Frankenslotting Assistance

Aliana Blue



I don't know if this is possible, but I'm trying to slot Siphon Life so that its Acc/Dam/End/Rech/Heal are all red in Mids' (ie, in the highest ED tier).

Since I'll have a fair amount of global Accuracy and Recharge, I'm willing to sacrifice some of these in order to push the others higher, but I'm still having trouble getting Dam/End/Heal as high as I'd like. Would anyone care to take a swing at it and see how high you can get it for me? I'm allotting 6 slots to it, but I'd rather not use expensive Purples, PVP IOs, or Hami-Os if I can avoid it - I'm not sure how big my budget for this character will be.

Thanks in advance for any help.




I think you'll have to resort to using enhancement boosters for this project. There's no way to get enough healing AND damage enhancement otherwise =/


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
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Highest tier is about 2.5 IOs worth of enhancement at level 50, give or take. You have 5 things you want red, so that's 12.5 single-aspect IOs worth of enhancement. You have 6 slots. A quad-aspect IO is 1.75 IOs, so you have at most 6*1.75 =~ 10.5 IOs worth of bonuses.

So no, it's not possible. If you could find all quads, you'd have enough enhancement to come pretty close to 80% in everything (maybe a bit over), but obviously it'd be too much in some things and not enough in others.

Imagine that you had five quads, one lacking each of the five aspects you want. Each quad would be 1.75/4 of that 42ish percent base, or about... Hmm. 18.5%. So those five quads would give you 74% in everything, and another would get you to about 92% in four aspects.

But you can't actually get quads for everything, or even all that many things. You can probably get a decent mix of triples, and a triple at level 50 is 21.2% in each of three aspects. So six triples would get you up to, in principle, 63.6% in two aspects and 84.8% in three.



Siphon Life slotting interests me. I want to get at least 35% accuracy in it, get as much damage/heal/rech as I can, and get any incidental end reduction that I can as well. How best to slot it? I was thinking Hami-Os would come into play here.



You have quite a few options depending on how much money you want to spend.

I use four Kinetic Combats (Acc/Dam, Dam/End, Dam/Rech, Dam/End/Rech) and two Touch of the Nictus (Heal/Rech, Acc/End/Heal).


A combination of Hami-Os and a couple of others might yield better results.

Edit:For instance, just found a post from Werner using a Nucleolus, a Golgi, Hecatomb Dam/Rech, and three Numina's (Heal/End, Heal/Rech, Heal/End/Rech).

Values may differ because he was using 50++ Hami-Os.




what i use is 2 acc/dam hami's, 2 end heal hami's, a hecatomb dam/rech, and a doctored wounds heal/rech.

it maximizes the damage and heal, while giving 66% to acc and end, and a little more in the rech.



I went Spirtual Core Paragon for this reason.

1 Nucleus
1 Hecatomb: Dam (I use the rest of Hecatomb in Midnight Grasp)
1 Numina H/E/R 33
1 Numina H/E 33
1 Numina H 33

33.3% Acc (boosted by purples, LoTG sets, etc)
84.67% Dam
39.15% End Redux (DM/EA - multiple end management tools)
105.46% Heal
62.4% Recharge (Siphon Life has a 10s recharge, and EA gives me massive +Rech when combined with set bonuses)

Going for a redline across the board... Lemme try some stuff. I'll edit this in a few minutes.

Edit: Best I could do without using a Hecatomb damage, nucleus, or enhancement Boosters was using a Spiritual Radial Boost (Tier 2)

Touch of the Nictus Acc/End/Heal
Doctored Wounds Heal/End/Rech
Doctored Wounds Heal/End
Level 50 Damage IO Enhancement
Crushing Impact Acc/Dam
Crushing Impact Dam/End

For a total (post Alpha) enh value of:
Acc: 47.70%
Dam: 91.78%
End: 91.78%
Heal: 99.63%
Rech: 54.20%
(All numbers are post ED)

I'll post the non Alpha build in a minute.

EDIT 2: Edit Harder

Okay here's what I've got:

Doctored Wounds H/E/R
Doctored Wounds H/E
Level 50 Heal IO
Level 50 Damage IO
Crushing Impact A/D/E
Crushing Impact D/E

Acc: 21.2%
Dam: 88.07%
End: 91.78%
Heal: 88.07%
Rech: 21.2%

No Alpha, No Rare IOs, no Boosters, No Hami-Os.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
What if you used those market IO boosters ?.. Would bumping it up the IO 5x help ?.. I don't know who you figure out what each bump will give you though before trying it
5 applied to a level 50 IO will give you purple values - it's a 5% bonus for each booster, for a maximum of 25%.

He said not using any expensive stuff - I assumed Real Money was considered expensive.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I don't know if this is possible, but I'm trying to slot Siphon Life so that its Acc/Dam/End/Rech/Heal are all red in Mids' (ie, in the highest ED tier).
There's a very thorough thread somewhere in the scrapper forums going over slotting/frankenslotting/optimising Siphon Life.

Gimme a minute and I'll see if I can find it.

<insert 5 minutes of looking here>

Ah, there we go this may help, or at least give you some ideas.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Some good stuff in there. I think I'm gonna wait until I see what the rest of my build provides before deciding which option to use. *Taps foot impatiently waiting for Mids' update*

Thanks for all the help!




Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
You have quite a few options depending on how much money you want to spend.

I use four Kinetic Combats (Acc/Dam, Dam/End, Dam/Rech, Dam/End/Rech) and two Touch of the Nictus (Heal/Rech, Acc/End/Heal).


A combination of Hami-Os and a couple of others might yield better results.

Edit:For instance, just found a post from Werner using a Nucleolus, a Golgi, Hecatomb Dam/Rech, and three Numina's (Heal/End, Heal/Rech, Heal/End/Rech).

Values may differ because he was using 50++ Hami-Os.

Those aren't 50++, those are 53 HOs. They sell for over 1b each, many you have to get off the market. They can't be created any more but there are a few still floating around. Werner says in a couple other posts less than 1 sell per month so patience is important with them as well.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Some good stuff in there. I think I'm gonna wait until I see what the rest of my build provides before deciding which option to use. *Taps foot impatiently waiting for Mids' update*

Thanks for all the help!
One thing to remember is that the recharge you "need" is going to depend on the attack chain. With some good global recharge, you can get away with less than "red" on it and still run the best chains seamlessly.

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I'm not really concerned about attack chains. This is a tank, so I'm not worried about max DPS, I'm worried about pissing everyone off, and surviving it. Since that's my heal button, I want it up whenever I need it, and I want the biggest heal I can get out of it. And since it's one of my harder hitting attacks, I don't want to skimp on that either.




Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Those aren't 50++, those are 53 HOs. They sell for over 1b each, many you have to get off the market. They can't be created any more but there are a few still floating around. Werner says in a couple other posts less than 1 sell per month so patience is important with them as well.
Sorry about that. Later in the thread I posted he said they were actually 51++, not 50++. The thread Canine posted has more options...just didn't see that one when I searched.



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
Sorry about that. Later in the thread I posted he said they were actually 51++, not 50++. The thread Canine posted has more options...just didn't see that one when I searched.
Ah, ok. Werner does love his 53 HOs. So when I see him say "53" I assume he means 53s. But I guess technically, you just need one 51 or 52 and you can then burn 50s until you successfully get it to be the equivalent of a 53. Kind of a shame they can't be traded. Would be nice if they really became 53s instead of 51++. One day, there will be no more that can be traded at all.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Some good stuff in there. I think I'm gonna wait until I see what the rest of my build provides before deciding which option to use. *Taps foot impatiently waiting for Mids' update*

Thanks for all the help!

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It does appear that the Hami-O route would be the best.

2 Nucleolus at 50++
2 Golgi at 50++
The Hecatomb Dam/Rech
A level 50 Heal/Rech

Trying to find a way to separate the level boosting for the Hami-Os to avoid boosting them to 53's. But JUST with the Hami-Os at 50++ and the two IOs boosted to 50++ with 2 boosters apiecem you're looking at:

Just under 73% Accuracy
Just over 96% Damage
Just under 73% End Reduction
Just over 95% Heal
Just over 65% Recharge.

Tie on a Spiritual Radial Paragon and you get:

Identical Acc/Damage/EndRed
119% Heal
Just under 98% Recharge

Outside of ANY other buffs to recharge that's a 5.05 second recharge.
Hasten brings it down under 4 seconds.
With a bit of creative slotting it could probably be pushed to around 3 seconds.

If you're doing Dark/Dark, I could almost see how it'd be a viable attack chain to go about spamming Siphon Life/Siphon Life/Dark Regen

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If you just want to make the build shiny, that's fine and not a problem. For practical use:

95% Acc is serious overkill. I think you're capped against +4s with that level of acc ("final to hit") and it's almost impossible to avoid getting some global Acc if you're going with any sort of high end build.

I also don't see capped End Reduction as that necessary: the difference between 95% and 67% is 6 end vs. 8 end. I could be wrong on that one, I don't know what the crazy people are doing these days endurancewise.

Just a little thought when you're judging these options.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.