I keep foiling AE teams




I feel like I'm walking a minefield, but here goes my two cents:

If I find something genuinely broken that allows for an exploit, I'll report it as a bug. (Example: in Terra Volta, there used to be large packs of mobs that would not retaliate if you attacked them).

If I find someone repeatedly using harsh swearing in public channels, I'll report 'em.

If I find someone in an obvious homage character, I'll pm them that they may want to reconsider, as it is likely their character will be modified by the devs, but I do not report it.

Right/wrong, that's what I do, anyway.



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
I feel like I'm walking a minefield, but here goes my two cents:

If I find something genuinely broken that allows for an exploit, I'll report it as a bug. (Example: in Terra Volta, there used to be large packs of mobs that would not retaliate if you attacked them).

If I find someone repeatedly using harsh swearing in public channels, I'll report 'em.

If I find someone in an obvious homage character, I'll pm them that they may want to reconsider, as it is likely their character will be modified by the devs, but I do not report it.

Right/wrong, that's what I do, anyway.
Well, that's normal. The AE though, made a way to exploit something that isn't technically broken.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Legend has it that if they are not given tribute of fruit baskets, they will arise and devour the living. Except for Sexy Jay who probably prefers fondant fancies.
Hey, don't knock it. I know I'd rather devour fondant fancies than the living any day. At least I don't have to worry about whether or not a fondant fancy washed its hands or knows how to wipe after pooping. And of course, there's bathing, oral hygiene, unwanted body hair...oh no, not in *my* horrific gaping maw.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Looks like it, doesn't it? Perhaps we need some nice clear guidelines about 'what to report and what not to'.

No, that decision is out of the player's hands. The Devs, not the players, decide what's appropriate for the MA and what's not. The most any one person can do is help the Devs achieve their aims. They don't get to decide anything.
The last time I payed any attention to how the 'report' function works folks where saying that if you got X reports against an arc it would be auto locked and you had to petition a GM to get it back - so whether or not an AE mission is bannable (or is even a farm) if you get to many reports then the person who wrote it now has to take action to get their mission back, which means reporting something has great potential for griefing.

Now, I don't know if it is still like that because I have stayed out of the AE forums for a while as all the threads there are anti-farm/anti-anti-farm threads and not very interesting, so if its changed then all for the better. If it is still like that then I tend to side with nethergoat, especially since there are NO guidelines for what is an exploit and what isn't and the dev's are actually adamant about NOT establishing said guidelines. (For good reasons, I am sure).

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If you're not one of the folk who get their jollies reporting 'copywrite infringing' characters, then I apologize.
Ignoring for the moment that the word is "copyright" (it's really not a hard word to spell), i know you've been here long enough to recall when Marvel sued Cryptic and NCsoft alleging that the game was a copyright and trademark infringement tool. This was (obviously) an expensive thing for Cryptic and NCsoft. (Win or lose, lawyers are not cheap.) In the end it was settled out of court with the agreement that Cryptic and NCsoft would take steps to prevent infringement of other companies' copyrights and trademarks. There were probably other stipulations in the settlement, but i haven't read it myself.

The alternative is to have the game shut down/bankrupted as it is quite possible to face severe penalties for allowing copyright infringement. Hell, Disney even took action against a day care center for having pictures of their characters on the wall without permission, and forced them to paint over the mural. It does happen in the real world, and Marvel's business model is based on marketing their characters and other IP in various media, of which comics has become more of a minor sideline of their merchandising. They will sue for use of what they consider their property without compensation.

Asking the playerbase to report obviously infringing characters for review by the game's staff is much less expensive than hiring a full time crew to do nothing but review characters for possible infringement or giving up and shutting the game down. You do understand this, right?

That said, i rarely report a character unless it's an incredibly blatant ripoff of some other company's character as i've got better things to do usually. If you're running around as a huge green brute with Das Hulkster as your name and a bio cut and pasted from the Incredible Hulk wikipedia page i will most likely report you if i'm not otherwise busy.
And i won't be sorry.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
World conquest? I'm not so sure that's something we should encourage.
Paragon Studios ruling the world seems win-win to me, but then i'm easily amused.
Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Devs Nor'cal wgah'nagl fhtagn?
Don't talk while eating the fondant!
Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Is it important or not that I picture people as looking like their forum avatars?
*looks at my current avatar*


Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Both times I reported the farm...
/Reports you for joining the farm.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
So, hooray for hall monitors?

Do you also demonstrate your superior moral fiber by hanging out under the globe and ratting out homage characters?

They should add an "Informant" badge for people who habitually rat out other players.

Your "moral outrage" would be comical were it not so pathetically pathetic.

So... are you angry because he led a group of people away from FarmLamer central, or are you angry because he actually supports the dev's in their quest to reduce farming (and the utter imbecility that farming creates) as much as possible?

Add me to the list of people who will now start reporting farms every time I encounter one, just to piss you off...



I don't report farming missions to play hall monitor, I report farming missions because I hate them and believe they make the game worse.



Thanks for warning me. ^_^




Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I don't report farming missions to play hall monitor, I report farming missions because I hate them and believe they make the game worse.
I'm going to report things I hate too. You inspired me to report dumb people. Yay!

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Originally Posted by Lasher_NA View Post
I'm going to report things I hate too. You inspired me to report dumb people. Yay!

That's what the rep system is for!

If the authorities happen to hate the same things I hate, I would feel a fool not to take advantage.



Same here. In Lasher world, I will rule with an iron fist too!

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Originally Posted by Lasher_NA View Post
I'm going to report things I hate too. You inspired me to report dumb people. Yay!
The Devs have stated that they don't like farming in their game and have changed many missions and game mechanics over the years to discourage it. i am unaware of them taking the same stance in regard to stupidity or i would have reported myself multiple times years ago.
You could also start reporting colour combinations that you don't like. In fact i fully support this as long as you understand that it's more likely to get you in trouble than anyone else.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I don't report farming missions to play hall monitor, I report farming missions because I hate them and believe they make the game worse.
"playing hall monitor" and reporting things you loathe aren't mutually exclusive

explain the distinction you're trying to make because i'm not sure it actually exists



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The Devs have stated that they don't like farming in their game and have changed many missions and game mechanics over the years to discourage it. i am unaware of them taking the same stance in regard to stupidity or i would have reported myself multiple times years ago.
You could also start reporting colour combinations that you don't like. In fact i fully support this as long as you understand that it's more likely to get you in trouble than anyone else.
I don't disagree. My post was intended of the nature of the post. Reporting something just because you hate it. I understand it is on the no no list with the devs, and I support that. I will fully admit I do farm when I got nothing better to do but I also play the game. I am sure there are many players like me. Running out of content and just play anything to pass the time or gain XP and/or Inf... or even badges.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
In other words: are you actually holding up adolescents and criminals as role models, or is there something I'm missing?
That's what happens when you let impressionable youths listen to rap.



lol the original post was fairly amusing. It is too much of an effort for me, the AE farms really aren't my cup of tea but I don't really bother with how or why others find the game fun.

I tend to run into those who for the most part enjoy the game as I do, whether that be RP or regular door missions, or TF (which I am addicted to, even Posi and the Shards!). I have yet to notice any lower number of non AE teams nor TF's on Virtue. So I am still unclear how AE is ruining the game but to each his own.

It was a funny idea and I wish the OP the best with it. If that is fun for you, enjoy. I would report a blantant farm and of course any copyright infringement or arcs that violate the rules, but so far the most I've ever done is one star a few. I really can be a softie because I've not done that too often either. What works for some might not always work for me.

And what works for me often will not work for everyone else. So I dont judge other that harshly unless they are actively trying to ruin others fun for NO reason at all (i.e. obvious griefing)

The Original post was amusing either way. Good to hear that it worked atleast twice for you!

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Have you ever heard of a non-exploitative farm getting deleted?

(This is an honest question. I don't actually know what the GMs will and won't delete.)
Have you ever heard of the 3 strike rule? If a bunch of thin skinned whinny **************** ******** ********** *********** ********** report a fun challenging, "farm" enough times. Exploitive or not it's going to get deleted.

And that really grinds my gears.

I've been on real farms, from the before time, in the great pre architect. And i have never been on a single Architect farm that is anything like the before time. There is no door sitting. No Tank and blaster clearing a map while i pick my nose.

No is all bosses, often +2 to +4 and every single person fighting. Every last one.

Last i checked that was the basics of a mission team team...Back in the old days

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Basic mission teams aren't all bosses.

And if a mission gets reported by a lot of people, guess what? It's probably a farm.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Basic mission teams aren't all bosses.
Yeah, which is why people make maps full of the most challenging mobs under AV. Let's face it, most of this game you can sleepwalk through. Several ATs and pri/sec combos are not challenged by the content, even at the highest difficulty level. So I'm sure your solution would be to have those people either quit (lost revenue rocks, doesn't it?) or roll up the gimpest character they possibly can so that square peg fits into the round hole. I'm sure you've already reported Arcanaville's Scrapper Challenge arc? After all, specifically making an arc as a means of challenging one's self or others, must be a farm, amirite?

Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
And if a mission gets reported by a lot of people, guess what? It's probably a farm.
Ah yes, I'm sure in your world, no one ever gets vindictive, no SGs ever rise above 10 members, and anything that doesn't fit your narrow view of 'appropriate' should be eliminated.

There are SGs that are so massive, they need 5+ different SG groups to hold their members. If one of those leaders decides they don't like someone (or their arc) and has everyone that can, report that arc, that means it's a farm, right? Couldn't be a person lashing out for different reasons. Naw, has to be a farm.

Chase, if this is your first MMO, I can understand how you might misinterpret the definition of 'farming'. However, prior to this game's inception, the word was used and did not connote exploitation. I remember farming XP (and later, AAs) in EverQuest. Farming kills on the frontier in DAoC. Farming missions for QL10 Concrete Cushions in Anarchy Online. Farming Antares Frontier and Raman in Varen's Girdle in Earth & Beyond. Farming humanoids for cloth in WoW. "Chaining" spawns in asteroid belts in EVE. All of this was farming and none of it involved exploits. Farming, in general MMO parlance, refers to doing the same thing over and over again (often in the same area) for a specific reward. Whether that reward is experience or loot or tradeskill materials, it's a reward. Post-Issue 9 when people went to Dark Astoria looking specifically for arcane salvage drops, they were farming (and often got xp too). It's only here post-AE that the less seasoned automatically equate farming to exploiting. If farming is exploiting in this game, the devs should put a timer on EVERY mission with a glowie as the primary objective. Oh, and they'd better quit allowing 50s to earn prestige (it can be farmed!!!).

This can only end in tears.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

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Originally Posted by Cuppa_LLX View Post
Have you ever heard of the 3 strike rule? If a bunch of thin skinned whinny **************** ******** ********** *********** ********** report a fun challenging, "farm" enough times. Exploitive or not it's going to get deleted
That simply isn't the way it works.

Firstly, the 'passed content review' flag does exist. I have it on one of my arcs.

Positron on the subject:

This lock will not take place on the first level of “complaint banning”, where an arc has received a larger number of complaints. Players will still have a chance to fix the arc.

If Customer Service looks at an arc and determines it was banned in error, they will mark it as “unbannable”. At that point the arc can not be banned for any reason. The unbannable flag will reset if the player makes any changes to the arc at that point, and the arc can be banned again.
Secondly, you're misunderstanding the 'three strike rule'. It doesn't mean that an arc that gets reported often enough will be banned even if it isn't exploitative. It means that an arc that is banned is frozen, meaning you can't use that slot. And you only have three slots. To quote Positron again:

Players who have a story arc banned for any reason, will have it continue to use up one of their publishing slots. Players will NOT be able to unpublish this slot without Customer Service’s help. This sets up a “three strikes and you’re out” policy. If an individual gets three story arcs banned, they will no longer be able to publish since their slots will all be used up with banned arcs.
So: even if an arc is reported a zillion times, if it passed content review once it's fine. It has to be that way to prevent malicious reporting of arcs.



Ignoring a lot of the vitriol and pro-farm, anti-farm gubbins that's been spouted around this thread, here's a couple of thoughts from someone who is happy to let farmers get on and do their thing as long as it doesn't interfere with me doing mine:

1) Trademark/Copyright infringement must be stopped to prevent lawsuits against NC. Reporting missions that break this is absolutely the right thing to do.

2) Simply reporting a mission is no assurance that it will be removed. That's up to the GMs.

3) As long as everyone votes with their conscience, they have done all that they can.

4) Anyone referring to someone who reports as a "snitch", a "rat" or a "grass" needs to consider why they feel hard done by when someone does it - if you are not doing anything wrong, then you know the mission is safe, and you have nothing to fear, so actually the people reporting those missions are doing you a favour, because the GMs will tick it off the list and you can carry on playing it. The only reason I can think of for having a go at someone for reporting a mission is because you believe that the GMs will remove the mission, because the mission is "inappropriate" for whatever reason... in which case, I have to wonder why that mission was created in the first place.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
"playing hall monitor" and reporting things you loathe aren't mutually exclusive

explain the distinction you're trying to make because i'm not sure it actually exists
You're still in high school aren't you?

In the real world, rules are actually important.