Tell us about your forum handle!

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by __Eh__ View Post
My sincere apologies!
I should have realized that the abundance of information might be a tad much for most to comprehend.
I shall try to be a wee more precise in the reasoning behind my (obviously well thought out) nickname in the forums we are currently inhabiting.

Once, when I was a young lad, I bought a marvellous machine for the time for an amount of money that would now seem insane. In fact it was an insane amount of money back then already. It was also the very first machine that I used to go out and visit BBS's with. Ah, the days where you would take hours to download zipped images of DOOM disks, only to find you had to redownload disk 3 again after two hours...
I had a handle then that I honestly don't recall, it was silly though.

Then came better machines, better internetconnections (that by the way still cut you off from the rest of the world unless you had two phonelines in the house or ISDN) and I became more aware of the world around us. Internet Explorer in it's earliest form was awesome, opening a page and waiting three minutes for 256 color images to show, life was grand. But I was not alone out there. The first realization that my imagination was somewhat lacking started to show on opening forums (which in its proper form should be called fora, but that's besides the point) where I would want to post a reply. Names were taken, and not being able to think of proper original names, I was at a loss. I did however keep the strength to not turn to drugs!

At one point internet became a constant. Cable internet and ADSL opened the world to all and insane speeds came about. I entered the world of MMO's with Anarchy Online, a brand new experience for tall me and I adopted the name Oldscotch in there. A name that was not in use and was derived from the presence of a bottle of the stuff sitting next to me on the table. Eventually tired of people calling me old (even though I do realize that time does not halt, even for me) I left that name behind and became something different. It became Pinkfreak. I shall not explain the reasoning behind that one, having thought it up being intoxicated by the live version of my old nickname. Having had a lot comments on that name and being hit on occasionally by people thinking the pink meant I'd be a girl (mhehehe) it became time for something new. A new game came by and suddenly my global was formed after after my first ever 50 villain. Yes, the game was City of Villains and in it, I was a mad woman mastermind commanding the dead. Obviously with the pink in the back of my mind, I didn't want to go there again.

So there I was. Sitting. Staring at a screen, hands hovering over a keyboard as I tried to think of a fitting forumhandle.
I drew a blank. The few enlightened moments I encountered apparently came about because the person that was in the light had stepped away, along with the name that hovered there.
Time passed by. Cobwebs started forming between fingers, making me look like a big fish type figure. But that was taken already. All that swarmed through my mind, by now at wee hours in the night, was an echoing 'Eh' and even that was impossible.
In a stroke of genius or cafein induced moment of wisdom I realized that underscores were characters. And lo and behold, it worked!

So there.. not much of a story I'll admit, but that's more or less the short version of my previous post about my handle..

5 star would read again



I like tea. I drink gallons of tea. Black, herbal, oolong, flavored, hot or iced. I am Tealeaf. I like tea.

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



Kith has been my name on many mucks for well over. . .well lets just say way too long. Unfortunatly when Kids in the Hall became a a big thing not to mention that love of all things Celtic it became increasingly harder to get Kith and since I am one of those dirrty furries and play a North American Porcupine I started using KithPine or KithDPine. (And in really rare causes KithUpine.)



Eisenzahn was my D&D character's name back in the late 80's. A lawful neutral rogue who operated as a state-sanctioned covert ops guy for the government of our campaign setting, until the lawful government was overthrown and he became public enemy number one to the usurpers. When he died in the final battle to restore the lawful order, a ninja academy was established by his descendents training "noble assassins" to protect the common people and to serve the state (provided the state continued to satisfy their requirements of honor). Each successive leader of that community earned the right to wield his dagger, from which his name (which is German for "Iron Fang") had originally been derived. He was widely rumored to have been a werewolf, although the GM and I were careful never to confirm that to the other players, and his descendents (several of whom I've played) have occasionally been saved from great peril by a huge ghostly wolf with scars matching those the original Eisenzahn had at the time of death.

When the Rise of the Zilart expansion was released for FFXI (shortly before the North America PC release of the game, but after I'd already talked myself and most of my friends into giving it a try), I was absolutely thrilled to see it appear on the list of names selectable for the Wyvern Pets of the Dragoon Class. I devoted a great deal of time and effort to the Dragoon class because of that, despite it noticably underperforming and being a ridiculous pain to get teams with as a result (in a game where Soloing was simply not an option for most).

In this game? He was my first villain, a Nin/Nin Stalker. His backstory there is almost unchanged from the D&D version. Former US Secret Agent, wetworks and security expert, gets burned by an administration change looking for a scapegoat to dump the previous people's mistakes on. Goes on the run, not so much to clear his name but to bring the ones who betrayed him down hard... even if it tears the entire rest of the government apart doing so. He's a lot of fun to roleplay, but he's from back when I played mostly on Justice and didn't know that Roleplayers were concentrated so heavily on Virtue. And sadly, the name is taken on Virtue so I can't just move him over.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Daimyo Shi is my internet handle from Yahoo., back in 96 I got my first E-mail account that was just mine, not shared with my dad. I been a big fan of Japanese Culture since about he age of Ten so I picked Daimyo after the titles of japanese lords in the Hieun period to the wnd of the Tokugawa period and Shi from the Comic book Character of the Same name who I must confest I had a Fanboy Crush on.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



My handle has nothing to do with CoX or any other game. It was acctually based on a nickname my ex-girlfriend gave me when we were going out years ago. We couldn't stand the usualy terms like "honey" or "dear", so we came up with some more origional ones. I called her "Ninja Lady" due to her habit of sneaking up on me, and she called me "Dark Angel" due to my long, dark hair and black wardrobe. Ultimately this evolved into our screen names, after translating them into Japanese..."Kunoichi" and "AkuTenshii". I added the "Zero" later on due to the origional being taken, based on my typical arcade high-score initials, "ZRO", which was in turn inspired by one of my favorite video game characters, Zero from Megaman X.

The name just stuck because it's so unusual it's always available. Since then I have always been "AkuTenshiiZero", or just "Zero" for short.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Guardian of Cocytus View Post
Guardian of Cocytus is the name of my Ice/Ice Dom on Protector. Going with the ice theme, I wanted just "Cocytus" as a name, but it was already taken. (Cocytus is the frozen lake in the 9th circle of hell from Dante's Inferno). So, I settled on "Guardian of Cocytus." Don't know why I picked that particular toon as the name for my forum handle out of all of the toons I have (I'm an alta-holic). I guess I just liked the name a lot :-)
Mender Cocytus is my Ice/Ice Tanker. Glad to see I am not the only one who knows about Hell.



Quite simple really. If you couldn't figure it out by where I have my 'Location' listed or my signature it's of course a Doctor Who reference. I'm 31 years old and started watching the Doctor in about 84 seeing for the very first time 'The Invasion of Time' with Tom Baker.

I was coming back from a Baltimore Oriole game with my father and mother and bored out of my mind. They couldn't find a babysitter and my father really wanted to see the game so they took me with them. I didn't like baseball that much as a kid (not much even now... more of a football man) and when I got home I was feeling poorly too because when I was a child I got carsick very easily and puked my guts up to and from the stadium since Baltimore is over 60 miles from where I live. So when I came home I had a shower and was so poorly I just laid on the coach and started hopping channels on the television to try and take my mind off how I was feeling.

Suddenly I switched to WMPT my local PBS channel and I saw this tall muscular man with a mop of thick curly hair, big shiny teeth and an impossibly long scarf running in and out of a blue Police Box and fighting aliens and traitors. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. That was my first introduction to Doctor Who and since then it followed me all my life. I got a collection of books, videos, dvds, props, and even had my mother knit me a scarf when I was a kid over 16ft long to look just like Tom Baker's

When I started using the Internet my user handle for all my accounts be it my ISP or signing up for a contest or game I always tried to use Time Lord but almost always it was taken. But I also knew that one of the names Gallifreians went by were Lords of Time. So that's what I adopted and over 11-14 years later I use the same name. My name on the Champions forums was Lord_of_Time as well as the Star Wars: Old Republic forums and so on and so forth. So chances are if you see a forum out there and there is a user by the name of LordofTime or Lord_of_Time or some variation it's me

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Well, there is something I am asked very infrequently...

Back in third grade, I got home from school in time to catch "Heavy Metal" on HBO in the afternoon (Kinda dating myself here.) Being very impressionable, and drawn to anything animated, I always loved finding it and watching that very movie. I finally got my own copy somewhere in 8th grade, and played it till it was ragged and I could recite every line in perfect iambic pentameter("Oh wow, good nyborg man." "Sternnn! he's nothing but a low-down, double-dealing, back-stabbing, larcenous, perverted ,worm. Hangings too good for em, burnings too good for em. He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!" ect...).

I always fancied myself to be an observant fellow, always finding hidden jokes and secret meanings everywhere. But it wasn't until I was 18 years old, and had just found a new vhs copy (Pre-special edition) when I suddenly clicked on the entendre of the cabbies name in the first segment. Ever since, I have used this name for forum handles, E-Mail names, even characters. Though I have used "Iacon" (Autobot base on Cybertron) on rare occasions, I will always be Harry Canyon or Uncle Harry to many.

And that is the genesis of my insanity...


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



I've always been Myopic Aardvark online.

It's Gamespy's fault. I wanted the online name Aardvark (they fascinate me!), but came far too later to the online world to get close to it. Their "naminator" gave me a list of choices and at the top of the list was "Myopic Aardvark".

Since I am short sighted, it seemed appropriate and that's it.

Nope, no matter how I tell that story, it's still boring.

I need to throw in some guns or explosions next time.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Where did you come up with it?
Have you always used the same one?
How about on different boards?
When I joined the forums I used the name Cristy Crush. She was one of my earlier real creations (first incarnation was a grav/kin troller around Aug/Sep '04) and when I turned her into an Inv/EM tank right after Halloween, I took her to 50 over the next four months. Since I was generally known for that toon, it made sense for me to go ahead and use that name for the forums and my global handle.

Around this time I started changing my online name. The old one wasn't meaning as much to me and I felt it was time to leave it behind. In high school, I felt like a ghost. It's something that has followed me since. I also took German in high school, so Ghost became Geist.
Heulengeist was one of my earliest Heroes. His name is basically one of those horrible Babelfish translations for "Howling Spirit/Ghost". He was unique at the time and still is. He was the first character I made that had a story and that story came almost instantly as I was designing the costume. He's still unique now as all of his remakes have become part of his story. When the first winter event came, Heulengeist was reborn as a Fire/Kin troller. After Cristy Crush hit 50, I moved on to Heulengeist and he hit 50 the day Issue 4 was released.

As time went on I started to realize that the Cristy Crush name tag was starting to attract some unwelcome and perverted attention. It also was getting awkward with some of the friends I had made in the game. It was time for a change to stop the confusion. I just wasn't sure what to change the name to. I tried many different forum names to see if I could find one that seemed right. Wanted to test there before making the global name change since you only got one shot on that.
One day I was playing Heulengeist and I started to notice that I had designed the character around myself. I based his physical appearance on mine (but, you know, in shape and then some) and I was creating a personality for him that was essentially mine. I had basically made a character that was me and I enjoyed the product. I changed my forum and global name and all is well.

Since then I have used Heulengeist for email, a couple free flash game sites, and one other forum. One plus side is nobody uses it, so it's pretty much a given that the name will be mine.



When I first registered for the boards, I kept changing my name. Eventually, in the midst of reading an early flame war, I decided that having an insult as my name would mean that there wouldn't be much worse that someone could say to me. Perhaps it would mean that they might even address the content of my post.

So I decided on Stupid Fanboy, which still provides occasional fun when people say "thanks, Stupid!"

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Well mine happened when one of my toons from a different game got banned for something i didn't do, but that's a different topic, so i had to make a new guy. In this game there were tutors that just came out so i made guy to be the "king of all tutors" But knowing me i misspelled my name and then came Tuter King. After like three years as playing as Tuter King i liked it and kept it. When i came to this game and finally made my forum handle i had to but _ in it for the space and i guess i forgot to caps my name. that is how i have my forum handle.