Tell us about your forum handle!

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Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Hence the 23?
Hail Eris!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I had worked for a few years in the printing trade and knew I wanted a single word name, but my 1st choice "Magenta" was already taken. I tried my favorite color Cyan... also taken, so I took the short-cut of adding a letter and Cyyan was born. She's my Main and my Badge-babe.

Now 54 months and 17 - 50s on 3 servers later I'm glad things worked out the way they did... although if anyone from Protector would like to give up the name "Magenta" I'd LOVE to hear from ya!

Travel Suppression is this game's worst feature, well that and MetaHumans riding mass transit like tourists at DisneyLand.



I have one.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Lost Ninja was my first fifty and is now my main online representation.

Back before I found CoH (EU Beta) I used a variety of different names, depending on what I was doing and how I wanted to present myself, mostly they were made up names either to express a point (SpelChek) or as some sort of tribute to another theme/meme/story (Incessant-Logic - Ian M Banks' Culture Novels).

When I first started playing CoH my forum name started as Incessant-Logic, was rapidly changed to my first main's name, Grendel. However shortly before i4 I rerolled Grendel my hideously borked Dark/Dark scrapper as Lost Ninja.

The name Lost Ninja is based on the game character The Last Ninja or more precisely to say on the fact that I was listening to a remix (from to the music from that game.

My 2nd account is now Ellen... which should be seen as LN which is often my out of game online nickname.

And 3rd account is Pyroclastic Ninja. Pyroclastic Flower was my 2nd 50 (IIRC) a Fire/Kin created way back when Fire/Kins were just another controller. Nowadays I spend more time playing controllers than I do on my scrappers so my third account bridges accounts 1 & 2 (Lost Ninja on 1 & Pyroclastic Flower on 2) to be Pyroclastic Ninja

((Though in fact Pyroclastic Ninja has yet to be renamed and is still PyroclasticNinja.))



I kinda wish I could change mine. I don't have any toons named Neg rogue or anything. Actually rogue was the class I played in WoW, and I just randomly added neg to the front for a reason I don't even remember...

If I could I'd change it to Kurugi since that's pretty much how I represent myself online nowadays.



Because I'm just a not so innocent bystander. My group of friends called me that fairly frequently many years ago. I also was known as dim, which is short for Dimension, which was the name I used on a BBS back in the late 80's and early 90's (and where I got to know most of my friends).

In the early days of the City forums, you could have as few as three characters as your name, and I had dim as my name, but somewhere in there it changed to as few as five, and when I had changed it briefly to something else, I found I couldn't change it back without underscores (and I just felt those looked really unsightly). So I switched to Bystander, and after I14 updated my global from dim to Bystander as well (since I might as well be consistant about it).



I've been SpaceNut (with numbers appended on larger communities) since the first time I created an AIM account sometime back in 98/99. I was super excited that I got the name without numbers here, although I still don't have a character named SpaceNut. I can't decide on what powersets he'd be...

Funny story: I tried to get SPACENUT on the back of a replica hockey sweater a couple years ago, but they were out of Ts. The guy suggested I get SPACEMAN instead, and I had to explain that it's not a description, it's a name.

...I forgot what experience means.



I like to cause chaos. I love to argue. If I haven't made at least 3 people confused in a day it hasn't been successful.

Not really; actually
Chaos Creator is the name of my second toon a fire/fire brute. I like the word Chaos. That brute never gets played anymore but the name was cooler than the name of my first toon ChaosCommander.

It is also my in game global.

My second account global is Chaos Almighty because I have a rather large ego.



I was running a HERO System game for some friends and my main hero was Synapse (they were villains) but that was taken.

After setting the gray matter in motion...Synapse, Neuron, Neuron-ia! Aha! There it is and it's incredible I still play her, given the difficulty I had early on (slotted one of each suggested enhancement type, thought Confuse was terrrible...) but Force Bolting grey cons kept me going until Containment hit the live servers.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Well, I've had three online names over the years. The first was rather childish, and I eventually swapped it out for a reference to a book series. I used that name for a good long time, but I decided I wanted a different name to use in counter strike - one people would be less likely to recognise and pester me about in the middle of a round. I decided that *this* name would reference my overriding passion in life - physics and astronomy, and so I decided to pick the name of an obscure particle. Thus, MuonNeutrino was born.

Neutrinos are weird, ghostly, almost massless particles that barely interact with normal matter. Muon neutrinos are the variety associated with the muon, a heavier cousin of the electron. I feel that it reflects me rather well. I am a huge geek - check. I am mostly a lurker, and extremely shy in RL - check. I am strange and full of obscure references - check.

Eventually, I decided that I didn't like my old name - said book series had long ended and my interest had waned, and I found that I *hated* what they had done to the characters in the subsequent series. Thus, whenever I signed up for something new (such as CoH), I used MuonNeutrino - although it is just my handle, I have no characters named that. Eventually I shortened it to just Muon in counterstrike, but everywhere else on the internet (bar one message board where I still have my old name) I am known as MuonNeutrino.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Mine is pretty simple, particularly if you're familiar with classic rock/pop from the late 60's early 70's.

If not, here's a hint

I have begun to use it for my user name on other sites but it's real origin as a gaming name goes back to Warhammer Fantasy roleplay. JW Bullfrog was a halfling with a spear and a bit of a manic streak. He became known for leaping attacks from high ground and earned the nickname of "halfling from above" (a reference to a similar maneuver from Battletech)

I have reserved JWB for use in game but probably wont go live until I16 comes around. Since I prefer controller/defender types having a smiling, squishy, friendly, name for a character seems fitting.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



MrCaptainMan was an NPC of mine when I GMed Games Workshops superhero PnP RPG Golden Heroes back in, er, 1985.

Finally seeing him actually 'in the flesh', as it were, 20 years later (he was my first toon and my first 50), was awesome



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
Hail Eris!
Hail Discordia!

Mr. Samoa was my favorite character. He wasn't my first (Blue Boulder) or my first 50 (Burrito Bandito), but I had a love for Samoa. The name is from Mr. Samoa's supergroup - Global Heroics - whose naming policy requires a Mr., Ms., or Mrs. and a country name. I chase Samoa.

You old-timers out there also probably remember the days of Anti-Catwhoorg, which is an obvious tie to Catwhoorg. No, it isn't that I'm 'against' Catwhoorg, or that I dislike him at all. It's that I am (or, rather, was) his evil opposite. It was a gimmick that worked for a while.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Kumquat View Post
Way back in elementary school, I wrote some silly story for class in which my annoying science teacher was actually an mad scientist from outer space that was going to destroy the earth as part of a crazy alien science experiment. However, I decided that blowing up the earth was too cliched, and so she would instead transform the planet into something weird. After pondering for a few moments, I said aloud, "Hmm... kumquats." The confused stares of the classmates around me were priceless, and I started using kumquats as the go-to funny-named fruit of choice for whatever situations I could fit it into, and it sort of stuck. Many years later, when confronted with the daunting task of creating a global name, Dr. Kumquat just seemed to fit, and even came up with an appropriately bizarre song detailing the Doctor's backstory and plans for global domination (involving genetically modified giant kumquats thrown from trebuchets) back when my friends had a band in highschool.
I totally want to hang with you now.

Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I have one.
I never thought you'd be on a sailboat!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Back around the time The Phantom Menace came out, I joined my first message board - the SirStevesGuide Star Wars forums. I wanted a Star Wars themed name, but I didn't want to go the same route as all the "Darth This" and "Obi-Wan That" members, so I tried to think of an obscur SW character that I liked.

I thought about the first time I saw Star Wars when I was 10 years old and remembered the scene that cracked me up when Chewbacca roars at a little toaster-looking robot in the halls of the Death Star and it scoots away squealing. I found out that little robot was an MSE-6 Mousedroid, so I tried the name "mousedroid." It wasn't taken, so I took it. I've used it on numerous message boards, Star Wars and otherwise, since then.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by LoveLife View Post
I still have my Berlin Fan Club kit somewhere.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Been known as Mad Hatter, Mad Hatter Man, or Hatter in online games and such for about 10 years now, came from alice in psycholand a nekromantix song, im also been obsessed with alice in wonderland for about 10 years as well



Indira Mourning was the name of my favorite DAoC character (a Paladin). Our guild was Mourning Star and I was married--in game--to the guild leader, Gonry Mourning, so I took his last name.

DAoC is the first MMORPG that I absolutely fell passionately in love with. Though I had started off playing EQ long before (and AO somewhere inbetween) DAoC and my guild there--who were like family to me--will always have a special place in my heart. So I use the name Indiramourning as my handle on all the forums I frequent. Not just because I like the name, but in the hope that someday one of my old guildmates will recognize it and say hi.



Mine is non-game related:

Was at a yard sale one day and I found some huge letters from some signage, block-ish style, sans-serif. I wasn't sure what store they were from, and their owner didn't know either. When we laid them out on the ground to see what we could spell, we had 6 letters, although one just didn't make sense. Using 5 of the letters, I could spell "books," but there was an odd leftover letter, a "j" that made no sense. I laughed and suggested it could be something Icelandic -- Bjooks (yes, I'm a big Bjork fan).

I bought the sign planning on leaving out the "j" and just using the "Books" part in my library/comic book room (which I did for years, it looked great). Meanwhile, I started using the name "bjooks" on various blogs and message boards, and it became my semi-permanent, anonymous online pseudonym.

Some years later, a female friend saw it and said: "Oh, how cool. You bought the sign when 'Brooks' went out of business at the mall." D'OH! What, for years I'd thought of as a "j" was in reality an upside down, san-serif "r" from a sign for a women's clothing/shoe/whatever-it-was store.

Regardless of where it came from, all these years later, and I'm still "bjooks."



My handle was the result of a jibe at overpowered characters (Godpants McAwesome), although I created it just before the new forums went online. There is a Godpants character in my roster who got his powers from pants worn by a god, but I'm leaving him gimped out of spite



When CoH was young and new, I was creating an account on the old PCity boards and I wanted to use the name of my character Dragonfly, but it wasn't available. I didn't want to use the main handle I usually go by because it's the name of a fantasy character and I really wanted something superhero-themed. So I started brainstorming ideas for unofficial nicknames that Dragonfly might be known as, similar to how people refer to Spider-Man as "web-head", or how Superman is also called "The Man of Steel". Through that I came up with Winged Avenger, and I thought it sounded good, so there you have it.

I also used this nickname on the first comic book cover I made (back before wings even existed in the game, ironically).



Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
Don't you dare! Don't! It's sci-fi, it's the sci-fi channel, and it always will be!


*foams at the mouth*

*runs away screaming*

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Clave Dark 5 is obviously a spoonerism from the band name The Dave Clark 5. I came up with it one day and wrote it down in my little notebook of ideas. BTW, I can't name one tune they've done, just heard the name...

Months later I was idly wondering "say, clave seems a simple enough combo of English phonetics, I'm surprised it's not actually a real word". So I go to my 20 lb. unabridged dictionary to look it up and turns out it is a real, if archaic and unused, word. It's an alternate form of cleave, which interestingly means either to cut or to cling to.

So, Clave Dark means something like "to cut or to cling to (the) dark". Some weeks later I'm making this stalker and the name comes into my head and sounds appropriately dark and evil so I used it for him. As time goes by it turns out he's the first AT I really "get", so I liked him and have stuck with the name ever since.

(For what it's worth, I say he comes from a demon race that does not use names, but numbers, so Clave Dark is something of a clan name while 5 is his personal name. But I get called Clave all the time so it's not that important really )



Its how I pronounce my initials. CSO.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Black Mage was my original forum handle, named after my first lvl 50 and my main!
Then 3 years down the line, I re-vamped all my existing characters concepts and Black Mage henceforth became Warlocke... Byebye to the Final Fantasy wannabe and hello to the shadow wandering rogue

So yeah Warlocke I've become, but the nostalgia has made me keep @Black Mage as my ingame handle!