My computer sux >:(

Sorry to hear Steeple. Hope you get it resolved quickly!
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
total bummer, good luck with the new rig.
@Nuprin Feelgood ... pew pew pew

Sorry to hear about the PC crash, and I hope you're back up and running soon.
Because we team frequently, here are some of my usual intelligent comments that you can cut, paste and color green to simulate team chat.
Dord. I'm lost again. Hurf! Blarg. Duhhh....
OK, where the **** is the elevator? BRB hosping it. Eebee.
Good luck with the new machine, and give the Technical Questions forum a look if you haven't already. They may have some tips on how to build a good, affordable rig.
I come back from my computer problem-mandated hiatus, and you go on one at about the same time - funny how that works!
Sorry to hear about your comp death, hope things pick up for you, and everything else Godpants already said Also Caleb is displeased etc. etc.
Welome back Garuta!
Godpants, unfortunately it was the hard drive that fritzed, so we decided to upgrade since I needed it anyhow. Not that difficult to do since sitting an abacus on an electric fence would probably run faster.
Hopefully the new rig will be in by the weekend.
*crosses fingers*
Seeya soon,
PS. I was able to slave the HD to pull important files, but that's about it. Reformatted and recovery disk to no avail. Cest la vie.
...or I should say in past in my computer crapped itself to death Sunday night, leaving me with no way to get my CoX fix. I will probably be gone at least 2 weeks while we pull together funds and wait for the new rig to come in.
I mainly posted this so if anyone had the urge to throw rotten tomatoes or hear obscure movie references that no one understands, you have to find someone else for a bit.
I'll miss you guys, but I'll be back as soon as I can.