Will the dev's please stop saying we have total freedom ^^
I think the alternate animations system put in for Superstrength and Martial Arts is the beginning of what you're asking for.
Given enough time and resources, the devs could fit Fire Imps or any other power with a number of different animations - the current Y pose, a chest-spawn and so on.
Alternate animations could in theory involve runes and so on for a more "magical" appearance, but even then you're portraying just a single vision of what magic looks like.
This isn't available right now not because of dev arrogance or them underestimating our imagination, but because it takes time to implement.
So yeah, hang in there, I guess. We have more customisation than we used to, and I see that trend continuing
The Devs are also limited on what a system going on it's 7th year can handle.
Some limits like body types are hard wired from when Crypt had control. So adding four armed figures is not possible. (Or so I believe).
What it all comes down to really is time. Right now with Going Rogue a little over two weeks left until release, they're concentrating all of their time on the expansion. We also know that they do plan future issues in advance. Who knows? They're probably already planning on Issue 20 content as we type this!
With new Martial Arts and Super Strength animations, we do know that the tech is there. It's only a matter of time until they decided to add more animations to the pool. Just wait until things calm down a bit, after Going Rogue's release and the new "incarnate system" everyone is buzzing about, you may just get your wish. =D
Of course, you shouldn't get your hopes too high yet... I'm just speculating on the future. I have no idea what's going to happen or what they're going to do...
... or do I?
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
And we have just now seen our first Quadroped skeleton with the Tier 2 Demons in the Demon Summoning set. And the /e growl of the mutant booster make me want to be able to run on all 4's in game so bad!

I keep hoping for alternate animations. I think we'll see those before to long.
Not to worried about heroes/villains who run around on all four. Really, they're such a minority in superhero comics, that there's so much more to be added imo before they get to that.
Power limiting is a little disheartening, but I think they can figure something around that at sometime...like maybe combinging all the APPs into a pick this power type of deal, which then opens other tiers, blocking out certain ones obviously.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Ignoring all the "blame the devs" flame bait (because I'm good at that.) except to point out that, just because they aren't doing what you think is of utmost importance doesn't mean they aren't doing anything, or aren't trying to figure out how they can give you exactly what you want.
Yes, I would like alternate animations for powers as I feel they, along with colour customization, allow a whole new depth of individuality. I would also love Asymmetrical costumes.
No I don't want them tied to origins, and tying it, or anything else, to origins is counterproductive to that idea of "freedom" you proclaim to enjoy. Because suddenly my character, who I picked as a magic origin for whatever reason, is now doing things "magicky" that I didn't want him to do.
moving on to powers and origen is where it all kind of falls apart to me,for example: i have a magic origen fire/therm controller,great fun all in all but the thing that bothers me is that there is absolutely nothing magic about her,when she summons imps it whould be nice if she could do it in a simular fashion to demon summoning and not make it look like i'm about to burst out into a YMCA dance ^^ if she were a mutant the imps could spawn from a fire consuming her body. if you make a sword scrapper with a rapier it whould be fun if her moves had more grace then the hulk having a field day see where i'm going with this ? ![]() what use is it to spend your time thinking of a cool concept when every move you end up making is genericaly the same as everyone else. |
Every animation that is made for the game has to be made 6 times: male standing, female standing, huge standing, male flying, female flying, huge flying. If you want 5 options for your power animation that increases it to 30 animations. For ONE power. Now add the other 8 powers and you have 270 animations for one powerset alone. But of course they can't do just one powerset...they have to do them ALL, or people will complain that "this powerset got new animations, why didn't mine?!"
What you're asking for would basically prevent the animation department from working on any NEW powersets for several years at least. You could have exactly what you want....if you don't mind waiting until 2013 and getting nothing new until then.
It's not that the devs don't want to give us more options, it's that doing so is a crap-ton of work for them to do.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
The problem is, in asking to be unique in appearance you are asking the animation team to do literally years of work.
Every animation that is made for the game has to be made 6 times: male standing, female standing, huge standing, male flying, female flying, huge flying. If you want 5 options for your power animation that increases it to 30 animations. For ONE power. Now add the other 8 powers and you have 270 animations for one powerset alone. But of course they can't do just one powerset...they have to do them ALL, or people will complain that "this powerset got new animations, why didn't mine?!" What you're asking for would basically prevent the animation department from working on any NEW powersets for several years at least. You could have exactly what you want....if you don't mind waiting until 2013 and getting nothing new until then. It's not that the devs don't want to give us more options, it's that doing so is a crap-ton of work for them to do. |
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Add to that, each of the new animations would have to take exactly the same time as the old ones making things even more complicated. I don't even want to think of how long it would take to do that...
If you were to add 5 optional animations to a power that takes 1.67 seconds to activate, you would have to make 6 versions of each animation, AND ensure that all of them also took 1.67 seconds to activate.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Where did the dev(s) said that we had total freedom? =O
"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX
I think it was in the latest ViDoc.
I don't like that new word. What the heck was wrong with 'Video'. |
Just speculating...

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
Maybe because it is a Video Documentary?
Just speculating... ![]() |
And it's also an unnecessary hijack of the term 'documentary'. Aren't documentaries supposed to be fact-based and relatively unbiased? While the ViDocs are cool, they are basically ads.
And it's also an unnecessary hijack of the term 'documentary'. Aren't documentaries supposed to be fact-based and relatively unbiased? While the ViDocs are cool, they are basically ads.
Which is great and all, I realise something like GR is a great oppertunity to reel in new players. I guess I just think its a little disappointing that the videos are so high in fluff, low on content.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
There no Such thing as True Freedom, in RL and Online life, if we had enough Freedom there be to much Choas, Also it's a game it's not perfect, you can't have it all, in time maybe we can have more add to this game, just patiences for now.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus
Add to that, each of the new animations would have to take exactly the same time as the old ones making things even more complicated. I don't even want to think of how long it would take to do that...
Really, the way the OP was presented seemed a bit petulant, but that may be a misreading on my part. Still, i'm pretty sure the overall Veruca Salt-ish impression i got from it wasn't totally my imagination.
Hey, i'd love to see staff fighting added to the game, but i'm aware of how insanely time consuming it would be. So i'm not stamping my feet saying "WANT NAO!" and i don't expect it to be added (if ever) in less than a year.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I would love to see alternate animations for powers.
A lot of powers are using same animations, lets say mace/axe/broadsword or lots of the control/blast type.
Only a few got exclusive animations, like dual blades, demon summoning whip, dual pistols...
We dont need new ones, just having a couple of existing ones so we can switch.
Total Freedom Now!
I will not be happy until my dream character, Pancancer Doom, can correctly be represented in game. 93 foot long crystal centipede armor, 32 segments, each segment marked with a glowing rune of my own devising [see 32 inclosed bitmaps], with a tier 9 attack that gives time-travelling pancreatic cancer to the recipient, three days before the attack lands, and a defense set based on rendering oxygen inert. "Choking" is not a valid substitute.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
There no Such thing as True Freedom, in RL and Online life, if we had enough Freedom there be to much Choas, Also it's a game it's not perfect, you can't have it all, in time maybe we can have more add to this game, just patiences for now.
Here's a Example.
If you legalized drugs.What would Happen?
1) People would rub in others faces that its legal, espcially Law Enforcement.For a while atleast.
2) It would start to lose its value.
3) It wouldnt be such a taboo thing that most people would lose interest in such things.
Ever wonder why Kids that grow up in Amsterdam dont see whats so great about Mary Jane?Because its not demonized or that big of a issue.In fact.Most in Amsterdamn do not use it at all.Its the Tourists that come from other places.
Conformancy can be Chao as well.
I agree with you on most of this.However when it comes to the Reality of it all.Youd have Chaos at first.Then it would calm down.
Here's a Example. If you legalized drugs.What would Happen? 1) People would rub in others faces that its legal, espcially Law Enforcement.For a while atleast. 2) It would start to lose its value. 3) It wouldnt be such a taboo thing that most people would lose interest in such things. Ever wonder why Kids that grow up in Amsterdam dont see whats so great about Mary Jane?Because its not demonized or that big of a issue.In fact.Most in Amsterdamn do not use it at all.Its the Tourists that come from other places. Conformancy can be Chao as well. |
-Female Player-
The 'total freedom' in the viddoc wasn't in regards to animation, but char storyline development. Now I'll finally be able to have my ruthless borderline sociopath hero kill criminals for example. I've been RPing that she does, but now it'll be fact.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
now before we get started let me say this first,i like this game,made alot of good friends playing it,but i did find myself leaving from time to time for one particular reason.

eather they underestimate people's imagination ,or they are arogant enough to asume that if they put something in the game it and it only is the way a hero should go about things.
i like super hero's ,i like the lore,concept and thought that go's with them ,and so the idea of a game where i could create my own "brainchild" and fight the forces of do no good with it are verry apealing to me.
but they are selling the genre extremely short with the rather strick set of restrictions they impose on our capability to create characters,and before you say no two hero's in this game are the same alow me to elaborate.
we get the choice of gender,rudementry but adequate controll of physical apearance,a verry varied amount of costume options,we can choose an origen,two powersets and a name.
what we get from this freedom is a bipedaled,uprightwalking humanoid with a symetrical costume.
now this alone shouldent pose a problem,the options are varied and indeed no two costumes are alike.
moving on to powers and origen is where it all kind of falls apart to me,for example:
i have a magic origen fire/therm controller,great fun all in all but the thing that bothers me is that there is absolutely nothing magic about her,when she summons imps it whould be nice if she could do it in a simular fashion to demon summoning and not make it look like i'm about to burst out into a YMCA dance ^^
if she were a mutant the imps could spawn from a fire consuming her body.
if you make a sword scrapper with a rapier it whould be fun if her moves had more grace then the hulk having a field day
see where i'm going with this ?
what use is it to spend your time thinking of a cool concept when every move you end up making is genericaly the same as everyone else.
i kinda feel they are to hung up on the apearant importance of how your char looks while the super part of a super hero is not the costume,its the powers.
"we're taking the game to the next level" should be "we improved upon cov's resolution and added just about as many new powersets",still the rogue system is an awesome feat and since it means that you can change just about everything about your character save for what i just mentioned there is hope ^^
To end please dont think i wana see this game end,or expect me to make any wild "this game sucks i'm canceling my account" claims,most of it is a direct result from just having watched the lasted video,my burning hatred toward missadvertisement and yearning for more dept of character beond tights or skirt.