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  1. Ignatz

    RP in CoX

    I know where you're coming from a bit OP. I tried a different approach long ago...I stood near a group role playing and stayed pretty much quiet, occasionally emoting a nod or some such. I was in new territory, but was unsure where to begin. Unfortunately, I was ignored by that group and I never tried again. I don't fault that group of course. Yet I didn't make another attempt to start a RP character.

    My advice(which I should have followed) would be to make a couple of posts on the Virtue forum stating your interest in joining in on the role playing. Perhaps even joining a Role Play SG.

    Like you, I have long been a tabletop roleplayer. Of many RPGs. Heck....going on 25 years now. It's a little intimidating heading into such a different environment as an MMO for the first time though.
  2. I remember you well! Always enjoyed your posts. Nice to see you back.
  3. Despite my almost overwhelming prejudice for PnP DnD weapons, I've always thought that Broadsword should have a higher crit chance than any other Scrapper Primary, with the exception of Axe. Perhaps an increase of crit chance with it's attacks could set it apart. Obviously this doesn't address those classes that don't have a crit chance. And of course I could be a complete tool for such a suggestion.
  4. Perhaps the most powerful Repeat Offenders team was it's all Empathy Defender team. Talk about walking through content. An all /Radiation Controller team is also a well known Super Team. Most Super Teams of this type are extemely powerful. Whether it's Defenders, Controllers, or Corrupters....let alone Master Minds.
  5. Ignatz

    Blood and gore

    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
    YOU might want them, but WE don't need them.

    Thanks, but no thanks.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Those aren't 50++, those are 53 HOs. They sell for over 1b each, many you have to get off the market. They can't be created any more but there are a few still floating around. Werner says in a couple other posts less than 1 sell per month so patience is important with them as well.
    Sorry about that. Later in the thread I posted he said they were actually 51++, not 50++. The thread Canine posted has more options...just didn't see that one when I searched.
  7. Ignatz

    god help me.....

    Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
    If your looking to a build that can solo almost any AV for only 30mil inf then I think that fairly well limits the choice to Bots/Traps MM's.

    They can destroy most AV's on SO's and for less then 10mil you can cover that for your whole 1-50 journey.

    I would suggest hitting up the market forum and getting some tips on how to turn that 30mil into several Billion and then being able to open up all kinds of choices for what to play.
    Agreed. Personally I'd start with say...a Katana/Willpower Scrapper. Fun, easy, and fast right out of the gate and only gets stronger. You'd have to invest a lot of money to solo AVs, but that's going to be the case for most characters you play. Even the ones best at it. Besides AV's, they are absolute beasts solo with very little investment(Frankenslotting for instance).
  8. You have quite a few options depending on how much money you want to spend.

    I use four Kinetic Combats (Acc/Dam, Dam/End, Dam/Rech, Dam/End/Rech) and two Touch of the Nictus (Heal/Rech, Acc/End/Heal).


    A combination of Hami-Os and a couple of others might yield better results.

    Edit:For instance, just found a post from Werner using a Nucleolus, a Golgi, Hecatomb Dam/Rech, and three Numina's (Heal/End, Heal/Rech, Heal/End/Rech).

    Values may differ because he was using 50++ Hami-Os.


  9. I don't have an Illusion/Radiation character, so I can't compare it with my personal most versatile character.

    That would be my Dark/Ice Defender. Probably my most played character, and certainly the most versatile.(My Mind/Kinetic Controller also comes to mind for versatility). Super fun all around, he can be a serious difference maker on a team. The thing I like the most is it's almost unseen.....The To-Hit Debuffs aren't very apparent, so most don't understand why the team is being so successful. And yet, on difficult missions, my heal is massive. My rez is incredible, I add significant AoE when needed. Plenty of single target holds, slows, damage, debuffs....really a terrific all around team character.
  10. Ignatz


    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I'd laugh, and in fact I am.

    We go from Uber guy's Goldilocks market to your everyone is poor and nobody makes a good build market or even wants a good build ? Or is it that most people don't want quality builds but there are all these IOs being traded every day any way ?

    What would you call it when someone says here is my example "it doesn't mean anything but it shows things aren't so bad" and based on the "example that doesn't matter", anyone who is saying otherwise has "Tunnel vision"
    Not that I needed any more posts from you to confirm this, but once again you are being deliberately obtuse. It's obvious and blatant. Probably best just to put you back on ignore.....in fact, that's exactly what I intend to do.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Do it on Champion. Just cause I know a few(or at the absolute least, one) certain people that would rage hardcore.

    If only this was done when strikeforce was still around. This would piss the heck out of them.
    Funny you mention Strikeforce......they are the reason I made Freedom/Virtue/Justice my home servers.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    They gave all characters free respecs just for that purpose. I haven't used it on all of my old characters, because rebuilding some of them just to pick three more powers which I will probably not have spare slots for isn't all that useful.
    Just want to address this a bit. I've seen this 'complaint' come up a few times. The extra powers you can pick can easily be utility powers that either don't demand slots, or are holders for such IO's as Luck of the Gambler +Recharge.

    Free powers can only help characters. Don't listen to people such as the quoted player above. There are lists of utility powers available on many threads on these forums. Use them.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    If the devs decided to give everyone solid gold bricks the OP would be here complaining that they didn't give him a wheelbarrow to carry them in.
    Which is why I've had the particular poster on ignore for quite some time. Glad to know that ignoring was justified one more time....
  14. Ignatz

    Various bugs...

    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    Ignatz, you might want to try this:

    1. Go to your CoH folder, find the coh.checksum file and delete it. Close Explorer.

    2. Go to desktop and click on your CoH icon. Let the files rebuild themselves. Close shortcut when it's done.

    3. Defrag.

    4. Click on the CoH shortcut again, and verify files. When it finishes, start your game.

    This solution has worked for me. Recently I was experiencing freezes as soon as I reached the login. I reinstalled the latest video driver (did a clean install, thinking the driver might have been corrupted) and then did the actions I suggested above. My game runs fine now. Good luck, and hang in there...hope this works.
    Thank you so much. Gonna try doing as you posted. I've never had such a bad experience....I stay away from adult sights. I carefully monitor my emails. I visit websites that are known to be safe. And on top of all that, I have a supposed strong Anti-Virus sotfware in the form of Trend.

    This has been such a baffling experience for me. Never have I had such problems.
  15. Ignatz

    Various bugs...

    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Did you try verifying files? That would be the first step if you suspect a corrupted file. When you're logging in, one of the buttons gives you the option to "Verify All Files".
    The first thing I did was Verify files.
  16. Ignatz

    Various bugs...

    Bummer. I was hoping for a solution, but obviously I must have a currupted file. Or two....Since it seems to be unique to me, my last resort would be re-installing the game from scratch. I want to apologize to the Dev team for wasting their time reading my PMs. This is the first time I've sent a PM to the Devs and I'm very sorry that the problems I'm having appear to be on my end.
  17. Ignatz

    Various bugs...

    First bug:

    I'm unable to enter any of my SG bases. It gets to a certain point(perhaps 1/10 complete), then stops....computer appears to be working, but I've waited up to 15 minutes with no results.

    Two: When quitting to desktop, my game freezes and I have to Control+Alt+Delete to exit the game.

    Three: This one is completely anecdotal.....I noticed my tip progress bar had gone down a couple of weeks ago on one of my characters. I haven't been able to reproduce this effect, so I'm gonnna chalk this one up to halucinating.

    I'm baffled at this point. I've verified my files, and they are up to date. My guess is I have a corrupted file and may have to re-install the game. Obviously I don't wish to do this....It would take a considerable amount of time.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Base Upkeep isn't the problem. I have the same bug no matter which character I try to enter the SG base. My machine is fairly modern. My drivers are up to date. I'm currently running Trend Micro Internet Security Anti-Virus software(if that matters).
  18. Ignatz


    Completely agree with using Thunderstrike as a starting point for getting cheap IO sets into your powers. To be honest, you'll be amazed by the difference. Kinetic Crash advice is also very good. Specifically, Power Bolt, Power Blast, and Power Burst should be your bread and butter attacks, and most difinately 6 slotted with Thunderstrike. This change alone will make a big difference in performance.

    I'd start by putting up relatively lowball bids on recipes immediately. Some will fill right away...others you may have to wait a few days, or a week, maybe even longer(although I doubt it). I'd put up bids on anything you can slot immediately. As you buy them, slot 'em up. I'm gonna get into game now and take a look at Thunderstrike recipes in the high 30s, low 40s right now and see what you're up against...

    Edit: Well, they seem to be pretty scarce right now....many bids with none for sale. It's a very popular set. The history says that at most levels they sell daily though. It'll be more expensive than the previously mentioned 30 million, but not by much...say 50 million for three sets.
    If you're truly just trying to improve your character, I'll toss you a couple hundred million to get you going. My global is @Ignatz and I usually can be found Sunday mornings after 6AM PST, Monday evenings after 9PM PST, and late night after 3AM PST every other day.
  19. For some odd reason, I've encountered a few bugs.

    Number one:

    When I log off, I need to Control/Alt/Delete no matter the circumstances in order to end my play session. Otherwise I basically lock up.

    Number two:

    I cannot enter any of my Supergroup bases, I get perhaps 1/10 of the way and lock up. I've waited up to 15 minutes and although my computer continues 'working', I get no more progress.

    Number Three:

    My Tips progress bar has decreased. For this one, I may be halucinating. I noticed my bar going down from five to three, but have been unable to reproduce this problem over the last couple of weeks. I fully admit that this may be an error on my part.

    I'm baffled by one and two. Do I have a corrupted file? I verified my files, and nothing came up. The third may well be my misconception. I pretty much do Tips in groups of five, but I'm willing to wager I was tired and logged off before completing five...thus forgetting that I had done so and thought there was a bug when I logged on and saw only three tips on the progress bar.
  20. Ignatz


    Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
    You should change your forum name to Master-Slash, as in "Master of the slash commands"!
    I approve this message.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by angelbound View Post
    .....I could care less what you think of me....
    Minor nitpick, perhaps, but I think you meant you couldn't care less...

    Originally Posted by angelbound View Post
    Goodbye and good luck!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    /regen and /wp bloom the earliest. Kat and BS bloom early due to Parry and DA, but bloom from an offensive point of view later on. Claws and Dark bloom as fast as anything. DB is close behind, but I still think DB comes into it's own at 26 so it's not really early. I haven't really tried MA since the changes(too many alts, too many breaks from the game) so I'm not 100% how well it does early.
    I really think Dark Melee and Katana(I have very little experience with Broadsword) combined with Willpower just might be the earliest blooming combos. Both primaries have good early attack chains, one has Divine Avalanche(Melee defense) and the other To-Hit Debuff and a great attack which also heals some damage.

    I have to admit though, that my Fire/Willpower was also a beast from the get-go. She had less survivability, but increased damage. Very fun character to play.

    I really want to give Katana/Dark a try. I've played both, but not together, and it seems it would be a terrific combo...eventually. Maybe sooner than later?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Following this thread has been quite interesting so far, but with all that crafting I'd just as soon save up the 30 merits for the Glad proc.

    So I did. I'm tempted to sell it, but the possibilities for my softcapped toons are too tempting to pass up.
    I think one of the most intriguing things about this thread is that Organica has made over a billion Influence far before reaching the point of saving enough A-merits to purchase that Proc. Availability aside, it looks like a wash.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    There are many reasons not to raise the level cap, and no compelling ones to do it that I can think of.
    Agreed 100% I can't think of a single good reason to raise the level cap.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Skyster View Post
    I think if teaming was easier to get started, folks wouldn't worry about trying to solo a defender or troller. I mean, adding just one def or troller is basically free XP for all. There's got to be a way to make teaming easier, like an "auto team" mode or something, so nobody has to bear the "burden" of leadership.
    This really hasn't been my experience. I regularly run TFs on Sunday and Monday nights after 9PM PST and rarely have problems getting a team together. The global channels are such an excellent source I don't even send tells anymore to recruit for teams.