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  1. <~39, and in the very same aquatic conveyance. For 8 years, I have used this very outlet to avoid needing necessary medications for depression... Yes, I reach for my computer as opposed to pills, and I loved it that way! Lost my son to a schizophrenic back in 97, had to drop out of college in my last semester to pay bills in 05, recently said goodbye to my loving feline companion, Scar, after only five years due to veterinarian negligence, and just this last week, I lost a court case to a less-than-reputable collection agency in what was perceived to be a case of "I've got lunch to go to, why wont this case end?" as the judge ignored several legal protocols, and acted as if my quoting from the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act was insulting to him, and my abundance of evidence that the debt claimed was not valid was just too insurmountable and incomprehensible for his mind to wrap itself around.

    This game has given me years of Not-punching-people-in-the-faceitis, but sadly, I have found myself back in counseling over the loss of my only non-medicated solution. I felt like a fool explaining that I was cracking up due to a video game at my age, but was made to feel a bit better when it was laid out that people all have some outlet and no one persons is more effective or ridiculous than any others. So I am not insane, just sad to loose an attachment I have grown into over the last decade. Think of it like a divorce, only this time the spouse is taking everything, and launching it into space out of spite. What a B***H!!!
  2. Abraham Benrubi is an avid player, and even if he does not have the finances, we could ask him to stand behind us menacingly. In fact, I have his e-mail around here somewhere...
  3. Never! All I dumped were my superfluous name squats. No sense tying up good names I am not working on for the foreseeable future.
  4. Ubermench Prime

    Inv/SS Tanker In his Original Costume... Old Pic, I was 22 I think, this was right after Striga was added Oct or Nov 04' (Just got the Ring for the first time, and thought it was the coolest thing), I got my first cape, and had just figured out how to do a screenshot. Thought I was so devastating, until I found Brutes.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
    I'd be playing City of Heroes 2

    Because that's the only reason they'd be allowed to shut down CoH. The only one. Don't even think about it.

    I really hate to be a downer, but isn't it odd that THIS was the last post in that thread?

    But since, this Necropost is one of the most appropriate (Necroppropriate?) ever....

    Maybe blow the dust off of my PS2 for a while: Last game purchased was--"Simpson's Hit and Run"

    Focus more on my PnP Campaign: Running one now that has a group of Teen titan level characters artificially boosted to "Heavy Hitter" status. (One of the PC's busted Superman's arm while being controlled!!)

    Close my bank account: This was the only reason I kept it.

    Find a new therapist: Because this game was better than Prozac.

    Finish my book: Half a book is a pile of paper, and a colossal waste of energy to remain incomplete.

    Start sewing costumes, and building gadgets: The wife will be antsy to punch some crime, and we may have to become real vigilantes to help vent that. Luckily, I am pretty well trained, and she can fit in very narrow openings. We could be like Roadrunner and Rattlesnake or something like that.

    Saving CoH for future generations: Placing my Box set into a time capsule, and planting it somewhere symbolic.

    Wear Black: Probably limit myself to black attire until my 40th birthday- March 3rd. I had plans all laid out to be right here in Paragon on that whole day with a special character for the occasion that will never be.

    Work: Because face it... We all pretty much gotta anyway.
  6. Since this may be my last post on these boards, I just felt the need to express myself in the only way I can right now. This game has been the place where my wife and I hang our hats every day for the past 8 years. Other than my very old naming guide, I feel I have contributed little more than occupying server space and helping to populate the world. In just a couple of months, I am going to loose over 200 of my closest confidants (Frack you ALTITIS!!!!), and the main reason I have managed to avoid anti-depressants (guess it is back to therapy for me... :P ). Other than my once-every-2-year craving to play through my RTS library (Starcraft, Star Trek:Armada I & II, Battle for Middle Earth also I & II, and Star Wars: Empire at War) this has been my main video game since 2004. My base is my home, my hobby is crafting IO's, my other car is a Super Hero... you get the idea.

    The point I am very slowly leading to, is that I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I have shared with each and every one of you. I spoke once about how I saw myself as the Uncle in the family that just sits back and watches the mess unfold, and only speaks when he has something relevant to say. Well, I have been here on the boards every day like clockwork (King). Keeping watch over you all as if you were my family, because you all are. Where will I go to get a Steelclaw not-list now? How can I deal with not biting my nails waiting for another Samuraiko Video? How can I go another day without ? I want you to know that I love you all, and will miss every day I am away from you. You are always going to be a part of who I am, and will remember every moment shared till my own lights go out for the last time.

    Without further delay, I present my last gift to Paragon City and it's entire population of Heroes, Vigilantes, Rogues, Villains, Resistance, and Loyalists.

    Last Bastion
    I once had found a forest, so lush and full of life.
    I built myself a home there, and here I brought my wife.
    Upon these lands we planted, and added to the score.
    This land we found enriched us, we stayed a while more...

    The seeds did grow into a crop.
    The trees and plants provided.
    Our dwelling spread and did not stop.
    We had space where we resided.

    I once had found a forest, inside it lived my friends.
    Many looked unlike me, and seemed to never end.
    With these kind I wandered, and saw amazing things.
    I've won in epic combat, and suffered failures stings.

    The few had swollen to a crowd.
    Of true friends, I've counted many.
    Sometimes they made me laugh out loud.
    Complaints? Can't think of any.

    I once had found a forest, I thought I would remain.
    But fate had sent a firestorm, and burnt the home I claimed.
    The flames they took hold quickly, before I could react.
    We barely made it out on time, before our home was sacked.

    The fire consumed all it touched.
    My friends were stolen by the flame.
    We both are fine to say as such.
    No one near to assign the blame.

    I once had found a forest, but all that,s left is ash.
    Cinders, Soot and Embers, there's nothing here but trash.
    I loved my home so deeply, I know it was returned.
    Forever heed the moral, another lesson learned.


    I'll stay till the lights go out, so I am sure to bump into a few of you sometime. But I just wanted to leave you with this last thing...


  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    They often get knockup resistance, too, so we may not have to worry about a super-powered child...


    Best response to a comment on the CoH forums EVER!! Is relevant, and directly linkable to current setting. 2 yellow, 2 red, and one blue star for you!

  8. Rerolled Potpourri, my Plant/Poison controller. Now already up to the same level (12) as a Plant/NA...


  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    As strong as your concept calls for. There's no point in comparing numbers when one person is playing a street-level character and another is playing a demigod. The only right answer is our own.

    Despite my seeming attention to the super-hero physics (If such a thing truly exists; For my go-to image of comic book physics for those that really wish to argue, see HERE ), I am all about imagination first. unless it simply breaks imagination to conceive, the sky is the limit. My super-strength character can lift mountains, my blaster can disintegrate any matter, My controller can Manipulate an entire landmass of plant life, and so on... Static numbers, and linear logic truly break my brain.
  10. Quote:
    Yes, but what about Shields/SS? The hurl animation there is a one-handed baseball pitch as opposed to a two=handed overhead throw.
    Wow! I never knew that... O.O In that case, you can do with one arm, what someone needs two for. that means double it for total power rating. (I know why it was done, but it would make a shield/SS much stronger just on a visual basis.)

    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Wouldn't you have to figure out how much strength you needed to rip out a 2 ton piece of ground?
    Assuming standard stone or asphalt? 10 tons.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    They didn't just play it up, they made them talk like they were all first-generation immigrants. Like I said earlier, it's not a gang, it's an invasion.

    I liked the old neighborhood gang better.

    At least they are dropping the accent, or looking for a better way to express it. After reading some of the samples, I was anticipating walking around King's Row and hearing "Hey, Stanislov. When car finished burning, how about we keel Moose and Squirrel?"
    I pictured this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XSeF...eature=related

  12. I can actually be of great assistance here, as I have ran Super Hero games since 87' on a regular basis. In fact, tonight is gaming night for me!

    Conversions and calculations are easy to achieve, with only a few variables needed. In this case, Hurl will give you the best metric standard to go by. All I need is how big is that rock/hunk of street/dirtball?

    *Weight: A one ton boulder (Depending on material, but assuming generic "stone" Would measure 3' x 3' x1.5, and the one in game (Also depending on character size, but aiming for average super-heroic strong guy) seems to be 3' x3' x3' (Again, averaging, as the object is irregular) So we are tossing a 2 ton hunk of matter.

    *Range: Strength will be determined by how far you can throw any appreciable weight.
    Hurl Range: Un-Enhanced- 80 Feet
    2-slot ----112-----119.8

    Now the thing to do is to realize that damage is dealt based on a number of factors; boxing gloves blunting a blow, angle of attack, pulling a punch, striking a weak point, materials of both the target and object striking the target, and so on. But to lift and project an object requires almost solely brute force (In the manner that hurl is used, not in general. Inertial and centrifugal force play a role in things such as catapult and hammer-toss for instance.)

    To propel an object weighing 2 tons:

    Un-Enhanced- 15-20 tons
    1-slot--20-25 tons---25-30 tons
    2-slot--30-35 tons---35-40 tons
    3-slot--40-45 tons---45-50 tons

    This is an average and in no way takes into account variable factors, but is close enough for scrutiny. Much stronger than most heroes, but still pale shades of the likes of Blue Boy or The Green-Skinned Goliath. Although I like to pretend that the range we have is not absolute range but effective range, which is what I use in my head to explain hitting targets that run as the animation starts and hits them like 100 yards away (Nearly 100 tons!)

    For fun, lets assume a baseball:

    Un-Enhanced- 1500 yards
    1-slot--1750 yards---2625 yards
    2-slot--2350 yards---3500 yards
    3-slot--4160 yards---5200 yards

    **Note Earth powers are exempt from this rule, since they are assumed to be able to manipulate stone specifically, and their powers could lend to distance. I don't see stone melee as strength based as much as it is control of stone, they can wield stone as if it were Styrofoam, because to them it is.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    looking forward to enjoying my ar/dev blaster again....
    I have been pulling my AR/Dev/mun. mast. blaster out lately anyway, mostly due to a love of the char in general. Forgot what an aoe beast he was, and how many combat options he brought to the table. I can only see benefits in his future.

    Also, a ton of chars I walked away from due to awkward colors in my pool choices not meshing with primary/secondary customization. Gonna be a busy fall...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    I hate the recon of the Beyonder. As a universe unto himself, he should be equally matched with Eternity, but well above the Celestials and the Molecule man.
    I still feel the retconning is an attempt to make him a viable opponent. His power created paradox, and was only ever defeated by tricking himself into making his form assailable, even if you still needed Molecule Man and the Silver Surfer to do it.. odd, I know, but such was the power of the Beyonder.

    As for being on par with Eternity, so is Death. As two sides of a coin, they share quite a chunk of the sum total power of our universe, but the Beyonder is the sum total power of his entire universe... its Death and Eternity as well.

    As a fun side note: The MSHRPG expresses all of his capabilities with the infinity symbol. The only other character that even possesses a single trait of that calibur, was the Living Tribunal's cosmic awareness.
  15. Sorry guys... There is one...

    The BEYONDER http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyonder

    So powerful, he not only made several races cease to exist with but a thought, but any and all races that ever knew anything of those races also bit it. He totally erased the entity of death, causing the entire universe to become essentially immortal, and even gave another character the power to defeat him on a whim (Kind of like the old, "Can god create a mountain so large, even he could not lift it?").

    Willing to put money that he could even defeat the "Brothers", as the Living Tribunal, and Spectre had sufficient power to hide a third dimension from them.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheSummerEvening View Post
    I have Thirst Mutilator (who will be Water/Nature because electrolytes help plants grow), and Tidal Rave (Water/Sonic).

    Good ol Brawndo! Love me some Idiocracy. Most prophetic movie ever!

    I have:
    Healing Potion
    Soda Rush

    and thinking of rerolling:
  17. OK, I took a few stabs into Virtue and pulled a few names out for you. some you may not like, since you already stated that you did not want two words put together, but I had already looked before I read that, so I will throw them out anyway...

    Frozen Remnant
    Loved One
    Frozen Image

    Twilight Champion
    Eclipse Shifter
    Shroud Shaper

    Ace Rimfire
    Aces Loaded
    Solitaire Soldier
    Dangerous Ace
    Ace for Hire
    Ammo Ace
    Acey DC
    Ace Eye
    Poker Ace
  18. Muahahaha! And soon BLACKWASH will live!! Been squatting that name on Virtue for... Um, a while now, Was one of my minor villains in MSHRPG. The name has just stuck with me for many years.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Are you telling me you are NOT a fan of leaky staves? I know I am.

    Never used this before today...



    Just no.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    One thing that people forget about is that you MUST have the Remember Account Name box on the login screen checked. If it isn't checked, it won't create or use the playerslot.txt file. This may be why you can't find the file.

    Otherwise, Feefa J has it pretty much correct.

    The playerslot.txt file is located within the games installation directory inside a subfolder based on your Account Name.

    It can become corrupted or set to read-only. If that is the case then you can simply delete the file and the game will recreate it and you'll be able to re-order the character list and have it saved.

    *Ding Ding Ding* We have a winner!!! Been sharing my computer with the Wife, and Unchecked that just so she didn't have to delete my name to put hers in... Thanks TJ and Feefa! I appreciate it. Problem solved.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    This... taken out of context with the subject is... well... not for everyone, I suppose.
    And the Title is?
  22. Hello! Long time player here with a bit of an issue that I am not ready to bug support about quite yet, so I decided to bring it here...

    It seems I have lost the ability to move my character order on the server list. I can arrange them just fine, and move to other servers and do the same with no problems. When I log out and restart the launcher, it resets the characters back to from what I can tell is creation order (A probable default).

    I know there used to be a txt file that kept track of this, but it is nowhere to be found in the NC folder. Likely, it was moved or deleted somehow, and I simply need to put another one in there. If that is the case, just a blank copy of someone's could be a simple fix, or if someone knew the file name and required contents, I could create it myself. I know a simple re-install would fix this, but every time I go nuclear like that, I wind up spending time and money to do some other repair... I am sure you know how it is.

    Thanks for your time.

    ~Uncle Harry
  23. One of my favorites, If you know anything about Garak From Star TrekS9, is "A Stitch in Time" By Andrew Robinson. Wonderfully fleshes out his character from the series, and explains a lot of loose threads about his character... Well written.
  24. Every time My Fiance and I hear a story like this, one of us pull this old ditty up...


  25. Happy Birthday to US, Happy Birthday to US,
    Happy Birthday, to the us's....
    Happy Birthday to US!

    *Us fish is good fish*