Tell us about your forum handle!

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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Ooo... you had 56k when you started?! When I first used Siolfir online it was at 1200 baud, and we liked it! Hey, you kids, get off my lawn! But I played on a MUD for a bit over 10 years before deciding to stop playing online games about a month before a friend bought a copy of CoV for me just after i7 was released...

Siolfir is (one of) the Old English spellings of silver, and was first used (by me at least) as an NPC name in a AD&D (not-really-1st-ed, but not using the 2nd edition books either) Dragonlance campaign (can you guess what the NPC was? The players couldn't...). When I saw it sitting in the entymology I thought it looked like a suitable "fantasy" type of name, so I stole it.

I've used it through various incarnations online, and while I may not play them often on CoH I have a Siolfir on every server of some build or another - the highest level being a level 39 DM/SR Scrapper that hasn't been played in 3 months.

And no, I don't have a twitter account - if you google siolfir you'll see some jerk stole my name! It's not the first time, either - I used to get a lot of junk email from various siolfir @ pick-a-free-email-provider due to webspiders picking it up.

But I've been using it online since the early 1990s, and I'm not going to stop just because of some copycats.
You make me miss Kender Illusionists running around in Planscape's Sigil. Too bad the door to Ravenloft was opened.... such a sad day.



Gorgar was a pinball machine from '78 or so. It was the first one with speech. Very limited speech, about six words, but it was still cool. And, Helloween did a song about it. Chorus included "Gorgar will eat you". Couldn't resist it when I was going through my music collection looking for character name inspirations.

There's been a long line of handles before this one, and I wouldn't mind switching to a new one, but this works.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Rusted Metal refers to all the metal implants I ended up after 10 years in the military.

A friend of mine commented that at the rate I was going, I'd end a cyborg, and I snarked that they'd probably build me out of rusted scrap metal.

So I use that nowadays.

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)



The origin of my name goes way back to when I was first introduced to the wonderful world of the MMORPG. Star Wars: Galaxies.

You see, SWG had(has?) a random name generator, and when it came for making my first character I let it pick the name for me. It came up with Imeba Vil'Lan. Well I didn't like Imeba, sounded too much like amoeba. Changing the e to an o though just rang right in my ears.

Imoba left such a great impression on me (Still my favorite avatar I ever made, even if the game he was in was lackluster) that I used his name as my handle ever since.

Well that or on the rare occasion, Llawan, who was my second SWG character...

EDIT: forgot to add that I decided against using Vil'Lan in CoH because it sounded an awful lot like villain, I chose Strife because I rolled a scrapper and it seemed appropriate.



The name? It was very late and I was working on the long background history of a story, nothing even related to the current events, just some myth that'd be involved later. I needed a name that had 'dark' qualities to it, but Drak sounded too vampiric and too short, so I started sounding out some endings with it and settled with Drakmarth. A later irony is that everyone ingame, friends and randoms, seems to call me Drak and its become a nickname for the character himself.

When I got City of Heroes & Villains a few years ago, I decided it'd be fun to reuse the characters I'd already created and 'see' them, oddly enough the characters of the story's present fell to the wayside and the three historical characters, Drakmarth being the most prevalent - the Sun of my entire character universe.

And as such a massive force, my real name has no meaning on the Internet anymore, Drakmarth is the name I use from my PS3\360\PSP\DS to the Global account of another MMO, all because if its named Drakmarth, its gotta be me. Seriously even google agrees! (Inc. any references to Dingo Jett, a jokey name I used some places. But minus the youtube videos featuring DraK playing as Marth in Super Smash Bros.)

Anyway, moral of the story kids: Watch what you do late at night, one day you're coming up with a mythologic lesson of two brothers at odds and the destruction they reap in an effort to stop one another to relate to the present and the next thing you know the brothers are ripping up a digital city in some MMO and now spawned an army of tied in characters to fill your imaginative mind with stories and tales and woe.

@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
Avatar by S. Wall
#415877 - An Uncivil War: Preclude - Looking for Feedback




Only part of the full name: Brus Calibre, my main Space Master character from back in the 80s; the campaign run by my best friend. Yes, a TT game put out by Iron Crown.

He was a serious d---, space marine, psionic mercenary. To this day if I mention this character's name to my friend he starts having shivering fits. Yeah, I was THAT bad heh.

Been using it for years now. The other handle is 'Lambent', my main fire/fire/fire Blaster which I have had since mid-beta of this game.




Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Tell us about your forum handle!

Where did you come up with it?
Have you always used the same one?
How about on different boards?
There's a bit of a story behind Turgenev.

Back during my first foray in multiplayer gaming, I was a Descent II player (around 1994-96). We used a few online gaming BBSes back then, along with direct-dial hookups organized on Usenet, and ultimately Kali (an IPX emulator). My very first handle was "Virago", but I got tired after the first few matches with everyone confusing my name for "Virgo".

So, I toyed with a few more handles as I got myself up to speed. By the time Kali 1.2u rolled out, I wanted something straightforward and frankly meaner than nails. Well, I was fresh outta college back then, and I'd done some world literature that covered Ivan Turgenev, i.e., the father of Russian literary nihilism. And so, in 1995, I named myself... Nihilist, and joined the Wildcards ( for Descent II.

I ran with the WC for about 3-4 years, and had a blast. Kept the handle Nihilist for about 6 years for Descent, Freespace, Quake II, and a few other games I don't remember very clearly.

Around 2002, I picked up Jedi Knight II, and was looking for a new gaming crew. I'd burned some bridges with the WC (their "leader" when I'd left at the time was an utter spooge), and I was looking for a more adult-oriented experience. I shopped around a bit, but it was during a saber duel tournament that I rolled up vs a dude named Aoshi, who was with the IRON Brigade. Seemed very nice, so he gave me the recruitment pitch, and I joined.

I was still running with the tag "Nihilist" back then, but after 7-8 years of using it, I was tired of it. So I figured, "why not be the father of nihilism himself?" I applied under the name "Turgenev".

Took that name from JKII, to Sony's Planetside in 2003, where I wrote my first "Turg Fiction" short stories and novellas (my big one, "Dissection", was advertised by Sony on their website for a while). Except for the WC, "Turg" is how most people know me nowadays, both in gaming and in personal life. (Hell, even my fiancee calls me "Turg" on her blog.) Fast forward to 2009, and Turg fits like a deerskin glove.

I think this one's a keeper now.



Hmm, you played JK2? Nice. Still think that one got saber combat the best. No fancy schmancy junk, just red, blue, yellow, and skill.

I think by the time me and my brother got into it, the online scene was already winding down. Your tenure probably didn't overlap with ours, although for some reason the name 'Aoshi' sounds familiar. I was never spectactularly good at it, though my brother was one of the better duelists for a while. (neither one of us could shoot to save our lives, though!) Was a really good game, even though I never did finish the single player part due to a serious overdose of endless pits (that kind of stuff makes me dizzy, even in video games ).

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



This is just about the only place where I have managed to get just Basilisk as my handle, the other being my SG's forum. Usually, I go around as BasiliskXVIII.

So, why Basilisk? Well, I used to go by a different handle when I first started using it, but then back in my first year of University, all my friends got into playing Starcraft. I'm not sure why, but I was just getting bored of my usual handle so I decided to change. My best friend was using the name "Chimaera", so I decided to switch to something mythological to fit alongside him. I figured things like dragons would be out since they were too common, and I didn't want something too sissy like unicorns. I nearly ended up as Manticore (just as well I didn't- I wouldn't have been able to keep it here!), but then I remembered the Magic: The Gathering deck I had just recently completed and was having a lot of fun with. It featured basilisks a-plenty. Thicket Basilisks, Stone-Tongued Basilisks. All to take out scads of enemies with a few nasty critters. So, I went with Basilisk, appended XVIII, the roman numeral of my age at the time, and went to town.

It's lasted me through 4 e-mail addresses, Diablo 2, WoW, CoH, Starcraft, among many others, and I have no intention of letting it go.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



I found some character concept art if anyone wants to see...



Guardian of Cocytus is the name of my Ice/Ice Dom on Protector. Going with the ice theme, I wanted just "Cocytus" as a name, but it was already taken. (Cocytus is the frozen lake in the 9th circle of hell from Dante's Inferno). So, I settled on "Guardian of Cocytus." Don't know why I picked that particular toon as the name for my forum handle out of all of the toons I have (I'm an alta-holic). I guess I just liked the name a lot :-)



It's my global handle and my first character. That simple

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I really like the tiger, who is named after the philosopher...

The _NA is not supposed to be there.

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



i started of as HardRider cos i have a flaming skull with swords going through its mouth with the name hardrider under it. but over time its changed to Dr HR short version for Dr Holocaust Reaper



I've played CoX for a long time, but I retired my old account and started a new one. Most of my toons are themed, normally along the terms of gryphon, so I shortened it and there you go. I also changed my global to it, since my first toon with this new account was an ice/ice blaster..



Originally Posted by Hobbes_NA View Post
I really like the tiger, who is named after the philosopher...

The _NA is not supposed to be there.
Send a mail to asking them to change it and it should disappear.

Carnifax was a pseudo-random name made up when I was staring at the Character Name screen for my Illusion/Stormie main. I say pseudo-random because I used to play Tyranids in Warhammer 40k and came within 1 vowel of unconciously infringing their copyright. It fits a tiny demon character pretty well though.



Back in the day, I used to play the Yugioh card game. In a chat room I used to go to I used the handle "ToonBarrelDragon" (which was related to the card game). People started calling me Toon and the name stuck and I kept using it. Flashforward to I6 when I first signed up, I discovered my coveted name "Toon" was a popular word for "character" in MMO's (COX being my first MMO) so I added a Y to the end and I've been using Toony ever since.






After I got sick of my first character, I decided to start over fresh with a Dark/Dark defender, who received her powers from being covered in mysterious goo and exposed to moonlight, so I wanted a name which evoked images of light. Luminary was, obviously, taken, but I liked Lumin*, so I changed it to Luminara to feminize and personalize it.

Luminara died a horrible death of Monkey Gas overexposure some time back, then was recreated as a Rad/Dark... and I almost never play her. I should change my forum and global name to reflect my new main, Parthenia, but like cats, I react poorly to change. And I rather enjoy the puns that I can make with Luminara, like having a Lumiverse, with luminade, and being a lumitic, and the Lumidon, etc.

I only use Luminara here and on a moped forum.



Originally Posted by __Eh__ View Post
Woah woah! Not so much at one time. Gotta save some of that story for later.



My original forum handle was KunoichiKyochan (which was also my original global) but it was so freakin' long I wanted to change it. Then it was Kyochan, but everyone just calls me Kyo anyhow...and since Kyo was taken, DJKyo was my next choice, since I DJ for and occasionally have to post event announcements and such. Funny thing is, the toon "Kunoichi Kyo-chan" never even gets played any more...I don't think I've logged in on her for months except to move her to different dayjob locations. Most of my ingame friends know me as Snap, for my main, Snap Play. xD

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



The name of the first toon I made came from an article on Penelope Cruz, but was not in English and the writer used Penolope. My forum handle though was Penny. When globals came out, there were some grumblings between the global names and forum names being different (and I should have ignored ) . Since I couldn't switch to @Penny, I made @PennyPA (the PA is for where I live) which was free as a global and forum name. Hehe, not the most exciting.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Woah woah! Not so much at one time. Gotta save some of that story for later.
My sincere apologies!
I should have realized that the abundance of information might be a tad much for most to comprehend.
I shall try to be a wee more precise in the reasoning behind my (obviously well thought out) nickname in the forums we are currently inhabiting.

Once, when I was a young lad, I bought a marvellous machine for the time for an amount of money that would now seem insane. In fact it was an insane amount of money back then already. It was also the very first machine that I used to go out and visit BBS's with. Ah, the days where you would take hours to download zipped images of DOOM disks, only to find you had to redownload disk 3 again after two hours...
I had a handle then that I honestly don't recall, it was silly though.

Then came better machines, better internetconnections (that by the way still cut you off from the rest of the world unless you had two phonelines in the house or ISDN) and I became more aware of the world around us. Internet Explorer in it's earliest form was awesome, opening a page and waiting three minutes for 256 color images to show, life was grand. But I was not alone out there. The first realization that my imagination was somewhat lacking started to show on opening forums (which in its proper form should be called fora, but that's besides the point) where I would want to post a reply. Names were taken, and not being able to think of proper original names, I was at a loss. I did however keep the strength to not turn to drugs!

At one point internet became a constant. Cable internet and ADSL opened the world to all and insane speeds came about. I entered the world of MMO's with Anarchy Online, a brand new experience for tall me and I adopted the name Oldscotch in there. A name that was not in use and was derived from the presence of a bottle of the stuff sitting next to me on the table. Eventually tired of people calling me old (even though I do realize that time does not halt, even for me) I left that name behind and became something different. It became Pinkfreak. I shall not explain the reasoning behind that one, having thought it up being intoxicated by the live version of my old nickname. Having had a lot comments on that name and being hit on occasionally by people thinking the pink meant I'd be a girl (mhehehe) it became time for something new. A new game came by and suddenly my global was formed after after my first ever 50 villain. Yes, the game was City of Villains and in it, I was a mad woman mastermind commanding the dead. Obviously with the pink in the back of my mind, I didn't want to go there again.

So there I was. Sitting. Staring at a screen, hands hovering over a keyboard as I tried to think of a fitting forumhandle.
I drew a blank. The few enlightened moments I encountered apparently came about because the person that was in the light had stepped away, along with the name that hovered there.
Time passed by. Cobwebs started forming between fingers, making me look like a big fish type figure. But that was taken already. All that swarmed through my mind, by now at wee hours in the night, was an echoing 'Eh' and even that was impossible.
In a stroke of genius or cafein induced moment of wisdom I realized that underscores were characters. And lo and behold, it worked!

So there.. not much of a story I'll admit, but that's more or less the short version of my previous post about my handle..



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Hmm, you played JK2? Nice. Still think that one got saber combat the best. No fancy schmancy junk, just red, blue, yellow, and skill.
Totally agree. Simple and fast and furious. I loved Force Push and being on Bespin... or having a fast repeater rifle, and just Force Speed in Canyon Oasis...

Re: Aoshi. Oddly, the day I was accepted, he ended up leaving IRON. So a great experience, but when he dropped off, I was kinda left in a loop for a couple of days before Reptile (now Ravenous) took over the team helm. And then things just got fun from there.

(Just searched for "Aoshi Jedi Knight"... found a bunch of Youtube vids of him. Yeah, this is what I had to fight with back in the day... He's insane...)



I've just checked my e-mail, and has sent me a messaeg saying there closing a big chunk of their servers, including Scylla which is the birthplace of my handle.

I havent played SWG in years. Still I have a sensation of loss