Tell us about your forum handle!

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Where did you come up with it?
Have you always used the same one?
How about on different boards?
I just made it up one day whilst staring at a sign-in prompt.
Yes, I've always used this one everywhere I go. Anyone else (I'm looking at you, Xbox LIVE and Twitter) is an imposter.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



BrandX is a name of a comic superhero I came up with along time ago. 2 years ago (in December), I used that idea for a DB/WP (it was closer to my original imaging of the character, more so than I could of done previously).

BrandX has basically become my main on Virtue Server. A good 8 (if not more) of those 50's listed in my sig is my toon under a power change (still trying to find that one combo that I get to 50 at and go OMG, I want to just keep playing it).

However, it's not my first forum handle here. My original forum handle was Trilogy. However, the fact that I wasn't able to use the name Trilogy for a hero on my original server, Victory, or the server I xfered to after everyone I knew on Victory left the game, Virtue.

So, I changed it to Joybuzzer. My Elec/Elec Brute. Sadly I hated playing my Elec/Elec Brute, and only got it to 50 out of pure double xp drive, in Jan. of this year. I created the Elec/Elec Brute when it became available as an option.

I then just changed it to BrandX (my main) sometime this year. When? I can't remember for sure. It's when I finally changed my in game global handle to BrandX.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Sure, I like running through this little story again for none of you who care

I started back on local BBS's running 2400 baud - I thought it was a huge increase in speed when we got a 14.400 modem. I was into forgotten realms and typically used the intentionally misspelled Wolfgar.

Then we got AOL 3.x and I got to have my own e-mail address. I was determined at the time to pick something that didn't have to have a number at the end of it. Drizzt? Nope Wolfgar? Nope. Tried several other variations, then tried to figure out what else interested me at the time.

Now I was probably around 13 at the time and one of the things I thought was funny at the time was a silly extra-long hick name: Billy Bob Joe Buckwheat - You betta reco'nize! Of course, that's too long to use as a net handle, and I had occasionally used a shortened version of it based off the initials: BBJB - > Bubba J. Tried that one? Nope. One last variation: combining the long version of the name and the shortened version to come up with Bubbawheat. It worked, and it's stuck with me ever since. I've grown fond of it for its uniqueness. Even now doing a google search only comes up with a small handfull of matches that aren't me. (hint: if the name references a real person in some way, it's not me. I've never gone by Bubbawheat in real life, only online)



My name is from my villain MM. A fellow so outspoken and fun to play that he made me RP a lot. I named him Grinning Spade because he wore he mask with a huge grin on it and I used the spade as the symbol on his suit. Nothing fancy about that name actually but it suited me as a nice name for a gentleman villain who still believes in secret identities, dramatic gestures, a bit of chivalry and a fondness for tying damsels to railroad tracks while he twitches his mustache and cackles hysterically.

When I decided to join the forums, I chose him as my handle because he did like to talk so much and I liked being in character with him. The perfect persona for a superhero game.

Trivia. He is not my Global name. That one is Gunbunny but she is less likely to argue with words And when I joined she was basically mothballed.

More trivia: My city of cute avatar for this toon based on his costume by the excellent Psygon had to be removed because it (together with the name) had to much similarities with a racial slur from the NA past. A thing that caused some complaints when the EU forum merged with the NA forum.



My first forum handle way way back was MindSplinter, named after my Illusion controller.

However when we first got PowerSet Proliferation (I12 I think?) I very quickly fell in love with Steel Shaman, my Robot/Storm mastermind. When it was announced we needed to consider changing our handle prior to the migration to the new boards, I took the opportunity to rename my forum persona after my favorite character.



Normally I'd have used Samuraiko as my handle because it's my longstanding nickname on several other forums and websites, plus a nickname of great personal significance (for me).

However, as I'd used it as my login, I instead opted to take my forum name from my first character on my own account, the emp/dark defender Dark Respite. It had a certain symmetry to it that I very much enjoyed. But this is the only place I'm known as Dark Respite (or D_R for short). Everywhere else, I'm Samuraiko.

Hence my usual signoff...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



A few years ago, I took a Continuing Ed class on Using Macromedia Dreamweaver. I had already spent about 3 years self learning Frontpage 2000 prior to the class, but I wanted to see why Dreamweaver was so well regarded. The class included a final project to create an original web site using Dreamweaver, so I needed a topic.

While reading the forums, I happened on a discussion about the (then) recent pervailance of charities advertising on Fark. A lot of these claimed to be grass-roots organizations, so weren't brand name charities most would recognize. There were suggestions that some were bogus and were just fascades for beggars. This led to someone mentioning that Karen, the first to be known mainstream for her begging website, had more than paid off her $30K credit card debt. Allegedly a few of copy cat sites had also done well, but people are obviously wising up.

I figured, hey, I'm probably late to the game, but a site like this doesn't look too complicated. I just need a means to accept payment and PayPal can do that. My biggest difficulty turned out to be getting a decent domain name. Getting a domain name and web hosting wasn't necessary for the class, but I figured since it wasn't expensive, I'd do it for the brownie points.

Apparently I was very late to the game as every 1-2 word name or phrase related to beg, begging, beggar, etc. I could come up with had the .com taken. I didn't want to settle for a name if at all possible. After about a week, "" was the only free one I found that sounded half-way decent.

Later on, after the class, I was doing personal research into web hosting (for personal use) and needed a user name for a web hosting provider/reseller forum that I found. For some reason, I didn't feel like using any of my usual user names. There were a few and none had much time devoted to them to develop an online personality. Then I though of the Serial Beggar web site and the online persona I had already created for it. Which really was a feat since I'm not a creative person.

When I came to COH, Serial Beggar came along. I have since settled on Serial Beggar to represent me online whereever I may go in the forseeable future.

The web design hobby has gone its course. In fact, I only recently looked at the serialbeggar site and noticed that the newest version of IE broke my nav bar's positioning. But I couldn't gather up the motivation to ponder how to fix it.

FYI: during the years that my serialbeggar site has been live, I have received a total of $2. Of which, PayPal took a chunk.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Well, Archivist (the English spelling) is my global name, and Archiviste (the French spelling) is my forum name (yes, I am french-speaking, why do you ask ?). And I have used this name (or variant thereof) on several forum boards.

And for what reason ? Well... that's part of what I studied in college and university (Archives and Record Management) and YES I am a compulsive pack-rat, always gathering and hoarding scraps and bits of info...

Pretty lame, isn't it...

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :



Mine's fairly simple:

I used to read the first installment of "X-Force". One of the villains was Reignfire, and I liked the name. I didn't want to be called a ripoff, so one summer while some of my Irish cousins were over, they started teaching me some Gaelic. When I went to write, I wanted to have a pen name. And Gaelic_Reign sounded just enigmatic enough to work.



Lionheart is my main character developed for our home-grown PnP superhero game back in 1990. He's been my main in various games ever since. I first used him as my avatar on a Freedom Force fan site.

When I joined their SG in CoH, the name Lionheart was already taken, so I appended FR (the abbreviation of our SG name) as a personal identifier to distinguish my character from the other Lionheart on that server.



I had some different names in the past. Rish(which is a short name for Rish'Anan which supposed to sound mystical or something)

Emned which is the first letter of my first name and the first of my last name and then NED which stands for The Netherlands.

I have a character called E. but apparently that is besides the abbreviation for Erik also the abbreviation of a drug, which I didn't know so I had this E For Erik for a short while(and I just saw V for Vendetta so...yeah.

And before we got the new forum I changed it to Lyrik which is a cross between Erik and Lyric which is my handle I use on some of my music projects.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Bill Z Bubba was created as my first character way back in Sep of 04. The name is a blatant ripoff of Beelzebub that I found humorous at the time and still chuckle about. I had no idea that he'd become my main character and forum handle when I finally joined the forums 4 months or so later.

I'm glad to have gotten spaces added to the name.

Be well, people of CoH.



My handle came from having seen the French & Saunders parody of the Star Wars prequels. Jennifer Saunders' Qui-Gon Jinn pastiche was named "Pork Dim Sum", and most of the Jedi in the sketch were also named after Chinese food. So my own handle became "Duck Dim Sum" because I wanted my own fake/silly Jedi name. And also, because dim sum is awesome, y'all.

This is the only place I use that name, though, and to date there is no Duck Dim Sum in-game. I've tried making several, but I always end up changing them because I can never give any of my characters silly names. My I16 Dual Blades/Elec Scrapper is currently slated to carry the DDS title, but I'm still seriously considering finding him a more appropriate superhero name.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



I came to the boards late, and this is really the only board I post to using a handle.

My sister (also a CoH player) & I were trying to brainstorm handles to replace sad, tired, worn-out names we had used just to get on. We tried a couple of on-line dictionaries and came up with the idea of using Latin. Open up a Latin dictionary on-line and scan down thru - and there it was!

Since then, I changed my global in-game to a variant. I also have the name "reserved" on a couple of servers where it was still available.

On another note - as a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, I do have an alternate persona that gets used there and is part of my FB posting name - lots of people in the Midwest know me as Stasi (short for Anastasiia) when I'm playing in the Current Middle Ages.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Well, my hubby originally had a different name as the handle, then we got a second account specifically for him. The original account (now mine) had the global @Poppa J, which was his main when we started. I, being a girl, found it odd for people to call me Poppa all the time and changed it to Snickerdoodle. No, I have no idea why. But I like cookies, though I've never had a snickerdoodle. I eventually just changed my forum name to it for continuity's sake.

"If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door." --Paul Beatty

Altaholic since '05, 0 months sober



My handle (and the handle of my first serious character, on Liberty) actually comes from a bit of name-hunting. Couldn't find something I liked that wasn't taken, so I started looking at my bookshelf... and my eyes landed on Dan Abnett's Warhammer 40k novel, Ghostmaker. And that was that.

Ironically, the name is taken on Virtue, and I'm STILL looking for whoever's got it. If you're out there, drop me a line -- I'd like to make a deal with you

"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War



For my MA/Regen Scrapper, I had the idea of basically a regular person who could tap into a deep animal rage and ignore pain, and happened to have fighting skills as well. (Yes, she would've been Willpower had it existed.) The name fit, and I liked the sound of the word, though I don't think it actually clever. When global handles were first being discussed I decided to adopt the name since it was the character I played the most. Previously I was QulonChi (first character I ever made, an alien with a made-up name, who's now been through many different builds) and Exocytosis (just a random word I thought sounded cool).

I don't use this name anywhere else. I sometimes use a theme for other names, but often as not I'm using something totally different. Oddly, I recently checked and found Primal taken on every server; Triumph is the only one that's me.



Teikiatsu is the name of my forum name from Legend of the Five Rings when I was playing the CCG and RPG a lot more than I am now.

I played for the Mantis clan faction, which started as a minor clan that had the best sailors in the Empire, were the closest thing that the Emperor had to a Navy and Privateers, as well as salvage-scavenging Pirates. They traced their lineage back to the Fortune of Thunder and Storms: Osano-Wo, basically the Empire's version of Thor, Neptune, etc.

I used to have a bit of a temper on the forums back then (used to?) and carried that temper over in my online RP persona.

I used an online english->japanese dictionary site looking for something nautical, storm-related, and beliigerent (hey I was playing a pirate/samurai, you need belligerence.)

Teikiatsu translates as angry, mean, dangerous as well as a type of cyclone. That's all I needed, and my persona's full name became Kaimetsu-Uo Teikiatsu.

DestineeFable's Guide to an MSTF run (fixed!)
My latest AE madness



Back in 1996, I bought an amazing house for throwing parties in, and, well, started throwing parties in it, inviting the local SCA, local science fiction fandom, several roleplaying groups, the local goth crowd, the local Pagan scene, and the crowds from two local coffee houses, plus I don't even remember who all else. By the 3rd or 4th one, they were drawing about 60 to 80 people, and people were having a great time.

One night at the coffee house, somebody handed along one of the friend-of-a-friend invites to one of my parties, which, for lack of a better name, people were calling "the Brad parties." The receiver said, "is this one of those infamous 'Brad parties'?" The name stuck: they were "the infamous Brad parties" thereafter. By the end of year two, even newer people assumed that that must mean that I was "the Infamous Brad," and the nickname stuck.



Mine comes from a joke I had with my roommate when I bought the game. For some reason we thought it would be hilarious to create super heroes out of modernist authors. I still think it's hilarious, but I really have no idea why. James Joyce was just the first one we thought of, mostly because we liked to make fun of how nonsensical Finnegan's Wake and Ulysses are.

After that, though, I started using the handle pretty much everywhere else, too, mostly in comments sections of blogs. However, by googling "james_joyce" (with the underscore), I've found some other people using the same handle on some truly offensive sites that definitely aren't me. I was pretty bummed when I discovered that. But I usually use it whenever I leave a comment anywhere.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



My forum handle came out of the concept that I would mostly chime in and post something that was probably already said and said post would just drown in the vast sea of other posts and I would go about in these forums as an unknown. So I created the forum handle, Unknown_User.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Beyeajus is my tracker for the programs I log into at work so I wouldn't forget it. (my last name with half of my first name made into one weird word) the 74018 part is my phone log in as well as my main toon. (yep, proud callcenter phone monkey right here)



My original forum handle was the name of the first toon I ever rolled in City...a BS scrapper who got deleted at level 2. Eventually, I changed it to my in-game handle.

Tiny Bolt came into being because I had made an /elec defender, and she was small...I had actually tried Small Bolt (I'm so damn creative, I know), but it was taken, so I just used Tiny instead. It stuck, and I had so much fun, she became my first 50. And I got so used to being called Tiny, I do have a handful of toons that are 'Tiny' something, simply because it's weird to me to be called anything else now. Tiny Bolt has slowly been making its way into other internet sites.



Well, when I first joined these forums I used Wylde_Fire. That was the first character I ever made on my account and the first character to become 50. He is the superpowered version of me, so I thought it fitting to use that name here as well (it was already my global by virtue of it being my first character).

Eventually, as I got more and more characters, I didn't want to use a character name that now only gets pulled out for badges. Soooo, I went with my absolute favorite number of all time. (Why it is my favorite is a story for another day.)

Now, I have even begun to use this handle on other forums around the net.