Tell us about your forum handle!

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Like a zillion years ago, I bought Baldur's Gate. I went 'huh, what's a name for a magic dude? ... ... ... ... ... Kelenar. Yeah, that sounds good.'

Then I got EverQuest and went 'huh, what's a name for a magic dude? Oh, hey, I can be lazy and reuse the name of my Baldur's Gate character!'

Years after that, I got City of Heroes. At some point, I decided to make a magic origin Storm defender and hey, it was inertia. Said Storm defender was my first 50, so.

I used to be the only Kelenar tripping around the internet, according to Google, but when WoW got big, every one of their servers sprouted one (along with everything else that could possibly be a fantasy character name), then some girl used it as her deviantArt account name. So I've been transitioning away from the name elsewhere, but it's what people know me as here, so yeah.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Dude.... it's my NAME. SRSLY.



I'm named after my first hero, main character and first to 50. He's inspired by one of my early '80s PnP characters.. Strangly enough one of my villains. Now I'm pretty happy Powerhouse was taken (duh!) as Jack is easier to say.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



I've been "KingSnake" or "KingSnake777" for little over 6 or 7 years now. It's my 2nd real handle, and easily the longest one i've had so far. My first was Vindel Satin, a 4 school mage i played for like 2 years in Asherons Call. Not really a handle outside of that game that i used, seeing as how it was a girls name, and i'm a guy, but in game, it was my avatar, so i used it as my handle on the boards.

KingSnake, has come from the fact i own, study, and am fanisanited with Snakes. I have 2 kingsnakes, a Cal King black/white banded, and a lavander morph Cal King, i'm convinced isn't a Cal, but is really a Crimison kin with a lavander color morph. (long story)

I have 4 other snakes as well.

I planed on keeping the KingSnake monoker, but alas, that OTHER hero MMO has forced a change on me. Apperently, when i signed up, something happened, and i was forced to change my globle. (long story) I'm ZeroG661 over there if any of you also double dip in the hero MMO market.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



My forum handle is the name of my first seriously played CoH character, who is an Illusion/Empathy controller. She is basically built based on the concept of a classic white witch, hence the name.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Dude.... it's my NAME. SRSLY.



My forum handle actually has nothing to do with superheroes. I train in Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) which is one of the activities I love to do besides playing CoH. It's great because it ensures that I don't get too sedentary from sitting around at a computer playing games.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post

You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means...



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Leogunner is a twist on my middle name. The way it's pronounced and spelled is dumb and weird. I could just as easily went with Leo-Gun (which I do sometimes use on other boards) but I try to mix it around.

I changed it to Leo_G on a whim because it's shorter, reminds me of Zero G which sounds cool, and it has this face in it:


Isn't that funny? o_G

It's like, if someone was sitting next to you and let out a loud stinky fart and you know it was them but they try to blame it on someone else, you give them le 'o_G' look. Add colons for stress o_G;;
Like that one.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally my AOL SN was Ozzie3456. Used the name Ozzie because I always found the character Ozzie from Chrono Trigger to be amusing. However later during various online RPG groups, I came up with the name Ozzie Arcane for a character of mine and I've stuck with it ever since.



Started off as Polaris One, wanted something space-related for my first character. One my of earlier characters (aside from Polaris One) was Sucker-Punch, taken from a song titled "Suckerpunch of the Century" by my friend's band. Pretty boring history I guess.



Way back in elementary school, I wrote some silly story for class in which my annoying science teacher was actually an mad scientist from outer space that was going to destroy the earth as part of a crazy alien science experiment. However, I decided that blowing up the earth was too cliched, and so she would instead transform the planet into something weird. After pondering for a few moments, I said aloud, "Hmm... kumquats." The confused stares of the classmates around me were priceless, and I started using kumquats as the go-to funny-named fruit of choice for whatever situations I could fit it into, and it sort of stuck. Many years later, when confronted with the daunting task of creating a global name, Dr. Kumquat just seemed to fit, and even came up with an appropriately bizarre song detailing the Doctor's backstory and plans for global domination (involving genetically modified giant kumquats thrown from trebuchets) back when my friends had a band in highschool.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



Mine was just something I thought up, it also had something to do with the fact I own three dogs, ironically, the breed in my avatar is not one of them. The Hound is also the name of a big baddie in one of my more 'Strike Force' type arcs.

Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!



Well Star Wars is my favorite movie of all time. But the main reason i use some version of that crazy old wizard on any forum is that my Granddad was not very nice or involved in mine and my brother's life so i used to imagine that Obi Wan was my grandfather.

I know, I know...overshare.




This is great. I love reading about everyone's background/story for their handle.

Since I have a second account...I'll go again!!

I like to say "rawr." When I level, when I do something good, something bad (which is more often), when I'm being mean and realize it...etc.

In the spirit of the word I made it my second account handle, RawR.



I might as well point out the origin of my ORIGINAL forum handle, PhiloticKnight. Easy enough to figure out.



Going back a ways, early '80's? I used to run a BBS (Bulletin Board System) here in Pittsburgh that started off with one line, and grew to an 8-line "chat board". My handle as SYSOP (SYstem OPerator) was Skywalker because I'd alwys been a SyFy geek, I guess. We had a sister-board up in New York called "The Meeting Place" (my board was called "The Chatterbox").

We had a meet and greet and some of the users, myself included, went up to New York to party with the folks from the Meeting Place. We were partying hard up there in New York and one of the users there said, "Skywalker, you like Sci-Fi and you like Rock 'n Roll, you should be "SkyROCKER!" And I've been using it ever since.

That would have been around '85 or so, so I've been using this handle for close to 25 years. Some places I can't get it, like Twitter, couldn't get it on Ebay either so there have to be some other SkyRocker's out there.

Naturally my first character here was SkyRocker, so that's my global, and when I opened a second account about a year later, the first character I created was IceBot, but after a year or so I changed the global on that account to SkyRocker 2.0



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post

This is great. I love reading about everyone's background/story for their handle.

Since I have a second account...I'll go again!!

I like to say "rawr." When I level, when I do something good, something bad (which is more often), when I'm being mean and realize it...etc.

In the spirit of the word I made it my second account handle, RawR.



Vivace is a musical term in Italian generally meaning spirited, bright, full of life, flourishing. I first came into contact with the term in high school when we were playing Variations on a Korean Folk Song by John Barnes Chance. The vivace section starts at around 1:30 is anyone wants to listen.

Anyway, it stuck with me, and it's "original" enough to not be taken most places.




"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



It's a wordplay pun, Cause and Effect. It was the first character that really hooked me on scrappers and CoH in general. He was also my first 50.

Since the forums here are my first real internet existence, Claws and Effect (or sometimes just Claws) has become one of my go to screen names.

I'm not going to share the other one, just because I don't want someone else taking it

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Possible reasons I call myself Steelclaw:

* A horrible accident with a drunk driver and a prosthetics company with a sick sense of humor.

* Because TinFingernails just doesn't sound that impressive.

* Because at first I planned to rule the Forums through terror and the awesome persuasiveness of my logical argument.... yeah, THAT didn't last.

* Because PhiloticKnight was taken...

The REAL reason I chose Steelclaw:

I wrote a book a few years back and the main character was a half-human, half-black panther who had been magically altered to be the ultimate assassin of his world. When I played CoH he immediately became my first character. In the book he only had the first name D'Shan, so I added the last name Steelclaw and the rest is history.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Mine is a Freemason password (althought I am not, myself, a Freemason.) The story (as i can best recall it) was that in the Temple of Solomon, in the Holy of Holies, the High Priests guarded the Word of Creation. The word the Hebrew God used to create the world.

Years later, Jerusalem gets sacked by the Romans, the Temple is destroyed, and the Word is lost. The Freemasons, claiming legacy to that Temple and its designers, have yearned to reclaim that Word. In the meantime, they've used a filler word. A stunt word, as it were, until the True Word can be recovered. That word is MaHaBone.

People argue left and right what it means, where it comes from, etc etc. The Wikipedia page on it has long since vanished. I'm sure some helpful Freemason will dive in a correct me on any and all points of my version.

All I know is, I still get regular /tells and /PMs from people that recognize the word or are Freemasons themselves. Most just ask me if I'm a Mason (again, not. More of a Subgenius Discordian, really.) Some are even thinly-veiled threats! Yay!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
More of a Subgenius Discordian, really.
Hence the 23?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I used to be "Magic Touch" in the EU beta then when the game got live I had no clue what to pick... so... I did a soldier character and came to think about an old american comedy - Major Pain. There you go.