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  1. Godpants


    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    He's the easiest GM to locate IMO. Since Dark Astoria is so seldom visited and when it is, it's usually by a solo player farming BP.
    I think Lusca's pretty easy to spot
  2. It may be my paranoia, but I think one of the reasons they were disabled was to prevent spammers from getting player information.

    As far as repurposing, I'd like to see them turned into open-air versions of the empowerment stations you can build for SG bases. Buffs for sale = INF sink
  3. I'll bring Mighty Glacier, my shield/ice tanker just to act as a backstop for all the carnage that looks to be flying around
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    You've got 20 inspiration slots. Put breakfrees in a few of them. That'll cover you in the rare case that a mez gets through your defenses during the 12 seconds that your mez protection is down. Once you've done that, remember to target the Ruin Mages first, and you'll be fine.
    No, you only have 20 inspiration slots if you're level 40+. If you're in range of the Posi TF, you'll only have 10 slots and 15 if you're between 25 and 39.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    [C]itizens who at least screamed when they went running down the street from a villain would add a dimension of realism. And they should probably run from player Villains as well rather than wave hello.
    I don't think screaming or cheering citizens would be a good idea. What if they all started yelling at once like the Murlocs from Wow? I remember doing a mayhem mission soon after I-17 launched and the clip-clop footstep sound of the civvies running out of the bank lobby was deafening.
  6. I have a level 35 Ninjas/Storm at the moment, and it's the only MM I've gotten to a high level without my blood pressure reaching a similar peak. My solution to micromanaging the pets was not to try. Instead, Storm Summoning creates a safe, nurturing environment for those addled little ninja monkeys to do what they do best.

    Pros: Ninjas are defense-based, so the debuffs from Hurricane help them more than if they were resistance-based, as well as the bit of defense in Steamy Mist.
    Tornado and Lightning Storm count as recharge-intensive pets, if you want to pursue those set bonuses.
    The ninjas are fast enough to catch up with anything scattered by your Storm powers.

    Cons: Storm powers can knock enemies out of the Jounin's Caltrops or the Oni's Rain of Fire.
    Gale blows so much it ends up sucking.
    Debuffs lose their luster against enemies with the PTOD.

    Hope this helps.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    My huntsman has no Bane or Crab pool picks at all. She is just Soldier/Training and Gadgets. I'd say that, that is being a bit more of a pure huntsman. I'd of never said that Huntsman had to have some Bane qualities.
    No Build Up? Yeah, it makes you draw the mace, but it's handy.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BadBad_Girl View Post
    Shark shark shark!
  9. Yes, I have done it, but I've only run that TF once. Was there any specific concern you had about the final mission? The doppelganger battle or the series of ambushes outside City Hall?
  10. Godpants

    Market Merging

    Says the Kat with the latex-masked avatar...
  11. I've been away most of the week, but I'll bring Neurodyne, my L50 Mind/Electric dominator.
  12. Godpants


    The Smoke Flash power from mastermind Ninjas makes the targeted henchman do non-resistable damage for a short time, and you can use it to kill RWZ practice dummies, civilians in mayhem missions and other normally invulnerable targets.
  13. Assault Rifle and Storm Summoning (corruptor or defender versions). Lots of AoE debuffs and damage.
  14. Godpants

    Call it

    [sarcasm]There will be an increase in the amount of level 50 stuff available, but the amount of lower level stuff available will remain the same because 0+0=0.[/sarcasm]
  15. Sorry to hear about the PC crash, and I hope you're back up and running soon.

    Because we team frequently, here are some of my usual intelligent comments that you can cut, paste and color green to simulate team chat.

    Dord. I'm lost again. Hurf! Blarg. Duhhh....
    OK, where the **** is the elevator? BRB hosping it. Eebee.

    Good luck with the new machine, and give the Technical Questions forum a look if you haven't already. They may have some tips on how to build a good, affordable rig.
  16. Right, if the gambling house is supposed to be an INF sink, I believe it would function better if its prizes could not be sold or traded and if it could not generate INF or provide a method to store it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
    Well if a 69 month vet is a noob....what am I a lowly 12 month vet?
    That would make you 17.39% of a full n00b. Keep up the good work
  18. One more here for the "useful, but not essential" pack. Personally, I always take it on my tanks simply because it's a ranged power, which most tanker sets lack until you can unlock ancillary pools. I'm also lazy and use it to make the three guys standing over there come over to the bunch I'm about to attack instead of jogging by them or smacking one of them.

    Also, some of the Taunt IO sets have nice bonuses and are usually cheap. Can't wait for the purple one
  19. Yep, the million/hour figure was something I pulled out of thin air and faulty memory, and it probably is close to the minimum earning rate of a level 50 character.

    The random temp power or buff prize is also a good idea. Heck, there could even be vending or gambling machines dishing out copies of the empowerment station buffs.
  20. First, I like the idea, and I think it would be fun to be able to bet on the Monkey Fight Club battles.

    There may be some resistance to a casino, because I believe the official line is still that INF isn't just "money," so you can't necessarily drop it in a slot machine. (Easy enough to handwave away, though - a casino could give a hero a line of credit out of good will or forward a villain some free chips just to keep him from trashing the place.)

    Should winning goodies from the casino be less efficient than buying them from vendors? Also, I think it might be a good idea not to put anything TOO good up as a prize just to keep another tool out of the hands of RMT farmers.

    I've heard level 50 characters can earn a million INF/hour. Would the casino be set up so that they could blow that amount per hour as well?

    The cruise ship setting would be fun, regardless. Imagine seeing Captain Mako in a tux, trying to do his best James Bond impression.
  21. One more little bit about the +perception in O2 Boost is that it can be detrimental on aggro-happy escortees such as General Aarons, Lady Jane or Katie Hannon's soul. Boosting their perception allows them to see enemies sooner and start their Scrappy-Doo impressions.
  22. Storm/Dark could also get some mileage out of Dark Pit when combined with Thunder Clap. If both connect, everything up to bosses will be stunned.

    You could also have some fun with Storm/Assault Rifle. Use Hurricane to blow them in a corner, lay down Freezing Rain, Buckshot and Flamethrower to taste.

    Good luck!
  23. You're not used to that by now?
  24. Well, each GM you drop will give you two shiny merits.

    Don't spend 'em all at once, now.