Best farm mission outside AE?
Remember that freaks are getting an xp nerf in i16. Therefore while still a great mission it's not the best xp/min. Might be worthwhile for energy damage dealers though.
First, define "best." Some farm builds handle certain mob types better than others, so some people use "off the beaten path" missions. A Fire Armor character might use a mission full of Infernal's minions, for example (not Harvey's mission). A certain mission from Maria Jenkins full of Mother Mayhem's minions (and with MM herself in the back of the map) was popular among some Spines/Dark Scrappers, at least until that mission had a timer added to it in I12 or I13. Some people use Council/5th/Axis America missions.
You've already listed the major ones blueside at least, though it doesn't really matter since as soon as they have timers added or the mob XP gets nerfed (hello, Freakshow) people will move on to the next-best thing.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
One mission I never see mentioned in these lists is the one I use the most. It is given by Dark Watcher in RWZ, and it takes place in the shadow shard. The mission title is just "Investigate Rikti Base", and is the third mission in the Dark Watcher arc.
In the mission, there is an outside area that leads to a cave area. I've never gone in that cave . In the outside area, about the middle, there is a large platform that has 4 large (about 20) mobs packed in a tight formation.
When farming it, I do one group (rest/heal if necessary), then do the next group.
On the top part of the platform is a group with a Fake Nem, and slightly off to one side is an Elite Boss which is needed for the quest (that I've intentionally never completed). He will not agro unless you attack him or one of the few mobs linked to him. For farming purposes, you do not need to take him down, although I do sometimes.
The short version is that in about 4 fights, you take out roughly 80 mobs, will get around 50k in inf/inf, and I usually get 1-3 recipes, and about 8-10 pieces of salvage. Takes about 10 minutes.
If you can handle Nemesis,
TV: Liberate Television (Nemesis)
Black Scorpion: Investigate Nemesis Army in the Shadow Shard. (Nemesis) It's the second last mission in BS's 3rd arc. Both the top and bottom part of the platform are packed with mobs, at least 12 mobs with about 10 guys per mob. (I love farming this on my stone/wp brute)
Tavish Bell: Defeat Demons, Secure Cargo (CoT Demons)
If you can handle Nemesis,
TV: Liberate Television (Nemesis) Black Scorpion: Investigate Nemesis Army in the Shadow Shard. (Nemesis) It's the second last mission in BS's 3rd arc. Both the top and bottom part of the platform are packed with mobs, at least 12 mobs with about 10 guys per mob. (I love farming this on my stone/wp brute) |
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I haven't tried this but my assumption is that Nemesis LTs and their stacking Vengeance would be kryptonite to my Shield Defense Brute, right?
The shadow shard map can get a bit ugly which is why i usually run my stone/willpower brute and herd them up. I have almost a constant chain of Fault and Tremor keeping them stunned or on the ground. The most problems I have there is when the vengeance get's stacked 5-6 times
A really great place to farm is the Storm Palace, that place is wicked.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
A really great place to farm is the Storm Palace, that place is wicked.
I heard it's best with anything /SR, correct?
My Characters CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Unai's first mish is BP, not Freaks. Freaks is towards the end. Or at least on my arc, cause i just got it.
BP, if you can handle it, is awesome xp and drops.
I can't remember the arc holder but i ran a "crazed" farm that gave really good salvage drops.
A really great place to farm is the Storm Palace, that place is wicked.
On my DM/Reg scrapper I use the Psychic Clockwork outdoor map that Unai gives in his arc. They pose pretty much no threat to my scrapper.
Please disregard previous snarky post... CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar
I can't remember the arc holder but i ran a "crazed" farm that gave really good salvage drops. |
# Portal Crazed entities now have a Madness power which increases their To Hit chance and damage while reducing their defense.
# Portal Crazed entities experience and influence rewards reduced to 50% for minions, 40% for lieutenants and 33% for bosses. Their attacks are weak enough even with the Madness buff that they are a low risk for most heroes of the appropriate level

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Crazed folks just got buffed in their power and reduced in their XP on test.
# Portal Crazed entities now have a Madness power which increases their To Hit chance and damage while reducing their defense. # Portal Crazed entities experience and influence rewards reduced to 50% for minions, 40% for lieutenants and 33% for bosses. Their attacks are weak enough even with the Madness buff that they are a low risk for most heroes of the appropriate level |
Yeah, but I think that was under the MA section. It isn't all that clear whether that was including their regular outside of MA spawning as well...
Roffle? I do laps of the Storm Palace with no probs on my SR scrapper. There are no Overseers there--those are the ones that would slice through SR's defenses. There are only Brutes and Wisps. The main problem I have is that in the rare event an Honored Brute hits, he hits for something over 1300 points of damage so I have to be quick to use a green insp in that case.
Well, I just showed how long it's been since I was in the Shard.
I'll solo a Faathim with my Emp as a penance.
My Characters
One of my favourite things to do is take my shield/ss to the storm palace. Now I dont know why (but im sure there is a good reason?) but shield charge does not work on the "circuit" which slows me down a bit. But I can still wipe out the mobs pretty quick with fireball+footstomp.
I also sometimes summon a Vanguard HVAS to follow me round (Although Im not sure if these now spawn as level 50s instead of 54s in a recent patch which I doubt would last as long). Except it sometimes falls off - it doesnt die as you can still see it in your pet display but never comes back.....
Most people know about the basic missions but I'm sure there are some that are great but most people don't know about. I would like to create a list of these. If you can provide the contact and the mission name.
The ones I know of are:
Maria Jenkins:
Save the Warrior Clan's village
Defeat Battle Maiden and her minions
Harvey Maylor:
Defeat all villians in area (Demons)
Unai Kemen:
Take readings from the rupture (the first mission) (Freaks)