Myopic Aardvark

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  1. Thanks folks

    (Also to Biscuits from Union Chat for the same answer)
  2. Started a new Warshade recently and looking at the powers, there's an IO set against all of them called "Kheldian Archetype Sets".

    Anyone have any idea what these are?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tiny1066 View Post
    heh same for me ... how odd

    Wonder why Union's been singled out
  4. Myopic Aardvark

    *Looks around*

    Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
    Does this mean we have to give your stuff back?
    Well I have just asked Days to not flog off all the Halloween salvage from the base.

    Now that I've logged out, he's probably AH'ing it as fast as he can.
  5. Myopic Aardvark

    *Looks around*

    Thanks all. Two days back and 3 alts already. (Yeah, I'm out of practice)

    *does the happy dance*
  6. Myopic Aardvark

    *Looks around*

    Back for a little bit - my MMO playing has been very random recently (ie I've dabbled in everything), but I figured it was a good time to come back and play again. (pre I21 and all that jazz)

    Life's good. Everyone here still happy?
  7. Myopic Aardvark

    *Looks around*

    Yeah, it may be old, but there's nothing as warm and cosy as your first MMO.

    *settles back into a comfy chair*

    Hi all.
  8. "DCUO is our only rival, please go play that and come back laughing. If anyone mentions SWTOR to you, slap them for being silly. It's not real."
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
    Remember Stephen 'Rockjaw' Reid ? - Well he's now the community manager for a certain upcoming MMO in a galaxy far far away.
    I remember him. He and his wife both came up to a meet in Glasgow and were great fun.

    Good to see he landed on his feet.
  10. I stayed for 5 years, got bored, went off to try other MMOs for 9 months or so then came back here and haven't looked back since.

    Why? Because it's fun. It's simple and it still occassionally makes me go, "Oh wow!"

    And because that boyhood part of me has always wanted to be a superhero - and here it works.

    Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
    It's not just that no two Archetypes play the same, no two POWER SETS within any single Archetype play the same! And that's the reason I'm still here
    And this too - no other MMO I've played even gives you the variety (or, in some cases, the free capacity to enjoy that variety) that you get here.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    "cursed artifacts being smuggled into the city for some reason" group, consisting of the Hellions, the Outcasts, and being run (?) by the Warriors.
    I always wanted a satisfactory conclusion to that arc - it just kind of fizzled out as you got distracted with higher level arcs.

    But all things considered, I'd much rather have a whole issue devoted to what happened to Dark Astoria and some attempts to resolve it (in fact, I wonder if the new tech which allows contacts to disappear could apply to whole zones and we could have a restored Dark Astoria).

    (Yeah, I know - so unlikely, but it could be so awesome).

    Ironically, I normally don't like magic plots (Science! for me please), but Dark Astoria needs some kind of resolution.
  12. Just do the same as has happened for all the previous Superman movie kickoffs - cast a complete unknown.

    Everyone else (especially Welling) has far too much baggage for a clean break.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I honestly cannot tell what you're trying to suggest when you end every fricking post with a winkie.
    Ah, it's like being back home on the EU forums about 4-5 years ago....

    *goes into blissful memory state*

    Sorry, moment passed now. Carry on.
  14. Crazy Issue 20 Theories?

    Lightsabers. That is all.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I've actually already got the pre issue blues where i cant make a new character due to a new shiny for new alts
    Yeah, I'm the same - have stopped playing my Peacebringer and Warshade, just because I want three extra powers!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    *keeps an eye on EU players and watches to see if anybody magically vanishes*
    Where do you think I've been for the past year?

    Sod I20 - I want my inherent Stamina!
  17. Maybe there is a Closed Beta for the EU and it's just something that can't be discussed without violating the NDA?

    If they take that tack with any complaints then they'll have a free ride until after I20 launch.

    By that point everyone will be whining about something else. ("Waaaaah, someone can do something that I can't, nerf them now or the game will shut down tomorrow." - the usual, in other words).
  18. I've got an issue with this bind:

    /bind tab "target_custom_next alive quantum$$target_custom_next alive void$$target_custom_next alive cyst$$target_enemy_next"
    For some strange reason this bind is targetting "Nebula Elite" Council targets and sticking with them, even if they're standing right next to a Galaxy Quantum.

    Anyone else having this issue?

    Edit: never mind, this seemed to solve the problem

    /bind TAB "targetenemynext$$ targetcustomnext enemy quantum$$ targetcustomnext enemy void$$ targetcustomnext enemy cyst$$ targetcustomnext enemy alive$$ targetcustomprev enemy alive"
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    My guess is that it'll be there from next week when it starts
    Well yeah, that might explain it...
  20. Thanks folks - I've got someone from support looking at it now.
  21. I stopped playing last year around October, just after I had got my 5 year Vet reward.

    My sub lasted until around March 2010, so when I came back last week, I should really have had my 63 month reward, if not my 66 month one.

    Now, I'm still got my 60 month vet reward, as I should do, but when I look on my account page, it says that I should not be receiving my 57 months reward until 22 Nov 2010 and my 60 month until February 2011!!!

    Given that I haven't gotten any reward past the 60 month marker, I'm guessing the dates on my account are the ones I will be getting these rewards, but it's wrong.

    Anyone else had this issue and have they managed to get support to sort it out (I've put the question in, but there were numerous warnings that Support are unable to fix Vet reward problems - which given that it's an issue on their end, rather than mine, is a bit unsettling).

  22. I've been gone nearly a year as well.

    Going Rogue has reinvigorated the game for me. I'll be here for the next little while. At least until TOR comes out.

    It's the new arcs that have done it. Not to mention the fact that I can take a character from one side to the other.

    To me, it was a good break, but it's good to be home.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
    All this love that is flying around makes me think I should leave and then come back!

    (oh yeah, welcome back Mother's Love and MA and anyone else who has returned)
    Is that avatar your WIFE?

    Does she know? (Of course she does....) *shakes head*

    Edit: To everyone else who said hello, it's good to be back. Don't know how long for, but I've got 89 or so days of time remaining at this point and so far I'm hooked with the new shiny stuff.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rpgguy View Post
    well maybe not a week, but I remember you posting a goodbye thread and returning not very long after once before...
    Your memory fails you.

    I played this game for 5 solid years. I did, however, stop posting on the forums for a little bit about 3 years ago. But I never actually said goodbye (Edit: No, sorry, I apologise. I did say that I was going to stop posting and then.....) I just literally stopped posting for about 5 months and then started again.

    So whilst I've had two "I'm back postings", I've never actually had an "I'm leaving the game" post.

    (Can't remember if I did one before leaving there.... *checks post history* yep, my last post was about the Ghost Slaying Axe)