Zombie/Storm or Ninja/Storm?
Of the two, I'd personaly say Zombies... but, both are Melee pets and Storm often causes lots of chaos, which'll make it harder for the Zombies (or Ninjas) to do their work... so be warned!
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Of the two, I'd personaly say Zombies... but, both are Melee pets and Storm often causes lots of chaos, which'll make it harder for the Zombies (or Ninjas) to do their work... so be warned!
Ninjas are quick and they hit hard so it had me doubting my choice of Zombies.
I could make one of each and level pact 'em. Hmmmmm!
I have a ninja/storm... I took everyones knowledge about how unruly the ninjas are prior to making it to heart and decided upon team TP to make the micro managing of said ninjas, easier to deal with... and it has, to the point that I rarely have to hit a macro to command them, just TP the group into the next group, you get full BG, they take down everything because they are in melee already... drop a few storm debuffs and Im good to go... and a Team TP into a large group with hurricane going might sound like a horrible idea, but it has it's uses.... I won't use that tactic OFTEN, but occasionally.... when I am in the mood to watch mobs and minions scatter in all directions... and floor a boss acc at the same time....
I highly recommend ninja/storm, out of all my MMs, it's the most fun to play and the least boring while allowing for maximum mayhem.
Wassabi Grav/Kin 50 (before badges/accolades were in game) Pinnacle
Miss Command Bots/Traps 50 Justice
*others left off due to space issues
True, zombies on fire is appealing. The issue I had with pain is that it doesn't have the stopping power of storm, dark, trick arrow or traps. I even like bubbles better. Maybe I'll delete my zombie/pain and make a zombie/therm. Then I'll level pact him with a ninja/storm.
This may sound silly, but I had the same issue with deciding between ninja and zombies for a storm and I picked zombies for the Life Drain. I was able to heal myself with life drain and heal my pets with O2 boost.
True, zombies on fire is appealing. The issue I had with pain is that it doesn't have the stopping power of storm, dark, trick arrow or traps. I even like bubbles better. Maybe I'll delete my zombie/pain and make a zombie/therm. Then I'll level pact him with a ninja/storm.
All level pacted and ready to go! Just 46 more level pacted levels to go. Ugh.
lvl pact your own chars? same account? New trick?
Wassabi Grav/Kin 50 (before badges/accolades were in game) Pinnacle
Miss Command Bots/Traps 50 Justice
*others left off due to space issues
I would go Zombie/Storm.
With Hurricane and all that -To Hit flying around you end up completly safe by debuffing them and zombies deal some decent ST dmg as well.
Ninja is a nice combo as well but very risky. I've been told no one deals ST dmg like Ninjas though...controlling them sometimes can be a "challenge" to put it mildly.

Wassabi Grav/Kin 50 (before badges/accolades were in game) Pinnacle
Miss Command Bots/Traps 50 Justice
*others left off due to space issues
I'd go Ninja/Storm, they USED to me real 'problem children', always hangin' back, hesitating .. now you almost have to restrain em! They're now homicidal maniacs, and WILL charge in if the other guy even looks at em funny.
Shigeru Miyamoto "A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever."

I think Necro/Storm is the way to go. I happen to have both combos in the mid-30s and for some reason, I struggle more with Ninja/Storm. My necro pets seem to survive a bit better. Maybe its my playstyle.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
I have a level 35 Ninjas/Storm at the moment, and it's the only MM I've gotten to a high level without my blood pressure reaching a similar peak. My solution to micromanaging the pets was not to try. Instead, Storm Summoning creates a safe, nurturing environment for those addled little ninja monkeys to do what they do best.
Pros: Ninjas are defense-based, so the debuffs from Hurricane help them more than if they were resistance-based, as well as the bit of defense in Steamy Mist.
Tornado and Lightning Storm count as recharge-intensive pets, if you want to pursue those set bonuses.
The ninjas are fast enough to catch up with anything scattered by your Storm powers.
Cons: Storm powers can knock enemies out of the Jounin's Caltrops or the Oni's Rain of Fire.
Gale blows so much it ends up sucking.
Debuffs lose their luster against enemies with the PTOD.
Hope this helps.
I have a thugs/storm and most of my MMs are Thugs or Bots because they kick ***. I have a Zombie/Pain and I hate /Pain more than I hate Zombies so I was thinking of Zombie/Storm.
I never liked Ninjas but I figured they'd be pretty ruthless when paired with /Storm as well.
So the million infamy question: should I go with Zombie/Storm or Ninja/Storm?