Will the dev's please stop saying we have total freedom ^^




Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Because it was necessary to distinguish it from the thousands of non-video documentaries?

And it's also an unnecessary hijack of the term 'documentary'. Aren't documentaries supposed to be fact-based and relatively unbiased? While the ViDocs are cool, they are basically ads.
Originally Posted by Silas View Post
This. They're cool videos but I was really hoping for more information in the Dev Diary things when they're really just adverts that seem like they're aimed at new players.

Which is great and all, I realise something like GR is a great oppertunity to reel in new players. I guess I just think its a little disappointing that the videos are so high in fluff, low on content.
I did say I was speculating.
I never saw the vids.
Really had no desire to see the vids either.
In fact, still haven't seen the vids.

I have seen many things that were called one thing when they resembled something else entirely. Never did figure them out either.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



With all of the costume choices, I've been, surprisingly, very limited with what I can do with my characters' appearances. Plus, we don't have access to one of the staples of comic books, gorillas. I have found the costume/character creator to be very limiting and hope that they expand it soon......as well as a few more mission maps. Geez, how many times can I fight in the same warehouse, sewer, tunnel, longbow base, or arachnos base?




Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Really, the way the OP was presented seemed a bit petulant, but that may be a misreading on my part. Still, i'm pretty sure the overall Veruca Salt-ish impression i got from it wasn't totally my imagination.
Nope, I got the same impression.

In fact my first reaction (albeit likely unfair) was Champions player trying to hint how much better their favorite game is.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Any one have a translated version of the OP's post? I felt I was going to die after reading the first couple 'imaginative grammar' sentences. 0_0

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



The point of the post was not power animations per se,that was a example (said so too ) of why their new advertisement plan was rubbing me the wrong way.
And i understand time ,funding and manpower problems ,hell even wow with its billions of income cant manage to give any race more then two cast animations.

i did play champions ,for a whole of two weeks after launch,i am however on my 51'th month vet badge so if i'm playing favorites my credit card has a wierd way of showing it ^^,sofar i have played dark age of camelot,rising force online,world of warcraft,warhammer,cabal online,champions and city of hero's,i left champs becouse of the crummy content and bad team setup but i did apriciate the fresh look they had on character creation and power animation,i'm not trying to fanboy it

I dont play videogames to "pretend" or "imagine" things happen magicaly,i can do that in real life.
i did not mean to flame,flamebait,put down or belittle eather the game or the devs i merely wished to voice an opinion about a statement i conciderd to be false ,and do so to a crowd more apropriate then people with no knowledge of the game.

To put things in perspective ,i have a nack for sarcasm and humor and all my english is self taught,i do try to spellcheck some things i'm sure of are completely wrong but why dont you try speaking and spelling four languages perfectly and let me know how that works out for you ^^



I understand your complaint Megumi_EU. But you are taking the comment in the video out of context. The video was talking about the Going Rogue system specifically. Not power animations or character models. Nor even costume selection. Currently all heroes are railroaded into the same moral standing, as are all villains. You can't have a hero with morals like Punisher or Spawn, because it makes you arrest the criminals. Mission resolution text always mentions the arrest.

Madam Enigma for example by her storyline fills more body bags then jail cells. And yet according to the mission texts and clues she's arrested every single criminal. The current state of the game doesn't allow for a morally ambiguous area for heroes. All heroes are treated as if they have a high respect for life's sanctity, even when it comes to criminals.

On the flip side, Poison Bloom's Pet (Fluffy) and Arachnid Huntress are both starting to question what they know. Arachnid is a former cop who was under cover in the rogue islands. She got brainwashed and inducted into Arachnos. Both characters are starting to doubt what they are doing is right. They have strong morals that had been warped on them. But as the game is now, the missions don't reflect that. Villains are all completely evil and sadistic with no real room for nobility.

With Going Rogue that will change. Villains can start to change their ways, while heroes can be ruthless. A former paragon of virtue can be corrupted by his/her fame and power. The borderline psychopath can slaughter the criminals to save the innocent. So from a moral stand point, we are gaining the freedom to chose.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



missions wont change tho,so in reality the borderline psychopath will be saving kittens and "arresting" the criminals,i dont read the mission descriptions or clues so at least that part i can fill in myself ,i chose the animations as an example becouse it is the one thing you cant realy missunderstand,people falling over can be dead and not arrested,a y pose is a y pose eather way you look at it ^^

i like the rogue system becouse it allows me to create characters more specificaly,a ninja scrapper just doesnt get the feel right as much as a stalker does etc



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
I think the alternate animations system put in for Superstrength and Martial Arts is the beginning of what you're asking for.

Given enough time and resources, the devs could fit Fire Imps or any other power with a number of different animations - the current Y pose, a chest-spawn and so on.

Alternate animations could in theory involve runes and so on for a more "magical" appearance, but even then you're portraying just a single vision of what magic looks like.

This isn't available right now not because of dev arrogance or them underestimating our imagination, but because it takes time to implement.

So yeah, hang in there, I guess. We have more customisation than we used to, and I see that trend continuing
A good, fair minded response.

Right now, when it comes to game cosmetics, at the top of the list for me would be the ability to color epic powers to match our primary and secondaries, and maybe to offer a different option for the medicine pool animations. I hate when magical characters in wizards robes need to bust out a tricorder to do some healing ...