I keep foiling AE teams




No one likes a grass.



Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
Can we lead them to Adamaster and then log off?
Hell I can't get people into Dark Astoria purposely to take him down for the badge. All that fog genuinely creeps people out and confuses them as to where they're going that they give up.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Originally Posted by Londoner View Post
No one likes a grass.
Damn Lawn-Hating Brits!



Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
Can we lead them to Adamaster and then log off?
Team teleport to monster island is another option.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Hey, if you wanna get the devs sued again, be my guest.
Justify your snitching however you like, kid.
A rat is a rat.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Hey, if you wanna get the devs sued again, be my guest.
Could you clarify how the devs would be sued over this? The last time was for copyright infringement. I don't see how farming is anything more than just annoying, not legally dangerous.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Could you clarify how the devs would be sued over this?
They wouldn't be.
It's a convinient justification for snitches to pretend they're public servants instead of informers.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
They wouldn't be.
It's a convinient justification for snitches to pretend they're public servants instead of informers.
Fair enough.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Justify your snitching however you like, kid.
A rat is a rat.
Ah, such refreshing posts.

What you see as "a rat" I see as a good community member doing his part to bring possible community issues to the attention of the people that have the authority and responsibility to make the final decision. This isn't an adversarial system of "us (players)" vs "them (devs)" like prisoners vs inmates or children vs the grown-ups... both images that your wording of "snitch" and "rat" evoke. I like to think most of us are above that.

Most of us, at least.

This is just a bit of community empowerment. It's a little bit community organization, a little bit "neighborhood watch" and maybe a little bit of "adopt a highway" helping pick up the trash.

Of course, if you feel more like "the trash" than the community, you're entitled to those feelings.

EDIT: for you latecomers, the above doesn't imply that the other players are "trash" merely that there are often messes left behind and sometimes the devs want help sorting through them. The last line was supposed to joke that some people will feel like the "trash" and nothing I can do will change that. It's been taken to mean that I'm calling people that think differently "trash" and for that, I apologize.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Justify your snitching however you like, kid.
A rat is a rat.
next time someone scratches up your car in a parking lot and doesn't leave a note, you should let the person who gets their plate number so that you can get the damages covered know that they are a rat. absolute moral positions are FUN!



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
the professor is the only thing standing between this game and court-mandated shutdown

one man. one weekend. hundreds of reported missions.

Natural Charisma™
coming to theaters this fall
I don't know who you are but I'm you're biggest fan.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Ah, such refreshing posts.

What you see as "a rat" I see as a good community member doing his part to bring possible community issues to the attention of the people that have the authority and responsibility to make the final decision. This isn't an adversarial system of "us (players)" vs "them (devs)" like prisoners vs inmates or children vs the grown-ups... both images that your wording of "snitch" and "rat" evoke. I like to think most of us are above that.

Most of us, at least.

This is just a bit of community empowerment. It's a little bit community organization, a little bit "neighborhood watch" and maybe a little bit of "adopt a highway" helping pick up the trash.

Of course, if you feel more like "the trash" than the community, you're entitled to those feelings.

"here's what i think and if you disagree you're probably trash"



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
They wouldn't be.
It's a convinient justification for snitches to pretend they're public servants instead of informers.
Do you use criminal-element analogies in all aspects of life or just online?

IRL, Would someone that reported something broken- a downed power line- be an informant? What if he reported someone cut it?

Should he just wait around until the person whose job it is to maintain power detects it, tracks it down, and repairs it? Could you possibly get better service if you made that person's job any easier.

People that are *knowingly* creating farms are doing enough harm that the devs are wasting resources tracking them down. They've asked for our help and even provided the tools IN the UI to make the help as painless as possible. The better they get ahold of this, the less time & energy they waste policing it and the more they can trust us to safely handle in future iterations.

So, people, report away.



ITT: People taking a video game waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
ITT: People taking a video game waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.
On both sides, I'd say...

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Teaming is srs bizniss.

So is Natural Charisma(tm).



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Do you use criminal-element analogies in all aspects of life or just online?

IRL, Would someone that reported something broken- a downed power line- be an informant? What if he reported someone cut it?

Should he just wait around until the person whose job it is to maintain power detects it, tracks it down, and repairs it? Could you possibly get better service if you made that person's job any easier.

People that are *knowingly* creating farms are doing enough harm that the devs are wasting resources tracking them down. They've asked for our help and even provided the tools IN the UI to make the help as painless as possible. The better they get ahold of this, the less time & energy they waste policing it and the more they can trust us to safely handle in future iterations.

So, people, report away.

Lol you need to see the thread about RMTer's you'll probably have a heart attack or something.

In the Grand scheme of things people don't know when to shut up.

Elprede- 50 Blaster Ice/elec
Flaron Llothren- 50 Tank Ice/SS
Technic Flame- 50 Controller Fire/kin
Lance Indalen- Brute 50 Em/elec
Heart widow- Widow 50



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Do you use criminal-element analogies in all aspects of life or just online?

IRL, Would someone that reported something broken- a downed power line- be an informant? What if he reported someone cut it?

People that are *knowingly* creating farms are doing enough harm that the devs are wasting resources tracking them down.
So, people, report away.
While I don't always agree with Nethergoat, I do on this issue. Why? Because "farming" is not illegal, broken, a crime, or against the rules of the game. Engaging in exploits, however, is.

To extend your anology, would you report someone leaning against a power pole because he might knock it down or climb up and cut the wires? Certainly you could. Some might even say "that pole leaner looks suspicious to me!" and feel vindicated in their reporting it to the authorities.

But in reality, you are doing a disservice to both the pole leaner and the authorities who now have to investigate.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Ah, such refreshing posts.
This is just a bit of community empowerment. It's a little bit community organization, a little bit "neighborhood watch" and maybe a little bit of "adopt a highway" helping pick up the trash.
It's interesting that you choose to equate some fellow players with criminals and garbage because you disapprove of the way they dress or the way they play.

Of course, if you feel more like "the trash" than the community, you're entitled to those feelings.
The community is the community.
Last time I checked there was no "trash", just players enjoying the game. And yes, I'm one of them.

But I understand maintaining a bloated sense of moral superiority requires an "other" to hate & blame, so I'll leave you to it.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Do you use criminal-element analogies in all aspects of life or just online?

IRL, Would someone that reported something broken- a downed power line- be an informant? What if he reported someone cut it?

Should he just wait around until the person whose job it is to maintain power detects it, tracks it down, and repairs it? Could you possibly get better service if you made that person's job any easier.

People that are *knowingly* creating farms are doing enough harm that the devs are wasting resources tracking them down. They've asked for our help and even provided the tools IN the UI to make the help as painless as possible. The better they get ahold of this, the less time & energy they waste policing it and the more they can trust us to safely handle in future iterations.

So, people, report away.
Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Ah, such refreshing posts.

What you see as "a rat" I see as a good community member doing his part to bring possible community issues to the attention of the people that have the authority and responsibility to make the final decision. This isn't an adversarial system of "us (players)" vs "them (devs)" like prisoners vs inmates or children vs the grown-ups... both images that your wording of "snitch" and "rat" evoke. I like to think most of us are above that.

Most of us, at least.

This is just a bit of community empowerment. It's a little bit community organization, a little bit "neighborhood watch" and maybe a little bit of "adopt a highway" helping pick up the trash.

Of course, if you feel more like "the trash" than the community, you're entitled to those feelings.
At what age do you think it's appropriate to tell a highway it's adopted?



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It's interesting that you choose to equate some fellow players with criminals and garbage because you disapprove of the way they dress or the way they play.

The community is the community.
Last time I checked there was no "trash", just players enjoying the game. And yes, I'm one of them.

But I understand maintaining a bloated sense of moral superiority requires an "other" to hate & blame, so I'll leave you to it.
Yes, his post is nothing at all like calling someone vermin for feeling that farming is a detriment to the game and acting on it.

I think you've got the corner on the "bloated sense of superiority", moral and otherwise, market, there Goat.

Your hypocrisy always gives me a good laugh, though.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It's interesting that you choose to equate some fellow players with criminals and garbage because you disapprove of the way they dress or the way they play.

The community is the community.
Last time I checked there was no "trash", just players enjoying the game. And yes, I'm one of them.

But I understand maintaining a bloated sense of moral superiority requires an "other" to hate & blame, so I'll leave you to it.
1) You used 'criminal' slang with terms like 'rat,' as I even pointed out.

2) I've never commented on the way they dress, except for ribbing my RL best friend Rian Frostdrake. I used the term "adopt a highway" as a reference to voluntary community-based efforts to keep a place well-maintained.

I added the "if you feel more like the trash than the community" it was just that- I wasn't saying you WERE the trash, but you seem to be behaving as if you see anyone that's working with the devs (the cleanup) as policing against you (thus being the trash). I'd much rather you just see yourself as a member of the community that doesn't take part of the voluntary community activity and doesn't disparage those that do.

3) Bloated sense of moral superiority, no. Hate others? Not a chance. You really have no clue about me. I'm looking at the positive aspects of a user's actions and defending them against juvenile negative labels like "rat" and "snitch." Exactly who has shown the hateful words here, friend?



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
While I don't always agree with Nethergoat, I do on this issue. Why? Because "farming" is not illegal, broken, a crime, or against the rules of the game. Engaging in exploits, however, is.

To extend your anology, would you report someone leaning against a power pole because he might knock it down or climb up and cut the wires? Certainly you could. Some might even say "that pole leaner looks suspicious to me!" and feel vindicated in their reporting it to the authorities.

But in reality, you are doing a disservice to both the pole leaner and the authorities who now have to investigate.
I think it's been made pretty clear that MA farms aren't allowed. That's why MA farm missions are being banned. Reporting something that can and does result in action by GMs isn't unreasonable. It's also encouraged. Your analogy would be more accurate if the suspicious person was climbing the pole with a pair of limbcutters.

EDIT: And the whole "don't be a snitch" stance is indefensible.


Also on Steam



People really take this game far to seriously.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Justify your snitching however you like, kid.
A rat is a rat.
It's stuff like this, together with 'hall monitor', 'grass' and similar epithets, that make me wonder:

Do the people who use these terms have any terminology to use that isn't derived from either a high school environment, in which complicity in rebellion in the face of teacherly authority is prized, or a criminal environment in which complicity in lawbreaking in the face of civic authority is prized?

In other words: are you actually holding up adolescents and criminals as role models, or is there something I'm missing?