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  1. Heulengeist

    Simple Survey

    I'm game for a survey.

    Player Name: Heulengeist

    Character Stats: Lvl 50 Grav/Storm Controller

    1) What’s in a name? : Heulengeist's name is actually rather unremarkable and to some people the origin is kinda stupid too. Routinely I make names for my characters based around their power sets (example, a Dark/Ice defender named Nether Cryonics Rep). When I first created Heulengeist he was a Storm/Psy defender. I had a theme for him (special forces soldier) and felt he'd use his codename for his hero name. I studied german in high school and I still like to play with it. I settled on Howling Spirit and babelfished it. Heulengeist.

    2) What’s in a job? : I like playing a controller because I can turn crazy groups into useless groups and make sure that the one super pest in that group is totally shut down and not a threat. With my buff/debuff secondary, I also speed the team along as we wipe out the enemy even faster. My damage isn't too great, but I contribute what I can in that sense and it does help.

    3) What’s in a game?: I've enjoyed this game for years. I've never been a big fan of the whole elves/dwarfs/etc. universe that can be found in other games. I found this game a nice change from many of the other games I had been playing (RTS, FPS, dungeon crawls). I also had the fun of experiencing this new world with my best friend.

    4) What’s in a story?: There are many stories in this game. Been here long enough that I've experienced too many to remember. They are also hard to relate to people and retain their interesting points. Many of the interesting moments in this game come from new experiences, familiarity and, often time, frustration. Usually it's things that break the norm that create the hilarious and interesting moments.

    5) What’s in a friend?: I joined the game with a friend and we both still have active accounts. We both have been playing less as of late (sometimes you need a break). I've also made friends in game over the years. A few still play but I've seen many disappear as they quit. The few SGs I am apart of are made of these friends.

    6) What got you into MMOs: I never really cared about MMOs over the years. I watched my brother play EverQuest and I didn't care. When the summer began and my classes ended my friend picked up City of Heroes. I watched him play that first day and it just seemed cool to me. The next day I went out and picked up a copy. I was instantly hooked. I enjoyed the new world to explore, the theme, and doing it all with a friend.

    7) What new MMO are you looking forward to?: I don't really care for other MMOs that much still. The only other exception has been Guild Wars. As Guild Wars Two is being developed and shown off, I am looking forward to how it will turn out.
  2. That wasn't chicken you ate...while pantless
  3. On multiple servers I made a tank named Cristy Crush(back then this was my main) and almost all of those have been logged off for 1739 days.
    For a character I actually played, I have one named CowrdlyWussMage(name limit back then sucked) that has been off for 1682 days.
  4. Variety? Yes! Alternate? Yes!
    Personally, staring at the Ice Armor ice cubes for a while doesn't really excite me, so I like the idea of having an option.
    I'm fine with Ice Control, but once again...Variety? Yes!
  5. I've always wanted the Security Chiefs to have a little more purpose without your contacts sending you all across the city. This sounds like a great way to do that.

    Also, ditto on BBQ Pork's suggestion.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DRAIDE View Post
    Where is this whining coming from?
    Probably the same people that were complaining about people in a badging channel being interested in badging the other day.

    I am fine with Triumph being the pantless server and staying that way.
  7. Merry Xmas Triumph and a Happy New Year...except Karl..

    Because he proved we need spoiler tags.

    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    I just found out Santa isn't real.

    How can my Christmas be Merry now?!?!
    Now this holiday is shot.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    *pushes false Delrune out of the way*

    Welcome, Delrune.
    I am delrune!!
    *Grabs megaphone*

    Do not believe this so called Delrune! Doppelgänger be gone!
  9. Looks like I'm Delrune. Didn't realize I lived a secret life on the forums.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    Where did you come up with it?
    Have you always used the same one?
    How about on different boards?
    When I joined the forums I used the name Cristy Crush. She was one of my earlier real creations (first incarnation was a grav/kin troller around Aug/Sep '04) and when I turned her into an Inv/EM tank right after Halloween, I took her to 50 over the next four months. Since I was generally known for that toon, it made sense for me to go ahead and use that name for the forums and my global handle.

    Around this time I started changing my online name. The old one wasn't meaning as much to me and I felt it was time to leave it behind. In high school, I felt like a ghost. It's something that has followed me since. I also took German in high school, so Ghost became Geist.
    Heulengeist was one of my earliest Heroes. His name is basically one of those horrible Babelfish translations for "Howling Spirit/Ghost". He was unique at the time and still is. He was the first character I made that had a story and that story came almost instantly as I was designing the costume. He's still unique now as all of his remakes have become part of his story. When the first winter event came, Heulengeist was reborn as a Fire/Kin troller. After Cristy Crush hit 50, I moved on to Heulengeist and he hit 50 the day Issue 4 was released.

    As time went on I started to realize that the Cristy Crush name tag was starting to attract some unwelcome and perverted attention. It also was getting awkward with some of the friends I had made in the game. It was time for a change to stop the confusion. I just wasn't sure what to change the name to. I tried many different forum names to see if I could find one that seemed right. Wanted to test there before making the global name change since you only got one shot on that.
    One day I was playing Heulengeist and I started to notice that I had designed the character around myself. I based his physical appearance on mine (but, you know, in shape and then some) and I was creating a personality for him that was essentially mine. I had basically made a character that was me and I enjoyed the product. I changed my forum and global name and all is well.

    Since then I have used Heulengeist for email, a couple free flash game sites, and one other forum. One plus side is nobody uses it, so it's pretty much a given that the name will be mine.
  11. I've had similar issues with a couple toons.

    My first 50 was an Inv/EM tank and I loved playing her. Even after all GDN/ED I loved playing her. Then Issue 13 came out and my friend and I made new toons. He made a BS/Shield scrapper, I made a Shield/Ice tanker. A couple weeks later we were 50 and my Inv/EM tank just didn't seem that interesting to me anymore. I still bring her out from time to time, but usually it's day job moving or just a mission.

    I also have a MA/EA stalker. Coincidentally my first lvl 50 villain. At times it's been a chore leveling her, but I have enjoyed the stalker style and the butt kicking I can do. I then made an Elec/SR stalker. It only took a few play sessions before I realized how awesome it was. My other stalker only moves around for day jobs now. Nothing else. I'd delete her if I didn't have a sentimental attachment for my first 50 villain. Especially after it took almost two years to get her there.
  12. There's also a difference in mitigation from the primary.

    Electric/Shields has Thunderstrike, Lightning Rod and Shield Charge. All are strong AoE attacks and all have knockdown. They will be knocking down quite a few mobs and those mobs will most likely be aggroed, leaving only a few under the aggro cap actually attacking.

    Spines only slows enemies. Ripper is the only attack that offers knockdown, but only does so to 5 targets max.

    If you mix that with the various mitigation Shields has (Def, Res, +HP, -Dam) and who knows what types of set bonuses.
    EA only offers a little heal on Energy Drain to go with it's Def based powers.

    Brutes also have about 300 more HP base at lvl 50, so they can take more damage and even base regeneration is giving them more life back.
  13. Heulengeist

    Thank you Leo!

    Originally Posted by KatzeDrache View Post
    Believe me, it was already good and started.
    Holy crap that's a name I haven't seen in a long time
  14. Male here and I have more female characters than male.

    On my main server, Triumph

    Female - 15
    Male - 3

    Across all servers
    Female - 50
    Male - 22

    My reasons are similar to DarkEther's list above.

    Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
    1. I feel like I can come up with better costumes for females, generally.

    2. I think the model moves more smoothly.

    3. I find it easier to come up with more punny names, which I like, that end up sounding better as a female name.

    4. If I'm gonna watch a bouncing rear for hours on end, it's not gonna be some dude's.
    I find that those ones definitely apply to why I make them. Another reason for some of my characters;
    5. IRL, I find that I make more friends that are female than male. Quite a few of them have given me bursts of inspiration(either in name, character or something they did/said) and it usually feels right for the inspired character to be female too.
  15. Assassin mask, Fingerless Gloves and Padded Gloves.
    On my female characters I tend to use Face 13 on multiple costumes. I usually have a costume that has robes or a jacket, unless it's a blazer, I go with Athletic for chest.
    All of my characters have a tights costume and I've been noticing that almost all of those tights costumes use Sharp for the pattern.
  16. Your target window is migrating towards the middle of the top?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    A really great place to farm is the Storm Palace, that place is wicked.
    I used to do laps of the palace on my Inv/EM tank. Not the greatest killing speed, but it was mostly easy, laid back fighting.

    On my DM/Reg scrapper I use the Psychic Clockwork outdoor map that Unai gives in his arc. They pose pretty much no threat to my scrapper.
  18. Heulengeist

    I'm leaving...

    Don't let him purple sit. He'll just raid your fridge and leave a note saying you need to buy more beer.
  19. Just noticed I can only give so much rep in a 24 hours period.

    Will get more of you in 24 hours!
  20. Heulengeist

    Just an idea....

    Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post

    Make a keyboard out of beef jerky!

    Now this is an idea! I looked it up on google and couldn't find anything about a keyboard made from jerky, but I did find a couple things made out of jerky.
    Beef Jerky Underwear
    Beef Jerky Business Cards
    Beef Jerky Purse

    Time to develop the JerKeyBoard!

    Gotta make it cost efficient though cause I'll be needing a new board every few days.
  21. Heulengeist

    Just an idea....

    Seems like whenever something is going on, it's when I'm eating dinner.

    I either need to eat faster or find another time for food.
  22. I haven't done that for a while (haven't walked along fences for a long time), but I remember this happening to me years ago.

    Unless something fixed it and then broke it, I'd have to lean on the "not new" side of it. I can see how it'd be annoying, though.
  23. I think it depends on what you mean by "Single target damage".
    If we're talking about burst, then EM is probably still tops when you look at what ET and TF can do in one shot.
    But then you have a set like DM. DM doesn't put out the giant orange number (Crit on MG and SM can be highly satisfying though) but it's a flurry of non-stop damage.

    Most of the other sets have some decent single target damage(Spines probably falls behind a bit) but run into resistance issues and some have more AoE mixed in instead of single target attack.
  24. Agreeing with the dislike of the merged forums.

    The Invention Forum was one I looked at every day, while the market forums I visited only once in a while.

    With the combination and people preferring one over the other, I see the potential for some lost, overlooked threads.

    Well, to be on the bright side, I'll look forward to seeing some new faces in the Invention threads and maybe I'll spend more time with the market threads.