couldn't...). When I saw it sitting in the entymology I thought it looked like a suitable "fantasy" type of name, so I stole it.

I've used it through various incarnations online, and while I may not play them often on CoH I have a Siolfir on every server of some build or another - the highest level being a level 39 DM/SR Scrapper that hasn't been played in 3 months.

And no, I don't have a twitter account - if you google siolfir you'll see some jerk stole my name! It's not the first time, either - I used to get a lot of junk email from various siolfir @ pick-a-free-email-provider due to webspiders picking it up.

But I've been using it online since the early 1990s, and I'm not going to stop just because of some copycats.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.