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  1. I wouldnt say its a horrible Idea, but why not just get Sprint IOs so you arent slow with rooted?
  2. Level 50 FA/SS/Pyre Tanker right here.

    Im Fire_Minded.Did you exspect anything less then FIRE?!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    provided you're a stalker who knows what he's doing, the defender would be an easy target.

    WP doesn't rely on its regen as much as it does it's res and other nice utilities in set as well regen can out regen most -regen effects so that they aren't noticed.

    DM is basically only good for lolfiteklub and thats because you can proc slot the **** out of it, the to hit debuff from it and dark blast are about as noticeable as snow storm's -rech. however, darkest night is a different story since it's much higher and causes TS to its target.
    Theres a good possibility that I may have ran into alot of horrible Regen and WP Stalkers.Bad players will play any AT and just fail at them.No way around it.

    Iv noted however that many belive a Defender to be a easy and squishy target in PvP.This isnt entirly true.

    Iv hit some Stalkers 5 times and killed them out right on a Dark/Dark Defender.Sure, if they get that AS off, itll hurt, but a heal that heals nearly all my HPs before they finish a Placate and a Crit means they dont get the kill.

    I commonly have 3 or more stalkers on me after iv creamed a couple in a zone.Then it becomes a lossing battle for me because I really am a troublsome target to most Stalkers.

    Im the first player they come after if other heros huddle around me.

    I cant deny that alot of people play Defenders and Stalkers horribly.I just tend to have less problems with Stalkers when im on a Defender.

    Havnt tried a Controller in PvP, but im going to try it soon enough.
  4. Fire_Minded

    Ice/Storm 1v1?

    Originally Posted by Coh_Man View Post
    I know that, BUT, slow's aren't what I'm looking for. When you're throwing Block of Ice, Chilblain, Shiver, Snow Storm, ect, any toon's recharge is going to drop like mad. Those are all spam-able powers that all do -recharge. And as far as damage, it may take a while to kill some one, but there are ways that I could improve my damage. Slotting things for damage instead of holds is extremely effective in PvP. Plus not many builds have a superior amount of cold resistance, so spamming Block of Ice, Chilblain, and having Jack Frost punching them in the head will end up hurting more than you think.
    I have to agree.I had a Ice/Cold Corruptor destroy my Dark/Dark Defender and a couple other builds in pvp.

    He froze my toggles and all of my powers and I couldnt get away.
  5. So many things in pvp can destroy a WP or Regens regen ability.

    Im surprised its any better then SR either way.

    I tend to have more problems with Stalkers that choose secondaries that are SR, EA, and Ninjitsu then I ever do with Elec, WP, or Regen sets.

    I tend to play Defenders and I commonly bring -regen powers to pvp.Most wont though.So Regen would be a safer bet.Provided you dont run up agenst a Defender that knows what its doing.

    On a side note.Even with DR a DM Stalker would be a bigger issue to deal with reguardless of its secondary armor set.If iv learned anything with my Dark Blasts Defender in pvp.Its that -toHit really urks another player.
  6. Fire_Minded

    PVP Defender

    Originally Posted by TheOlle View Post
    Will a defender even be able to compete with the Villains on his own ? :P
    I tend to take out Stalkers solo on a Dark/Dark Defender.Brutes and Corruptors as well.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    Then any one fighting a scrapper would complain that its too overpowered

    Alot of people complain about that already in Zones.
  8. Fire_Minded

    Volcanic Oil?

    This sounds like a Interesting Controller mix.

    I may do this.
  9. Id have to give the edge to a Corruptor simply because of Scourge when it comes to AV soloing.

    This is all.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    There no Such thing as True Freedom, in RL and Online life, if we had enough Freedom there be to much Choas, Also it's a game it's not perfect, you can't have it all, in time maybe we can have more add to this game, just patiences for now.
    I agree with you on most of this.However when it comes to the Reality of it all.Youd have Chaos at first.Then it would calm down.

    Here's a Example.

    If you legalized drugs.What would Happen?

    1) People would rub in others faces that its legal, espcially Law Enforcement.For a while atleast.

    2) It would start to lose its value.

    3) It wouldnt be such a taboo thing that most people would lose interest in such things.

    Ever wonder why Kids that grow up in Amsterdam dont see whats so great about Mary Jane?Because its not demonized or that big of a issue.In fact.Most in Amsterdamn do not use it at all.Its the Tourists that come from other places.

    Conformancy can be Chao as well.
  11. I personally have a Elec/Dark Corruptor, and I can honestly say that its a far better choice then Elec/Kin.

    Heres a few reasons I consider valid as to why.

    1) You can take the Alpha like a Tanker using Dark Miasma.

    2) You dont have to be in Melee range for any of your powers like Kinetics requires you to be.

    3) You get a Heal Bot/Tanking Pet at lvl 38.

    4) Your Heal is Ranged and can be easly used in teams because your the Ancor for the heal radius.Where as /Kin would only benifit those in Melee Range of the Ancored target.

    4) Twilights Grasp is a Ranged Heal and doesnt fail to go off should the enemy die while its being cast.A major draw back of Kinetics is Transfusion will fail to go off if you trigger it as a enemy dies.

    5) Youd need a Agro Magnet to get the full force of /Kin's Fulcrum Shift.Where as with Dark Miasma, you need no help at all.Or a team for that matter.

    Hope these are helpful reasons.
  12. With how little Debt effects players of this game now days, I dont see how Rise of the Pheonix shouldnt be taken.Slotted for damage it could cause alot of pain.

    Theres plenty of situations where all Tankers fail at surviving....thats right...I said...ALL!

    The only Tankers iv ever seen that didnt require a "Pocket Healer" to follow them around like a Igor where FA/ and Elec/, or they where hopped up on a tier 9 to ward off the need for heals.

    Theres no reason why Rise of the Pheonix shouldnt be taken.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Yes, there was a massive thread with lots of people pissed off, but the nerf and reaction were buried within a larger thread that started out being about a different topic. What we know:

    1) The damage done by Shield Charge is much higher than that specified by Castle when he was designing the set.
    2) Castle is unhappy with the relative damage levels of dark/shield and fire/shield.

    What is almost certain:

    1) Shield Charge will be adjusted in I18.

    What we don't know:

    1) The nature of the adjustment. The common rumor is that the damage at the point of impact will remain the same, while damage in the rest of the affected radius will be reduced.
    2) What, if anything, will be done to reduce the damage done by dark/shield.

    If anything Im betting anything past a BU from the melee set will effect SC.

    This is pure speculation of coarse, but I feel that Castle may feel that the damage buff Agenst All Odd from the sheild set may be to powerful and needs to be ajusted.It may be put more in line with how Willpowers Rise to the Challenge perfoms.Meaning just enough to help, but not be totally overwelming.

    The thought about how AAO wont effect SC at all has crossed my mind as well.

    Pure Speculation at this point, and its just a uneducated guess, but Judging by the damage my SD/Axe Tanker can dish out, its one possibility.

    Iv capped hitting a mob for 550ish damage with SC with a BU and full AAO saturation at lvl 41.This might be far more damage then they intended for SC to do.
  14. Fire_Minded

    Has anyone ever?


    Ok, i must admit, i dont common go further then the Archtypes and power sets part of the forums.

    *shrugs* my bad.
  15. Fire_Minded

    Has anyone ever?

    Has anyone ever drawn, sculpted, carved, or even made play-do character because of this game?

    If you have, please post it Here.

    Show everyone (including the Dev's when if they look) how much love you have for CoX.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    Oh I'm not defending you, I'm just advocating for the capabilities of those builds.

    macskull is right most of the times, and you are almost always wrong (intentionally to get a reaction out of everyone else? seems so)

    I still said thank you either way, reguardless if you wanna throw dirt.
  17. Need a Tanker?Id be happy to make a Spines/Invln for the job.
  18. Fire_Minded

    Best Corruptor

    I can honestly say that Traps has its good points, and Dark Miasma has its good point.

    However theres only 2 definitive things that make either one of them useful when you make take either for a Corruptor.

    Those things are the Primary you take, and the Way you build it....To team or not to team...that is the question.

    Iv got a AR/Traps Corruptor and a Traps/Rad Defender.Both can Solo and team just fine.Many time they tend to Tank reguardless if theres a Tanker or Brute on the team simply because they can control the fight in what I perfer to call my "Kill Zone".The moment I set up a Mortar, Poison Trap, or Mine and set up my Trops on it and fire into the mob.My "Kill Zone" acts like a Venus Fly Trap and I can Tank solo or in a team setting.

    Or ill simply just Alpha a mob with Seeker Drones, jump in, set up a Mine and continue from there.Either way, its good fun.

    I have a Dark/Dark Defender and a Dark/Elec Defender (Recently rerolled into a Corruptor).Both Tank very well, effortlessly in fact.However my Elec does far more damage then my Dark Blasts Defender does, and having Aim definatly helps when you need that desprate heal to go off or you want the entire mob to take the brunt of your AoEs without fearing much of a miss.

    So its all in how you play your Character and what Primary/Secondary you take.

    I say both Dark Miasma and Traps are definate power houses.I wouldnt knock either one of them.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SPiNE View Post
    By the way, if you put your henchmen on bodyguard mode and then use Share Pain, will the damage be split between you and your henchmen?
  20. Fire_Minded

    Martial Arts

    Originally Posted by SPiNE View Post
    Honestly, there's really no point for having MA on a Brute, besides concept of course. MA is great on Scrappers because of its higher crit ratio. However, that's not going to happen on a Brute so what's the point? Its damage isn't going to compare to Super Strength on Brutes and that's that.
    I will have to dissagree on this there SPiNE ol buddy.

    Theres plenty of examples of MA being very much conceptual for Brutes.

    Take Oni for instance, they are Demons from the Orient, and lets not forget Akuma of Street Fighter either.Technically he is a Oni possessing a Martial Artist and has a bad temper to boot.

    Just look around.Theres a few MA concepts out there that would tie in with a Brute.

    I for one would love a MA Brute.

    To also answer whats the point?Think back to how Claws compair on a Brute thats got a full fury bar going vs a Scrapper.Iv seen a furied Brute with Claws before.Its damage was very impressive compaired to my Claws wielding Scrapper.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    To be fair, Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker was the original farming build back when people didn't know how to play controllers, and is still a top contender nowadays. Plant/Rad and Fire/Rad, while not being as fast as Fire/Kin, also rank fairly high up there in AoE destruction, while blowing Fire/Kin out of the water in other situations
    Thank you for pointing that out Silverado, but dont pay too much mind to Macskull.He tends to follow me around trying to get a reaction from me.
  22. A properly built and played Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker can match a Fire/Kin.So can a Spines/Elec, Spines/FA, and Elec/FA Scrapper for that matter.

    Theres going to be a HUGE nerf with Shield Charge comming in i18.So I wouldnt suggjesst rolling one of those Elec/SD Scrappers unless you feel like building another Farmer after i18 hits.

    I personally find many ATs and builds capable of Farming as fast, or slower then a Fire/Kin, but to me, dont care if im slower.As long as I can still farm without being a common Farming build.

    Villian Side ill be farming with a Elec/Dark/Mace Corruptor, and Prolly a Stalker of the Elec/Elec type to farm with as well for red side.

    I will be Farming with a FA/FM/Pyre Tanker and Tank TFs with a Spines/Invln Scrapper.*Shrugs*

    Theres alot more to this game then people will look into for many diffrent things.

    You could easly Farm on a Plant/Rad Controller, or a Fire/Rad Controller rather fast without having to take a /Kin secondary.I perfered my Cold/Ice Defender for Hero Side Solo and Farming, but im going to rebuild it into a Corruptor simply because Scourge will make it a little faster.

    I refuse to make a Fire/Kin and I never have, never will.

    I may end up making a Dark/Cold Corruptor for Farming, or a Cold/Dark Defender to farm with.Havnt decided yet.

    Either way.Theres alot out there...good luck.
  23. Well, I had such a issue with my SD/Axe Tanker till I figured out that 1-2 End Redux SOs and putting 1-2 End Redux SOs in all of my attacks would work better, and it does.

    I tend to start running out of end by the 2-3 mob (Depending on what im fighting) before i need to sit still to recover a bit.Before that, a couple swings and I my self was winded.

    I took every single attack and every single shield power for this Tanker and have yet to regret forcing my self to switch 1-2 end redux slots from my armor sets toggles to redux for my attacks.

    The toggles dont really take much endurance after just 1 SO redux, and its just pure WIN when i can go through every one of my attacks and still have over half my Stamina bar by the time its time for my second BU+Shield Charge+Whirling Axe+Pendulum combo.

    Very much worth trying this method.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    The most epic experience I ever had on my stalker (Spines/EA) was when he "tanked" the Cap SF. I was the only melee on our team, and about three spawns in I realized everyone was waiting on me to initiate every pull. So I shrugged and thought "why the hell not?" It was a blast. We finished the SF easily and everyone was happy with their badge and merits. And this was not an IO'd out character either. His "natural" level was 25 at the time and he had nothing but SO's.

    So yes, Stalkers can have their epic moments. I actually prefer them over Scrappers to a certain extent as their lower health pool makes you actually think about what you're doing and not just "scrapperlock" your way through everything.
    I have the same type of experiance when I play Defenders and Controllers.A couple mobs in no one moves on the spot.

    Just means your a good player.
  25. I went with AR/Traps for a Corruptor.I figured the Scourg check would be a equalizer for the lack of FFG's lesser Defense %s.

    So far so good.