Gameplay style and "bad" powers
I don't think it's an aspect of mission design, I think it's symptomatic of the design of the combat system as a whole. The way the system is balanced you can relatively easily get a team (or even a single character) that can survive virtually indefinitely through use of passive forms of damage mitigation (i.e. defense, -to hit, resistance, regen etc.). Since passive damage mitigation is generally more reliable than active damage mitigation and it allows you to position enemies as you wish it makes for faster killing which in turn leads to a higher rate of rewards and thus it is what people choose to pursue.
This, combined with extremely high AoE damage (compared to other MMOs) encourages a playing style where you use passive mitigation to reduce incoming damage and fight the entire spawn at once as opposed to the style in other MMOs where you try to separate the enemies and engage them 1 or 2 at a time.
Take Detention Field for example. In CoX it's generally regarded as a rather poor power on teams since taking an enemy out of the fight means that either you have to wait around to kill them or you have them chasing you to the next spawn both of which effectively slow down your killing rate. No suppose the power existed in WoW it would be regarded as an extremely useful power for recovering from a bad pull.
Yeah, I think it would.
The "Stop 30 Fir Bolg" mission flips the value of a few powers on their head - suddenly Bonfire is incredibly useful.
Similarly Ajax in the Villainside I17 missions would probably have a rough time with Repulsion Field or Repel - you can't kill him but I bet you can knock him around indefinitely.
PFF would be incredibly handy for fighting Protean or the resulting fires you have to escape from.
I don't know if increasing the number of missions like this would be a good thing - I quite enjoy playing the game as a minion-mincing exercise most of the time. It sounds lame, but I found Champions involved too much thinking most of the time with its more varied mission objectives and goals. I spend all day doing clever stuff, and just want to switch off and indiscriminately arrest big groups when I'm playing.
But, it seems like there is a trend with the newer missions to provide more variety, which is fun, and none of that is going to stop me from doing some good old brain-dead radio missions when I want a more basic playstyle. So bring it on!
Killing enemies faster is surviving longer. Death is the ultimate debuff.
(god damn EIGHT stacked caltrops and constant Smoke Flashes every time I got one low!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
In response to DrMike, I don't think every mission should be extra complex but sometimes it seems like it swings way too hard in the other direction of "SMASH" being the only option.
In response to DrMike, I don't think every mission should be extra complex but sometimes it seems like it swings way too hard in the other direction of "SMASH" being the only option.
The devs have done a great job renovating the engine to allow far more powerful missions, and I hope they keep up the great work.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Yeah, the new missions are very cool, but maybe work a bit better solo than on a team?
I did the Villain side Dark Mirror arc on my own the other day, and broadcast to see if anyone wnated to help me take out a few Freaks, since thats what the next mission suggested. Aussie Monday night, no-one bit, and I was kind of glad when I entered the mission to find it was a single corridor with two spawns, followed by another long conversation with McD outside.
I did think at the time "I'm glad no-one joined me. I'd have felt like I mislead them."
Solo, its ncie to have all the extras. Often a team is enough entertainment on its own with little extra required from the game in terms of dialog or story.
Either way, I like where the devs are going with this. Having a mix of complex and simple is awesome.
Yeah, the new missions are very cool, but maybe work a bit better solo than on a team? |
It's be nice if they fixed the mission dialog window to not go blank for several seconds every time someone zoned or a dozen other random things occur, it really makes it hard to read the longer ones when you keep getting shot back to the top.
On teams, though, you can throw bigger baddies with interesting and different powers like Protein's Power Siphon (which I'm not sure what it does, 'cause I ran like hell every time the warning flashed up) to spice up the combat experience. I think there's a lot of combat mechanics that could be adapted from the old RPGs (like Chrono Triggers) and fit in fairly well with the game (many of which probably don't need any new infrastructure) that won't really make it harder so much as more varied and more interesting.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I agree with a lot that you said. Powers are powerful only in the context of the challenges presented.
In the case of knockback specifically, knockback would be considerably more desireable if there were something to knock enemies into. In the past I'd suggested that if you blew an enemy into an obstacle, its suffers a stun that lasts as many base seconds as the distance it was prevented from traveling. The other suggestion was if you fall a long distance as the result of a knockback that you are considered to have engaged in an "uncontrolled fall" and take a percentage of your current HP in damage (so it would never kill you but wouldn't make a bad opening move, especially against enemies with high base HP.) A third thing that may be helpful would be for AVs to be changed from basically immune to knockback to vulnerable to 1 knockback every 30 seconds per-caster-per-power, so that if you have 4 powers that do knockback you can do it once per power, and have incentive to have more than just 1 power capable of doing it. These things would give knockback more purpose, IMO.
One other thing I've noted is that many of the more "unique" powers are less favorable because many of them them benefit less from set bonuses. From a set bonus perspective, powersets with more "mainstream" powers are able to slot more of the set because they need all of the "typical" ingredients. The Slow set, for example, assumes you need Recharge, Accuracy, Slow, Endurance Reduction, and Damage, but Snow Storm needs only two of these.
You know, I've never really understood what powers the devs were aiming at with the Slow sets. Most powers that focus on slow effects have damage that is minor at best. Powers which focus on damage with some slow (such as Ice Blast) are generally better served by the damage sets than the slow sets.
Also, Caltrops makes use of the slow and damage components, and since you're not throwing down caltrops to do damage (at least i hope you're not) the little bit of damage that's added will simply turn the ticks from 1s into 2s
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Something that's been going through my head recently is how a number of the more unique powers in the game tend to be labeled as trash. Now, some powers do need revising but I think it's actually a symptom of the game being so focused on kills as opposed to completing tasks. Let's take radial knockback powers. Keeping enemies off you theoretically keeps you safe but slows down kill speed, especially if you are melee. Killing enemies faster seems to almost always take precedent over surviving longer. I'd argue that this alone should be reason for more mission variety but I wonder if it would be in vain. Would more varied missions open the door for more variance in playstyle or would it simply draw the ire of players who want things the same as they've always been?
I'm hopeful we see more missions like the new ones, but at the same time they are terrible in teams as you have no access to the information about the story arc (same as always, but moreso because the leader is constantly interacting with the contact) and because it essentially devolves into: hey come play my personal story arc about me guys. Which there are plenty of already in AE.
It's a hack n' slash game. The new missions in i17 demonstrated that while they can move away from that design to a certain extent it comes largely at the cost of team gameplay.
I'm hopeful we see more missions like the new ones, but at the same time they are terrible in teams as you have no access to the information about the story arc (same as always, but moreso because the leader is constantly interacting with the contact) and because it essentially devolves into: hey come play my personal story arc about me guys. Which there are plenty of already in AE. |
Yeah, it was a pain that only the team leader could see the dialogue, especially when we were all doing the missions together. It would be nice to have the clones of the entire team attack, rather than just the mission owner.
As for the larger thread topic of power uses, well, people have already nailed it. You get XP for killing enemies, and almost every team and most solo characters can do that pretty well in most situations without doing things like scattering or caging them that just slow you down. It seems like a lot of powers were designed under the old design goals that death was something to be avoided at all costs. That simply isn't the case these days.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I think bringing up the Stop 30 Fir Bolg and the mission to protect the runes from the Red Caps points to how missions can allow variety. I've both won and lost the 30 Fir Bolg mission. My first time was on a fire/fire scrapper (no mitigation whatsoever ) teamed up with a tank. It took some effort but we managed to complete it using damage and some taunts. Yet, it can also be completed with a full control basis. Other teams had a member setting up a full Trip Mine minefield. While the end result is to kill stuff, it has a solid number of ways to achieve the end goal that are all viable. The reactor trial is another example of a situation where you obviously need damage but hard control options can be quite viable.
What I think would help is more Efficiency Expert type situations. Timed missions with concentrated goals to complete. Done right, you could have a damage option, a hard control option, and a stealth option.
When the game originally shipped, the idea that one character could beat 30, 40, 200 enemies at once was a great surprise to the designers- or at least to some of them. And the idea that one character could make seven characters unkillable was probably another surprise. So the "old design goals" were never necessarily something that worked in the actual game.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
When the game originally shipped, the idea that one character could beat 30, 40, 200 enemies at once was a great surprise to the designers- or at least to some of them. And the idea that one character could make seven characters unkillable was probably another surprise. So the "old design goals" were never necessarily something that worked in the actual game.
On the other hand, plowing through armies of minions on each mission is not really very heroic or villainous. Sometimes it's fun, but in general, I wish missions had less of a focus on hordes of enemies. Look at the backstory of the knives of artemis. Only 100 of them total in the world. Hell, there are missions with more than 100. And what street gang (hellions, trolls, etc) could survive having over 100 of their guys locked up and/or killed in one day, much less multiple times per day. Some part of me wishes we had only 3 or 4 exciting, small fights per mission, not dozens of sprawling fights across labrynthine random maps.
But in the end, I have fun. So even if the devs didn't intend for us to mow down armies, I think that they have adapted to our capabilities very well and kept the game dynamic without too much railroading. Others may not agree, and it is certainly an opinion rather than a fact, but for me, the line they have been walking, regardless of what the "old design ideas" were, has been good to me.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
This brings up an interesting point. Should we kill enemies in order to survive or should we survive in order to kill better? I found it intriguing that someone noted a while back that while we are playing as supers, there are few options to use our powers outside of direct damage.
In response to DrMike, I don't think every mission should be extra complex but sometimes it seems like it swings way too hard in the other direction of "SMASH" being the only option. |
I perfer Tankers, Defenders, and Controllers over all ATs in the game.Yes, they tend to kill slower.However they will clear huge 8 man mission mobs of all enemy types.
In late game a well build Scrapper can do that "Some" of the time, but not often.Alot of people put there faith in IOs to have a Blaster that can do the same job a regular SOs Tanker, Defender, or Controller can already do.However the other point on IOs is not everyone goes for them.In fact I rarely see very many people using IOs at all when I play.So its not so common in the game as it is here on the boards.
As for playstyles in the game, alot of people perfer heavy hitters like Blasters, Scrappers, Corruptors, Brutes, and ect over the rest of the ATs.They feel high damage is the answer.Which is fine if they can find situations they can survive in with that AT.Only major issue with this, is alot of damage doesnt always mean a dead mob on a Character as before mentioned without IOs.
Almost killing a entire mob before you die isnt good enough.Surviving long enough to wipe the mob and still be standing is better no matter how much damage you do.
Tankers can do rather good damage.Sure, they wont Crit like a Scrapper or throw a high damage AoE like a Blaster..but atleast they wont die the moment the mob opens up there Alpha on them.Think back to how many times youv seen a Blaster or Scrapper with no patience jump into a mob ahead of the Tanker and watched them face plant.
The Controllers and Defenders I play tend to survive longer then some of my Tankers, and do just as good of damage while doing it.
I like my Shiney new Robotic Traps/Sonic Defender.Entire 8 man mobs die when I play this Defender like a hot knife through butter.Not only can do I rather good damage for a Defender from massive -Res from my Blasts, but I can set up a Acid Mortar for even more damage.Then i have a full array of Midigating Traps I can set up even in mid battle and be rather safe in my Force Feild Drones Bubble to do it.
Does this Defender do more damage then a Blaster set up for massive AoE?Not likly.
Does it Survive longer and can it take the Alpha that a Blaster cant to take down a Mob?Most definatly.
Some people perfer to play high damage builds mainly because its alot less work, and feels stronger.Which I cant say yes or no on that part of it.
Thats just my veiw of this.
Pure survival missions would be interesting.
Theres' the fiery lab escape after fighting Protean, that would be cool to saunter through as a Fire Brute, for example
Retrieve the radioactive device from the toxic lake would be an option - if you imagine Paragon City Waterworks in Crey's Folly with a constant DoT. Being a tank is one option, flight is another..
Last night I did the Gaussian arc again, which has the mission with multiple ambushes that fails immediately if Lady Grey falls. That kind of sucks (unless youre an FF Defender) since the AI can lose the mission for you. I was playing my Stalker, so no luck there.
I'd love to see a similar setup where YOU have to get out past hordes of bad guys, not necessarily having to defeat them all. (Maybe even get to an EMP generator that deactivates all the robots when clicked, thus giving you a big XP boost for surviving or controlling them first?)
what i don't get is why the difference in powersets between hero and villian sides i found the villian powers more interesting and fun then heroes. if i could've picked dual blade/ninja set as a scrapper i would've had my first 50 hero instead i'm a stalker on villian side. but once again when you think about all of this when going rogue comes out you can just flip sides so i might just make afew villians and go hero lol.
Last night I did the Gaussian arc again, which has the mission with multiple ambushes that fails immediately if Lady Grey falls. That kind of sucks (unless youre an FF Defender) since the AI can lose the mission for you. I was playing my Stalker, so no luck there.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Well, there's "bad", there's actual bad, and then there's Presence pool.
Some powers are fine, when in normal PuG teams doing normal content, i.e. no uber fire/kin farmer making everyone else irrelevant. Some powers take careful slotting and have a huge learning curve, but do have some sort of use if you're committed to it. And some powers might as well not be in the game.
Something that's been going through my head recently is how a number of the more unique powers in the game tend to be labeled as trash. Now, some powers do need revising but I think it's actually a symptom of the game being so focused on kills as opposed to completing tasks. Let's take radial knockback powers. Keeping enemies off you theoretically keeps you safe but slows down kill speed, especially if you are melee. Killing enemies faster seems to almost always take precedent over surviving longer. I'd argue that this alone should be reason for more mission variety but I wonder if it would be in vain. Would more varied missions open the door for more variance in playstyle or would it simply draw the ire of players who want things the same as they've always been?
Mission Architect Handyman